《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 17- Her Doubt And Their Hidden Secrets



There are a few reasons I chose a monster subjugation quest, it was regarding the weak monsters called Kobolds and other weaker ones that accompanied them. Also, I was influenced by the Meteor Impact last night when we dined and discussed everything I should know to live like them.

They warned me to not belittle any form of monster no matter how strong you are. Sister Moa even told me that a normal slime can choke up a hero to death and it occurred in real life- the story goes like this, a swarm of slimes attacks a sleeping hero then a small slime slid through his open mouth and blocked his esophagus.

But I know it already, I'm not stupid enough to end up like that. Besides this paper quest I hold has something deep impression printed on it. As if someone needs help desperately and I can't help but take it.

As for the reasons…

Firstly, the village near the townlet which issued the quest is poor, the location was northeastern of this provincial town. The reward they offered is very low though I'm not, particularly in dire need of money.

The second reason is that kobolds are weak monsters with strength about the level of a young human child. According to Sister Nolla, Kobolds are described as short creatures that look like bipedal rats. However, they are a danger if they group up. Beginner adventurers can easily die for them. The larger the numbers, the larger the threat.

In reality, newbies dying in subjugation quests isn’t a rare occurrence. No matter what, numbers can flip the table.

The third reason, also the most important one and I said it already, is that I cannot disregard the harm done to the village although a village once closed its doors to me.

Kobolds steal livestock and destroy plantations. And in the end, they will even kidnap children.

To an agricultural village, they pose a big threat. Thinking that far, I decided to accept this especially troublesome subjugation quest.

Although, I don't know why sphere guardians in that area solve this problem, or perhaps they're too strong enough to not bother it like ants.

And probably they were tasked to hold on to their positions and keep the town-size barrier intact on the ground to look for possible hostile invasive monsters outside. Sister Nolla conveyed it all to me honestly and realize that the mansion where I teleported in after I escaped that ancient trap was a residence of one sphere guardian.


When I conveyed my intentions of receiving this quest to the receptionist together with the little hooded lizard mage girl behind me, the receptionist-sister Nolla asked me in a worried tone.

“Are you two going on this quest alone?

“Yes. That is the plan”

Before I open my mouth, the girl beside me replied in a harsh tone and sister Nolla straightened herself.

“Do you know that it is dangerous for beginners to take extermination quests with just two?“

“Yes, I do. we’ll be fine”

“The number of beginners underestimating weak monsters and dying to them is not few”

Receptionist Nolla is trying to persuade us not to go. And I could tell it was because of this lizard girl's worrying nature.

I have experienced near-death situations. Even without using spells, I can easily win against kobolds. However, to her, I am just a beginner-level warrior taking on a subjugation quest solo.

She probably sees it as suicide. Or else she meant something to me to understand since Nolla already knew I have a sword behind my back.

Her preventing me from going is probably purely out of kindness. It’s good if a receptionist informs you of the risks involved and the turn-around tips regarding internal issues inside the guild. Even though she's creepy inside and probably has pedophilic tendencies, I knew she's a good person overall unless provoked.

As I discussed with Nolla and sometimes the lizard hooded girl interrupted our conversation, somebody called out in our direction.

“Why don’t you go with us?“

“You are?“

“We are also low-tier adventurers, regular level. A spellcaster and a bow-wielding scout. We currently need a vanguard”

“You’re a swordsman, aren’t you? Let’s go together then”

The receptionist, sister Nolla who also heard the conversation said,

“That is a good suggestion! A way better choice!“

She strongly recommended it to me. Going in a group highly increases the chance of getting back alive. Truthfully, I wanted to go on my own. However, I don’t think I can persuade the receptionist.

Furthermore, they must be beginners themselves, since they said they are low-tier adventurers.

But I could tell these common neanderthals lying, and a twisted aura emanating from their bodies makes me puke.

Training newbies is also a senior’s responsibility. I shouldn’t reject their suggestion or else there may be issues with it and I can escape through a dimensional leap spell if things cames to worst.


With that facade, just what are these guys planning and their underlying motives?

Although they aren't strong enough at the same level as this lizard girl, the pressure coming from two is enough and intimidating. Unlike the people in the background who were not threatening.

Is this how foxes feel, isn't it? Just like dogs and cats, right? I can sense the danger surrounding me just from these three.

And I could feel the lizard girl's annoyance behind.

“I’ll join you. Please take care of me”

“I’m Gregorio. I can use Fire spells”

“I’m Joseph. Leave the long-range attacks to me”

“I’m Maria. I use the sword”

I’m not lying when I say that I use the sword. After all, on my adventurer’s card, it says that I am a swordsman.

We then left the town together.

I gave my thanks to the garrison guards at the gate.

“Thank you for your help last time”

“Don’t mention it. It’s not a big deal. Putting that aside, it seems that you’ve made some new friends, little hoodie girl. And you now look nice”

The pedophilic guards smiled as they looked at my attire with nasty looks as I am no longer accompanying the Meteor Impact.

“Yes. All thanks to you”

“Are you going out on an adventure?“

“Yes, it’s an extermination quest”

“I see, be careful out there”

Saying my thanks once more, we exited the gate. We then headed towards the village suffering from attacks after walking for a few hours.

On the way, the lizard girl asked the two guys.

“You’re both pretty young, aren’t you?“

“Really? We’re already 18 this year. You’re pretty so cute, aren’t you, Lulu?“

I see so her name is Lulu.

“Not really……”

“No, compared to Gregorio and Joseph, I’m a little…… no, a lot older so calling me cute is stupid”

“Really? You sure look young, though」

Gregorio seems to be good with words. But they aren't aware that the one they talk to is stronger and older than them?

As I thought, I might as well walk behind them the lizard girl seems to hold her grudges against these guys and I wonder why she didn't kill them yet? This resentment…

While thinking that, we kept on walking.

While Lulu converses with Gregorio and Joseph, they talk about their hometown. It seems that both of them are from the countryside. They said that they’ve exterminated monsters over there.

“We are especially good at exterminating kobolds. That’s why you can feel safe going with us”

“That’s good news”

“Kobold exterminations are a pain, but they are a threat to the farming village”

“You accepted this quest because you are concerned as well, right?“

“Well, that is true”

Hearing my answer, Gregorio and Joseph smiled.

“I thought so. There aren’t any newbies who would want to take on kobold extermination quests, after all, “

As fellow adventurers who are concerned about the village, we hit it off well.

After walking for more than a day, we reached the village requesting help. It was exactly noon when we arrived.

Learning the current damage caused by the kobolds from the villagers, we asked about the direction the monsters came from among other things.

“They stole our cattle……”

“Most of the eastern fence is destroyed”

“The other day, our sheep……”

It seems that the damage is pretty severe. Precisely because of that, they requested help from the adventurer’s guild.

But why not their adult men though? They look sturdy enough to lift a finger and kill. Strange particularly some of them including their elder have these gloomy auras.

“That means that their nest is over there, huh”


“There should be about ten of them”

“That’s right”

I don’t think that both of them are wrong with their observations.

That’s why I kept my silence.

However, I do think that they misread the number of kobolds and low intelligence monsters.

If they frequently steal cows and sheep, that means that the pack is fairly large.

Naturally, I don’t think that there are only ten of them.

Still, there is no danger as long as I am here. I’ll just help them if it gets dangerous.

Thus, the four of us departed in the direction the nest is supposed to be.

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