《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 15- Departing Lone Fox


“Her body sure is a pack of saintliness, I bet anyone would love to have a good-looking body and perfect proportions.“,

The time was maybe half before midnight when we arrived here in the private inn for females Moa talked about. Fortunately, we passed the gate without a hitch. It appears the guards very well respected the famed adventurers I accompanied, the Meteor Impact to the point where they don't bother to check my identity. After that, we split and goes to our respective inns where they explained to me other matters regarding the town.

All inns have three to four floors and each is mandated to serve only one gender. Female-based and male-based lodgings. I have an idea what the reasons but they didn't tell me beyond what is necessary and it was to avoid commotions.

Grabbing a soap from the near table, I submerged myself in a wooden tub filled with warm water up to my shoulders.

Since I had already looked at my own body, I didn’t cover my eyes or face anymore. Gently wash the damp tail and fox ears which tickles me a little.

“Still I questioned myself whether I'm dreaming or not”

I lifted my hand and let the crystal clear droplets roll down my slender shoulder. Some dripped onto the water bubbly surface, and some rolled until they reached my soft armpit. Every moment, I clean myself as if it was a matter of life regardless of the soap's quality and water's clarity.

My waist-long hair was mostly submerged in the water. The beautiful white spread everywhere in the wooden tub.

I defeated a high-ranking monster they said and obtained a recommendation letter from Jonas and which was enough valid to participate in the upcoming adventurer’s entrance test. Moreover, it was in a situation where I restricted myself to not showcasing every card I have hidden under my sleeves. I am naturally satisfied with the result. After all, only when a certain degree of danger exists would it be considered a real battle!


There was one thing in my heart that made me concerned.


It’d be fine if I was this unyielding only for my survival, it was an involuntary action after all.

However, in regards to what I did later, I found it hard to understand. Why would I do something like that? Help them right away at that moment? I'm pretty sure they can survive all of those without my help.

I sense a considerable degree of panic from them but I failed to realize that it wasn't fear of death or fear of losing their companion.

“What a troublesome weakness. I ain't saint”

I lowered my head and the water droplets fell into the wooden tub from my long eyelashes. The splash caused a ripple to form, which gently spread towards my chest which was half-buried in water.

“Now that I remember it…”

Why I am so fast to adopt swordsmanship then fight as if I am accustomed to it?

“I wonder how I did something like that?”

“It was as if I got possessed by something every time I handle the sword Alcina gave to me and did something that cannot be undone.”

“And fighting like a professional wrestler”

“Could it be that… deep within, I am a battle-maniac?”

“No! That shouldn’t be!”

“Even if it was because I was craving for something in the depth of my soul or disregarding the fact that the ex-owner of the body is a saint, it is still an unforgivable act for me to act like a bloodthirsty slaughterer!”

Nevertheless, even if my action was unbearable to look at, I still ended up earning a lot of exp points that drastically increased my level and power! Battle experiences included.

Why, just why did I become like that?

“Could it be that I can also increase my stats by doing something like that?”

“Of course, it’s not that simple!”



♌Race: White Mystic Fox

⛎Lineage: Ancestral Genesis

♈Age: 10,081 y/o

♎Level: 129

♊Current Evolution: Two-Tailed Fox

♒Status: Eternal Youth (Blessing)

♍Might: 137 (up by 27!)

♐Arcane: 117 (up by 10!)

♓Finesse: 133 (up by 23!)


♑Magic Arts:

--Time Dilation(S)

--Lightning Speed(S)

--Instantaneous Step(S)

--Survivalist Instinct(S)

--Dimensional Leap(S)

--Information Broker(A)

--Predator's Pride(A)

--Landing Strike(C)

--Air Cut(D)


--Progenitor Of The White Foxes(SSS)

--Mystic Being(SS)

--Nature's Friend(S)

--The Flash(S)

--One Speed(S)

--Forest Deity(A)

--Primal King Of The Jungle(A)

--Fruit Gourmand(A)

--White Fox Being(A)

--Walking Corpse(B)



--Monster Slayer(C) new!

Level Progression:|❤🧡💛 | 78%


No wonder…


While she was letting her imagination run wild while intimately caressing the status board, Maria fell asleep while leaning on the wooden tub and the board vanished in thin air. Although it was indecent, her sleeping posture could be said to be innocent.

The morning later, after obtaining Jonas' recommendation letter to participate in the adventurer’s entrance examination, Maria was about to set out to the Adventurer's Guild located in Central Plaza, the centermost and busiest part of the walled town. That was the venue where the examination would take place.

This morning, two days after rigorous training, Jonas, Elmo, and Moa were sending her off at the front gate.

“Miss Maria, this is a recommendation letter with our group's Meteor Impact seal. You must keep it in a safe place in case they didn't accept the letter I gave you or someone stole it.”

Jonas passed a tough paper to Maria. It was a thick paper encased in an invisible layer of the three's Mana.

“Thank you, Jonas, I will keep it safely.”

Right now Maria was wearing her hooded cloak completely covering her whole body and the thing she originally wore. Her feet were adorned with woven sandals made from sturdy fiber and she was carrying the sword on her back. After that, she also wears the white hood given to her by Moa for the sake of gratitude. She was fully dressed up for a long journey. Although she looks like a weirdo, the townsfolk doesn't abide by any dress code so no one cares.

She solemnly received the recommendation on thick paper with both hands.

“Also, here are 300 nickels. You take it and use it along the way. After all, there are countless shops on the plaza. You will need to spend the night in various inns so this money should come in handy.”

The red-haired handsome man Jonas handed a string of yellowish-brown coins to Maria.

“Thank you, Jonas.”

The little girl Maria received the money with gratitude.

This was the first time Maria receive money in this world.

“Maria, I believe you might have a shot at passing the adventurer's entrance examination with your strength. Although the time we spent with you is short, we hope that your dream to become whatever you want will come true.”

Jonas said with heartfelt words.

“I will try my best,”

Maria gracefully walked past the front gate of the inn they stayed, but then she stopped and turned around.

She made a graceful bow toward the leader.

“Brother Jonas, Brother Elmo, and Sister Moa, however short it was, thank you for your guidance. Please be careful on your journey to the capital”

She waved.

Jonas stared blankly for a moment before his eyes involuntarily became moist. Regardless of her true identity, having a girl as cute as her calling him brother made Jonas emotionally moved.

“Maria! Good luck!”

“You must become a champion!”

Elmo and Moa looked at Maria’s distancing back as they cheered her on with loud and unsophisticated words.

After bidding farewell to the Meteor Impact, Maria set out on a path by herself for the first time. Her feet stepped on the concreted surface drenched by the morning dew as the refreshing morning breeze brushed past her. Maria followed the path pointed out by Jonas and walking the direction of the central plaza.

Although it was only one or two miles or so, the majority of the path was commercial establishments, so if she didn’t run and travel normally, she would only arrive one or half-hour later.

“Are towns usually big? This sure looks like I'm in medieval old Europe but all roofs have strange shapes and sizes, for what purpose?“

Maria wondered as she walks for quite some time and the sun dawned on her back, showing his warming support to her which makes Maria smile under her mask.

Even though she covered her full body, she could feel the warmth and affection of some sort.

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