《The Shadows Of The Lost》2.02 - Back To Normal (Sort Of)


Astrid sighed as she sat down on the couch next to him as he turned on one of the old-time movies he loved. The movies were a nice distraction from the dire circumstances and conditions their career sometimes exposed them to.

“I don’t know what to do,” admitted Dante as the movie started. “I want to make things up with my dad and I don’t want to regret not having a relationship of some kind with him later on, but… he won’t even take the first step.”

“I bet he feels the same way,” said Astrid as she stuffed a handful of kettle corn in her mouth. “When my mom found out that Joseph found me first, she berated him for not telling him.”

“Hmm… I guess I have to wait for my dad to come to the realization,” said Dante. “You know that Noah is really eager to become an official hero.”

“Well, I gave him the talk,” said Astrid.

Dante gawked and gasped. “You only give the talk when you the probationary trainee or agent is ready. Do you think he is ready?”

“He passed the test the other day, didn’t he?” asked Astrid as she looked in his direction. “The test you guys gave him. I gave him the most important lesson of all. Villains do not fight fair. He is prepared and this time I am not sending him out early.”

“If you say so,” said Dante.

They ended up watching the movie together, but Astrid had to go home later that night.

“Do you want to count this as a date?” asked Dante.

“If you want to count it as one,” said Astrid as she pulled her coat on. “Then I am willing to count it as one too.”

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “I have to get going before Frank and Cole start getting suspicious that I have been up to hero work again.”

“How are they?”

“Graduating high school,” said Astrid.

“Are you going to be at their graduation ceremony at their high school?” asked Dante.

“Of course, for the star football player and the valedictorian,” said Astrid. “See you around.”

Astrid got home late that evening. Frank and Cole were awake and were smiling with knowing looks.

“We didn’t do anything like that,” said Astrid. “You two need to get your mind out of the gutter. We talked and watched a movie that is all that happened.”

“Where were you in the afternoon?”

“Headquarters. I was making sure that my team was torturing my current apprentice too much,” said Astrid. “And I needed to get out of the house.”

“I can attest to that,” said Cameron.

“Anyway, I am going to sleep,” said Astrid. “You guys can do whatever you want to do.”

Made it home safe?

Astrid smiled as she saw and read the text message from Dante on her phone as she undid her braided hair and changed into her pajamas. She had not had a superhero name when she came to the city. For years, she went by Firebird but then her friends convinced her to take the moniker of Rebelle X.

You do know it is a short walk from your place in the city to mine. Nothing could possibly have happened in that time.

Astrid paused to stop in consideration. She could take care of herself, and she saw sure that he knew that. She ran her fingers through the extra-wavy locks of her hair.


Besides, I know self-defense and like twenty different fighting styles. I would send the villain or mugger to the hospital if anyone had tried something.

Nearly ten miles away, Dante narrowed his eyes at the message and chuckled. He knew she could take care of herself. They messaged on that were exclusively used to communicate between team members.

Good to hear you are in fighting form. But… can’t a boyfriend be worried about his girlfriend getting home safe? Anyway, goodnight, Astrid.

She chuckled as she read his message.

Is this because I didn’t let you walk me home yet? Because you know we are superheroes and I clearly do not need that. Goodnight, Dante.

They did have some smart conversations, sometimes. It wasn’t all teasing between the two of them. She turned off the lights to her room manually. Usually, she would be able to use her abilities, but it felt so odd without them.

The next morning, Astrid was baking cookies and brownies in the kitchen when Cameron came downstairs to see her sister in the kitchen.

“Are you stress baking at seven in the morning?” asked Cameron.

Cameron raised her eyebrow and scanned the room. There were freshly baked goods and treats all over the place.

“No…” Astrid denied. “I am not.”

“You so… are stress baking,” said Cameron as she walked into the kitchen which seemed to be a little bit of a mess. “What has gotten you riled up?”

“Turn on the news,” said Astrid.

Cameron gave her sister a questioning look.

“We all know that you dislike the media,” said Cameron. “But you never directly request us to turn on the news.”

“Just do it,” said Astrid.

Cameron looked confused but shrugged and grabbed the remote and switched the right output and then typed the number in for the news channel. Once she saw the headline, it all seemed to make sense.

“So… the missing heroes is making you nervous,” said Cameron as she dipped her finger in the bowl and Astrid smacked her sister’s hand away. “Feisty. Any reason why this news seems to be bothering you more than usual?”

“It’s the devil in the details, Cammie,” said Astrid as she scooped the cookies onto the baking sheet. “Not just disappearing but losing their powers.”

“That’s not possible… it’s not the gas,” said Cameron. “You guys destroyed that, right?”

“Not destroyed… rendered it inert,” corrected Astrid as she put the cookies in the oven and started a timer on her phone for ten minutes. “There is a difference… but yes, we did. There are many other ways to render superheroes powerless. Such as draining our powers like in my case or… you can simply suck them out the heroes themselves.”

“There is a device that can do that,” said Cameron.

Astrid looked at her phone to read a text from Dante. She let out an exasperated sigh, but she felt pretty much the same way.

Good morning, my love. Have you seen the news? Why is the media blaming us for not doing enough? It’s not like we aren’t trying… I know I should not get mad as you have expressed so many times but all of us are working our butts off on this.

She understood his sentiment as he read the message. The situation had seemed to get worse overnight. She also knew her friends and teammates were trying their best to contain the situation.

Of course, I saw the news. I’m not a hermit. It popped up on my phone… and I know you guys are working hard at finding the culprit. The media does what they have to do… that’s all.


“The answer to your question is… still unknown,” said Astrid. “Technically, yes… someone could create a device like that with the right tools and that is what is stressing out.”

The timer on her phone went off and she pulled the cookie sheet out of the oven. The cookies were perfect for someone who was stress baking.

“What else are you baking?” asked Cameron.

“Uh… brownies,” said Astrid. “I’m also making muffins after this.”

She read the message she had gotten from Dante. She let out a exasperated sigh but she understood where he was coming from.

The media does what they have to do, you said. Is that report the truth or judge heroes for being inadequate? I just… get the feeling that they don’t understand how scary this for us either. Our jobs are to find the bad guys, yes… but the thought of losing what makes us… us is scary for all prodigies. I had to punch something this morning.

She let out a huge sigh at his sarcastic comment as she read his sarcastic comment. He had a point. As a prodigy without powers currently, she knew what the other prodigies out there were feeling. She also understood the journalists’ point of view though.

I understand how you are feeling. I really do, especially because I don’t have my powers and I know how the prodigies are feeling out there, but you are only viewing things from out point of view, you have to understand it from theirs as well. Would you rather the media lie to the public about such a situation, or the nation hide it from the people?

Nearly twenty miles away, Dante stopped at the café where he was meeting his father for the third time.

No… I-

He paused thinking about what she had said. He was only looking at it from his point of view and he got a feeling that she was not only talking about the media.

I suppose you are right. I guess I am just conflicted with what is going on. I think I understand what you are saying. The media… I guess, are doing their best to stop thinking from escalating into hysteria and chaos.

Astrid was finishing up mixing the cookies batter in the kitchen. She washed her hands and read the message that Dante had sent.

We all are. I am mad too but… something I learned long ago is to never let my emotions cloud my judgements. I really wish that I could help sometimes though.

She then closed the text messaging stream. It would probably would not have any activity for the rest of the day. She pocketed her phone. Making the decision that she would check on Caleb later in Croydon. It was probably later in the evening, and he may not be awake at that time of day anyway.

“Was that Dante?” asked Frank as he grabbed his backpack and headed towards the door after grabbing an orange. “Were you guys talking about the recent headlines?”

“He’s only outwardly showing the frustration that we all are showing in this situation,” said Astrid. She paused in thought as she put the bowls in the sink. “And he is afraid, like any prodigy would be.”

“So… what are you going to do?” asked Cameron.

“Well… what can I do?” asked Astrid.

“You have many talents that do not include your prodigious abilities,” said Cameron. “You are smart, resourceful and have a hell of a lot of sources and contacts for someone in the world of espionage. You may not be a spy… but a lot of people who are your friends in different places could know things.”

“You are right,” said Astrid.

“So… where are you going?” asked Cameron.

“I am going to stop by at headquarters and give some of these baked goods to some of my friends,” said Astrid as she put some boxes in her bag. “As I know they have been working really hard on this, then I am going to call a friend of mine to come with me to see another friend of mine.”

“I see,” said Cameron. “Good luck.”

She opened the door the headquarters and stepped in. They were all sitting around the table looking at the news footage.

“I know what is causing this,” said Astrid as she put the box of cookies on the table and at their confused looks. “I was stress baking this morning. Don’t laugh.”

“Okay,” said Drew. “You were going to tell us what is causing the prodigies to lose their power, how it is happening.”

“It’s a device,” said Astrid. “I don’t know why it did not come to mind sooner…” Astrid took the remote from Dante’s hand and clicked a button. “It’s called the Orb. I only had the privilege of seeing a few times when I was prodigy. I am not sure what villain originally created but it has the ability to remove, restore and transfer prodigious abilities.”

“So… where was it last?” asked Dante.

“In this facility,” said Astrid as she clicked a button on the remote, and the image of the facility came up. “It’s one of the most secure facilities the Myriads had owned when they were still operational.”

“So… the question is how was it stolen?” asked Dante.

“That’s what I am going to help you find out,” said Astrid as she grabbed her bag before heading out. “But… my instincts are telling me that is a part of something bigger.”

“We believe that too,” said Dante.

Astrid took the bus to Gatlon City. She no longer was hesitant on coming back to the city like she used to. Alec lived in an apartment that belonged to his older brother, it was easy enough to find the address.

“Astrid… to what do I owe this pleasure?” asked Alec. “You seemed to want to distance yourself from this part of your life when you left the city.”

“Oh… so all those visits where I brought you fast food in prison and came to talk and play games with you mean nothing,” said Astrid.

“Come on… be honest with yourself,” said Alec. “You came for information, Astrid. To gain information on chatter or rumors that might be spread throughout the many prisoners.”

“I came also to give you company and because I regretted the fact that I send you to prison when you were trying to protect me by removing my memories… to keep me protected from Nox,” said Astrid.

“You know?” asked Alec.

“It’s okay… I’m alright,” said Astrid as she gave a calming gesture to him. “I fought him, maybe… three weeks ago, I sent him to a place he won’t be able to escape for a long time.”

“Well… congratulations, at least you won’t have to constantly move from place to place,” said Alec. “But I don’t suppose you came for a social visit.”

“As much as I wish I did come for a social visit,” said Astrid as she sat down on the couch. “I came here because of what is going on outside.”

“But you have never come to me for help or advice unless you were desperate as you are resourceful, Astrid,” said Alec. Then, something occurred to him. “Unless… something happened in your fight with Nox. Did you drain yourself?”

“Yes…” said Astrid. “There was no other option at the time, and I did not want to kill him. I already seem to have too much blood on my hands. To create the prison though from the power of shadows and light, I needed to use a substantial lot of my energy that fueled my abilities.”

“Astrid… I understand,” said Alec. “Part of being a hero is sacrificing things important to you for the greater good. Now… what did you want to ask me about?”

“Have you heard what is going on outside?” asked Astrid. “Or in the world currently?”

“Yes… prodigies losing their powers,” said Alec.

“Then… you know what I am going to ask you,” said Astrid as she took the mug of tea he had made. “Did you hear anything in prison about this?”

“Would this plot not be recent?” asked Alec.

“It seems to do something like this would require a lot of pre-planning,” said Astrid as she sipped the hot liquid. “I don’t think that this plot was recent.”

“So… not recent,” said Alec. “How long back are you that the phases of this plan are you thinking?”

“Two years ago,” said Astrid.

“Hmm… let me think back to then,” said Alec. He pondered for a couple of minutes. “Now that I think about it. I did meet someone asking around about how to get into the facility holding all the technology acquired by villains. About the Orb…”

“You did not tell them about the Orb…” said Astrid. “You did not tell them about the Orb, right?”

“Heavens no… I may have let it slip about the location,” said Alec. “You have to know I did not mean to, but he was threatening me, and I did not have my powers with those power-dampening cuffs.”

“I believe you,” said Astrid as she sipped the tea, deep in thought. “Do you, at least, remember what the guy’s name was or how he looked like?”

“I don’t think he mentioned his name, but he mentioned his name,” said Alec. “I do remember how he looked, though.”

Astrid reached into her backpack and pulled out her sketchpad to which Alec raised his eyes at her with a questioning look.

“You describe him, I will draw him,” said Astrid.

“You serious?” asked Alec.

“I happen to have great artistic skill,” said Astrid as she looked at him from above the sketchpad. “And you know that. Now, describe him.”

Alec rattled of a description. Astrid worked on the sketch. It was a couple of minutes until she finished the drawing, and he was done describing him. She turned around the sketchpad to show him.

“Yes… that is him,” said Alec.

“Hmm… I will see what facial recognition can come up with,” said Astrid.

“Feel free to ask me for any other help if you require it,” said Alec as she handed him the mug. “You might be walking into or getting involved in something much serious than originally thought.”

“I will keep that in mind,” said Astrid. “Thanks.”

“You ever consider civilian life, Astrid?” asked Alec.

“At one time between creating my own team and working for multiple agencies through Shadowscale,” said Astrid. “I did consider living a civilian life but now I have too many enemies and after being a superhero and a secret agent for so long… I don’t think I could live a civilian life. Though, at times, I am able to find balance.”

“That makes sense,” said Alec. “I can understand that.”

“I respect that you accept my decision to stay out there helping people as a hero and as an agent,” said Astrid as she cleared her throat. “Many people higher up in the intelligence agencies believe that I am too young.”

“You do not believe that, though,” said Alec.

“No. I feel like since my family was involved in the world of intelligence and espionage long before I was born and the fact that I was raised for it even when I was training to be a hero… that there is not out for me,” said Astrid. She took a deep breath. “And I am okay with that.”

Later that day, she was sitting in her own personalized lab or headquarters which could be accessed through her closet behind the clothes. She was sitting on her favorite chair with a bowl of popcorn as facial recognition ran in the background.

“How come you never showed us this place?” asked Frank.

“You never asked,” said Astrid.

“So… do you always work in here?” asked Cole. “Or only when you are working on something really important?”

“Most of the times I work in here,” said Astrid as she turned around in the chair. “Joseph had it designed for me, specifically. For intelligence and espionage work as well as vigilante work.”

“Looks like facial recognition came up with something,” said Cole.

“Rurik Vallen,” said Frank. “Do you recognize that name?”

“Surprisingly, I do…” said Astrid. “And I know someone else who recognizes that name too.”

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