

Everyone was lined up on either side of the path leading into the monastery. Says and Co were on the left, against Tracey, Dose, and Cuantro on the right. Juan came storming out of the building whisper yelling through his forced smile,

“who ever decided to write,” he looked down at a list of words on his clipboard, “God is my sky daddy and baby wants a mouthful,”

he looked around the group, “and, ‘ I’ll handle the second cumming with a hard swallow’ “ and just the word moist? For some reason? Just the word moist? Really?”

At this point Tracey and Dose were red from holding in the laughter.

“Whoever did so WILL be getting executed”

Tracey and Dose burst out laughing

“And the monk is already here he got in early this morning while ya’lls were still sleeping, so you’re tilted the wrong direction.”

As they turned to face the small door of the monastery, a small bald man came out hunched over a book close to the size of his torso. Everyone stood quiet waiting for him to say something, but he just kept shuffling along until he bumped into Juan’s lower back.

“Oof! I do say excuse me young man that is quite my fault, eyes for God but not eyes for two feet in front of me as they say” he left off a small chuckle. Unoffensive in stature and cadence he pronounced god like, “Gaud” and didn’t seem too wavered by anything on this plane.

“oh look at all of you out here how nice,” he nodded his head at all of them one by one, “thank you each for your warm welcomes. My name is MonkaS, and before you ask yes, it is a family name. No, I don’t know where it comes from. If you ever want to hear about something spiritual or just want to chat over some brandy,” (he added an extra “a” so it sounded like branday) “please come on by. Now, I understand there is a cavalier that is in need of medical assistance?”


Dose perked up and started to lead him to the Town Center, “Yes! And I tried my best toyaknow keephimalive butIwasn’tsure ifIshouldhavegivenhim Stitches orMaybeNot? I JustknewHeneededSomethingandthen HeStartedtogetbetterbut thengotalotworse? AndIwasntsureIfthatwasmyfault But Idon’tthink I’vekilledhim…”

Dose kept talking as they walked into the medical room, the whole time MonkaS just nodding and smiling along. He didn’t seem upset, bored or annoyed, just pleasantly surprised Dose had done so much.

“Hmmm. Yes yes. You did quite a nice job here! Especially with what few tools were at your disposal. You’ll have to come tell me about your salves because the way in which you’ve used them here is simply awesome,” Dose smiled and gave a deep breath out. She’d probably been holding it this entire time.

“Now, let me use some of my own tricks here,” he cracked open his book, “let’s see.”

He scanned some pages before holding the book up with one hand, and reciting a prayer, “Oh Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, heal this scout in your name. Amen”

Tracey noticed he’d taken out a small syringe and stuck it into the scout’s arm underneath the book while everyone was bowing their heads for his prayer.

“Alright everyone, he needs some rest now. Let us meet out front so I can get to know each and everyone of you.”

As everyone else left Tracey lagged behind, waiting until it was just the two of them with the unconscious soldier, “I saw what you did, charlatan.”

MonkaS started to laugh, “Ah well, I do believe God has the power to save this boy, as She has the power to do anything, but sometimes she wants us to help ourselves. What are we, children? No, no, I don’t think we’re that helpless. Nor do you seem that helpless either.”

Tracey didn’t respond, but smiled back at the crazy old coot.

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