《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 18- Klee Amelia


As for the quest is concerned, we should arrive at the location in less than an hour but it was all changed abruptly as the two neanderthal men were burnt and turned into ashes. Without realizing what happened, the ashes dispersed in the air as if their existence earlier is a mere joke.

I should never doubt myself. My suspicions and guts were correct all this time. Her scent was similar to that woman I came across back in foxendom.

What got through the two men instantaneously is a black flame of the sort enveloping their entire bodies, even I barely catches the glimpse of it.


Realizing my current situation, never dare to confront her at all costs! To think she can morph herself into anyone perfectly. No wonder I feel dangerous every second pass.

“Hey, Little one. How good are we today”

“Your excellency, this little girl is as good as the weather today”

Without any resistance on my part, I kneeled then put my hands and head on the ground despite the fact I'm wearing white clothes.

It was a sort of reverence and fear at the same time, the strength was incomprehensible to me, and it is an understatement to compare her to a sabertooth tiger and me as a newborn kitten.


I rose immediately then a soothing presence was brought to my front. Without spare of a second, I look at her appearance once again and then immediately realize that I am no longer myself.

A laxxia fox protruding multiple pink tails behind her back, addicting smell and her alluring and divine look. These traits make me hard to resist this temptation!

The Archking Fox, advisor to supreme king and chairman of Gaia Kingdom- Chancellor Klee Amelia.

Although I met her before and dined together with the other gran elders, my body tends to be lured by her charismatic aura. I hate to admit but I nearly forgot how dangerous this fox is.

“Why afraid little one? I've taken interest in you, so don't worry. Killing you is devastation for me as well since you're the only white fox I met in my life.“

“Come here and let me hug you”

Before I noticed, my body moves on its own and my hooded cloaks and mask were torn down to bits for some reason. I let myself into her embrace.

I never felt free this before, as if all the burden on my shoulders were dispersed, I wonder how she did that and my nervousness was gone too.

She still caresses me like a child, each pat and stroke behind was reassuring to me that everything will be okay.

Why the damn everything so unfair to me?

“Alcina… Alcina she's…”

“I know… I know… she protects you, right?”

For a few minutes, I cried and cried.

I'm so pathetic… so weak… so weak!

Such humiliation, I tried to distance myself from her tender embrace— for the first time, I felt a motherly love that I longed for but…

I knew all feelings she had towards me were all affection and mostly- pity. Sure, I'm quite special since I'm different but I don't need those feelings all because of my situation and not my inner side.

I do question whether what I felt from her before was hostility or other thing but this time, she's genuine and I'm quite sure of that.

She doesn't hold a bit of twisted aura coming from her and the way she holds me is like she's a mother.

Just as someone as high as her as my mother? Absurdity and shameless, aren't we?


“Feel troubled, Little one? Tell me and I'll help you”

“Your excellency, forgive my insolence but wh-who are the people who want to kill me and Alcina? And if you possibly know, who laid the ancient trap spell?“

As resolute and serious as I am now, I yearn to know who exactly is the person behind all of this.

Although, I am a meter away from her. Gran Elder Klee is so tall that has twice the height of mine. She's so powerful and terrifying being but I don't care anymore.

Perhaps Gran Elder Klee's aromatic smell subsided my fear of her?

After a long time of staring downwards at me, she finally opened her mouth.

“Do you know little one, who put that talisman behind your back?


“It seems like someone laid their eyes on you”

Now she mentioned it, I remember someone tapped behind my back… then disappeared.

“Yes, your excellency. Though I'm afraid I failed to identify the person and that person was great at hiding his or her presence”

“I see, this complicates a lot more. Little one, you know already we have countless surveillances on the whole foxendom, right?“


“I'll tell you the truth, all nobility within the Foxendom wishes you to provide them, children. Once the news spread that a new kind of fox was in the Gaia kingdom, every boy in all fox kingdoms including adult men wants to mate with you. You caused quite a ruckus there, Little one”

Gran Elder Klee told me this with concern.

If that were the case…


“Yes. Yes. That's why I killed that two garbage. Even though I morphed into a little lizard girl, nevertheless they still sexualize me.“

But… you don't need to kill them.

“Oh, you suppose that killing is not good is it, Little one? Such a kind-hearted girl yet born unlucky. I admire you even more”

“But that's…”

“Don't get me wrong, do you think I'm happy with killing? If I let those thugs alive, sure how many innocent hearts will be taken by their lust? Not to mention they will come to you again later on. I'm not calling you a fool but that's how the world works”

I can't refute that but is that exactly the case? Is there another way other than killing?

“Little one, I'll tell you this since you're still an innocent child…”

She goes near me, bends on one knee, and whispers in my vulnerable ear.

“Is that so…”

“Yes. So why not I kill those guards at the gate?“

“Because they keep those bandits and wanted criminals at the bay?“

“That's one other reason but you see they are the ones who provide the funds for the male-based orphanage near the gate. Killing them will leave those orphans hungry.“

I see, Gran Elder Klee sure is a kind-hearted woman. Although pragmatic and realistic, she counts what's the best way there is and the consequences after.

Before I noticed it, she vanished in thin air and then grabbed the talisman behind my back. It shooks me to the core just how fast she is! someone suddenly appearing behind you is terrifying, right?

My white hair was brushed by a gush of wind and she was already in front of me.

An ordinary person wouldn't notice that she moved.

“I'll collect this, Little one, for my investigation. Even though the fox-kin race was known as a hypersexual race and xenophobic. That doesn't mean we should do this and that without permission. I hope you get it.“


I nodded.

“Here's my conjecture as of now, your existence and race rarity held power on the whole foxendom and you probably have a lineage higher than myself so kingdoms and nobles want you in their domains and family yet at the same time, somebody doesn't want you since their position in the government can kick them out as per the mandate says and we have limited positions. I still investigating things and have primary suspects in mind. And Little one, you can raise your claim as a noble if you want it, as high as a duke or even a king of Gaia. No one will question you as long as you present your lineage status in public, you know. Maybe you can change your mind?“


Just the thought of all males drooling over me in their heads makes me puke.

“Forgive me, your excellency. As I followed the pursuit of freedom, happiness, and the life of an adventurer, such instances wouldn't be satisfactory in my interests and would limit my potential to become a stronger person. And also I would like to venture the world, for the most of my life”

“I see, I see. Just like me in the old days. You intrigued me a lot, do you Little one? Hehe, don't worry about the killer and I would be the one to serve justice for my Little Alcina…”

“Y-yes! Your excellency!“

This murderous aura! It was as if I'm drowned in a poisonous sea!

“As expected, you are a true genius! How exciting what you'll become in the future! You can even tell my hidden intention despite me trying to hide my emotions from you. You sure have more sharp intuitions than anybody else!“

Just then I suddenly floated from that sea. Gran Elder Klee is the one I shouldn't mess with no matter what! She's even more terrifying than Gran Elder Sarissa and Izzalla combined!

If she were put all that super heavy nauseating hostilities towards me, I would surely pass out and died.

This isn't an exaggeration at all, my listener!


I barely control my knees and as I slowly started blacking out from the inevitable impact of the intense pressure, a beautiful distant voice yet high-pitched reverberated in my mind. It was a familiar voice and calming.



When I woke up, the first thing I saw was an unfamiliar ceiling. A ceiling is made of refined wood and everywhere I see are furniture and woodcrafts.

The strange thing isn’t this room, but myself.

My hands were unbelievably white and my sharp nails were one inch long, my hair that should have been black was now shining long white hair. I can feel my surroundings and the indescribable feeling of having extreme instincts.

The most notable parts were the two bushy smooth tails and their black ends behind me and then these sensitive and fluffy ears, a few centimeters above where I suppose to hear– my human ears were nowhere to be found. I caressed these pointed ears of mine and pleasurable the same as I brushed my tails.

The surroundings were decorated with nothing but woodcrafts and plants on pots. When I somehow managed to get off the bed and peeked into a mirror…

My startled kitten-like eyes were like blood and my rounded black pupils looked my eyes more sinister.

Long eyelashes and slightly curled hair at its ends that reached up to my waist. They are not curly to the degree to be called ringlets, but… what reflected in the mirror was an angelic beauty.

Maria, a white mystic fox, a saint, and two mountain-size angels…

Yes, I remember. In my previous life, I was a high-school girl of fifteen years of age. In other words, fifteen years’ worth of memories flooded my young mind in a flash colluding with tens of thousands of years of her memories— it was as if my brain had short-circuited in an instant and every vague memory became clear to me.

Knights, foxendom, gran elders, ancient trap spell, and…


The silver fox who protected me in that time and sacrifice her life for me to escape from those countless monsters.

I tried not to cry but remembering that scene makes my heart bursts in pain.

Several minutes after reorganizing things inside my head, I finally calmed down and gave my face two slaps.

What the hell happened to me?

Those words ruled over my mind for a while. When blanked out without not being able to think of anything, a small silhouette with a noticeable broad scaly tail entered the room after knocking on the door. The little hooded lizard girl was by no means weak and I now remembered…

“Your excellency”

I elegantly bowed toward her and she helps me to stand because of severe fatigue. And then, I was brought to the dining room.

There were only the two of us in the dining room. The breakfast was bread and scrambled eggs, salad, and soup. I thought it was a normal menu, but the bread was hard and I had trouble eating it. Tearing it and biting it off was also difficult but her excellency, Gran Elder Klee seems not repulsive towards it despite being next to the supreme king of foxendom.

I put the bread on the soup and then problem solve. Strange, why do I feel disgusted with these foods but this time I yearn for fruits above all else?

“Oh right Little one, I heard you love fruits, right?“


How did she know it? Oh…

“A maid from our palace finds some rotten fruits under the royal table”

“Forgive me, your excellency!“

“Don't worry about it. Go fetch some fruits from the refrigerator behind you”


Making sure I didn't leave any trace on the plate, I opened the refrigerator, and sure enough, this twenty m by five and five holds hundreds of delicious-looking fruits that I once saw on those agricultural buildings of theirs. But how did this thing freezes? Is there a plug behind it?

A magical item huh? There are carved shining stones attached to each corner and they also serve as a light source like that refrigerator back then on modern Earth.

Since I don't want to lessen her excellency's patience, I brought enough fruits to the wooden rectangular table and close the amazing mysterious appliance behind.

While waiting for her excellency finishing her food, I surveyed the entire dining area and perhaps the kitchen?

As she is a fox, she cherishes nature whenever she goes, the same goes for me of course. All I could see were woodcrafts and some leaves peeking in corners. And most of all, plants in pots lining the top and supported by long planks.

There are closed transparent windows, side to side, then in my position, I could see the beautiful serene lake and the city walls on the other side.

It was a lovely house for peaceful lovers. I could see the living room too.

“You slept for a day, you know Little one?“

“O-one day?“

“You don't need to worry, again. I finished the quest and everything went well. I presume you were passed out because of me?“

“Yes, your excellency. You're terrifying to behold-d”

“I see, your weakness yet advantageous”

She finished her meal, burned the plates including mine, and then talk to me while biting on a large strawberry-like on her scaly right hand. She also has sharp long nails like mine.

She doesn't need to wash dishes because of those, is she?

Although she has these scales and slanted pupils, she still looks human. Though why does she pick a small stature if she can morph into anyone?


Suddenly, a burst of wind passed through brushing my cheeks. Though there's none.

“Your so perceptive Little one… now then. Let's talk on the more serious side, shall we?“

I nodded immediately and grabbed the nearest tiny fruit in the front. After finishing it in one gulp, I could feel she held her emotions now and said something which shocked me.

“I hoped you understand why I am here in human territory, right Little one? I under the guise of a draconian little girl save those foxes who snatched from our foxendom. I have means of intelligence networks in this human empire. But let's get to the main point. Remember the knights who enslaved you?“

I gulped nervously and nodded. Yes, I remember them they were way too strong and pedophiles to boot.

“I am in the village near the border when those humans use an eternal contract signing spell. They're the main slavers and the one who causes me headaches every time.“


“But why tell me all of this, your excellency?“

“I could feel your potential is limitless, Little one. Someday you'll surpass me. Set aside that, I heard they are going to be here any moment now, I tried to kill their captain all the time but I failed. Of course, I always manage to save foxes they caught”


Whaaaaaaat!? Their captain? That golden armored man is stronger than her!? Ridiculous!


“They're going here in the town!?“

“Yes Little one, so you should leave for the capital as soon as possible. For the moment, I don't know exactly what device they use to capture a fox, specifically a fox. You need to be careful, they have the means to enslave you and mark you to sell or abuse. Even I fight them on this form. I presume they can detect a fox in the vicinity and bind you instantly, so you should need to hurry.“

No wonder why they managed to find a fox in the Maryland mountains and caught her but there's something I need to verify.

“If I may want to ask, your excellency?“

“Yes, Little one?“

“Why the capital? It's much safer in forests, right? Oh, sorry! Forgive me for being impolite all this time, your excellency“

“You don't need to trouble with it since you aren't a citizen of ours and besides you always called me excellency despite me talking to you casually as a friend, it made me sad, you know. I would want to answer your question but you should find out why”

She can kill me or torture me to death, she can do whatever she wants…

I have not felt a bit uncomfortable with her but should I trusts her directions? It feels like the more we talk, the more I knew she held more secrets. Made sure everything I asked was not go beyond the line and I wouldn't make an enemy out of her after all.

As I gobbled the fruits on the table within my reach one by one, I ask and ask as much as possible, like how Gran Elder Sarissa and Izzalla feel right now and how they react to their daughter's death also the things I should know to survive and live on the wilderness and in the capital since she has enough experiences and she even shared her advice about the way of the adventurers.

And the last thing she spoke was unexpected and shocked me.

“I ascertain Little one that you've doubted us even to this moment, but I can assure you that Izzalla, Sarissa, and I are very kind people. That time we tested you and observe you with suspicions of dangers you may bring to the kingdom and the whole foxendom… oh it seems you caught me lying haha”

She smiled and laugh as if making fun of me. Liar! She lied! At that moment I felt something wrong after those names were mentioned and also who would believe a person who proclaimed themselves as a very kind person huh?

“Hahaha… my bad my bad hahaha”

“Your excellency, you said I should go now to the capital“

“Haha… yes… yes but I've something to tell you first—”


The small lizard girl was by no means an immature woman but she's acting like one. To think the terrifying woman I met has this adorable side.

Gran Elder Klee Amelia, the one in front of me— is cute and… talkative.

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