《LEUR: The Unsung Tales》Chapter 21: The Wild Hunt


As the party leaves the fountain, they come upon a small group of people standing outside a large building. Unlike the steel structures around them, this one is made of stone, decorated lavishly with red banners trimmed in gold and emblazoned with the mark of a white stag.

As the group stands outside, the doors to the stone building open, and out comes a tall creature. Built sturdily, with bright green scales instead of skin, serpentine eyes scan the crowd before them. "Good afternoon. My name is Kiriel Mondas, proprietor of the Wild Hunt. Those of you standing here today seek entrance into our illustrious guild, but entry is not given. It is earned through a demonstration, a show of skill and bravery." The scaled Kiriel holds up a large poster, upon which is drawn the picture of a fish's face, sharp teeth exposed in a wicked grin. "This is the Reaper, a shark that has been haunting our shores near on three months now. Twelve fatalities. Fifteen total casualties. We've been tasked with handling this problem, and now you're gonna get to prove you're worthy of joining us by taking this beast down. You'll recognize the killer by the mark along his left eye, a reminder of one of his previous victims." Kiriel rolls up the poster. "The payment for this beasty will come when you bring us his head. Three hundred sovereigns to be split between the responsible party, along with membership in the Wild Hunt and all that entails. You can find the Reaper on a three hour journey southeast of here, where it makes its home among the corals and sunken ships of the area. Good luck."

Kiriel goes back into the stone building, leaving the crowd chattering amongst themselves as they move in separate directions; some to gather supplies, some to head right out on the hunt. Amadeo scratches his chin. "Well, looks like you'll get to try that armor out after all, Hope."


"Yeah...Wait, what?" Hope looks bewildered. "Why are we getting involved in this?"

"I can think of three hundred very compelling reasons." Tyrion states, rubbing his thumb across his pointer and middle fingers. Hope sighs and nods. "Ok, ya got me there. We do need the money. But taking on an angry fish?

"We fought some angry birds. What's wrong with an angry fish? Long as it's not a jellyfish." Anna shudders.

"Let's see about chartering a boat to the area this 'Reaper' is supposed to be at. It'll give us a head start on some of these guys, and give me time to get this armor on." Hope looks through her purse with a frown. "Hopefully we don't end up in a canoe."

"Scared of sharks even though you've never seen one?" Tyrion asks.

"Hey, I've never seen a dragon and I'm scared of those too!" The devilkin retorts with a huff. "Besides, that drawing was pretty gnarly. Hopefully it's not to scale, cause that's a big fish. I'm just trying not to imagine it taking a chunk of flesh outta me."

"They're not that impressive. You want real monsters, I've seen my fair share of real monsters." Tyrion looks around them. "Let's go get us a boat. I'm ready to try eating shark."

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