《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 9- First Contact With Humans


Trespassing on someone's private property is illegal and may result in arrest.

I was sure this was a human residence since the walls and the buildings themselves are made of concrete and stones, which surprised me just how rich the people living here are.

It isn't the modern style I used to have back on Earth; it is kind of inclined towards Greek architecture and has more foundations than is needed.

Greek architecture is known for its tall columns, intricate details, symmetry, harmony, and balance. The Greeks, I read in a book, built all sorts of ancient buildings, most of which are the large temples that they built for their gods.

But this isn't exactly the case. The size isn't enough to call it a mansion, and it's intended for residential purposes. If I am not mistaken, they are rich and perhaps noble.

The remarkably large spheres of carved stone seem to serve as the rooftop, which looks ridiculous to me.

Without paint or vibrant color on it, the whole building looks bland and dead.

Before the sun awakened from its slumber, I grabbed the hanged, ragged-looking linen and left the area.

I failed to climb back to the wall because of extreme exhaustion, which I ignored till this time.

I moved through the bushes and hid.

Breathing hard, I put my back against the nearby tree and lied down.

I hope no one will notice me here.

Being soaked fully in the blood is repulsive, and both my eyes are getting blurry and blurry because of red droplets dripping on the ends of my bangs.

With the fabric material I got, I helped myself get rid of this iron scent from my face and hair.

Unfortunately, there's no source of water to be found within the vicinity.

The condition check comes first. My head bled earlier, and it is already healed, which relieves me.

I checked if there was a foreign object stuck everywhere on my body.


I cut a portion of clothing with the use of my sword.

I press firmly on the healed wound on my head with this, though I don't have any clean cloth available.

I apply steady pressure for a rough estimate of a full 15 minutes. Since there were no signs of bleeding, I put it down and threw it aside.

Without any water, I worried if there were harmful microorganisms that entered my system.

I hope all I learn from school about first aid is true.

Mild bleeding usually stops on its own, and I don't know how my body has miraculously fast body regeneration.

My skull is perfectly fine, which puts me at ease.

I eagerly want to sleep, but this isn't the time. I may be found out sooner if I stay here any longer.

But I feel very weak and am having trouble standing up.

"Hmm, I think I should cover my identity as a fox."

In such a short time, I made a rugged hooded cloak. It may be rugged, but it doesn't smell stinky or dirty.

The sun rises from the horizon, a sign that I should leave now.

"Dimensional Leap~"

Using this convenient safe spell, I passed the wall and was now outside. Sure, I can utilize this for bad purposes, like bank robbing, etc.

Of course not.

I'm not the kind of individual who steals someone's hard-earned money for selfish reasons.

Unless I'm on the brink of death or don't have any other options.

Still, I want to live an honest life.

"Hmm... this empty road but no residential buildings on either side? "


Then why the hell did they build this thing here out of nowhere? Oh, perhaps they owned this land, right? Then where is the exit?

There's a forest on that way if I were to follow this trail, but what if it was foxendom domains? It seems I have developed a certain phobia.

Like they say, follow your heart, so let's go on the opposite side!

I began making my way towards the wide open space. I carried a long covered-in-cloth sword behind my back, which was tied to my waist. Covering my whole face with a mask, I wrapped my body in a hooded cloak I made and left the remaining linen behind since carrying it is energy-consuming.

Of course, I cut two holes in the mask, so I can still see without any problem. Checking myself once again, I'm like a terrorist without a gun.

Whatever, this is for the best rather than exposing my whole self to the public eye.


I traveled swiftly through the plain lands.

For the first time in my life, I felt genuinely free. This unparalleled excitement of the fantasy world caused me to increase my walking speed a little.

Feel motivated?

Not so, you see. I'm quite tired. Associating with powerful, dangerous individuals is mentally exhausting too.


About an hour has passed since there weren't any trees, just open fields as far as the eye could see.

I was at a complete loss for words.

"The rising of the sun is lovely"

and reminded me that he was supporting me on this peaceful day. Ohh...

The first humans I saw were farmers working in what appeared to be wheat fields or rice fields. I know they didn't seem that different from humans, but what caught my eye was their faces and huge stature.

They're big, surely not as huge as those knights, but I estimate they are between seven and nine feet tall.

And most importantly, sorry listener, I should say this... they look ugly, uglier than any human I've met back on earth.

I may be quite judgemental, but it was a plain sight to see, pretty obvious.

I even concluded that maybe they weren't humans. Oh, I see, they are neanderthals!

Neanderthals were an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans who lived in Eurasia.

From the book I had read, I knew they'd be different, just not this different.

Their physiques were surprisingly distinct, as well. Looking at their large and muscular bodies made me realize just how small I was. It'd probably be trivial for them to pick me up and snap me in half.

This world is really unfair, huh?

I understood that I was just like any other prey item to them.

"If a human ever finds you, they will kill you."

Captain Alcina's words rushed through my mind.

Even so, I had no regrets.

Neanderthals or Homo sapiens? I've only seen what humans look like. It's too early to be afraid; I haven't even tried communicating with them yet.

I was already up when the sun rose at its peak, with my strategy for learning more about humans in full swing.

I go to the nearby forest and hide there. I climbed the trees, grabbed some fruits I was familiar with, and devoured them all!

"Yum... yum."

The first step was to observe their behavior from a safe hiding place. Thanks to my superhuman fox ears, I was able to understand their speech relatively well in the English language. Simply knowing that mutual communication was possible did wonders to ease my fears.


I want to eat delicious foods, though I'm satisfied just with fruits for now.

At first, I would try to borrow food from farmhouses, but soon learned there were actually places that provided it.

Using the robe to hide both my body and ears, I was able to get myself some kind of bread and soup. However, that's where the problems begin. You see, listener, I didn't have any money nor any idea of what it looked like.

When he asked me for a payment, I panicked and began running for my life, with all sorts of curses calling me a thief hurled after my fleeing.

"Hah... hah... ha..."

Fortunately, I was able to escape. Three days had passed since then, however, and I still had not eaten anything new but fruits.

Fruits are delicious and satisfying, but I want to taste new flavors.


Is that right?

I couldn't believe the sight in front of my eyes. The first thing I saw as I exited the small forest I had been travelling through were enormous brick walls.

They surrounded a hill, on top of which stood a massive castle with white walls and multiple towers, all of which had pointed, blue roofs.

"W-well, it's still smaller than that mountain-size tree I saw back in Foxendom..."

I muttered, pretending I wasn't completely overwhelmed by its sheer size.

However, as big as the castle was, the walls themselves weren't all that tall. Over the past few days, I have learned that while humans (neanderthals) were incredibly strong, they were far less agile than fox people. These walls were likely just designed to be impossible for a human to climb over.

“But it's a piece of cake for me! Hehe! "

There were soldiers stationed by the gate, checking everyone who passed by.

Naturally, I wasn't planning on walking through there. Having found a place near the wall with no one around, I placed my foot on one of the many stones sticking out from it, and after a count of three, I chanted three times.

“Instantaneous Step! Instantaneous Step! Instantaneous Step! "

This spell is convenient; it shortens the space between me and the desired location by just a single step of mine.

A dimensional leap, on the other hand, is completely different as it means— I traveled in another dimension, time stopped, and I chose where I wanted to pop out because I could see everything going on around me.


After just three steps, I reached the top of the wall. From there, I spotted some tall bushes, which I used to ensure a safe landing on my way down. And just like that, I was in.

I pulled the hood back over my head. I had made it this far without anyone realizing I wasn't a human. There were many things I'd learned over the past few days, one being that simply covering my unusual features was enough to walk around without raising suspicion.

"This is going quite well... I can probably move a little more daringly and still be fine. "

I let out a small giggle. Unable to suppress my curiosity, I trotted towards the main road.


I stared at the main street of the town in awe. This was nothing at all like the human villages I'd seen. There were three-story buildings made of stone everywhere, with bright red and orange roofs. The wide streets were tilted slightly uphill, leading to the aforementioned castle overlooking the town.

The sheer number of people was also beyond anything I'd seen. There were people everywhere I looked, and I could barely hear my own thoughts over the constant chatter and mix of feelings and desires in the atmosphere. It was way too much for me to handle, and the anxiety I'd managed to hold down was starting to resurface.

"Incredible... This is one of those castle towns, huh? "

Though I certainly would have preferred there to be more natural elements instead of everything being man-made, the sheer number of new things I'd never seen before was making.

Still, I can manage to filter all the unnecessary things and be attentive to my own.

"Fantasy world! Hehe"

I spent some time just walking around, trying to take in everything I was seeing, when all of a sudden I was stopped in my tracks by a loud voice coming from behind.

"Hey, kid! Come eat this! "

I jumped a little, almost falling on one side. With my covered lips trembling from fear, I turned my head towards the voice.

There was a food cart there, loaded with a countless number of sizzling barbecues.

A large, bearded man who I assumed was its owner stood next to it, holding out a barbeque.

I hadn't eaten anything for the past three days, and just the thought of cooked meat made my mouth water.

I was about to extend my hand when I suddenly remembered something very important.

“Sorry... I just came here from the countryside... I don't have any money... “

“Ahaha, I knew it! I could tell from the way you walked. Anyway, sorry for scaring you. You can have this one for free as an apology. "

"Huh...? For real!? "

---Narrator's POV

Unable to believe what she had just heard, Maria's eyes behind the mask bounced back and forth between the juicy meat and the man holding it. He nodded with a bright smile on his face, and with no hesitation, Maria grabbed the barbeque from his hand.

Is it true that such people exist?

Though the man looked scary and ugly, if he was going to give Maria something to eat for free, he must have been a good person.

All of a sudden, she was filled to the brim with hope and optimism. She felt safer than before too, knowing that she understood enough about humans to have full conversations with them.

However, those thoughts could wait. The delicious-looking meat in front of her had her full attention, and she pulled down half her mask, revealing her pinkish-flawless cheeks, which surprised the man.

Is she really...

"Thank you very much!

Seeing her happy, the man subconsciously dismisses his thoughts.

Maria's mouth filled with sweet juices as her teeth bit into the tenderness of the meat. It tasted like heaven. However, just as she opened her mouth wide, about to take the biggest bite of her life, she heard something happening behind her. The sea of people flooding the main street suddenly parted, as if clearing the road.

"Oh! Has the governess returned? "


Trying to see what the man was looking at, Maria heard the sound of clopping. Just then, a carriage drawn by four armored white horses appeared from amidst the crowd of people.

Maria's POV:

“Wow, what a pretty carriage. Governess? Was she on a journey or something? "

I asked the man next to me. The man answered me, clearly a little uncomfortable.

“Well, you could say that She recently got married and went to live with her husband, but the man divorced her soon after. To put it short, she's moving back home. Still, this is what, the third time? It didn't even last a week. That must be a new record. "

"Huh? Do humans really get married that many times? "

“Absolutely not! One and done. That's how it normally goes. For some reason, the ruler lady of the town is always sent back.Wait, did you just say "humans"? "

----Narrator's POV

The man stared at her, confused. Maria covered her mouth immediately, but it was too late. In the midst of panic, she realized the barbeque was no longer in her hand and was instead flying through the air. She instantly swooped towards the falling food in an attempt to catch it. However, the sudden movement caused the loose ends of her hair to be exposed.

"White hair... You're a vampire!" the man yelled after seeing Maria's hair. His voice was loud enough to be heard over the noise of the crowd, and all the people around them simultaneously turned to look at Rem.

"Vampire? I... umm... I..."

“You, dirty, blood-sucking thief! You better pay me right now, or else! "

"Huh!? You said it was free! "

Now that he knew he was speaking to a non-human, the man's attitude shifted dramatically.

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