《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 51: The Day I Met Her II


"Weisheng" Godefroi said from the top of the throne. He had his hand underneath his chin, like something was troubling him.

"What is it my King?" Weisheng answered.

"Your sister … she's taking quite a while to get here, Last I heard she sent a raven saying she planned to stop at Sir Ivan's estate, have not heard from her since?" Godefroi asked.

"No sir, should I go there in person?" Wiesheng asked.

"Yes, but first send a Raven, that way if she is not there when you arrive I will be updated."

"Yes sir" Weisheng answered. "It will be done."

Back on Sir Ivan's estate, Ying had just received Godfrois letter.

"Dear Princess Yingjie, I hope this finds you well. I hope you have not forgotten the arrangement between us, I have sent your brother to recover you. Please come to Paris as soon as possible. Let's not bring your father into this, that would not be good for either of us."


"It's not fair!" Yingjie yelled tearing the letter in half. "Now big brother Sheng is coming? Why is it that men control the lives of women!" She screamed.

"Princess we are guests in a home! Keep your voice down!" Lei said.

"No! Ying yelled "I'm not letting another man tell me what to do!" She screamed running out the back of the estate.

"Princess!" Lei called

YIng ran into the fields searching for a spot to hide in. Approaching a hut that still had it's door open, she slid inside hiding herself from Lei.

As she walked into the hut her shoes were caked in mud smearing all over the sides of her feet.

."It's not fair…" she whimpered burrying her face into her palms.

"Life is often difficult" A voice said from behind her. " You can't change the hand your dealt, but it's up to you how you play."

Ying turned around, coming face to face with the young man she had seen earlier.

He was sitting on the top bunk of the bed with hands covered in mud.

"What are you doing in here" Ying asked.

" The same thing you are" Prince said. " I'm hiding something."

" What are you hiding?" Ying asked.

"Why don't we get out of here fast, before either one of us get caught."

"Where are we go-"

Prince grabbed Yings hand and led her to the hill he and Meri were on just the night before. When they finally reached the top, Prance let go off Ying's hand and sat on the ground.


"Why did you take me here!" Ying yelled. "I'm out in the open! Lei is sure to find me now!"

Prince said nothing and pointed towards the horizon.

As YIng turned her head, she saw a beautiful sun setting in the distance, filling the sky with bright and beautiful colors.

"You can only hide for so long" Prince said. "The sunset always reminds me of that."

"Why is that?"

"Because, no matter what I do, I cant stop the sun from setting, and no matter how fast I run it will eventually rise. Its the same with problems, they disappear for a bit, but will always come back."

"Well the sun isn't an arranged marriage! It's not the same! I love the sun not the man I want to marry!" She yelled

"Then don't marry him" Prince said plainly.

Ying blinked her eyes at Prince, completely insulted by his words.

"What!!!" She yelled

"If you don't want to marry him than don't, its that simple"

"I can't do that! My father will kill me if I don't!" Ying said.

Prince turned to Ying. gently opening his eyes slowly.

"Then die" He said without batting an eye.

"Whaattt! Are you crazy!" Ying said stepping away from Prince

"Who the hell is this man!" SHe thought.

"No I'm not crazy, but I would be if I was forced to marry someone I didn't love, that would surely drive me mad." Prince said laughing.

"So you're saying I should just die? What kind of crazy talk is that?" Ying cried, she blushed with embarrassment as she pleaded.

"I'm saying if your not willing to die, than you don't deserve freedom." Prince said.

"Whaaat!! What are you talking about!" Ying grumbled. "I'm a princess! You can't talk to me like that?"

"Well what are you going to do about it? Kill me? Go ahead" Prince said standing up. He took a step towards her, closing the distance between them. "I'm not like you, I'm ready to die, my life, is behind every word I say"

Ying blushed again, hiding her face behind her hands. "I can't even look at him! He's not like the other Europeans I'v met, he's so bold!"

"No, it's ok!" Ying said blushing "Just take it easy with me… I've never really talked to someone like this before.... Is it really ok to do this?" She asked.


"Do what?" Prince asked.

"To say what I fell in my heart…" She said.

"Yes" Prince said grinning "Its perfectly ok, tell me, what is truly in your heart?" He asked.

"She's extremely beautiful Prince" Pedro said. "She doesn't have curves like Alicia, but she has a pure heart, you see the way she breaks eye contact with you? She is truly a virgin maiden of god." Pedro said.

"I know…" Prince said to Pedro. "From the minute I saw her… I felt something...it was like fate was pulling me towards her… I wonder if-"

"Why do you want to know?" Ying asked crossing her arms. "Why are you here with me? Talking to me? You don't even know me!" She said turning away from Prince.

Prince blushed.

"What is this? The dark Prince is blushing!" Pedro laughed.

"Shut up Pedro!" Prince yelled in his head.

"I um…." Prince stuttered "I just wanted to be a good host is all, its French practice to talk about our emotions" Prince said bowing.

"Well… you French are truly different…." Ying said turning around.

"Ok.." She said, sighing "I.. I don't want to marry the man my father has arranged for me…. But I also don't want to die"

"No one wants to die" Prince said. "But are you willing to die?"

"What do you mean?" Ying asked.

Prince lead her to the top of the hill pointing across the horizon.

"Across that horizon, and far beyond the planes, there are knights and soldiers everywhere fighting for their country." Prince said.

"From France and England to the shores of Portugal, men are going to fight for their loved ones, their families, their friends, knowing there's a chance they will never see them again. None of these men want to die, but all of them are willing to do so for their goals"

Prince turned to Yingjie and grabbed her hand.

"If you truly want something Ying, you have to place your life on it, and if you don't there is always someone who will and they will beat you every time. In this case your father is betting your life, so you have to bet it as well! Whether or not you will die I don't know, but I do know that if you're not willing to risk your life do not complain! Because as a Princess you will have thousands of people following you risking their lives for you!"

A tear came to Yings eye as she thought about her bodyguard.

"Lei…" She said. "He would die for me….Prince… I don't know if I can…."

"Yes you can!" Prince said. "You will! It is your duty! As a princess! If you don't risk your life don't expect your followers to do the same! A prince or princess who is unwilling to risk their life is just nothing more than a starfish washed upon the beach!" Prince said.

"What does that mean?" Ying asked.

"It means you would become a creature with no heart! And one of no home!"

Yings eyes watered, and her soul shook at Prince's words. Never in her life had she had a conversation like this one.

"Your amazing!" She yelled. She wrapped her arms around Prince squeezing him tight. "Xièxie!"(Thank you!) She said.

"YIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!" She heard from across the estate.

"Sorry Prince!" She yelled "I've got to go!" She said scurrying off.

As she ran, Prince watched the red ribbons on her hair dance as she made her way.

"Pedro…" Prince said. "It's moments like this where I just wish I was Prince de Bourbon again… just for a day"

"Hehe why for a day? Why not forever?" Pedro said.

"Because without my parents… without my mother… It's not worth it… As soothing as a woman's love is… there is a blackish taint on my heart that will not rest until it has been avenged." Prince said.

"Godefroi" Pedro answered

"Yes" Prince said. "Godefroi, the man I'm risking my life to kill!"

Back at Bishop Clays castle, Desmound made his way through the dungeon.

"Ok, according to Cassidy, the artefact should be in this room," Desmound said opening a door slowly.

He peered through the door, finding a large staircase that spiraled down at least 10 floors.

"2, ,4 , 6, 8, 10 guards. Just like he said, But for a member of Red Fox…" He said drawing his crossbow "Anything under 50 is laughable!!"

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