《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.26 - The Battle


Astrid blinked twice. He had brought every general that had turned against her father. She was more worried about Nox and the power he possessed as it was draining her energy and she knew it.

“I’m not alone either,” said Astrid.

“You really think your friends can defeat us,” said Nox.

“You may be a master tactician,” said Astrid. “But I was four steps ahead of you. I shared the energy I possess with my friends, so they can beat the generals. I also chose to arm myself against them. These are sonic devices cranked to the highest level a weakness many alien species have.”

“So… what’s the plan?” asked Caleb.

“Take care of the generals,” said Astrid. “I will take care of Nox but when I tell you to get out of here. I mean, I mean it… you need to get out of here. Oh, and use these against them.”

She helped her friends with the generals who despite their reputations were not as bad as you could imagine.

“So, what are you going to do?” asked Caleb.

“It’s better that you don’t know what I am about to do,” said Astrid.

“Dante told me… so what does the energy blast do to him,” said Caleb.

“Simply stuns him,” said Astrid. “But you need to get out of here being exposed to that much energy could kill you guys.”

“And what about you?”

“I should be fine,” said Astrid.

“You’re banking on should…” said Drew.

“Astrid…” said Dante as he gave her a questioning look and she nodded. “Guys, we should go.”



“That’s impossible,” said Nox.

“You should know nothing is impossible with powers like ours,” said Astrid.


Astrid charged up her hands and blasted him with enough dark and light energy that it sent him into the void, an empty dark pit. Then she lost consciousness.

Dante turned around to check if Astrid was following behind them but to no avail.

“Dude… what are you doing?” asked Caleb.

“She’s your best friend and the love of my life,” said Dante. “I’m not leaving her in there to die.”

“I’m not suggesting we do,” said Caleb softly. “And you’re right. She’s your best friend too. I love Astrid as a sister more than a best friend. We grew up together which is also why I know she wouldn’t want you risking her life for yours.”

“I can’t just stand here,” said Dante, his voice going an octave higher.

“Which is why I am coming with you,” said Caleb. “I’ve already instructed Drew to start the ship and help the prisoners get situated. She’s my best friend. I can’t let her die either.”

“I know,” said Dante. “Come on, before the building implodes on itself.”

“Yeah… that’s a smart idea,” said Caleb.

They stopped dead at seeing her laying on the floor unconscious.

“Is she…” said Dante.

He couldn’t bring himself to say the words he needed to. He didn’t want to accept the fact that his girlfriend, the girl he loved was dead.

“She’s not dead,” said Caleb. “Her breathing is irregular and she’s not responding to us shaking her. She’s not dead… only in a coma. Her body probably went into a coma to keep her alive.”

“Okay…” said Dante. “So, then the safest place would be a hospital, wouldn’t it?”

“If we want her to live… there is one more stop we should make. I have already made the necessary call to whom I need.”


They carried her out and placed her on a gurney. Dante strapped her in stopping to brush aside her hair.

“She risked her life for all of us,” said Dante.

“No. I have a feeling she knew this battle would come. She also knew that you were not strong enough to fight Nox now with your new powers. Besides, she did what was right in the end,” said Caleb. “And she’ll be fine.”

“How do you know that?” asked Dante.

“Because he brought her to us,” said Kathleen. “Long ago, her father told me of this energy chamber that could restore the energy to her body in the case of an emergency. It won’t wake her up. It will help along the healing process.”

“How do you know this will work?” asked Dante.

“We don’t but it’s our only hope,” said Kathleen. “She’s going to be fine.”

Dante handed Astrid over on the gurney and then waited outside with Frank and Cole.

“Do you believe this will work?” asked Frank.

“I do… I trust her mother,” said Dante.

It was around an hour before her mother came out along with Caleb who was carrying her.

“Now, we take her to the hospital,” said Caleb.

After she was admitted, and the doctors said that she would eventually make a recovery, Caleb and Frank stood outside the room watching with Dante.

“She’ll recover… she’s strong,” said Caleb. “You have to believe that she will be okay. You have to be strong for her as well.”

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