《LEUR: The Unsung Tales》Chapter 16: A Helping Hand


The wisps encircle the party as the group backs up to Anna. "Gods, this isn't right." Hope kneels by the dark elf, mumbling a little prayer. Tyrion loads his crossbow. "Come on, ya sorry sacks of nothin!"

Amadeo looks through his bag, removing a potion vial with a bright red liquid that swirls with a sort of shimmer. Popping the cork, he shoves the open end in Anna's mouth. There's a moment of silence, only the echoing hum of the arcing lightning as the wisps move in for the kill...Then comes a different kind of hum.

The crackle of thunder booms, as out of the darkness comes the beat of hooves, followed shortly by the sound of singing. A melodic voice, accompanied by the strumming of lute strings. The hoof beats grow louder as two horses gallop out of the darkness.

From one leaps a small figure, their cloak and hood covering their form. Holding up a pendant of the sun, the figure calls out to the air. "Dearest mother, lend me your strength so I may smite your wicked foes!" A booming shockwave erupts from her form, vaporizing three of the wisps.

The last shrieks in surprise, before a second voice rings out from the other rider. "You're supposed to be scary. Ya know, 'boooooo'. Not 'bleeeeeeh'. Get a life, loser." The figure covers their mouth. "Oh sorry, I forgot you're dead."

The wisp's shriek turns to a disheartened wimper as its light fades to nothing, and all becomes quiet again. Amadeo focuses on Anna coming to consciousness while Hope stands with her blade still readied. "Who are you?"

"Seeing as we got here just in the nick of time, what does that make us, Niara?" The taller figure dismounts as the second figure throws back their hood, revealing a female halfling's plump, rosy cheeks framed by short blond hair, her face set with one green and one blue eye. "Big gosh darn heroes, Serenity."


"Aren't we just." The taller figure lowers their hood. Orange skin. A color one doesn't often see on a devilkin. Horns like a ram's. Eyes and hair black as the night around them, the hair pulled up to reveal an undercut colored almost like a rainbow. Definitely not your everyday devilblood. "Name's Serenity. This here is Niara."

"I'm Hope. This is Tyrion, Amadeo, and Anna." Hope looks down at her companions as Anna groans. "How's everybody doin?"

"We're alright, but what about you?" Tyrion stands over the dark elf as she sits up. Niara holds out her hands, pressing them to Anna's back. A glow emanates off them, radiating warmth across the elf's body. "Ooooh, that feels so much bet-...Wait, what's goin on?"

"These two strangers saved our lives." Amadeo helps Anna up to her feet. "Thank you both, by the way."

Serenity waves him off with a laugh. "Nah, it's fine. It's dangerous out here at night though. What were you guys doing?"

"Heading for Kaina. Encountered an issue, the issue being that our companion here doesn't do well in the sun. So we decided to try traveling at night. And then these...things showed up." Hope sighs.

"That's really dumb. You should have holed up in Mysthaven and just came during the day." Serenity clicks her tongue, her horse sidling up.

"We expected to go the whole way, but one thing led to another..." Amadeo shrugs.

"Well, at least you're all safe now. We've got a camp further up the road, if you're needing a place to stay." Niara gestures over her shoulder.

"Much obliged. I concur." Tyrion adjusts his hood and stretches. "Should probably work on our strategy for the next time we run into a tough fight."


"Yeah. For now, let's get some rest. I'm still tingling from those little buggers." Hope shudders. "Gods, I hate ghosts."

"You and me both." Amadeo chuckles, letting Anna lean on him as they walk. Niara eyes the elf a moment before clicking her tongue. "Would you prefer to ride Rilea?"

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Anna looks up at the horse, who turns upon hearing their name. Niara shakes her head. "She'll be fine. She's a good girl, aren't you?"

The tall white steed snorts and backs up from the dark elf, who reaches a hand out. "Woah now, it's alright." She pulls a bit of carrot from her pocket, holding it out. At the sight of the snack, the snowy pony steps cautiously forward, snorting in Anna's face, which makes her giggle. Rilea leans down, taking the carrot in her massive jaws and crunching it up. Anna weaves her hands through the air and clears her throat. "Was that a good snack, Rilea?"

The horse nudges her chest, leaving Niara a bit stunned. "She doesn't act like that with anybody. I mean, she's not unfriendly, but...You must have some strange magic."

"Not at all. I can understand her words, and she can understand mine." Anna pats the horse softly on her snout. "Thank you for your hospitality, Rilea." The pony snorts and bobs her head up and down, nudging Niara in turn.

"What just happened?" Niara looks confused as Anna mounts up. "She says she'll carry us both, since you're so small and she doesn't want to lose her master to 'spooky things'." Niara laughs and Anna helps her up.

"We'd best head out. The night is still young, and full of dangers." Hope sheathes her blade and sighs. The party moves through the darkness at a healthy pace, eager to reach somewhere they can rest their heads.

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