《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 41: The Great Conference of The Dukes VII Hindsight


"Why is it that we see everything in Hindsight? The answer is simple. Most men can understand: only what they have experienced. There are few who can understand: what is next to be experienced. It is these men who understand what is coming who shape the world through foresight, and the rest of men who see the world through Hindsight."

-The Dark Prince

(3 days Prior)

"So my good gentlemen, is this where we have chosen for our most elaborate scheme?" Willaim laughed.

He, Gilbert and Valentene were all gathered on the back balcony of a whore house, deciding how they planned to murder the King of the land as naked women danced around them.

"It's a double guise" Valnetene said popping his collar. "If anyone finds out we met here secretly, they will think we are trying to cover up our affairs, not planning to kill the sitting King."

"Well then how are we going to carry this out? Shall we seek the aid of the Dark Prince?" William asked.

"He is rather skilled at assassinations, he took out the Baron of Vertus after all." William jived.

"No," Valentene said. "We cannot trust a matter like this with a rogue Vagabond like him, he'll cause a big scene and get us all killed, a man like that only cares for himself." Valentine said

"Fair enough, so what is the plan?" Gilbert asked

"We will poison him." Valentene said.

"In a room of 13 assassins tracking our every move? How do you suppose we do that?" William asked.

"With Gilbert's artefact this should be a no brainer, no one knows of its power correct?" Valentine said.

"Correct." Gilbert answered

"Excellent, so the plan is as follows."

"First Gilbert will draw a toast to the King, bringing all the attention to the bottle of WIne. Second, William you will turn a portion of the water into poison, and then turn it back into water. Then you will transfer that water to a napkin. And then sneak it into a pile of fresh ones, maybe even prepare more than one napkin for this. Gilbert will accidentally knock off the King's napkin off the table, causing a servant to replace it with a new one. Then as we give a toast, You turn that water back into poison wine, Godefroi drinks, dabs his mouth with the napkin and dies, with no evidence left to hold us to the murder!"


"That is an excellent plan, considering I can destroy the evidence as fast as I can make it, but that won't be enough. Those assassins will be looking on the whole time, they might inspect the handkerchief."

"Thats where Gilberts artefact comes in! You can create optical illusions correct?" Valentene said.

"Why yes? What do you propose I do?"

"Make it seem as if Godefroi dropped something else, something disposable, and make it seem as if the servant is throwing it away."

"Can his artefact really fool everyone in the room? Is it that powerful?" William asked

"Yes, but unfortunately that illusion will only work for a moment, and it will only fool those who weren't looking to begin with, anyone who is watchin the servant before him will see through it.

"That's where this toast comes in, '' William said. "Also before pouring the King his glass, I will do something to attract the attention of the assassins, maybe touch the bottle in a strange way, something to arouse them but not to get them to act."

"Yes, yes excellent!"

"Then we are all in agreement?" Valentine said.

"One last thing," William said.

"What is it?"

"If this plan fails, I will take the blame," William said.

"IF it fails, we're all as good as dead! We can't afford to mess up!" Gilbert said.

"We may not make a single mistake, and still we fail." William said

"What is it you are alluding to?" Valentine said

"Your forgetting who are King is, there's a small chance, near impossible, but a chance nonetheless, that he will survive the attack."


"I've heard rumors that the King's artefact makes him invincible, we have to prepare a back up plan if things fail. Therefore, I will change the Kings wine back to poison with the tip of my sword after he dies, and Gilbert you take the napkin, making sure no one finds it."

"But why you? You of all people, the youngest and the one with the most animosity for Godfroi! He killed your wife for Christ's sake, called her a whore and had her burnt at the stake! That heartless prick!"


"He didn't know it was my wife, he thought of her only as a whore with a bastard child who had scrambled funds from the church and had managed to live lavishly…. Even in death, she did not reveal my name…. Claudia… 'm so sorry…"

"Then why must it be you?"

"I made a mistake, there is rumor among champaign that I am in talks with Britain, this brings unwanted suspicion to me, and by extension you two. With me dead, suspicion will drop, and you two will become closer to Godefroi, he will trust you, and tell you things, that might create an opening."

"William please!"

"Gilbert, you are friendlier and more curtius, Godefroi will trust you more than he ever would me." William said

"And Valentene you are a much more cunning man than I, you will do a better job at killing him than I ever could, as the weakest like, I must be the one to die." William said.

"IF that is your wish…" Gilbert siad.

"Just promise me one thing" William said.

"What is it?"

"I know you two are very prideful, and you don't want to rely on other men, nut if this fails please seek out the Dark Prince."

"And why would we do that?"

"You may not like his style, but he is bold, brilliant, deadly, and incredibly charismatic. People want to follow someone like that, especially if they are of Royal blood."

"Royal blood? What are you talking about?

"Don't you think it is strange the boy called Godefroi uncle and Godefroi claims to not know his identity? Don't you think it's strange we don't have a wanted poster on every block for this kid?"

"Yes… why is that?"

"Because it's believed the boy is Prince de Bourbon, the rightful air to the throne."

"WHAT!!! That's blasphemy! Why isn't he in the royal court battlling for the throne then? With his lineage he would have at least 3 houses backing him!"

"I don't know, personally I think its because he's no longer royalty."

"What!!!" Gilbert yelled.

"I never saw the boy, but from what Lindor said, he trusts no one, and is out to prove himself to the world, someone like that won't try to make a move just with his heritage, no no, Prince if he is in fact the vagabond we know him to be wants much more than that.

"What does he want?"

"To systematically destroy everything that took his family away, right now he's piecing it all together, the time when he will announce his name is far from now. I don't imagine him doing it before he has his own army."

"Army!" Gilbert croaked.

"If this fails reach out to him, there is much more about him than meets the eye."

Back in the castle, Godefroi, Duke, and Wiesheng were all sitting together.

"Good job Duke, Wiesheng said you handled yourself well, even around the dead body."

"Well it wasn't the first time I saw one now was it" Duke said.

"Ah yes, how could I forget… a tragedy what you went through my boy, I'm glad you still have a heart after that Tragedy."

"What Tragedy do you speak of?" Weisheng asked.

Duke grew cold, the vibrance of his youthful expression turned into a stern and somber one.

"Weisheng its best if"

"No uncle, it's OK," Duke said. "It's not much of a secret anyway."

"What isn't"

"The night of February 14th.."

"Valentines day?"

"Yes, the night I lost the two people I loved the most… Prince Frederick de Niche and Princess Malinda de Niche. The Valentines Massacre of the Niche family."

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