《The Arcadia Defect》Chapter 1
Daddi3sGRL has disconnected from the server
That message and the events leading up to it, will haunt me forever. The playback moves at half speed, until the words freeze and glare back with finality. The reality, when I was there and the events unfolded, it’d played out so fast that I didn’t have time to understand what happened. That some supreme being just flung a dino-sized turd in my general direction and the impact would have a lasting effect on my life for years to come.
In the moment, all I could do was react. Because at the end of the day, that’s all we really are. Beings created from one reaction to another. Regardless of whether our choices are good or bad, we trudge through it the best we can.
Let me back up and clarify some things so this makes a little more sense.
The person who left the server was my college roommate, Viv. Her dad bankrolled an all-expenses paid post graduate trip to a luxury gaming resort. Top of the line pods, nutrient pastes mixed to meet personal needs—you name it. Everything people from my side of the tracks only read about in those glossy starfucker periodicals on the HoloHome feeds.
And, there I was, Eliza Milner—Liz to my friends—walking through silent gliding doors into pristine white marble splendor. A Have-not walking beside the top of the Haves. Through hallways of glass reflecting desert hills I’d only dreamed of one day seeing after a life spent in the urban sprawl of post collapse Detroit. Past people who’s only job it was to say hello and ask what floor on the elevator.
Apparently, when you’re rich, pushing a button is beneath you. Who knew?
Until, finally, I reached the top floor, where one of the four penthouse suites would serve as my home away from home.
A streak of copper hair flashed through an open door and Viv caught sight of me. A tiny shriek left her throat and the freckles on her cheeks vanished under a glowing red hue.
It would almost be cute if it didn’t piss me off so much. Not that it was her fault. Not entirely, at least.
I hadn’t worn the outfit she’d meticulously planned out for me. Instead of the over-sized hat to hide my over-bleached mohawk and piercings combined with a nauseatingly neutral khaki colored skirt and blouse, I’d opted for my normal attire. Black t-shirt with a few holes gained from years of loving wear, a pair of equally well-loved jeans and combat boots.
My face must have reflected how on edge I was, feeling so out of place in the new digs. One hand protectively wrapped around the strap on my old olive green bag, the other rubbed at the stubble of hair on the side of my head. The texture crunched beneath my fingertips, easing the growing apprehension.
Her dark brown eyes, speckled with flakes of gold, softened, though scanned the empty hallway before rushing me inside like I was her drug dealer instead of her closest friend.
Out of my depth didn’t even begin to describe my situation and by the time I’d taken the tour, I felt like I was drowning.
In the grand bedroom, I tossed my filthy bag on one of two spacious queen-sized beds adorned in marble headboards, Corinthian leather and the smoothest synthetic silks that nearly glowed white. In this alien queen’s chambers, I wasn’t the queen, and I didn’t want to touch anything out of fear I’d leave the stain of poverty behind.
And then the pod room. The whole reason for us even being there to begin with. The silvery pods reminded me of the ship’s exterior from the old movie, Flight of the Navigator. They were so bizarre, it was almost like someone plunked down two big, opalescent almonds in the middle of the room as some kind of modern art installment.
How does this thing even work? I wondered and frowned at the top-of-the-line tech while regretting nearly every single decision I’d made leading up to that point.
“I’m so excited,” Viv said. “Age of Arcadia is going to change the world of gaming as we know it.”
I tried to force my face into an expression that mirrored hers. It was a sad attempt to keep myself from pissing in her Cheerios. It’s not that I wasn’t excited, it’s more like showing too much emotion always read as fake to me. But so did talking about how excited I was. Either way, I wasn’t about to spoil Viv’s experience.
“Suit up,” Viv said and nodded at the light gray neoprene catsuit hung beside what I assumed would become my pod.
“It’s crotchless.”
Viv giggled at me. “Well, duh. How else would the stimulator and waste facilities work?”
I snorted. “Why wouldn’t there be a stimulator? All roads lead to porn eventually, don’t they?”
Her phone chimed with a message, and she waddled to grab it while pulling up her suit. “Cale and Salvo just checked in. C’mon, c’mon. Get your suit on and let’s get this thing rolling.”
Something close to a snicker left me at the sight of her scrawny body in the skintight suit, covering everything below the neck but her burning bush while she danced around impatiently. I’d seen similar attire at the last fetish show I’d gone to. Only this suit had less buckles to render the wearer immobile.
“Think that’s funny?” Viv asked and turned to expose her alabaster ass framed in gray material. We’d been roommates long enough to be well past the awkward naked around each other phase and well into the mess with each other while the other is unexpecting stage. She yelped in surprise as my palm smacked against her flesh, leaving a perfect imprint of my hand on her otherwise smooth bottom.
I stripped and pulled my own suit on, enjoying the cool air on my exposed nethers. “I could get used to this. Have any scissors? My nipples need the same courtesy granted to my undercarriage.”
“For the suit? Liz, you can’t cut it. It’ll ruin the haptics.” She shook her head and tsked at what she assumed was common knowledge.
We turned towards our pods and, as if commanded by an unseen button, they opened. Viv jumped in hers without a word, and I placed a tentative foot inside before fully immersing myself. The lining was as soft and fitting as the clouds looked in cartoons.
The comfort of the ultra plush padding took the backseat of my mind as a strange-looking device pushed against my groin and sealed itself with a gentle suction.
I eyed the futuristic chastity belt and asked, “What happens when I have to piss?”
“There's sensors built in to detect any fluids. They’ll be washed away and cleaned before you realize what’s happening,” Viv said, her voice quavering with delirious joy. “Ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered, noting a hint of nerves in my voice. “See you on the other side.”
The lid closed, enveloping the other half of my body in the cushiony cloud, and a visor fitted to my face after a few automatic adjustments. A bright light flashed and suddenly, I was moving at light-speed; complete with stars stretching around my vision. My body, nothing but a burning comet moving towards a glowing green planet.
“Oh shit,” I screamed, feeling the same weightlessness of a roller coaster going down the tallest slope. The plummet leveled as stars burst into brilliant fireworks. My eyes, dazzled by the display of colorful explosions struggled to function again. There was a split second of panic, thinking I’d gone blind, until I realized the environs had gone pitch black and silent.
Until somewhere in the depths, an orchestra played. Soft at first, an oboe beckoned from the darkness. Fireflies spiraled into being.
Not fireflies. Fairies.
“What the fuck is this happy horseshit?” I asked, waving what should have been a hand at them but my current form didn’t have one. Or legs, it seemed.
“Adult language detected,” a soothing woman’s voice called from the darkness. The fairies spun in rhythmic circles with it. “Would you like to join an adult server? Please say yes or no to continue.”
“Yes,” I said without thinking. Though I probably should have made sure my friends were all on the same page.
“You have chosen, yes. By accepting an adult server, Eternia Entertainment cannot be held liable for any content encountered. Do you accept? Please say, yes or no.”
“You have chosen, yes. You must be eighteen years or older or have a guardian’s permission before you begin your journey in Age of Arcadia on an adult server. Are you eighteen years or older? Please state, yes or no.”
“Yes.” I said again. About on my last nerve with the disembodied voice. If I had fingers, I’d have waved my favorite one. Instead, I furiously bobbed my shimmery orb of a body in annoyance. That’ll show her.
“Thank you and welcome to Age of Arcadia. Your party, registered at Ivory Tower Resort, has already joined adult server, Bronzeheart. Would you like to join them?”
“Fucking, yes. Join server Bronzeheart. C’mon, stupid fucking machine and your goddamn…” My rant was cut short by new disembodied voices. Ones I recognized.
In my upper left vision, an icon of a microphone appeared with, V4mpyrL0rd Speaking: “Liz is here,” My friend Salvo said. “And in typical Liz fashion.”
DreadPirat3 Speaking: “Hey, Liz,” Cale said in his pleasant, oddly deep voice.
I was glad he wasn’t around to see my reaction, as something where my chest should be fluttered.
Daddi3sGRL Speaking: “What race is everyone playing? I’m finishing up my gnome,” Viv said, her excitement still causing a slightly too shrill note in her voice.
“Race?” I asked. “I’m still in the dark with the big tittied fairies.”
Viv giggled. “Just walk forward. The character creator will appear.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad that was explained to me.”
“Maybe if someone hadn’t been busy cursing at the narrator, they might have heard.” Salvo said, I could hear the smirk on his stupid face.
I moved forward and the hovering chartreuse orb that was me grew legs. With each step, the inky black surface that served as ground rippled with white rings around my feet until I stood in front of a mirror. My reflection, a mild shape of a woman with no defining features, stared back at me.
A row of humanoid shapes appeared on either side of the mirror and for a while, I scrolled through them, watching my reflection shift rapidly between each race. Tall and thin with pointed ears, short and squat with a beard, shorter still with over-sized hands and feet, to boring human, to red skinned she-devil with wings. I wanted to pick her.
“Liz is healing,” Cale said.
I snorted. “Doesn’t that require me giving a shit who lives?” My devilish reflection’s mouth moved with the words. “Anyways, I plan on tearing some shit up.”
“Then pick a druid,” Viv said. “You can heal and kick some ass when you need to.”
Through a grin, I said, “Vivian Williams, you watch your language, young lady.” Finally, I found the job menu and groaned. “Guys, I only see fighter and rogue.”
Salvo laughed. “Looking at the devilkin, huh? I’m a devilkin rogue already.”
Of course he is.
“Pick elf,” Cale said. “They’re the only race that can be druids. I’ll make my paladin one too, so we can start in the same area and work our way towards Viv on the other side of the map. Devilkin can start anywhere so Salvo, pick Elder’s Grove as your starting point.”
“Mm. Giving me shivers over here, Cale. Barking orders like that,” Salvo purred.
I picked elf. Gave myself purple eyes, the palest skin possible, and picked a dark purple hairstyle that spilled past my shoulders. Then the fun began. The sliders for the breasts went up all the way and the waist as small as possible. Hips a little larger than normal. All I needed was a sequined dress and a cartoon rabbit to complete the gothic variation of Jessica Rabbit I’d created.
Once I hit complete, my perspective shifted. If I looked down, there were no toes or feet, only two over-sized orbs stuffed into a low-cut leather top. Not having much in real life, it was an interesting change. I gave my new rack a quick jiggle and felt the weight pull on my back. My hands worked up to my face and ears and sure enough, points.
“Well, I’ll be fucked,” I remarked as the landscape shifted and swirled before settling into an aqua and cerulean colored landscape with dark gray trees. Elaborately carved buildings made of purple stone took shape around me. When my load in was complete, a delicate breeze carried hints of florals and exotic spices. And another stupid fairy bobbed and weaved around my head. I swatted at it like a fly. “Fucking fairies.”
A well-built elven man stood in front of me, arms crossed, with long black hair tied in a piece of leather behind his head. His skin was a shade of gray I associated with tailpipe exhaust and his eyes a shining silver. Even in a fantasy world, Cale still couldn’t make himself stand out.
I gave him a hug, my over-sized breasts pushed awkwardly into his chest. “It’s been forever since I’ve seen you last. How’s Vegas Land treating you?”
His glowing eyes flickered to my cleavage, and he cleared his throat. “Great. I’m honestly surprised they let me take the time off.”
Daddi3sGRL Speaking: appeared in my upper corner again. “Of course you got the time off. I made sure Daddy talked to your boss about it.”
“Well, that’s discomforting,” Cale said and frowned. “But thanks, I guess.”
Daddi3sGRL Speaking: “Don’t mention it.”
“You’re gonna run with those?” A demon with giant wings and horns asked me in Salvo’s voice, his glowing amber eyes flicked towards my avatar’s comically proportioned chest. He wasn’t talking about my footwear.
“I mean, it probably wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve ever had, but I can make them smaller if I need to. For the time being, I’ve named the left one Rose and the right one Blanche.” I slapped Salvo’s hand away after he gave Blanche a handshake in greeting.
A message popped up in my lower left vision:
Daddi3sGRL: OMG, how does Salvo look? Is he super sexy? I bet he is. So jealous you’re seeing him before me. I should have waited to see what everyone else was playing so I could start with you guys.
“Holy shit, what is happening right now?” I asked and waved a hand at the text.
Daddi3sGRL Speaking: “Private chat. Just bring up the keyboard and you can respond.”
The corners of Salvo’s mouth worked their way upwards, displaying a set of demonic fangs. He winked and asked, “Talking about me already?”
“Why? Are you worried?” I asked and raised an eyebrow at him.
“We’re on our way, Viv.” Cale said, ignoring Salvo as usual, and secured his shield to his back. “We won’t have travel skills until level 20, so it’ll take us a bit to work our way there.”
As we walked to gather our fourth party member, I figured out how to bring the keyboard into view and chatted with Viv. A few times I typed out a message regarding Salvo and how she really should start looking elsewhere for someone to settle down with. He wasn’t the type you wanted to stake your future hopes and dreams on. But, she was an adult and fully capable of making adult decisions, so they got deleted.
Instead of warning her like a good friend should have, I walked and read about all the things she wanted to do to my childhood friend. All while he was only a few paces away. It was an uncomfortable journey.
“Almost there, Viv,” I said out loud, so the other two didn’t feel left out. We’d been traveling in silence for a while and it started to feel rude. “I see some signs pointing your way. It’s just over a hill.”
Daddi3sGRL Speaking: “When you get here you need to see-”
Daddi3sGRL has disconnected from the server
- In Serial21 Chapters
Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]
God could have made her into a human, elf or even an ugly goblin after reincarnation. BUT WHY THE HECK MUST IT BE A WEED?! Not only does she not have her arms and legs,she also doesn't have a mouth to talk.She doesn't even have friends to talk to!And to add insult to injury, the god even likes to prank her! Where is she? Why did she die? Or perhaps she didn't die but was just transported into this world by mistake. She found out that she wasn’t just a simple weed in a simple world. Perhaps, this is an RPG world and she is the main character. If so, will she even survive this world as a weed? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inspired by Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [TSSDK], Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka?, Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou, Tsuki Ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Warning: Even though this is not my first time writing, I am not a native English speaker. My grammar might be *not good* for some people but I assure you that it's readable. There are a couple of authors that help me with proofreading some chapters, but because I want to release faster, I do not go through proofreading and post as soon as I finish a chapter. Plus, I am now using Grammarly.com There is no romance for the MC in the story, like you may expect, even though there are a lot of good looking men and women. *mild spoiler* After chapter 3, The mc meets quite some friends, before grinding her level after chapter 15. I assure you, it will be really hardcore for her since she will have to fight alone while her friends are doing other things. *spoiler end* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From now on, an update will happen every two week. I will also edit the old chapters on Monday. The people that want to read a proofread/edited version, will have to check it on Tuesday. ON HALT! Many thanks to Cool3303, Alverost, BloodTear, Vijaykakani and Nekolyn Emi for proof reading the chapters. If other want to take this story, go on. Do not have to credit the author. Author on a journey to death.
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The Crest of the Emperor
This is my first time writing a story.I was inspired by other fictions in royal road and some chinese xianxia novels.So please point out the mistakes, so I can edit in the future.Happy reading........ :) A man who rebelled against the heaven to protect his loved ones and lost everything.An ancient beast who reins over absolute strength and wisdom, curious to explore the unknown.When their fates intervene, an overlord descent to the world.NOTE:-The characters still in development stage, although I have a rough sketch of plot, I shall change it as the story progresses making it more interesting.-This story has MATURE content, intense killing , sex and usage of foul language.NOTE:-Being my first story, please excuse my grammer and spelling mistakes.
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