《White Mystic Fox In A Radical World》Chapter 8- Her First And Last Love


Nevertheless, every second my impending death comes closer and closer.

The ulterior motives and their eagerness to oppress or torture (?) towards me if I'm not mistaken are way extremely unbearable.

I don't know anything they will do besides torture or whatever terrifying ahead.

It made me anxious to see Captain Alcina trembling in fear.

The clock is ticking.

Hey, my listener, I may sound exaggerating a lot but this time… my anxiety grew to the point where I can barely hold myself from being insane.

You see… the golden fox, Gran Elder Sarissa holds limitless lust the way she eats her food as she stared at me.

I put my gaze down so I will not remember the nightmarish picture, the way she looks at my body.

It… it… was a malice of evil, her smile was the Incarnation of evil… evil… though not murderous auras as the other two but still!

I… I can't hold it anymore… her enthusiasm earlier was nothing to compare to this wickedness!

“…hah… ha… hah…”

“Hmm… what's the matter, young Maria?“, Gran Elder Izzalla asked.

“Hehe, she's funny hahaha! You are something huh hehe the way you react… I know… I know hahaha!“

She burst out laughing which was a relief to my mental health. Her change of moods made me worry… now she wants to humiliate me by any means possible.

But even so, with their malicious intentions, they keep it themselves, and if I were correct maybe because they want to protect their social status and reputation?

“Alcina, help her to prepare herself. I already arranged her dwelling near the entrance of noble domains. I assign a grand carriage to send you there. This matter of where you should live should be settled sooner rather than later, you should depart now. You aren't royalty or noble after all hehe”

Gran Elder Sarissa… why… you help me? No, is it because you prefer to release me rather than be enjoyed by your competitors!?

The strong forces of murderous auras coming from Chairman Klee and Gran Elder Izzalla were now directed to her!

She… She didn't even flinch a bit!? As if she wasn't intimidated at all and shrugged it off.

Just how strong her mental fortitude is? Or perhaps she didn't know that and I'm the only one who can feel it?


“…this soldier understands and obeys”

I replied followed by Captain Alcina's dull voice.

Several minutes later, all plates were now empty and I was permitted to take off by none other than the golden fox.

“Maria, we will meet again!“

“We will miss you, young one. Please come and visit us once again in near future”

No, never again! Who fool would want to deliver themselves to their demise?

“Yes, your excellencies. I will”, I saluted and bowed.

Ahh, to think I'm saved by a hyper pervert, never mind— my goal right now was to leave the sex den (foxendom) and go back to my home.

Since it was nighttime, I didn't accept the maids' offer to dressed up and immediately departed from the backdoor. There, Captain Alcina had arranged the carriage for me.

Wow, this carriage is powerful and I could feel how tough this thing is, and the materials to make this vehicle were unknown to me.

Just how much this thing can fetch up?

“Lady Maria, please come aboard.”

We were only going to one of the noble domains, but to think this unfathomably powerful silver fox was going to drive the carriage leaving the backdoor unguarded.

This made me feel uneasy.


When I went to get onto the cart, Captain Alcina extended her hand as a step.

“Captain Alcina…”

“Lady Maria, the Gran Elders has made arrangements. From now on you are deemed as a very important person on the Gaia Kingdom, we must treat you with utmost importance.”

Why, do you force yourself to do this?

I felt a bit embarrassed and sad, but since she had a heavy responsibility to escort me, without any pretentiousness I resolutely and elegantly stepped on her hand to get on the carriage since my feet can't reach it.


On the road, I flip open the curtains to look outside disregarding the strangeness emanating in the surroundings.

But this was surprising… I never heard anything sensual voices from each house we passed.

Is it because fox people were now sleeping?

The skies were dark, the lively atmosphere was now replaced by an eerie gush of winds and I felt that those ordinary houses and trees emanated something powerful bitterness.

I don't know, as if these gazes were looking towards us and almost each of them had its own unspeakable story. It was as if midnight in foxendom was releasing all that hidden resentment. Vengeful ghosts? Spirits?


Wh-what was that!?

I felt a source of animosity following us but who are they? Though this isn't as horrible as those two Gran Elders.

Since the other party seemed to not have the intention to attack or get closer, I pretended as if I had not noticed them.

Better to get caution than sorry, the possibility of them having the ability as I am is worrying.


Given the Captain’s power, she should have noticed long ago, but she also acted as if nothing was happening and continued to drive this carriage forward.

Wait, she didn't feel that, isn't she?

Oh no…

“Captain Alcina, how far away are we from the noble domain entrance?”

I asked, opening the curtain.

Her back was still as pure white as ever and the shadows in front loomed ominously.

“Lady Maria, I’m afraid we won’t arrive there anymore.”

My heart fell with what she said, by my estimate, we should have arrived.

“This carriage has entered an Ancient Trap Spell…”

“Ancient Trap Spell?”

“Lady Maria, don’t worry. Give me a moment and I shall be able to break this spell. Only, in a moment, no matter what happens, please don’t open the curtain again. Do not come out.”

She warned.


She wasn’t ordinary by any means. The carriage had entered a trap spell, and we were surrounded now by strong murderous auras.

We were naturally in danger, shouldn’t we flee?

“Lady Maria, Gran Elder Sarissa has instructed me to protect you. I have agreed, thus I will safely send you back to your home. Only, do not look out or come out no matter what, leave everything to me, understand?”

Captain Alcina's voice deepened in determination.

“Then, please forgive me”


She… she kissed me on my lips!

“Wh-what… you…”

Why do you do that?! Uhh!… she hugs me tightly but… why are you crying?!

“Forgive me, Maria! Please let me tell you this. I love you since we first met, I love you till the end of time. Please let yourself live and be happy! I love you… I love you!“

But… I… I can't reciprocate that… how can I reject her? She said this because she will leave me?

But… but… I suddenly feel bad.

“It's okay if you couldn't accept my confession. Please take this sword and live happily”


“Yes… I understand. I'm sorry Alcina”

I reluctantly responded to this. But her strength and will were undeniable since she had said, then I would accept.

She kissed me again and I responded to her affection. I can feel her love through our kiss yet sorrowful with a tinge of happiness to it.

This time I sense her genuine happiness in her heart.

“Thank you”

She smiled, closing her eyes gradually, and left in thin air— leaving me in tears.

Alcina I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry!



What are these skills? Receive skill wh-what? Do you mean… she gives me these insane skills through our kiss?!

I… I can't hold this anymore! I can't take it! I can't take it! I can't take it!

What do you mean by the transfer process? Alcina didn't have any more of this and she will confront those enemies?!


I surrendered as if I can insult her affection but please return to my side!


I let down the curtain and felt several glowing marks appear on the interior walls of the carriage and meld into the walls before disappearing.

Instantly, I could no longer feel the murderous auras outside.

Though I could still hear the whistling of the wind outside, the sound of wheels and hooves, and the bouncing of the carriage over the road.

I placed a hand on this sword she give to me and prepared myself for battle.

The inside of this carriage was now in the dark, with no source of light, and windows were coated in black.

It seems like Alcina had made preparations, but this wasn't good.

I couldn't sense what was happening outside, completely isolated within the carriage but I could only place my trust in her and the carriage.

I hope everything will be alright.


Though my sixth(?) senses were isolated in the carriage, my other senses weren’t limited. I could hear the wind blowing and the howling of some ferocious beasts. It sounded as if someone was calling me, the voice so close as if it was coming from behind my seat.


I couldn’t help but feel chills run down behind my back, my grip on the sword tightening as I hear their loud footsteps closer and closer.



Something hit the side of the cart, sending Maria crashing into the wall.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Something was striking the carriage constantly, the wind shrieked mournfully as the entire carriage was violently jolted.

Maria could only feel her vision getting blurry from the shockwaves.


The darkness inside dissipated.

Looking through the carriage walls, I could see flashes as if the sky was being torn apart.

I almost couldn’t resist rushing out to help Alcina but my body told me not, I remembered her warning, I'd agreed to stay inside.

I believed in her.

The carriage jolted violently, sometimes forwards, sometimes sideways. I was tossed around inside and I don't know how many times I injured. Gradually, the carriage stopped, but the sounds of a thunderous battle outside echoed around. Though I couldn’t feel murderous auras, the reverberations of battle outside sent tremors through my body as if there was a strong earthquake happening around!


I flipped over, the carriage had been overturned!


My head urgh… b-blood…


The impact sent her tumbling onto the ceiling of the carriage.

Her head bleeds from hitting an edge, although she didn't feel any pain, Maria knew there was something wrong with her skull!

Fortunately, the bleeding stopped, and Maria immediately hugged the sword and cover her head.

Her face and eyes were covered in blood and her vision turned red.

She didn't care about that, all she thinks is how she can survive and also Alcina.

Deafening impacts continued to echo from the outside, the shockwaves seemed to be destroying the carriage.


A long claw ripped right through the sturdy carriage wall. The sudden appearance shocked her.

Maria couldn’t remain any longer if she stayed then she would die!

Maria courageously drew the sword, but the space was too small, she couldn't completely draw her sword due to its length!


Calm… calm down Maria!



♌Race: White Mystic Fox

⛎Lineage: Ancestral Genesis

♈Age: 10,081 y/o

♎Level: 21

♒Status: Eternal Youth (Blessing)

♍Might: 33

♐Arcane: 10

♓Finesse: 30

♑Magic Arts:

--Time Dilation(S) new!

--Lightning Speed(S) new!

--Instantaneous Step(S) new!

--Survivalist Instinct(S) new!

--Dimensional Leap(S) new!

--Information Broker(A) new!

--Landing Strike(C) new!

--Air Cut(D)


--Progenitor Of The White Foxes(SSS)

--Mystic Being(SS)

--Nature's Friend(S)

--The Flash(S)

--One Speed(S) new!

--Forest Deity(A)

--Fruit Gourmand(A)

--White Fox Being(A)

--Walking Corpse(B)



Level Progression:|❤🧡💛💚💙| 100%


I have no time to read all of this!


After I cast that information broker, I suddenly know everything regarding my skills set.

I know everything I need to do and time seems too slow yet the enemy's claws are so fast.

Nevertheless, I unsheath my blade and chant the last spell as if I'm accustomed to being used to it



ignited my strong will to live and survive after I rehearsed what Alcina said to me in my mind. The blade of my sword was violently drawn as if I release a monster before my hand and my amateurish slash sends a terrifying sharp blade made of air that ripped the carriage canopy into pieces.

Unfortunately, I failed to injure the huge arm but I will fight till the end!

There are still fourteen and a half minutes left before all skills I chanted deactivated as I view the six long rectangular planes in my right.

Calm. I steadied my waist, flexed my short legs, and with a burst of strength accompanied by a strong will, leaped high out of the carriage, from up in the sky, I saw a shocking scene.

Countless hideous, strange monsters in the shape of huge tigers full of blades behind their backs surrounded the carriage, the intersections of the kingdom were filled with a sea of terrors! The horse-like creature had been eaten and I couldn’t see Alcina anywhere!

Where is she!?

I suddenly felt tremendous danger above.

An enormous red tiger exercised gigantic claws and opened its monstrous mouth toward my landing point.

And for some reason, it suddenly restricted itself by trying to grab me without killing me!

Are you serious!? Who are these bloody tigers!?

Although all I can see is red, it doesn't matter who they are or what they wanted.

I twisted my whole body for better or worse and slashed my sword into an air spin or whatever is it called and prepared for another attack.

“Air Cut! HAAAAA!“

I successfully sheared off half its arm and claws with one slash.

Without interest, if it's awesome or not, I released another two as this is a matter of life or death!

Before landing, I raised both my legs high, tensed to the limit, and gathered every bit of power I accumulated into them.



My bare feet and legs coated in unknown flame slammed down, disintegrating the carriage and creating a powerful area explosion of aura and shockwave.

The surrounding fiends were all thrown back!

There are lots of panels popping out in front of me, saying I level up but I don't care!

Though I was only a weak fox to the extent, not only did I receive all this power from her, strengthening my body at this moment which I didn't expect, I also understood how slim my chances of survival were. My weak body had increased its power threshold far beyond its limit.

Yeah, I'm pathetic for using all my stamina to do that!

And I knew it'll be all for naught without exerting more effort.

But thanks to all the safe foods I ate, I've enough energy to push myself forwards.

This skill “Time Dilation” is very useful, all I could see is these ferocious moving at least a rough estimate of one-half a meter per second.

Which is enough time for me to slip over them and dodge every dangerous direction and go to a safe position.

I even momentarily see the ripple in the air as they try to slash me with their claws, I'm pretty sure I'll kill me even within a meter from the initial position of the attack.

Yeah, that was how sharp their claws are.

Alcina where are you?

I had no idea where she was, though it was obvious she had been ambushed and surrounded by these aberrations. I needed to slaughter a path out!

Following my instincts, I ran toward the emptiest space. From there I would find my way to where she was. After all, I finally smell her distinctive scent.

As long as I didn’t run in the wrong direction, I was sure to find my way to her. When I'd jumped into the air then reached the nearby bridge between the two trees, I'd seen far-away places shrouded in fog, I could estimate my general location and concluded the possibility that we were in an endless loop.

With a decision I made, I didn't hesitate. Rushing in that direction, several aberrations full of blades in their bodies rose in opposition. They were all-powerful, hideous, and filled with killing intent. It seemed that their only goal was to kill me although some wants to keep me alive.

Thanks to my blood, all I could see is horrors when the world is all red and black.

Yeah, but I however will continue.


With one slash I beheaded three synchronous fiends and stepped on the corpses, and pointed towards the monsters in front of me.

It seems the sky was filled with blending colors of dark red. The weak fiends were slaughtered en masse through my long-ranged attacks and the strong ones were held back.

Thanks to this single spell, I could preserve as much energy as possible.

Facing an onslaught on all sides, I activated my favorite spell again. Countless air blades flew like strong sharp wind currents in every direction, the sea of nightmares had no way of dodging. Most of the monsters facing my slashes were either killed or injured.

All these air blades were depends on how much power I exerted on my sword.

Simple ones can be injured and some can be decapitated bigger ones. So far, most were twice as big as I am.

Under my continuous long-ranged attacks, I now feel confident that no one will reach me but these towering corpses are dangerous since this limits my attacks and possible escapes.

I climbed bridges and run on the intersections between the trees to at least limit the number of my pursuers.

After all, they were now chasing me behind my back while the monsters below were all cramped up to the point I can only recognize is a sea of black color and these empty bridges is my only salvation.

But why is it no one climbs on these bridges in advance?

I had never thought that the experiences I learned for a short period and her unwavering confession would bring me to this point, that the skills she gave to me would have such incredible destructive power and increase my survival rate from flat zero.

For me, I knew Alcina could give up everything. To rescue me from my impending doom and give me hope for a blissful future, she was willing to sacrifice herself. Such lovely aura she emanates that moment transcends time and space, an unyielding unwavering heart which I prefer the most since I came to this world, Alcina's innocent heart who dares to kill me instead of a life full of tortures that are waiting for me, how could the people of this world compare!

She resolve herself to cut me but was stopped by Klee intentionally which broke her heart.

I'm stupid to not notice her pure love I thought was a perversion of a kind.

“Dimensional Leap~”

With the safest leap, I teleported to the bridge near the peak. I didn’t want to get entangled in the monster horde below, fighting in that mass would make getting lost easy not to mention a suicidal move.

I easily slaughtered small-sized devil-looking tigers behind me, as they are much faster than the rest and some were making bridges on their own.

How stupid, I already passed that path a while ago.

Wait, this scent. I stopped and launch a horizontally strong air cut leaving only lower-half bodies and then chop the bridge on both ends.

A few trees away I saw a shocking scene.

An incomparably large tiger, no… fox or wolf(?) with fur resembling sharp steel blades stood there with half its body stiffly raised skywards, its ghastly claws were deeply pierced into Alcina's chest, and Alcina’s handheld her meter-long thin sword, the blade embedded deeply in its neck and its huge head falls with strong impact on the ground.

That monstrosity, even after death, released a heart-stopping brutal aura! This was not a pressure a normal monster could have like the ones I killed. This was as strong as Gran Elder Izzalla and if not, Gran Elder Sarissa!


Alcina and the monstrosity had destroyed each other, both died in the exchange, blood dripping continuously from the two.

“Alci… na…”

Maria’s heart stopped its time, her brain interpreting whether what she seeing is a nightmare or real.

Alcina had protected her with a resolve, life, and soul, following through her promise to her Lady Maria. Only after destroying the greatest threat had she allowed her life to end.

If Alcina had not destroyed the colossal threat, then Maria would not have had any chance at escape.

Only after sealing the carriage had she been able to lure it away, but in a life and death battle, nothing was certain…

Captain Alcina noticed her presence above and send her a goodbye message— a genuine most beautiful smile before she was consumed by nearby hordes.

Maria silently looked at her savior one last time.

Imagine losing the only person who cares about you in the hopeless world, leaving yourself lonely behind.

A poignant and unimaginable pain permeated her body, heart, and soul.

Raising her blade high with a blank impression on her face, Maria's power sharpened further!

“Air Cut! Air Cut! Air Cut!…”

Several climbing devils were beheaded with less effort, but the monsters surrounding her from the opposite bridge were too numerous. And in the distance, Maria could feel multiple incomprehensible auras the same as that monstrosity Alcina faced swiftly closing in.

Maria swept her flowing tears, turned, and quickly left.


Thanks for being a crybaby, I finally regained my clear vision.

I swiftly jumped from the bridge to bridge by chanting the current spells I have.

I was chased by a visible wind, the devils joining with the wind to chase me. It was funny to think that they learned how to cope with my annoying escape.

The visible wind was fast, I didn’t know what are this was, but the ash-gray color wind was everywhere.

It allowed them to ride on it, allowed them to fly, allowed them to swiftly chase me.

I turned and turned, taking a zig-zag path through the trunks and bridges without a fear of falling.

Occasionally, I turned and swung my sword in their direction countless times, my air blades infiltrating the wind killing several of them, but I was ultimately unable to eradicate the main army of steel and blood.

All I could feel was a magma flow chasing me after a volcanic eruption. Yeah, they resembled the picture.

My front and sides also had completely occupied bringing themselves to block my path.

No… Bringing themselves to death.

But I want to preserve my stamina as much possible as I can. They are way too much for me to handle and I am unable to follow my original path towards the entrance of the foxendom, I could only dodge while fleeing.

The energy consumption for me was enormous as I leap in greater distances.


I was surrounded, and the encirclement around me was getting smaller and smaller. The front, sides, and rear were all covered by this malicious wind, which obscured my surroundings.

It was to the point when I don't know where to leap next.

“This is bad!”

I felt that I had entered an inescapable situation, and these nightmares blocking my path were all ferocious and huge monstrosities.

“Am I trapped?”

Wait… before I lose hope I felt that the danger on one spot had weakened.

“Instantaneous Step!“

I immediately dashed in that direction, running directly into the darkest smoke, and relied on my intent and perception to kill my way through.

“Air Cut! Air Cut! Air Cut!!!"

Exiting the black smoke, I ran into a high stone-to-concrete wall, and from behind a gigantic demonic-clawed hand reached out of the dark clouds, it covers all of my views as it tries to grab me.

With a single instantaneous step before it reach me, I jumped over the artificial wall. Behind the wall was a peaceful, elegant courtyard.

Unexpectedly, though the wall was only a few meters tall, the horde of them didn’t chase me in and the clouds were gradually closing.

As I observe the cloud going thinner and thinner, I let myself cry and scream for over an hour then I composed myself before her.

“Thank you, Alcina. I promised I will never forget your kindness, love, and sacrifice for me as long as I live. Also, I'm going to live happily as we wished for. Thank you for everything, I love you too and... goodbye”

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