《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 13- Pretending Bastards


Some believe that where you are born will decide your future, but can you not shape your destiny? Is it not down to a personal determination to overcome adversity, or do you feel the odds are too heavily stacked against you?

Is this attitude holding you back?

Do you feel your fate was decided by where you were born or born as to what? Have you overcome adversity in your life and succeeded against all odds? How did that happen? What can you as an individual do to shape your destiny?

No, nothing in particular honestly. Anyone could do whatever they want as long as they are responsible and mature enough to accept failures. No matter what, just do whatever you can and that's it. Or perhaps depressed over something beyond your control?

Yeah, you heard that right. Knew your limitations and acknowledge them, do your best as you can then accept whatever the outcome and start moving forward.

Listener, I realized that acceptance is a powerful word. Most would think you aren't determined enough and give up.

No, the one who gives up is the one who is stuck and never moves forward all because of narrowed thinking and pride where results never satisfy optimistic expectations. Of course, you can cry and let out every negative emotion but don't take it too long!

If you do your best, then there's no reason for you to regret it, right?

Just look at these guys, from their aura to facial expressions— they hardened their hearts and prepared when one of them passed away or leave their group one day.

I asked them earlier why they were so courageous to fight such monstrosities and replied that adventurers and soldiers alike are half-buried to their graves already. Dangers and rewards are the worlds of adventurers after all. And one who is afraid of death will never become a full-fledged adventurer.

This is why I failed to detect their malicious inner thoughts during the battle as it was a matter of life and death. I also found out this strong warming sensation from them which I suspected embodies the so-called fighting spirit.

As I observe them and mulled, something bothers me and it feels strange.

The place we currently in had emitted an unmistakably dense layer of animosity. And the owner of that aura had certainly been the boss— Magma Wolf King.

The Magma Wolf King, however, had dropped from the dark passage above the ceiling, not long after we had arrived at the innermost area. When one considered it, it had left far too few indications as it moved in small distances. Not too far and not too high.

After all, unlike when descending, the superior Blood Steel Wolf would have to fly using its sharp steel-like wings. The Magma Wolf King’s wings, on the other hand, were formed of lava. They would undoubtedly consume too much energy with each flap, limitless stamina is an absurdity, after all, not to mention they lifting their heavy bodies.

This would indicate that they would descend on the ground soon once they tired. But in their case, they didn't utilize their full power on their attacks as if to save stamina for something.

Yeah, that's what I thought and the adventurers seem to conclude this matter as well which surprised me a bit.

As a result, while they defend themselves, they determined that there were two Magma Wolf King from the beginning.

Here he is. The second boss.

While the first boss attracted Jonas and the other’s attention, the other attacked them from behind.

The three of them reflexively dodge the upcoming sharp claw attack with minimal movements.


Even if the second Magma Wolf King’s attack failed, the remaining would seize the opportunity to attack the group while their guards were down.

It was easy to think that these monsters could devise such a plan, after all, they're also the ones who ambushed me and Alcina… but the bosses in issue were none other than the Magma Wolf Kings, which I think can command a group. This was perhaps the most logical strategy.


The second boss whose sweating lava hurtling down the intersection was aiming directly for Jonas, who was seated. Even Jonas, a hero, and an excellent swordsman would be helpless in this situation.

Elmo, who was far away, could only shout and run hastily to their leader.

It seems Jonas was meters away from his end.

I cast information broker beforehand and found out I can cast twice at a time. Might as well try this on low voice.

“Dimensional Leap… 2x”

(An: 2x means she chanted two times)

I suddenly hopped over the time-suspended colorless space and the time duration doubled from fifteen minutes to half an hour but I don't have the plan to wait.



♌Race: White Mystic Fox

⛎Lineage: Ancestral Genesis

♈Age: 10,081 y/o

♎Level: 109

♊Current Evolution: Two-Tailed Fox

♒Status: Eternal Youth (Blessing)

♍Might: 110

♐Arcane: 107

♓Finesse: 110

♑Magic Arts:

--Time Dilation(S)

--Lightning Speed(S)

--Instantaneous Step(S)

--Survivalist Instinct(S)

--Dimensional Leap(S)

--Information Broker(A)

--Predator's Pride(A)

--Landing Strike(C)

--Air Cut(D)


--Progenitor Of The White Foxes(SSS)

--Mystic Being(SS)

--Nature's Friend(S)

--The Flash(S)

--One Speed(S)

--Forest Deity(A)

--Primal King Of The Jungle(A)

--Fruit Gourmand(A)

--White Fox Being(A)

--Walking Corpse(B)



Level Progression:|❤ | 23%


“Predator's Pride… 2x”

“Time Dilation… 2x”

“Survivalist Instincts… 2x”

Just as I thought, predator's pride encases me on something thin invisible membrane all over my body and a physical booster ranging from 100 to 200 percent boost. The numerical value might increase from 100 to 200 as well. Also, my senses became sharper even more.

I wonder if I will not use air cuts?

Without relying on my sword too much, I move on the monster's front and embrace myself from the impact of a coming four-wheel truck.

With both my hands on his right foot, I tore the fabric of space easily by thought. After I moved outside, time slowed by eight times in my perspective but the momentum doesn't change that much!


So heavy!

Before he pushes me away, I released an overall punch to his right front foot as much as I can as if my whole life depends on this.




The echoes of the impact alongside the shockwaves reverberated throughout the cave, echoing multiple times back and forth.

“V-vampire kid?”

Jonas just stood there staring at her, speechless. He didn't anticipate the fully-covered kid has speed he could never hope to achieve.

Maria calmed for a brief moment after she had been pushed several meters away.

That time, she quickly pushed the second Magma Wolf King away with her punch and her body, which had been covered by a layer of protective membrane and enhances her physical strength.


After being shoved to the perimeters, the second Magma Wolf King stretched out its neck, launched itself to Maria faster than it was before by supporting its legs on the walls behind and it was second before he eats her whole small body.


As soon as Jonas noticed this at the moment, he yelled desperately. Maria, on the other hand, simply glared and punched the Magma Wolf King in the stomach, so fast and powerful it sent it flying.



The shocked second boss opened its massive mouth in disbelief. As it did so, it displayed spikes on its part of the stomach, which had now been miserably crushed.

They had truly been brilliantly shattered.

“M-Miss Maria… Are you okay?”

Jonas didn’t seem to notice the first boss as he approached Maria and attempted to examine her body from head to toe.

He was surprised, though, when he couldn’t find any signs of deep injuries.

“This is…”

Maria caressed her slightly sore back and right hand and attempted to hide her discomfort.

If Moa, an expert on spells checked Maria right now, she’d discover that Maria had wrapped her entire body with a strong yet thin layer of something.

The spell that encased her entire body and hooded clothing served as a form of protective armor.

It was sturdy enough to defend Maria from the Magma Wolf King’s talons and teeth while also shattering the vulnerable part which is the stomach.

Moa and Elmo both ran to Jonas’ aid, trying to see if he was okay. They hadn’t noticed Maria being attacked in a second time, most likely due to their restricted perspective.

“J-Jonas! Are you alright?”

“Are you alright… Jonas?”

“I’m fine but…”

Jonas said, indifferent to both of them and instead focusing on Maria, who had begun heading towards the second boss.

“Hey, vampire kid! What do you think you’re doing?! We’ll take it down so come back here!”

“He’s right, you suicidal! You appear to have blocked its first attack by chance, but if you go now, you will die! Come back!”

The two boys both yelled angrily at her. Maria, on the other hand, had no intention of returning.

After all, this was her chance and she intuitively knew her body powered by predator's pride can sustain and handle the attack. Without her thick hooded cloak, she'll likely get injured.

Jonas had already reached his limit.

Despite his concern for Maria, he was barely standing and his legs were wobbling. He could barely walk, let alone run.

Elmo was no exception. He couldn’t possibly take on a Magma Wolf King by himself. Only because he and Jonas collaborated had they been able to take down the first one. In addition, he was unable to demonstrate his full potential.

Most likely, only Moa, who was silently watching, was aware of all of this.

She was aware they wouldn’t be able to defeat the recently arrived Magma Wolf King with their strength and suspected thing was superior of its kind.

Moa specialized in fire attribute spells, thus even if she paired up with Elmo, the Magma Wolf King’s Fire and Earth Resistance would make it difficult for her to accomplish much.


Hell yeah!

I believed that if I could triumph in a circumstance where even the adventurer’s party had failed, it would certainly mean I'm stronger than them, right?

Fortunately favoring my side, Jonas didn’t look to be the type of person who would take credit for someone else’s accomplishments and I guarantee that. Based on his reaction, he would likely admit my victory and even spread the news of a vampire saving the town. How optimistic!


“Come. I’ll play with you!”

I knew this monster looked ridiculous with its shattered stomach exposed which destroyed his pride too, but that didn’t mean I could drop my guard since the duration of time dilation and predator's pride is limited and I don't want to expose more of my secrets.

After pumping myself up, I took a stance.

This fight would most likely determine my strength, if I failed to kill this thing then I don't have the right to seek revenge for Alcina! Whoever are you, I will make sure to cut your neck through the sword she gave to me!

And I'm pretty sure you are the one behind that ancient-trap ambush! I will find you!

I grabbed my sword behind my back, unwrapped then unsheathe the hungry blade. Slowly, the black blade releases black smoke as if recently smithed and soaked in water to cool down.

The second boss seemed didn’t approach me, most likely because it was thinking about my sword. It seems wary of me already.

“Let thy cursed blade bless you. HAA!”

I focused most of my strength on my legs for a moment towards the ground and shot forward towards the monster.

When I charged at it with my ominous yet gentle sword raised, the monster looks stiffened, but it managed to evade my slash to the right. It then swung its left front leg forward, exposing its claws to slice.


As soon as I noticed that, I quickly turned my body and evaded his claws.

I felt a stinging sensation in the area where the claw had scraped my cheek, and I cursed my ignorance.

So you’re fighting me with the same spell huh… To think that you’d be able to pull it off…

I barely noticed that the claw was covered and was the same protective membrane that also encircled my entire body.

Because it was the same boosting spell as mine– predator's pride, it came down to whether his claw or my skin was stronger.

I, thankfully, had escaped with only a minor scratch, and time when I landed on the ground, it was healed already.

I also deduced from the thickness that my spell was twice thicker than the Magma Wolf King’s. That meant that even if I was hit, I would only be hurt slightly.

Still, I shouldn’t let my guard down.


As Maria did, the steaming Magma Wolf King, who had gained some confidence after its previous attack had succeeded, chose to attack this time.

It kicked the ground and lunged at Maria, raising its right foot high in the air. The Magma Wolf King moved at a rate that no regular adventurer could keep up with, leaving traces of smokes on its path, but Maria could see everything through her time dilation.

It was certainly fast, however…

Maria had already gotten used to such speed in her escape. It was only as fast as those normal monsters without using any spells.

“So slow!”

Maria avoided its approaching strike and then countered it with her flawless fist straight in its rocky face.


After having its face smashed in and cracked multiple times due to sheer impact, the Magma Wolf King flew back and rolled on the ground.

Nonetheless, it rapidly recovered and adjusted itself, as if the previous attack had caused minimal damage.

Even though its claws should have been the only place enhanced by predator's pride, Maria felt like her fist hadn’t hit anything. The Magma Wolf King had most likely jumped back before Maria’s fist could reach it.

“How the hell this thing use my spell without chanting… Hm?”



I sensed something strange accumulating around his throat as I was looking down at my fist and jumped to the right. His neck rumbled as if to explode.

When he opened his mouth, he spewed lots of lava to my prior position. The field was set ablaze as soon as it landed.

Its force was so great that the ground started to melt. Even with this protective layer, if I were to be hit by it, I wouldn't get out unscathed and burned as acid does.


He prepped for a second attack after I dodged his first.

He seems to propel himself forward using the drops of lava from his molten wings to decrease its weight. His present speed was slightly faster than before.

“I can still see you.”

I remained calm as the Magma Wolf King fiercely charged at me. True, I could see his attack coming thanks to time dilation, but avoiding it was a whole different matter.

In truth, I barely managed to evade the claws coming non-stop from both sides. I even didn’t have the luxury of counterattacking as I had done before.

Don’t look down on me, would you?

When the Magma Wolf King realized his opponent couldn’t fight back, he rained down blows to me nonstop which I intended to.

Me, instead of evading this time, decided to charge in on its right foot.


I charged in closer to the inner part of its right foot, slashing his foot, rather than punching it.

Naturally, my sword which was strengthened up by predator's pride was unfazed by such a strike. The Magma Wolf King's foot, on the other hand, took quite a deep injury from me.

My slash attack was the start of my retaliation.

“Eat this!”



I struck the side of its body with my punch, sending it flying once again but I certainly knew I cracked one of his bones. The Magma Wolf King, on the other hand, looks unable to avoid my sheer impact this time. He was having difficulty getting up due to my direct hit.

“I guess this one worked.”

The Magma Wolf King shook its head and adjusted itself after finally standing up, but its uneasiness was visible in its eyes which proves that I managed to overcome him.

It was obvious that he had not entirely recovered from the last blow I gave to him.

This is my chance.

I rushed forward, not waiting for my opponent to regain its composure. As I raised my sword, I noticed his attention shift to ms and its reddish eyes light up.



The lava that the Magma Wolf King had been hoarding erupted once it opened its mouth, transforming the region into a sea of fire.

I found myself in the center of a sea of flames, completely helpless, yet I swung my sword down, aiming directly on his head.


He had most likely anticipated I would try and avoid my attack. I had rushed in, seizing the opportunity to assault the vulnerable Magma Wolf King.

Thanks to my clothing, it managed to resist the too much heat and fire in the surroundings and block my nose from inhaling smoke.

I emerged completely uninjured as the flames calmed down.

I looked down myself, the ends of my sleeves and pants were charred, but that was it. I sheathed my sword then rewrapped it with spare fabric material and tied it again on my waist firmly.

“It would have been bad if I hadn’t used any spell. Still… how disappointing”


With the use of air cut, I can subdue one within a minute but now it took me less than half an hour.

I stood quietly, staring at the motionless big guy on the ground.

Its tongue bulged from its mouth deforming, and its head was concaved where I had struck it then explodes alongside its stomach.

The lava that flows through its veins faded, leaving only chunks of obsidian here and there.

Anyone could tell that the Magma Wolf King had died just by looking at it.

“I won but how did those guys manage to kill one too?”

Water? Oh, I see, to think one of them can release these amounts of water. No wonder, the other one is helpless in this limited narrow space and gets drowned.


I think I can now picture the whole thing, this trio is bastards as well. They were wanting to expose my cards-a feasts before their eyes while masterly hiding theirs.

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