《LEUR: The Unsung Tales》Chapter 25: Words Of Love


The sloop rolls into port as the evening sun begins to set. Matthias docks the boat and ties it off before the party disembarks. "So, going off to make your fortune, eh?"

Hope nods, dragging a hook from the pier over and jabbing it in the shark's tail section. "That we are. Now how are we gonna get this thing to the Wild Hunt?"

"Get a tray, boys. They found the stinking killer!" Four younger men run up, wheeling with them a large cart of steel. They drag the hooked beast off the boat and onto the cart. Around the docks, people are shouting, whooping, and clapping as the party steps up. They're surrounded by so many trying to shake their hands and pat them on the back, offering fish and coin, even offers from one man of his daughter's hand in marriage, which perplexes Hope as the offer is made to her!

Amadeo breaks free of the crowd as Matthias climbs up to the peer. "So, what will you be doing now?" The wizard asks the grizzled man, who shrugs.

"Fish. What else is there? I won't be able to bury my family, but they're at peace now. My offer still stands, by the way; you ever need a ride along the Golden Coast, come find me. I can cut a real quick path if ever you find the requirement."

"I'll hold you to that, Matthias." Amadeo shakes the man's hand with a smile. "Goodbye for now, and good fishing."

"Goodbye to you, my friend, and good hunting." Matthias gets back in his boat, going into the cabin as Amadeo follows the party with their kill.

The crowds gradually disperse, though more show up now and then to watch the party as they roll the cart through the streets to the Wild Hunt guild hall. Hope pounds on the door and steps back. After a moment or two, it swings open, and out steps the scaled Kiriel. They take one look at the shark, eyeing the scar near its left eye, before clapping. "Impressive. Got him yourself, hm?"


"Only after he sank five ships. I don't want to know how many people lost their lives trying to fight this thing." Amadeo kicks the carcass.

"So where's our pay then? I'm ready to be rid of this beasty." Tyrion rubs his fingers together and grins. "And I'd much like to get to partying it up after taking that dip in deep water."

The scaley one smirks and steps aside. "Please, do come in. We'll get your coin ready in a moment. And if you'd like, there's plenty more jobs on the board. Alot of money to be earned if you're willing to risk it." The party enters one after the other into a sprawling bar decorated like the outside with red banners emblazoned with a white stag. The patrons look up as Kiriel drags the beast in, cheering and clapping like the observers before until Kiriel holds up a hand to silence them.

"Friends, we have new faces ready to join our ranks. They hunted the vicious Reaper, and took him down all by themselves." The bar is filled with shouts of praise before Kiriel settles them again. "Tonight, we drink and make merry, and celebrate their accomplishment. Tonight, the Wild Hunt welcomes our new brothers and sisters. May their aim be true."

"And their prey stupid!" One of the patrons shouts, the rest of the bar erupting in laughter. Hope looks around at all the other people; humans, halflings, orcs, goblins, elves, more scaled people like Kiriel, devilkin, gnomes, dwarves, even birdfolk and other races still so strange to her.

"You seem surprised, friend." Kiriel looks over at her, arms folded. "Never seen such a varied bunch?"

"Can't say I have. Everywhere I've gone, I'm usually the only weird one." She responds, only to be nudged by Amadeo.


"You've got horns and a tail, Anna has skin like ash and hair like an elder despite being basically a child-"

"Hey!" The elf responds, popping the wizard lightly on his shoulder with a giggle.

Amadeo continues. "-Tyrion's half our height but is somehow fully grown-"

The halfling chuckles as Amadeo snaps his fingers over a glowworm, four glowing orbs of multi-colored lights erupting around them. "-And I am learning how to warp reality. We're all freaks in one way or another, so let's just be freaks together."

Hope sighs, thankful that her skin is at least red so as to hide the mix of embarassment and admiration for the statement. "I-I'm gonna collect our payment. You three play nice." She follows Kiriel to the bar, where a sack of coin is tossed onto the counter. "Count it up if you like. You've earned every piece." Two mugs are set down, filled with frothing ale. Kiriel holds one out to Hope. "You've got some good friends there. Not many I know would use such words of love."

Hope, who had been taking a gulp of ale, spews it out all over the counter. "L-Wh-What?!" Kiriel, covered in the brew themselves, simply wipes their scales off with a cloth. "Love. It's plain as day you're all quite fond of each other for one reason or another. There's a love there, forged in fire. Something magnetic, like you're all bound together."

"We haven't even been together a whole week. I doubt it's anything quite so strong as that." Hope waves her hand dismissively.

Kiriel laughs. "Nonsense! It's the love of people who have fought together and know they have each others' backs. It's not enough to get married, but it's a powerful bond of trust. I know what I see, because I've seen it hundreds of times before with the people here. Regardless of skill, it's knowing that you can rely on others, that you're not alone."

"You're not a bad talker, I'll give you that. Reminds me of Tyrion." Hope looks back at the group, sitting at a table and chatting amongst themselves. Tyrion says something that causes the other two to burst into laughter. "I admit, they are the most precious people I have. Can't even count that on one hand." She smiles, clinking her mug to Kiriel's and going to the table, where the group spends their evening talking and drinking as the sun goes down over the sea.

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