《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.10 - Wedding Preparations


Surprisingly, she was feeling better. She checked her watch which held schematics and all the technological applications that helped them investigate. It also monitored their health. For her and Nightfall, it monitored their energy levels.

“So… you are feeling better,” said Kathleen as she looked at the energy levels. “Your energy levels are at seventy percent. I prefer if they got up to ninety percent before you got to work but I think you are ready.”

“Thank you, mom,” said Astrid.

The first thing Astrid was to analyze the information that they were able to get from the flash drive. She crossed her hands as she waited for Lia to do her think with the technology. She was just as good, but she needed to focus on the information when it came.

Nightfall kept sending her concerned looks. Lia noticed the little reassuring glances that Astrid sends back. She would ask her best friend about it later.

“My gosh,” said Nightfall. “First, they mean to use our powers against us, Fire. But now… they plan to bomb the world’s most influential leader’s houses.”

“It looks like they have been planning this for years,” said Astrid. “Carefully thinking and planning formulating a perfect plan to get back at the world. I need time to think but someone should be out there making sure those bombs don’t go off without our notice,” said Astrid. “I would be out there if I could, but I am not back up to full strength.”

“So… who is going to keep an eye on them?”

“I know just the person,” said Astrid.

It was not often that Astrid called her cousin Artemis from her dad’s earth family side. On her way home from headquarters, Astrid dialed his phone number.

“Are you free right now?” asked Astrid on the phone. “I need your help with something and it’s important. You know, I wouldn’t call if I couldn’t handle it on my own.”

“What do you need?” asked Artemis.

“Well, you are a part of the criminal underground,” said Astrid. “And I would be around the world to keep an eye on these bombs by an ancient organization, but I don’t want to go back out there if I don’t have my full energy back yet.”

“Keep an eye out,” said Artemis. He paused on the phone and took a deep breath. “That’s all you want me to do?”

“That’s all and why do you sound skeptical?” asked Astrid.

“It’s only that you have a tendency to do things alone,” said Artemis. “Don’t do anything absolutely crazy without me, okay?”

“I don’t make any promises,” said Astrid.

It had started raining lightly outside the coffee shop that she had stopped at. Her kneecap had been damaged during the fight. The doctor, Ben’s father, had said there was minor fracture in it, but it could get worse if she walked with it.

When she got home, Cammie was in front of the kitchen by the counter. It seemed our mother was not home and there was also no dinner in the fridge. Cammie had a bunch of textbooks spread out in front of her.

“I guess it is my turn to cook then,” said Astrid.

“How’s your patella?” asked Cammie.


“Healing,” said Astrid. “I have an appointment tomorrow.”

“The wedding is on Saturday,” said Cammie. “I don’t think I will finish my homework by then.”

“Maybe I can help,” said Astrid.

“There’s no way,” said Cammie.

“Cammie… I didn’t only get into the Shadows because of my connection to Joseph. I was smart and resourceful also I have a really good IQ score,” said Astrid. “And besides, I want to help you with your work.”

“First, you should probably make some dinner. I told mom not to make dinner tonight because sometimes she is not so good at cooking,” said Cammie.

“No… it’s okay. I need a distraction, anyway,” said Astrid with a tired sigh. “What do you want to want to eat?”

“Anything that’s easy… why do you need a distraction?” asked Cammie as Astrid grabbed a box of pasta. “You mentioned that you could use a distraction.”

“It has to do with something we learned when we decrypted the information on the flash drive,” said Astrid das she poured the pasta into the bowling water. “The Circle plans to kill the world’s most influential leaders… with an explosive and concussive strike. Somehow, I doubt that is the only part of their plan.”

“These are the same people who kidnapped both of us, right?” asked Cammie.

“Yeah…” said Astrid. “And why do you sound like you want to help me figure this out?”

“Because you have been losing sleep over it,” said Cammie as she looked pointedly at her sister. “And we probably are the only two people in the world that know the organization that well.”

“You have a point there,” said Astrid.

“Fine… here’s what I know so far,” said Astrid with a tired sigh. “They are creating a device that combine and use Nightfall and my powers against the world and if that plan doesn’t work. They are also explosives placed around the world, so former world nations will turn against each other.”

“How do you know that?” asked Cammie.

“It’s what I would want to do if I wanted to take over the world,” said Astrid.

“Which I am glad you are not taking over the world,” said Cammie.

“To know your enemy, you must become your enemy,” said Astrid. “Have you ever heard that saying?”

“I’ve never heard you mention that saying until now,” said Cammie. “But yeah, Sun Tzu mentioned that in the art of war, didn’t he?”

Astrid nodded. “I have to know and truly think the way these terrorist organizations think. It’s kind of scary… I mean thinking the way terrorists do sometimes.”

“How are you going to stop them?” asked Cammie.

“I have yet to figure that out,” said Astrid. “I think the easiest approach would be to stop their explosive plan first and then the one that involves us. But… how I am going to go about doing that is something I don’t know yet.”

“Do you know where these bombs are?” asked Cammie.

Astrid took the steaming al dente gnocchi off of the stove and then put it in a sieve with water to cool off. She finished preparing the sauce before answering her sister’s question.


“I do…” said Astrid but then amended her statement. “Well, sort of. The words on the message on the phone I got…”

“You got a message on the phone?” asked Cammie.

Astrid cursed. “Shit. I guess I shouldn’t have let that slip-up. I mean, what do you expect? We are the most powerful prodigies of our generation, and we are the main targets of their whole campaign.”

“I guess you have a point.”

“So… their call kind of gave us a deadline and not exact location and the call was kind of… ominous,” said Astrid but she was quick to reassure her sister. “Though, it is nothing to worry about Cammie. I am going to be fine. Seriously, it isn’t the first time an organization like this has targeted, came after or threatened me.”

Cammie decided to avoid talking about the topic for the moment. She knew that her sister had a unique history in her espionage history.

“Is the food ready?” asked Cammie.


Astrid was going onto campus to hang out with Cammie’s friends at Blackthorne Academy for Geniuses and Exceptional Girls.

“Damn, you really know how to cook,” said Cammie as she took the bite of the gnocchi. “Where did you learn how to cook so good?”

“Self-taught,” said Astrid. “Hugh and Simon were busy most of the time with their council meetings or were busy with other things and even though I got home late, I had to make dinner some of the times for my brothers.”

“Whom you haven’t visited yet, have you?” asked Cammie.

“It’s only… what would they think of me?” asked Astrid as she messed with her food. “With all the lies and deception. I mean, you are basically learning covert operations but…”

“Astrid… don’t heroes keep secrets,” said Cammie.

“Yeah…” said Astrid. “I mean, the ones we absolutely we have to keep.”

“Then, they will believe you,” said Cammie as she put the fork down. “And think about it… I forgave you for leaving the family as soon as you came to us because you did it to protect us and when you tell them your reasons. They will forgive you.”

“Do you think dad would be proud of us?” asked Astrid as she took a bite of her pasta. “Is this the life he wanted for us?”

“I think he would be proud of us either way,” said Cammie with a tired sigh. “With our chosen careers.”

“I wish I could talk to him sometimes,” said Astrid.

Her phone vibrated. She put it back in her pocket. Sure, she loved Luis. He was sweet and she had met his family but there just wasn’t the same connection.

“You have a date today, don’t you?” asked Cammie.

“I forgot to text him that I have to cancel today,” said Astrid as she put the phone back in her pocket. “I forgot I had to look after you today and—”

“And you are confused about your feelings for him and your feelings for Nightfall. The ones which you keep denying. Ben told me about that.”

“I… I don’t know,” said Astrid. “With him, it is so complicated, and he understands me in a way that no one else does but…”

“But…” prompted Cammie.

“As sentinels, I don’t want to put the universe at risk by being in a relationship. With Luis, everything is so much more simple and less scary, and I do love him,” said Astrid.

“Just don’t push him away if you truly do love Nightfall,” said Cammie. “And sometimes, love is worth the risk. Just consider that.”

Things were rather hectic in the house the other day. With the wedding come up in the weekend, their mom was busy with the wedding arrangements. They had already moved into the new house that Joseph was providing them.

“Do you like your new room?” asked Joseph.

“Umm… yeah,” said Astrid.

“I hear mine and your mom’s wedding is not the only one you are playing an important role in,” said Joseph.

“I can’t believe Ben’s girlfriend, Stacie wanted me to be the maid of honor at their wedding,” said Astrid. “I mean, I know Ben as well as the back of my hand, but I mean, I only know her a little bit.”

It was later when Joseph left that Astrid was in the store with her mom looking at her mother in the wedding dress.

“You look beautiful, mom,” said Astrid. “That dress is absolutely gorgeous. Mom, why did you choose me as your maid of honor though? Why not Aunt Abbie or one of your good friends?”

“You’re my eldest daughter,” said Katherine. “And I know you literally came back home weeks ago but I never want you to feel that you are not a part of this family. We all care about you.”

“Thanks, mom,” said Astrid. “And I want to say the same, I felt awful the first time I left only leaving a little bit of a video message. I should have come to you guys for help.”

“I also want to be there for your wedding, sweetie,” said Katherine.

“Whoa… put the breaks on there, mom,” said Astrid as she took a sip of her soda. “I have only started dating someone and things in my love life are complicated. I don’t think it is going to happen anytime soon, mom. I am still seventeen, after all.”

“I guess you are right,” said Katherine. “Want to go get some food?”

“You should probably put that dress in a box or something,” said Astrid. “And then make sure that Joseph does not see it because the groom cannot see the wedding dress or the bride in the wedding dress until that day.”

“How is your investigation going, sweetie?” asked Katherine as they had the wedding dress bought. “Any progress?”

“Yeah… but I don’t have a working plan yet,” said Astrid with a smile. “But we are making progress.”

They grabbed takeout Chinese food next and then made their way home.

“I can keep the dress in the place that I am staying at temporarily,” said Astrid. “The house next to our family home if you want.”

“No, I can keep it,” said Katherine. “It’s only that Joseph can’t see me in the wedding dress before that day.”

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