《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 44: Jimi I



"Can you two stop being so noisy!" Meri screamed from across the hillside. "Me and Prince are trying to have a Moment!"

"Meriiii!" Marlin cried. "Jimi can talk!"

"What?" Meri answered.

In a few moments, the group was back together. After a few awkward stares and silent looks, Prince finally cleared the air.

"It's come to my attention that many of you would like to know just who exactly it is you are following." Prince said looking around his comrades. "But that information has a price to it."

"Many other bands of thieves would ask you to embed an emblem into your skin, but I'm not asking for all that. All I am asking for is your story, anyone who wants to know who I am will stand on the top of this hill and declare their story, once I have heard everyone's story, I will tell you mine, It is that that will hold us together, not an emblem, or a special chant." Prince said.

"Well, I suppose I will go first, considering the circumstances" Jimi said rising to the hill.

Meri's and Marlin's mouths dropped to the floor as he approached the hill.

"My name is Jimi, I'm a slave, yes I can talk, but that is none of your business. Obviously The reason I've been quite all this time is to conceal my intelligence. Speaking French would make people question if I can read, which for a slave like me, is illegal. But Since I burnt down half of Vienne last night, I might as well stop being so concerned about it. I'm not like these two nitwits' here." Jimi said shaking his head at Meri and Marlin. "I know the rules of our social contract Prince, and I'm pretty sure I already know who you are, I don't need to know your story, and you don't need to know mine. All you need to know is I need to pose as something less extravagant because of the color of my skin, and you are my ticket out of this hellhole! I will follow you as long as you treat me like a man, and not like a slave, is that good enough?" Jimi said.


"Well if you don't want to tell me everything, then you'll have to understand you cannot expect the same from me. I respect your wishes but you'll have to wait at the hillside for Marlin and Meri, I will tell them who I am." Prince said.

"Fine by me Two things I wanted to ask." Jimi said nodding his head.

"Go ahead"

"First of all, how the hell did you know I was smart? And how did you know I could play the fiddle?"

"I am very learned Jimi," Prince said. "When I saw you pick up the shovel, I noticed the same notes and chords of one of my favorite songs on the harpsichord"

"Le Bouvier? You know it?" Jimi asked.

"Yes," Prince answered, We will play it together sometime Jimi, after I buy you a fiddle that is!"

"Heh, never a dull moment with you Prince, but as for you two, I my second question is to you." Jimi said turning to Meri and Marlin.

"Why are you two so pathetic?" Jimi said.

"What the hell Jimi! You don't talked for years and this is the first thing you say to me?" Meri cried.

"Seriously though, one of you can barely fight, and the other cries at the first spill of blood, are you really cut out to follow a man like Prince?" Jimi said

"Well Jimi!" Marlin said flailing his hands. " You'll have to excuse us for not being prepared, Prince didn't exactly explain what was going to happen!" Marlin said

"But he's right" Prince said.

"Prince..." Meri said.

"He's right, the places we've see, the people we've fought, the people... who've died, things will get much worse than this, and you two aren't equipped. Jimi, can you teach Marlin how to use his artefact?" Prince asked.


"Is that an order?" Jimi asked

"As a matter of fact, no, decide for yourself, But If you do it I'll get you that fiddle." Prince said.

"Son of a Bitch!" Jimi said dragging Marlin away.

"Hey! I didn't get to tell you my story!" Marlin yelled.

"You'll have plenty of time things are going to be slow for the next few days." Prince said laughing.

As the duo reached the bottom of the hill, Prince called out to them.

"Hey Jimi!" Prince yelled.

Jimi spun around holding Marlin by his collar.


"What was with you the first time we met! You called me faker! How did you know!" Prince yelled "It was Pitch black in the room! You couldn't even see me! So How did you know I was faking!"

"Hahah! Why? Trois roses thats why!" Jimi said laughing

"What?" Prince said coonfused.

"You smelt like Trois roses, only a high class women wears that perfum, you were with a very high up women that day!"

"You could smell that? Prince asked.

"Anyone with a nose could smell that!" Jimi said laughing. "Tell her not to be so aggressive with it next time!"

Prince sat at the top of the hill with Meri, enjoying the view. As the breeze from the west came in, they gazed at each other, encapsulated in the moment.

"And who was the lady with the perfume?" Meri asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Not happening" Prince said crossing his arms "But I'll tell you this, we had sex, and we're not married" Prince said grinning

"You Pig!" Meri said slapping him.

"Hehahaha" Prince laughed. He grabbed his sides, as Meri's cheeked lit up bright red in embarassment.

"Why can't we always be like this?" Meri asked

"Like what?"

"Laughing and pulling each others legs! Why don't we just use our riches to have more days like these!" Meri said cheerfully.

"Because, as we sit around enjoying ourselves, my enemies plot against me." Prince said.

"Also, a life of laughs and happiness isn't for me," Prince said. "I tried that."

"Then what kind of life do you want to live?" Meri asked.

"A life where my enemies are crushed, and the world lives in truth," Prince said.

"Who is this enemy of yours that you keep talking about?" Meri said.

"He," Prince said walking to the edge of the hill. "King Godefroi and his 13 Dukes." Prince said. "And whoever else it is that stops me from ascending to the throne."

"I want to be there when you make it to the top, I want to be your knight in shining armor"

"Haha don't you mean Princess?" Prince said laughing.

"No Prince, I mean knight! I've always wanted to be one! As King you could make it so that women can become knights right!" Meri said, she looked into his eyes full of admiration, folding her hands below her chin.

"Sure but, Why is it so important to you to become a knight?" Prince asked.

"Because, it was a knight who saved my life..."

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