《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.14 - Execute, Ready, Action and Confessions?


Easton looked at his sister as they approached the boating platform where the meeting was being held in. Astrid was tapping her fingers against the car dash.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Easton. “These guys did not know when to quit after you betrayed them, and they have been after you for a long time.”

“It will work,” said Astrid. “They will fall for it. Cameron is right… I was able to take them down once and if I can stop this part of their plan and I can stop the rest of their plan.”

“I believe in you,” said Easton. “Now, you need to go get these guys and show them who they are facing. You got this, Astrid.”

Astrid smiled and then stepped out of the car.

“Our intelligence seemed to be spot on,” said Kurst. “You two were here for a mission.”

“Thought we’d come out of hiding,” said Astrid. “And besides, running from people for my whole life can get a little tiring sometimes.”

“You came alone… that will make this all the easier,” said Kurst as he brought out Nightfall and Luis at gunpoint. “I thought I would make you choose who you want to save.”

“No… please, don’t make me chose,” said Astrid, her voice breaking.

“So, who will it be?” asked Kurst with his rough English accent. “Luis or Nightfall? Who do you really love who are you willing to risk this operation for?”

Astrid was paralyzed.

“I’m not going to choose between them,” said Astrid. “They are special to me in their own way. Luis, he-he taught me how to love during the hardest time of my life and Nightfall started out as my partner but became so much more. He became my best friend and the only person who could understand my need to do good. I don’t want to have to choose who lives or who dies between the two of them.”

“Then, maybe I should phrase it this way,” said Kurst as he looked at her. “Choose between saving your family and the people you love or the people of this country? We have placed one hundred explosives over the city. You can save your friends and the city but you can’t do both.”


“You may have trained me to be a killer but Zeljan, I am not a killer,” said Astrid. “And you can tell Nox to shove it if he wants my powers, he can come get them himself. And I will stop you and the Circle, no matter what.”

Nightfall smiled. That was the partner he remembered. The brave and daring one that could face on any challenge that was thrown her way.

Astrid extended her bow, and the way they fought it was like they were dancing around each other. One could see that Astrid was not as talented as Kurst was in fighting styles.

“You have never been at my level, child,” said Kurst. “And you never will be.”

Nightfall watched the fight with amusement at how skilled the two were and neither could get the upper hand on the other. It did, however, look like Astrid was tiring a little but she then put a grimace on her face and continued fighting.

“We need to help her,” said Luis as he massaged his wrists as he looked at the fight. “You are her partner and best friend, why are you just standing there?”

“She doesn’t look like she needs my help,” said Nightfall as he crossed his hands. “And I think she would want us to evacuate the people.”

“Clear the area,” said Astrid. “Have people from the city evacuate. I have no idea of how much damage this particular explosive can do.”

She ducked from another knife blow. “Go! I got this!”

“You heard her,” said Nightfall. He gave her a reassuring smile and then left the building. He then whispered, “You got this, Fire.”

She turned around determined as she blocked another blow. It was like they were playing cat and mouse. Neither gaining the upper hand. Astrid, however, was getting tired. She was not as talented or skilled at knife-fighting as Kurst is.

“Astrid… the people in the city have been evacuated,” said Nightfall. Astrid twisted his wrist and the knife out of his hand, but he had a second knife on him and stabbed her. “Astrid! Are you okay?”


“I’m okay. I’m okay,” said Astrid as she breathed heavily and in pain. “We need to deactivate the interconnectivity device that will stop the multiple explosives.”

“Astrid… you have been stabbed,” said Luis. “We need to get you to a hospital.”

“I’m not letting all these people die,” said Astrid. “Even if it means my life, so either you help me or get out of the way.”

“What do you need?” asked Nightfall.

“Keep an eye out for any hostiles,” said Astrid as she turned toward her Nightfall. “I am going to get to work on disabling this remotely controlled bomb. Besides, the knife didn’t hit anything major.”

She felt terrible and she was trying hard to stay conscious now. Nightfall stood at her side ready with his fist out. She was the first to admit that he had his flaws, and she was very critical of him the moment they met.

“How do you know it didn’t damage anything major?” asked Nightfall.

“I studied prodigy biology when I was a Myriad. I was a head of that department when they were still a thing. I know a thing or two about anatomy and physiology,” said Astrid. “Now, stop asking my about why I am so smart and help me with this.”

“Okay, what do you need us to do?” asked Luis.

“We need to destroy the device,” said Astrid. “To stop the bombs but we need to fry its software, but the w-wire isn’t long enough to reach the device…”

“What about us?” asked Nightfall. “Humans conduct electricity, right?”

“I mean, hypothetically, yes,” said Astrid. “I wouldn’t know if it works though.”

“Do we have any other choice though?” asked Luis.

“You make a good point,” said Astrid. She grabbed the cord and then took both of their hands. “Are you guys read? I can pass through a small burst of electricity. It might be able to work.”

“Do it,” said Nightfall. “We trust you.”

Astrid concentrated and she could feel the electrical current passing through her and her friends.

“You did it,” said Nightfall.

“We all did it,” said Astrid as she stumbled towards the wall weakly.

Two of the soldiers who looked like they were on Nox’s side removed their masks that they were wearing over their face to show that it was James and Kyle.

“That was wicked,” said James.

“We didn’t completely succeed though,” said Kyle. “Kurst got away.”

“He won’t be able to run that far,” said Astrid weakly. “Most intelligence agencies have been corrupted. Though, the Shadows are still trustworthy, and I have friends in certain places that can help us.”

“Astrid… you don’t look well,” said Luis. “We need to get you to a hospital as soon as possible.”

“Hey… Astrid, what is this?” asked Nightfall.

“Don’t touch that,” said Astrid. She was holding on for dear support. “It’s dangerous to us. That artifact is overwhelmed with destructive energy.”

“And what does that mean?” asked Nightfall.

“The energy is opposite than ours if-if either of us touch that,” said Astrid. “We both die. Not to mention if either of our power even get close to that artifact. The consequences could be deadly for everyone.”

After she said that, she collapsed to the ground sideways. The last thing she heard was Luis and Nightfall calling her name trying to wake her up.

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