《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 52: The Brink of War


"My King" A women with violet hair said, approaching Godefroi. The violet flowers in her hair swiveled as she approached the throne.

"Yes what is it Meilin" Godefroi said to the woman

"You have a visitor"

"And whom might that be?"

"Filepe, the 5th prince of Portugal is here, he and his brother Desmond are here visiting an old friend."

"Excellent" Godefroi said. "Send them in at once!"

Back in Bishop Clays castle Desmond made his way to the end of the spiral staircase covered in blood. As he withdrew his crossbow he marveled at the carnage and bloodshed he had created.

"That was too easy." He said, making his way down the hall.

At the end of the long corridor he was walking down he saw a giant safe. It was about as large as a carriage with a series of locks and chains assembled around it. Withdrawing a piece of parchment from his pants, he read through it briefly.

"According to Cassidy" He said slowly undoing the locks "That should be it!"

As he creaked open the door to the safe, his eyes were engulfed by a bright golden light. As the overwhelming blast of radiant beams blinded him. He fell to his knees, absolutely stunned in awe.

"It is real…" He said, looking into the safe. "The cross dimensional artefact is real!"

At the center of the safe was a large black door that was creaked open pouring out the golden light that had blinded Desmond. The door was not connected to anything. There was no hallway or room behind it, but rather a bright light that seemed to lead to another dimension.

It had a series of neon colors at the top of it with a lever that controlled which light that was coming through it. From what he could see, as of now the door was set to a setting which the golden light was pouring out. Next to the color the words "Treasure channel" Was highlighted.

Stepping into the door Desmond was transported to a cave of wondrous jewels that brightly shone in the dark. From what he could see there was more than a nation's wealth arranged in the cave, from the diamonds gold and silver he saw arranged there.


"This is an amazing find!" He said going through the jewels. "If we can steal this artefact we can have all the riches in the world!"

"Wait!" He said catching himself "We have to stay on the mission!"

Shaking his head he stepped back out into the room with the door.

"This thing is amazing! It has almost 50 channels! I see one that says Pyramids, one that says Remote island one for Spain Africa, Asia! This thing is wonderous.

Desmond cranked through the series of channels going through all the different colors until he landed upon a suspicious pink colored channel. "Lust channel" It was labeled.

"Wait… what is this one?" Desmound said curiously.

Cranking the lever Desmond walked into the Lust channel disappearing behind the pink light.

"Cassidy" Bishop Clay said nodding his head back in the castle. "Your friend has been gone a long time? Shall I send word for him?"

"Well he did have a good amount of wine before he came here, he's probably leaning over into a toilet somewhere" Cassidy laughed.

Back in the safe room, Desmound finished transporting to the other side of the door.

"Dear… God…" He said, covering his mouth.

The scene he came about was so terrifying he was uncertain that he was not in hell. It seemed he was in the base of some volcanic prison where fumes of lava boiled all around him. As he looked down from where he was, he saw thousands of prisoners, bound whipped and degraded to brink of their humanity. He watched as men of all ages whipped and tortured helpless prisoners enjoying themselves to the screams of their please.

"HELP US!!!!!"



Desmond nearly threw up at the scene, as he realized a common trait in all of the prisoners. Every single one of them.

Was a woman.

From black Ethiopians to Eastern and English, all of the women were being venomously tortured and bound. As his eyes stretched to the far corner of the room, he saw women of Portugal being beat and bound as well.

"The intel didn't get it all" Desmond said. "As absurd as it seems Clay does have a cross dimensional artefact that allows him to create portals to different parts of the world…. This must be the most dangerous artefact in existence! But worst of all… He's using it to kidnap women and turn them into his personal sex slaves! There was a reason for the women of the world disappearing after all! I must alert Cassidy red fox and then the world of this!""


Desmond ran back to the dimensional entrance trying to escape.

"I have to tell brother and Father this as well! We will go to war with France for our Women! We will alert the other nations and together we will have Clay executed! With the help of Red fox and the other underground guilds, we can create a coup and bring down France from the inside!"

As Desmond exited out the other side he came face to face with 4 knights all armed from head to toe.

"What is this!" Desmond said. "I made certain I wasn't followed!"

"You were not" A large man with a hammer boomed.

"Then how?" Desmond said.

"We did not design this security to keep intruders out" A knight with long hair said "We needed to design it to catch the people who were weary of this place. That way we could know who is aware this place exists."

"And once they made it inside" A teenage knight said armed with a slingshot. "We make sure they don't get out."

"Then how!" Desmond yelled. "How did you know I was here?"

"You were foolish" An old man with a glass mirror said. "Did you really think this was the only artefact clay had at his disposal?"

As Desmond looked into the mirror he saw an overhead view of the entire room. This artefact was like some kind of Surveillance system.

"The second you walked into this room we knew" The long haired knight said. "And now the second we see you we have orders to kill!"

"Wait!" Desmond said. "I am no ordinary man! I am the son of Francis III the crowned King of Spain! If you dare as to lay one hand on me-"


Desmond's blood splattered against the wall as his arm was chopped off indiscriminately by the knight with the long hair.

"Our orders are absolute," He said. "As soon as you have seen this room, you are to die"

"Heh, your not the only one with an artefact." Desmond said, taking out his hand. In the center of his palm a small flame burned from a wick.

"This is a linked flame, I'm not only the son of Francis but i am also a member of Red Fox" He said. "If you kill me now that will cause the flame of mine as well as the one of the person who is linked to me to die out. If you do that, A war of unspoken proportions will ensue, Every thief in France will be here to steal your artefact, as well as my nation of Portugal who will not take my death lightly."

"He makes a good point." The man with long hair said. "Keep him alive… we will capture him and ask Bishop Cay to-"


Desmonds blood splattered all over the wall as a slingshot was fired into the center of his head, killing him instantly.

"Our orders are absolute" The teenage boy said.

"What... have you done!" The long haired knight yelled.

Back at Godefroid castle, his guest Francisco, suddenly went silent.

"Felipe, what seems to be the matter?" Godefroi asked.

Filepe drew his hand to his heart, as a tear fell from his eye. Gathering all the strength he could, he definitely stared Godefroi down.

"My brother… has died…" he said weeping.

"When did this happen? How is this happening?" Godefroi asked.

"Ask Bishop Clay" Filepe said leaving the room.

"What!" Godefroi yelled. "Where are you going?"

"The next time you see me will be on the battlefield, by the blood of my brother…. I will have my revenge!"

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