《Dark Storm》Chapter 6: Colossal Crown
Dark Storm in System World
(Screen Notification)
Skill Change Upgrade
Select 1 skill
* [Wanderer] Passive
Level 1 – With your high speed mobility and luck, you will gain agility, dexterity and luck. Increase your movement and attack speed while casting magic spell in 4 seconds and it will stack 3 times.
Agility: 53% Dexterity: 51% Luck: 31%
Movement Speed after Casting: 1%
Attack Speed after Casting: 2%
* [Assassin of the North] Passive
Level 1 – With your high speed mobility and luck, you will gain agility, dexterity and luck. Increase your damage base on the portion of your current speed.
Agility: 53% Dexterity: 51% Luck: 31% Base Speed: 5%
* [Rogue] Passive
Level 1 – With your high speed mobility and luck, you will gain agility, dexterity and luck. Have a chance to steal some items, coins and money to any unit.
Agility: 53% Dexterity: 51% Luck: 31% Steal Chance: 1% (plus fortune)
(Screen Notification)
Skill Change Upgrade
Select 1 skill
* [Silent Kill] Active
Level 1 – Make a second attack in a quick phase. Deals 252% physical damage. 32% critical chance. Gain 8% armor penetration in 1 attack.
Energy Cost: 12 Cooldown: 10 seconds
* [Lightning Thrust] Active
Level 1 – Make a second attack in a quick phase. Deals 252% physical damage. 32% critical chance. Paralyze a targeted enemy in 3 seconds.
Energy Cost: 8 Mana Cost: 75 Cooldown: 1 minute
* [Speed Magical Enhancement] Continuous Active
Level 1 – Gain 252% physical damage, 32% critical chance, and 4% movement and attack speed while this spell is active.
Energy Cost: 12 per second (plus based spell level)
Mana Cost: 22 per second (plus based spell level)
Cooldown: 0 second
I’ll choose wanderer and speed magical enhancement.
(Screen Notification)
Upgrade complete
[Assassin of the Wind] => [Wanderer] Level 1.
[Sudden Strike] => [Speed Magical Enhancement] Level 1.
Let’s try casting this spell.
Clint: Speed Magical Enhancement!
His blade heats up until it turns red. He felt that he was getting lighter so he knew his speed had increased.
I was not wrong! Because this spell is auto-casting, the stack fills my wanderer passive skill by 3 automatically. The continuous spell costs 22 mana and 12 energy every second but in just 3 seconds, my stack is completely full. My mana (96 per second) and energy (81 per second) regeneration are too high that I can auto-cast this continuous spell forever. Thus, my passive stack are always full unless I cancel by continuous spell.
Just a moment, I seem to have noticed a notifications coming out when I opened this status. Let's look at them.
(Screen Notification)
Your current movement speed (2663.7) surpassed a 1500 maximum movement speed of a players can able to achieve. Because you did the impossible and made the System embarrassed from their mistake calculation, the System gave you the title of [Breaking the Speed Limit].
(Screen Notification)
You earned a title [Breaking the Speed Limit].
[Breaking the Speed Limit] – You will use a Dash skill automatically when you run. [Dash] – Dash at short distance. No mana and energy cost. No cooldown.
(Screen Notification)
Your current attack speed (165.5%) surpassed a 125% maximum attack speed of a players can able to achieve. Because you did the impossible and made the System embarrassed from their miscalculation, the System gave you the title of [Air Unbreakable Slicer].
(Screen Notification)
You earned a title [Air Unbreakable Slicer].
[Air Unbreakable Slicer] – Your attacks are cannot be block by any physical strength and spells. If they tend to block, your high-speed attacks will only pass through to it.
(Screen Notification)
Your current accuracy (278.2) surpassed a 200 accuracy of a players can able to achieve. Because you did the impossible and made the System embarrassed from their miscalculation, the System gave you the title of [Super Precision].
(Screen Notification)
You earned a title [Super Precision].
[Super Precision] – Your continuous attacks will never reduce damage because of your accuracy. Your low blow is change to average blow, your average blow is change to high high, and your high attack is still the same.
(Screen Notification)
Your current fortune (210.2%) surpassed a 100% fortune of a players can able to achieve. YOUR FORTUNE IS SO HIGH THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS WIN ALL THE GAMES IN GAMBLE ON EVERY CONTINENT. Because you did the impossible and made the System embarrassed from their TERRIBLE miscalculation, the System gave you the title of [Metropolitan Lord].
(Screen Notification)
You earned a title [Metropolitan Lord].
[Metropolitan Lord] - You will get 10% of the total income of all Casinos on different continents. However, you are ban in playing gamble unless someone challenge you. All the NPCs in Metropolitan will respect you and you will automatically become a VIP player if event occur in that continent.
(Screen Notification)
Your current critical chance (350.4%) surpassed a 100% critical chance of a players can able to achieve. The System gave you the title of [Over Critical].
(Screen Notification)
You earned a title [Over Critical].
[Over Critical] – The excess percentage of your critical chance will transfer to your critical damage. Current Critical Damage: x3.5 of your current damage.
Hahaha! The System messed up because of me. If the System recognized me that much that they even gave me some rare title for their miscalculation. However, this metropolitan title is so unfair. They prevent me to play on winnable gambles. Hays! Surely, I can kill these monsters quickly. Starting with high blow, high damage, 100% critical chance, critical damage and multiple slashes using the silent wind technique, there is so much damage dealt that I can give to my opponent in just one slash. But I got the breaking the speed limit title. I can combine it using searing dance formation and then I can blink in a very far distance.
The Wrath of The Twin Black Dragon’s high blow: 200% or x2
Current strength: 1531.2 x 3 = 4593.6 + 24 (Item damage)
4617.6 current damage x 200% high blow = 9235.2 high blow damage
9235.2 x 3.504600 Critical damage (for 100% critical chance) = 32,365.68192 x 5 (for Quintuple Critical Slash as a total)
= 161,828.4096 Quintuple Critical Slash with All High Attack Damage.
161,828.4 total damage is enough to destroy a single boss-like monsters in a minute. I can do now 4-5 strike in single slash since I’m used to it after killing 100 Calamity demons. If I practice more about the silent wind technique, I can slice more than five in a slash. Let’s practice then, by killing these monsters. Appraisal
Calamity Guardian – The Archdemon
Level: 225 Type: Demon
Health: 1,150,300 Damage: 2550 Armor: 125
11 level 225 monsters. A million health is a piece of cake to me now. Hmm? A notification and a message?
A notification came out in front of him and a new message arrive on his interface.
(Screen Notification)
1. Colossal Crown Event:
In this event, all monsters on every continent, have a chance to give you random stats, extra experiences and colossal crown points. The chances and rewards increase base on the difference of your current level and level of the monster.
These are the rewards that you might get on every continent except Calamity:
* 1 or more difference lower level monster – 0.01% chance to gain 1 random stat, 1 experience and 1 colossal crown points.
* Same level monster – 5% chance to gain 1 random stat, 10% of that monster’s experience, and 3 colossal crown points.
* 1 or more difference higher level monster – 10% chance to gain 1 random stat, 20% of that monster’s experience, and 5 colossal crown points.
* Completing Dungeons and Dimensions:
- World Rank = 10,000 colossal crown points
- Rank S – SSS = 2000 – 5000 colossal crown points
- Rank C – A = 50 – 1000 colossal crown points
- Rank E – D = 10 – 25 colossal crown points
These are the rewards that you might get on Calamity:
* 1 or more difference higher level monster – 1 colossal crown points per 1 level difference.
* Completing Dungeons and Dimensions:
- World Rank = 12,000 colossal crown points
- Rank SSS = 11,000 colossal crown points
- Rank SS = 10,000 colossal crown points
- Rank S = 9000 colossal crown points
- Rank E – A = None
2. World Boss Event:
Azura - The Dark World King
Level: 150 Type: Demon
Health: 345,100 Mana: 120,000 Damage: 1145 Magic: 1025 Armor: 225
Location of 5 Azuras:
- Demonic Mountain Ridge at Holy Continent
- Corrupt Forest at Storm Continent
- Demon Castle at Tower Continent
- Calamity Underworld at Continent of Calamity
- Devil’s Mansion at Metropolitan Continent
* The continent who will slain the Azura first:
- 1st: x1 and 100 gold to all players in that continent.
- 2nd: x1 and 50 gold to all players in that continent.
- 3rd: x2 and 25 gold to all players in that continent.
* The player who dealt the most damage:
- 1st: x1 and 1000 gold
- 2nd – 5th: x1 and 500 gold
- 6th – 10th: x1 and 250 gold
- 11st – 100th: x1 and 100 gold
- 101st – 1000th: x2 and 50 gold
* The player who last hit the boss:
- Receive x1 Legendary Qi
Azura – The Dark World King’s stats and all event’s rewards are doubled in Continent of Calamity.
3. Impossible Quest Event:
Impossible Quest
Solo kill Azura – The Dark World King (0 / 1).
Time Limit: 2 months
Fail quest:
- If you died once
- If you escaped once
- If other players interrupted your battle
- If the event time is finished.
Reward: x1 and x1
Penalty: None
The events are about to begin.
Time End: 1 month, 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds
What the heck? Is this some kind of discrimination? I can only receive colossal points and the world boss stats are doubled in this continent. Is it because I am here so the System wants to stop me from getting more rewards while the players on the other continents are gaining random stats every day? Damn! Let’s see this message.
Dear Clint21,
We developers are asking a sincere apology for giving you a restricted title [Metropolitan Lord]. This must be done because the balance of economy in this game will be broken because of your overwhelming fortune status. Because of your luck, you can conquer the game economy with ease by just playing gamble. We couldn't believe that you had made a lot of achievement in just a month with your intelligence and talents. Please appreciate our gift below this message as a part of our apology. Kindly accept our apology.
- System World’s developers
You received:
- A title [System World VIP Player].
- 1x
- 1x
- 100,000 US Dollars
- 1000 gold
Whuuu! Now I know. I’m just playing this game for a month so it’s fine for me. I also wanted to achieve hard challenges before I get some money. Becoming rich with ease is too boring for me. It's too early for me to be rich. This money I received is enough in a year of my parent needs. Let’s farm this monsters first before checking these gifts.
The two large events that will take place over a two-month span are taking place on all continents. The prestigious guilds have released big money, food, and potion to increase their work time. All fighting areas, dungeon, dimension are filled with players that are fighting with monsters.
“Bang! Bang!”
“Slash! Slash!”
(Screen Notification)
You slain a Grizzly Bear Level 15.
You will receive 1 strength, 3 colossal crown points, 2100 exp and 25 cooper.
“Guys! I got a 1 strength and 3 colossal points in the bear's killing. With the ten bears I've killed, this is the first reward I've got.”
“You’re so lucky! I already killed 12 bears but I didn't get any rewards until now.”
“Nice I also got some rewards! I recieved 1 defense, 3 colossal crown points and extra experience.”
One day, the guilds made a team to complete dungeons and dimensions. Well-known guild is trying to kill the World Boss and completing the rank A dungeons.
Hughman (Lion Hughman Rank S Level 143 – Guild Master of the Lion Guild): AHHH! Heavenly Thrust – Dragon Spear!
The spear thrown by Hugman was crashed on Azura's forehead. But the world boss didn’t hurt and even laughed at them.
Hughman: Damn! Only 815 damage? But that’s my powerful arsenal! Tsk, that’s why world bosses are very difficult to fight even with my whole guild. I need to wait for 1 hour so reset this cooldown.
Azura: Hahaha! HUMANS ARE SO WEAK! I thought the spear of yours would kill me but it’s just like a toothpick that accidentally fell on my forehead. What a shame!
All members: ALRIGHT!
“Mythic Fire Cannon!”
“Ice Shower!”
“Dark Wind – Bullets!”
“Death of Slice – Cyclone!”
“Raging Lightning!”
“Space Magic – Meteor!”
Azura: So itchy! Now I’ll going to eliminate you ALL! World Punch!
Azura punched at a part of the floor with players. With overwhelming blow, the floor was suddenly break and create a chunks of stone that crashed from other guild members.
(Screen Notification)
49 of your members are dead. They will respawn at Lion Guild Association Building after the 24 hours’ time delay.
Hughman: What a pain! He destroy so many rank B and A players in an instant. ALL CLERICS! USE YOUR SUPPORTING SKILLS TO INCREASE OUR SURVIVAL!
All cleric members: YES SIR!
“Magic Defense Level 12!”
“Iron Body!”
“Tough Skin!”
“Shield of Protection!”
Azura: HAHAHA! All of you are so weak that you even used your protection spells because of my weakest skill. THEN I”LL SHOW YOU THE REAL POWER OF A DEMON KING!
Azura released a large sword that covered the sun. A beautiful sunny day was changed into total darkness as the powerful dark auras spread around that came from the sword.
The large sword burst on the floor and explode like a volcano. It released the lava from the bottom of the ground and black fires that came from the sword.
(Screen Notification)
245 of your members are dead. They will respawn at Lion Guild Association Building after the 24 hours’ time delay.
Hughman: Shit! We fucked up! We must retreat for now! Lion Guild Members! Retreat now for a plan B! I repeat! Retreat now for a plan B!
All members use teleportation back to their guild.
‘Lion Guild Association Building’
Hughman: We need to clear rank A dungeons to gain colossal crown points and guild points at the same time! We cannot let the Justice Guild always be in Rank 1. Joseph, what happens to the dungeon that other members have been charged with?
Joseph (Rank S Level 120 – Secretary): In this month, we completed three rank B, two Rank A and a Rank S dungeon and 1 Rank B dimension. There are two rank B, three rank A dungeon that not yet completed by the other members. We also analyzed five rank B and Rank C Dungeons, three other Rank A dungeons, and two Rank S dungeons that even a player has not been entered.
Hughman: Let's enter a Rank S dungeon. We are the earliest guild who completed Rank S dungeon. While other guild focuses on the Rank A dungeons, we are the Lion to redeem the Rank S dungeons!
All remaining members: FOR THE LION! FOR THE LION!
While group conducting meeting inside the Lion Guild area, an unknown player dressed in black cloak heard the Lion Guild Master said. The unknown player teleport back to directly to Justice Guild Main Office.
Astrea: Hmm? You’re here. What’s your report?
Unknown Spy: The Lion Guild is back in their building after retreated against the world boss.
Astrea: Will they return to the world boss tomorrow?
Unknown Spy: No Sir. They will go to the dungeons to get colossal crown points and guild points. Tomorrow they're going to a Rank S dungeon to collect large amount of points.
Astrea: Hmm? The guild master is so desperate just to surpass us but it won’t happen.
Mr. Ming accepted our offer together with his friend. The three rank S players are still pending but I need to get them quickly. Let’s check the rank and rewards for colossal crown event.
Colossal Crown Points Ranking System
Rank 1: Might One – 6480 points
Rank 2: Aishley - 6400 points
Rank 3: Astrea - 5890 points
Rank 4: Hughman - 5670 points
Rank 5: Zei - 5500 points
Rank 6: Blaster - 5490 points
Rank 7: Ming - 5325 points
Rank 8: Strike X - 5120 points
Rank 9: Silent - 4598 points
Rank 10: Schlee – 4102 points
Colossal Crown Point Ranking Rewards
Rank 1: x1 , 1000 gold and $10,000
Rank 2-5: x1 , 500 gold and $5,000
Rank 6-10: x1 , 250 gold and $1,000
Rank 11-1000: x2 , 10 gold and $10
Astrea: Secretary!
Secretary: Yes Sir!
Astrea: Message all our members to find a Rank S dungeons. Tell them that we are going to raid multiple Rank S dungeons together with all our Rank S players. Together, leading by me.
Not a single player has gotten a mythic item yet. Even our guild is incapable of getting the mythic item because it is only available in the Rank SS or Rank SSS dungeon. Most of my rank S members only had unique items in their inventory. I have 3 legendary, 4 unique and the remaining are epic items. Receiving a mythic item is a miracle. He can be the strongest player because of just one mythic item. We need a rank S players or train all my current rank S members to become rank SS through Rank S dungeon raid. Then, we are able to completely raid a rank SS dungeon and get some mythic item rather than killing the world boss. Raiding high rank dungeons is my priority now!
Three days later. The Justice guild successfully completed the Rank S dungeon, Harmobin Terrestrial.
(Screen Notification)
The Justice Guild has completed the Rank S dungeon Harmobin Terrestrial. All players in guild will receive 3000 colossal crown points and the guild will receive 1600 guild points.
“Yes! All guild members gained 3000 colossal crown at once!”
The spy appeared in front of Astrea.
Astrea: What happened to the Lion Guild?
Unknown Spy: They also finished raiding the Rank S Dungeon. But the System gave them only 1500 colossal crown points and 1000 guild points.
Astrea: Hahaha! That’s good! Now! JUSTICE GUILD MEMBERS! Let’s proceed to the next dungeon!
All members: YES SIR!
As all the members walked to their destination, the secretary approached Astrea to give a shocking report.
Secretary: Sir! Something is happening in the ranking system of the colossal crown event! Look at your screen!
Many players, including Astrea, looked at it. Justice Guild is not the only one who saw the ranking system. All guilds and players around the world have witnessed the surprising event that took place in the ranking system.
Colossal Crown Points Ranking System
Rank 1: Clint21 – 103,800 points
Rank 2: Astrea – 12,100 points
Rank 3: Hughman – 10,150 points
Rank 4: Might One – 9,750 points
Rank 5: Zei – 9,000 points
Rank 6: Blaster – 8,700 points
Rank 7: Aishley – 8,500 points
Rank 8: Strike X – 8,000 points
Rank 9: Silent – 7,500 points
Rank 10: Ming – 7,125 points
'All Known Guild Masters'
Astrea: Hey, are you kidding me!? He got 100k plus in just 4 days?
Hughman: What the hell? Is this some kind of bug? How that Clint21 got a hundred thousand points in just 4 days.
Mighty One (Rank S Level 138 – Guild Master of the Heaven Guild): What is this!? According to my operator, this Clint21 doesn’t have any rank and only a level 3 player. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO RANK 1!? WHY A LEVEL 3 PLAYER GOT A 100K POINTS!?
Astrea: Secretary, besides from recruiting the three rank S players, assign another members and tell them to look at this username Clint21.
I regret saying that he is a novice, a useless player. I underestimated him. This man is dangerous. I must find and recruit him no matter what!
* Chapter 6 END
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