



Juan stepped back and admired their work, “A brand-spankin’-new chapel, and thirty percent faster than I had thought we’d build it too.”

“Don’t you say that after everything we build?” Tracey was nonplussed.

“Yay!” Dose was overjoyed, as usual.

“Well yes,” Juan conceded, “but I like to plan for the worse-case scenario.”

“You could’ve made it even faster if you’d bought some materials from me…” Co said with his forked tongue.

As one and at once the others turned to him with a chorus of harassments, “You get the hell outta here! Fuck you, you piece of shit! I’ve had shit stains more significant than you! Shut the fuck up you cuck! Co your mother is disappointed she didn’t swallow you!”

He sulked away.

“He’s just” Tracey paused, “It looks like he should be crawling around on all fours ya’ know?”

The others laughed and nodded. They stood around waiting.

Juan, “well? What are you all waiting for?”

“isn’t the man o’ the cloth comin’ today?” said Tracey.

Says cut off Juan’s breath in to answer her, “Well, technically he’s going to be a monk. And I really don’t think it’s any of your business. You really should be focused on working instead of what and who is going—”

“Shut up Says” said Tracey.

“I will not be shut up by you and I’ll have to repo—”

“Says, if you keep talking I’ll come over there and you wont like that.”

Says huffed and said, “What are you talking about? You won’t do anything and frankly I don’t think,” Tracey started to walk up to him, “y-you should be,” she got right up in his face, “ a-a-addressing a,” she cocked an eyebrow, “superior—” and kicked him in the groin. He crumpled to the ground face down. Tracey walked away with arms and hands up, middle fingers raised.


“Hey Says?” Dose said softly.

“yurfs?” came his grass-muffled reply.

“I’m not saying she was wrong to do that, cause honestly I’ve imagined doing that to you a lot, but are you alright?”

“Yurfs.” Echoed his mouth.

“ok good,” she looked at Juan, “So when is the monk coming?”

Juan looked through his notes. They were all nailed to a piece of plywood he’d cut real thin to help him carry them all together, “mmmmm about four days, but we won’t wanna bother him when he gets in that night so just call it five. “

“well,” Dose scratched her forehead, “do you wanna make it nice for him?”

Cuantro shrugged and looked at Juan. Juan shrugged and looked at Cuantro.

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