《stray in the multiverse》RE: prologue


Facing the scared girl the hoodlums raised their knives.

Their objective was not to kill, but to scare in submission the young girl to taste her body.

Usually they would use prostitutes to placate their feelings, but that evening the boss made them so angry that they wanted to do something more violent to appease their rage.

Originally they thought of vandalize some house, taking some pocket money and hitting a few times the owners; but they changed their mind when they saw a gorgeous girl crossing the road.

Judging from the uniform she was wearing she was a student of the nearby Karakura High School, so still fresh.

After having baited her away from the crowd, they dragged her to a secondary street where they surrounded her

"what do you want from me?" the girl was not so innocent to don't understand what was happening but she hoped that, at last everything would end with a simple robbery

the bigger hoodlum stepped forward and extended a hand "beautiful lady, we don't have lost all our money and we are hungry can you please give us some money to eat something" while his gaze continued to look at the scared girl

"H-here" the girl extended her wallet, but she could not breathe a breath of relief before she realized, with horror, that the man's hand had not stopped taking the wallet, but that it had continued to her chest

"thank you beautiful lady" continued the man "to thank you we'll make you feel in paradise".


"No please nomphh!!!!"


while men were dressing before the body of the girl formerly known as Ryo Nagasawa, the sound of an object breaking rang out in the street and the men tensed up.

Before they could turn a huge shadow covered them, and after inhuman screams the road returned to silence.



In the shadow, a creature was standing still, staring intently in a small puddle of blood.

The creature was black colored, with yellowish-white strips vaguely similar to human bones; the body was bigger than a bull, with frog-like legs and human-like hands and fingers as thick as sausages. On the head, a bone-white scary mask dirty of blood was covering his face, with crimson drops still dripping in the puddle, giving him a menacing aura;

In the middle of the chest, a large hole was present, completely going through the creature.

Around It, parts of human bodies were scattered on the road, a crushed brain was under It's foot, and a few meters further was possible to see the rest of a dismembered body near a trash can.

In front of that being, a woman corpse was lying naked on the ground with a still bleeding cut in the neck.


Suddenly the creature released a loud roar and diverted his gaze, and staggering walked toward a nearly manhole, where It disappeared


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