《The Shadows Of The Lost》2.05 - Surveillance


Dante was having a very different kind of struggle. It turned out that even with the security access card to the facility had not gotten him the security tapes of the facility. On top of that, he was still having problems with his relationship with his dad. So, he decided to try some Nightfall diplomacy.

“The security videos now,” said Dante. “Or your bosses hear from me that you are impeding an ongoing investigation in the prodigy crisis.”

“Yes, sir,” said the guard.

“You could have done the grieving friend strategy too,” said Drew.

“For what?” asked Dante. “I know that people died in the break-in but none that I know personally and only you and Astrid can cry on cue. How do you even do that?”

“Here you go, sirs,” said the guard.

“Thank you,” said Drew. He then turned to Dante. “Want to learn the trick to crying on cue?”

“God, no! You are weird, man,” said Dante. “Did he give us all the security disks?”

“Yes… I believe he gave us more than one,” said Drew as he put them in the crate in the car. “And I also believe that we will have to go through all of these.”

“Oh. Fun.”

“We can eat popcorn and watch it like a movie,” said Drew as he started the ignition of the car. “You are going to need a day where you have absolutely nothing to do. Well, actually multiple there actually happens to be multiple disks in there.”

“Is that your idea of fun, Drew?” asked Dante as he laughed at what Drew had said, before clearing his throat. “Watching security tapes is your idea of fun?”

“No… mind you, I do other things for fun,” Drew said, pointedly at Dante. “I was trying to make a seemingly boring job seem more exciting. I mean we are watching security tapes from a secure facility.”


Dante shrugged at that. They had to take multiple back roads through the country to avoid the chaos that was going on in the city. Astrid had told him that she had been born into conflict and a war zone.

He, too, had been raised during conflict and lost a sister and a mother because of that. He could imagine what the prodigies and the ordinary people were going through right now.

“I’m free tomorrow and the day after that to go through these security tapes for any clues,” said Dante as he fidgeted with his fingers. “Tonight, however, I decided to try again with my dad.”

“You took Astrid’s advice,” said Drew. “I am proud of you, man. Do you need me to drop you off at home or can we go to headquarters and drop these off?”

“Oh no… it’s okay,” said Dante. “I can drive myself home but… uhm… thanks for the offer.”

“No problem, what are friends for?” said Drew.

Dante rolled his eyes at his best friend before stepping out and getting into his own car. Dinners with his father were never pleasant these days. He still wanted to try.

“I thought you were not going to show,” said Alan.

“At least, I am putting in the effort in trying to improve our relationship. I have been calling and trying to get your attention.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” asked Alan.

“You know exactly what I mean,” said Dante as he stood up his voice in deadly whisper. “I have tried calling and getting in touch with you because you are the only close family that I have left but you still blame me for mom but maybe if you cared to be there, Alan… then you would realize I was in just as much as you were and if you would believe me once in a while, than you would see the world in a way that is less black and white.”


“Wait… son,” said Alan.

Dante turned around to look at him, debating whether he should stay or leave.

“I did not know how you were feeling,” said Alan. “And it was wrong of me to blame you for the car crash or have blamed it on your extraordinary abilities.”

“And I do regret what I did,” said Alan. “I really did. He chose that career after everything.”

“As long as you don’t try to do something like that again and promise to be a better person,” said Dante. “I will try to foster our relationship and stand by your side.”

“Do you want to stay at the house tonight?” asked Alan. “I would love to spend time with my son.”

“And… are you really going to be okay with that?” asked Dante. “With… me staying at the house?”

“If you want to,” said Alan.

“Of course, I want to,” said Dante. “But we should probably finish dinner first.”

“Yeah… probably,” said Alan. “You know, I think Astrid is a nice person whenever she is not serious.”

They finished eating dinner together and then headed out of the restaurant. He then drove to his father’s house after packing some clothes for the night.

“I am going to have to leave early in the morning,” said Dante as he crossed his hands. “I have some work to do and some mysteries to solve on the crisis outside.”

“Yeah… I understand,” said Alan.

They simply talked the rest of the evening with ice cream and caramel sauce. He had to admit that he was still doubtful about his father.

The next day, he was out of the house early. He reached headquarters around eight where Drew was already in front of the screen.

“How was the dinner with your dad?” asked Drew.

“I think it went well,” said Dante as he sat down in the chair next to Drew. “I spend the night at his house. I decided that despite having my own place now. I would at least visit him once a month or so.”

“That’s good,” said Drew. “I have categorized these video tapes. There are some from before the Orb was stolen and there is the one during and some after it was stolen.”

“That’s a lot of CDs to get through,” said Dante. “A lot of security videos to get through. So… let’s get to it.”

“Yup,” agreed Drew.

He started the first video. Nothing seemingly unusual happened in the video. The security guards and the workers walked in and out of the facility. It was the same case for the first ten videos.

“I need a break,” said Dante.

“There was not anything unusual in those,” said Drew as he yawned. “Except maybe those uniforms.”

They had been given thirty CDs of videos. They had gotten through ten of the CDs by lunch time. Dante took a bite out of his sandwich.

“Why don’t they have enough guards?” asked Drew.

“Don’t need to,” said Dante. “They have enough security measures without them with the laser grid, combination security lock and strong metal doors. There is a reason that they call it the Fridge.”

“Then, how did someone get into that place?” asked Drew as he leaned back in his chair. “You know, since you said it is impossible to get into.”

“Astrid… has us looking for telepathic or psychic influence,” said Dante. He let out a deep breath as he turned to look at Drew. “I, however, think whatever or whoever is behind this is much more.”

“I get that feeling too,” said Drew darkly. “Let’s continue the other videos tomorrow. I’m exhausted.”

They packed up that day and headed home. Dante was worried about Astrid. She was doing the most dangerous part of their investigation.

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