《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.24 - The Not-so-Grand Entrance


Astrid stared at the gem that her father had given her. She knew he had not been saying the truth about it being something that he made. This was like the jedi crystal in Star Wars. It was something you earned after completing the trials and had immense power.

It had been three weeks since the trial and in her spare time Astrid had been working on her tricks with her new powers. It was tiring her out a little, but she needed be on her best.

“You really seem to be getting the hand of using your new abilities,” said Sean, as he leaned against the entrance of the training room. “The both of you actually. I have been watching the two of you practice and the way you use your powers. You need to talk to him.”

“I have,” said Astrid. “I just don’t know how to deal with this situation. I want him to work things out on his own before we get together.”

* * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, Dante was on the other side of town thinking about what Astrid had told him in the cave. He had not seen her much in these three weeks.

He didn’t love Zoe in the same way that he did Astrid. He knew he had to, but he didn’t have the guts to break up with her.

“Hey,” said Zoe, as she grabbed a scone. “Have you noticed how insane the city has gone?”

“I have,” said Dante. “Seems like all the work that the heroes have been doing is not making a difference.”

“Don’t say that… they are making a difference,” said Zoe.

His watch alarm went off. “I have to be somewhere. I went to get coffee. I hope to see you some other time.”

“Wait… you called me here for something,” said Zoe.

“I… think we should break up,” said Dante as he looked at her. “It’s not good for me be in a relationship and you have been saying I have not been paying attention to you.”

“I was actually going to break up with you,” said Zoe.

* * * * * * * * *


Astrid paced within the squad room nervously as she waited for everyone to arrive. They had finally gotten the location of where he was planning to execute his plan from.

She had also created a formula of a serum that would help protect them from the toxic gas.

“What’s this?” asked Drew.

“It’s what will protect you from the toxin if they use it against us,” said Astrid. “All you need to do is drop it onto the Makran crystal and it will turn their serum inert. Only one drop. That way it is not harmful to the human populace.”

“What’s the plan?” asked Caleb.

“We go in together and then we split up,” said Astrid as she crossed her hands. “Splitting up is dangerous but we need to because we have three tasks. The first is to take down the organization, then we have to render the device inert, and I need to fight Nox and whoever else is heading the organization.”

“That’s two tasks for us and one for you,” said Drew.

“No… I am doing the other two with you guys but splitting up will give us a better chance at finding where the machine is held and the control room,” said Astrid.

Astrid was frustrated with her boyfriend, but she wasn’t going to let that affect her performance.

“We should split up,” said Astrid. “Keep in contact with the psychic link. You’ll get used to people talking in your head. Dante, you’re with me. Drew, Caleb… control room and then the machine.”

“No distractions you two,” said Drew.

“That should not be a problem,” said Astrid.

They were halfway down the hallway when he pushed her against the hallway to avoid the bullets.

“You’ve been avoiding me again,” said Dante as Astrid blasted them with light and levitated the weapons out of their hand. “Why?”

“Why do you want to do this right now?” asked Astrid as her eyes widened and she pushed me behind her. “I really don’t want to do this right now.”

“I think it’s the perfect time,” said Dante.

“There’s the control panel…” said Astrid as she pulled a wire from watch. “Can you keep an eye out?”


Dante nodded and kept an eye out.

“I just want to know if you are serious about us and where you stand. I know you still like her even after I confessed to you after Kurst practically made me choose between you and Luis,” said Astrid. She turned back to the access panel. “And not to sound like an envious girlfriend, which is usually not me, why were you visiting Zoe?”

“Her mother is sick… and I don’t want our breakup to ruin our friendship,” said Dante.

Astrid dodged another bullet as she turned to look at him.

“I’m sorry… what you are doing for Zoe is really sweet and I guess I sounded selfish in all of this,” said Astrid. “Which would make me a terrible person. It’s only that… I am not everything that she is.”

“Hey… I love you for you. For your desire to help people and for how much you love your sibling. You always put people’s needs before your own,” said Dante as he crossed his hands. “I love you, Astrid. I have always loved you since the day I met you.”

“How disgustingly romantic and sweet,” said a voice behind us in disgust.

Astrid circled around on her heels so fast that anyone could have gotten whiplash.

“Nox… I presume,” said Astrid.

“You’ve heard of me,” said Nox.

“Considering, you have tried to kill me from the moment I was conceived. Yes… I have,” said Astrid.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her,” said Dante.

“And what will you do against me, boy?” asked Nox as he threw him back. “Your girlfriend and I share the powers of Gods. This battle is between her and me.”

“So, do I,” said Dante.

“Perhaps, but not at my level. Besides, like I said, this battle is between the two of us,” said Nox.

Dante got up but before I could stop him from going against Nox a second time. Nox killed him right in front of me.

“Well, that was easy,” said Nox.

Astrid ran over to Lance’s limp body. She tried not to cry… it was like all the grief ever in her life had come to the surface. The pain of losing him was so much it felt like her heart was dying.

She had to be strong for him. She blasted Nox against the wall and concentrated on all the positive memories and energy within herself and into Dante

Dante sat up and looked at her. “You risked a portion of the energy you need to fight him… for me?”

“How could I not?” asked Astrid. She kept an eye on Nox as she wiped her tears. “I love you but he’s right. This is my… greatest battle. You would be outmatched against his powers over the shadows. It’s a fight you can’t win. I know in the future we are supposed to fight him together but… there was something my father told me in the astral plane that struck out to me, and I need to do it alone. This might be my greatest battle, but it definitely won’t be my last.”

“Okay, remember, you are stronger than he thinks you are,” said Dante. “And don’t die out there or I will bring you back and kill you myself.”

“That’s an interesting thought,” said Astrid as she kissed his cheek. “I love you too.”

“Take this… believe in a future of us together,” said Dante as he placed a small simple ring in my hand. “I believe you can win this.”

“Is this what I think it is?” asked Astrid. “Is this a ring? Are you proposing?”

“Honestly, Astrid, I don’t know. Engagement ring, promise ring or something else I haven’t heard of you decide. Whatever it is, I will have your back, no matter what. I love you, Astrid.”

Her eyes shined and she kissed him on the cheek.

“Do one more thing for me or promise me one thing,” said Dante.

“Yeah…” said Astrid.

“Kick his ass,” said Dante.

“That I will gladly to,” said Astrid. “I will gladly do that. And don’t worry, I love you too and I know that I can do this.”

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