

The next day, Juan and Tracey were butchering a boar they’d lured into the town, when Dose came out. She patted the pink head of Lamby who brayed softly in thanks. It was now the day before the day before the monk was due to arrive, and she’d been checking on the injured scout more than necessary.

“Ichangedhisbandagesagain, doyouthinkthatwastherightcall? causeImeanIthinktheyneededtochange, butIdon’tknowcauseI’mnotahealthprofessional, likeheissothatcouldbethewrongthingtodobut—“

“Jesus Dose take a second to breathe” Tracey laughed.

“Yeah Dose whats up?” said Juan.

“It’s just…I don’t want him to die. Like, what if the monk comes and he says like, ‘oh he would’ve been fine if you just did ___ or something like that?” Dose started to chew on her thumbnail, but since she’d already done doing that, she gnawed on her cuticle.

“Don’t worry Dose, you did everything you could,” Juan put his arm softly around her, “There isn’t anyone here who could’ve done anything better than you have.”

“I guess so…It’s just,” she frowned, “I don’t know. This is my thing, ya’ know? Juan you’re the leader, Co is the market dude, Tracey you’re the gloomy one, and I’m the medic. It’s my job I’m in charge of the healing here. If I fuck it up that means that I couldn’t even handle one thing.”

Tracey made a face and looked away.

Juan put his hands on Dose’s shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes, “hey listen. We each have a job here, and we know we’re doing our best at each of our individual tasks. It’s easy to look at every little thing wrong with everything you’ve done, but to the rest of us, it’s still awe inspiring.”

Dose’s eyes got a little misty as she pulled Juan into a hug.

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