《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.08 - Not Legal


It’s not exactly legal to break into someone’s house. It’s not legal either to pick someone’s lock. It seemed okay, however, to pick the lock to Simon Temple’s house.

“Hurry up,” said Nightfall.

“Oh… like you have ever picked a lock,” said Astrid, irritated. “And you are standing in my light. Besides, Adison confirms that Temple’s busy in a meeting. We are going to be fine.”

The door flew open.

“What about the alarm?” asked Nightfall.

“Already on it,” said Caleb with a small smile. “That’s right. Being a superhero is not the only thing I am good at.”

The alarms turned off in a split second. Astrid muted her communication device and Nightfall followed.

“We need to talk,” said Astrid with a deep sigh. “It would seem as your partner and friend. I have the right to talk some sense into you about what’s going on in the team. The incessant arguments that you have with Caleb, they must stop. I respect both of you and yes, even though we know everything about each other besides who we are outside the costumes… you need to understand that Caleb doesn’t see it that way. He’s always been one of my greatest friends since childhood and I guess he needs to understand that I have to have such a blind trust in you if both of us are going to survive through this.”

“Would you tell him that too?” asked Nightfall.

“When I get the time too,” said Astrid. “I have been so busy lately with, you know, taking care of my family.”

It was lightly raining outside. She often wondered and appreciated the blind trust he had in her. She had begun to fall for her but intentionally dated one of the other members on her team because she knew it was too dangerous for them to know each other’s identities.


They heard a thump. Astrid eyes scanned the surroundings and then looked at him.

“Did you hear that?” asked Astrid.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” said Nightfall. “Any idea what it could be?”

“Nothing dangerous,” said Astrid. “I don’t think that Simon Temple has the guts to keep something so powerful in his house but there have been a number of missing agents from a number of agencies. He could be keeping agents down there for the Circle, you know, prisoners. I have to go down there to check.”

“Wait a minute, alone?” asked Nightfall. “You are going down there alone?”

“You want to come down there with me into the dark, damp dungeon?” asked Astrid, as she pulled out a flashlight. “And besides, I don’t have the best memories associated with being in a cell. I don’t want you to see me if I have to relive a flashback and besides, I should have known he was more involved in this.”

“No way, I am coming with you.”

“Fine… if we are to go down there together,” said Astrid as she dug through her pockets. “There is something I need to do first.” She pulled out the flash drive. “I need to see if I can download some information off of his computer.”

“What about the security cameras?” asked Nightfall.

“They are on a twelve-hour loop,” said Astrid. “I managed to put them on the loop before we entered the house.”

“You could have told me that,” said Nightfall.

“Didn’t feel the need to tell you,” said Astrid as she pulled out the flashdrive. “I would have told if I thought it was important. His computer seems to have enough to incriminate him for three years or more… and it has a part of their plans.”


“I know that face… it’s your ‘I-have-got-bad-news-face’ that you do when you want to break the bad news to someone slowly,” said Astrid. “Ready to go to see which agents he keeps in his basement?”

“Do you have an extra flashlight?” asked Nightfall.

“No… but you can take mine,” said Astrid. “I have enough juice to create a ball of light.”

They made their way down the concrete stairs and into the cell area. Astrid opened her mouth and closed it.

“You know him?” asked Nightfall.

“Umm… yeah, remember when I told you I was captured some time ago. That was when I met him… he was working for the government at that time,” said Astrid.

“Evan… what the hell are you doing here?” asked Astrid.

“Why are you in superhero costume, As—”

“Because I am one,” said Astrid. “And eventually, I would have told you in my own time. This is not I wanted you to figure out.”

She waved her hand and the shackles unlocked. “We’re getting out of here now. We will finish this conversation later. I think I can manage a portal.”

“Oh, holly no way,” said Nightfall. “I got a glance of your watch. You have been digging into your own personal life force light energy. You should not be digging down into the energy that is keeping you alive.”

“We don’t exactly have time to rest, and I have not exactly have had the time to recharge,” said Astrid. “I know… I should have told you but with impending threat.”

Nightfall cleared his throat. “We should probably get your friend out of danger, but we are not done with this conversation.”

“Too late guys,” said Caleb. “Simon Temple is at the door.”

“I thought you said he was at that business meeting,” said Nightfall.

“Well, he decided to come home early,” said Caleb. “You guys are going to have to come up with a plan.”

“Go!” said Astrid as she turned toward Nightfall and slammed her hand onto the wall creating a vortex and then a door. “Get him home. I will be okay. Trust me.”

“You know, I trust you blindly,” said Nightfall.

She nearly collapsed after they walked through the doorway and left. She mustered the rest of the energy she had in herself to defend herself against him.

“Looks like you failed,” said Astrid.

“You are not looking that well,” said Simon. “And it has already begun. My father will have the world in his hands one day.”

“One day, you and your father will face justice,” said Astrid with a hard smile. “And I will be there that day as the hero I am and as a secret agent. I look forward that day.”

He drew out his gun but Astrid kicked it out his hand.

He slammed her against a wall. She winced in pain, and she smiled at the extra burst of energy she felt. That must have been Nightfall.

She slammed her hand against the wall. “See you later.”

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