《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 36: Assuault on the Den of Wolves IX


"Alsalasil!" A voice cried in the distance.

In a flash a set of gold chains came from the opposite side of the roof. One by one, Lindors followers began dropping, pulverized by the golden links of metal. The set of chains raged and whipped, like it had a mind of its own, its user was nowhere to be found.

"Men get a hold of yourselves!" Lindor yelled "Find the man controlling the chains he must be around here somewhere!"

The chains released retracting back to their hidden owner.

"Grab hold!" Alphonse said grabbing in the retracting chains. His men followed, grabbing onto the chains as their strength pulled them all off the side of the roof.

"How strong is this guy!" Alphonse said. "There's no way this can be the work of one man!"

With all their might, the men yanked the chains back up onto the roof, gaining a tremendous amount of slack on them.

"Heave Ho!: Alphonse screamed

All the way at the end of the chains, dangling off the roof, was a hooded man. Tossed by the strength of the eight men pulling on his chains, he was thrown into the sky, losing his hood to the Turbulence of the wind. As his hood came off sounds of gasps and awe were heard across the rooftop.

"That's the Musician!" Alphonse yelled, seeing the young african and his wild hair.

"Jimi!" Prince cried "I knew you were a genius! You incredible son of a bitch!"

"Kibh" Jimi yelled

His golden chains wrapped themselves around the men, restraining them in place. Using just his two arms, Jimi yanked all eight of the men into each other, crashing them together like a set of bowling pins.


The men tossed and turned on the hot rooftop, disorientated from Jimi's combination.


"Archers!" Lindor screamed, calling them to shoot down Prince and Jimi.

His archers drew their bows, lighting the end of each of their arrows on fire.

"Prince there's too many to dodge!" Pedro yelled

Thinking fast, Prince grabbed a piece of debris that was sitting on the roof, holding it above his head as a shield.

"Fire!" Lindor commanded.

A hail of fiery arrows fell from the skies, smashing into Prince's debri shield. Their fiery tips slowly withered it away , burnin git to pieces as they fired.

"SHit!" Prince said "I don't know how much longer I can hold out!"

"Alsalasil" Jimi cried again.

Suddenly, Prince felt a strong gust of wind above him. As he peered out from beneath his shield, he saw Jimi using the gigantic Metal chains like a blender, grindin the arrows as they fell.

"Jimi!" Prince said "Your Incredible!"

Jimi pointed in ahead towards Lindor, who with the help of Alphonse, was scurrying away.

"Can you stop them!" Prince said.

Jimi grinned at Prince, throwing his chains into the air.

"Qafas!" Jimi shouted

Slamming the chains back down, Jimi created a huge cage out of them trapping the enemy in place.

"Damnit!" Lindor screamed

"Do not worry my lord, '' Alphonse said. "We will defend you to the death!"

Witht the last of their strength, Lindors men made a final stand against Prince and jimi, picking up their blades.

"For Lindor!" They cried, running at them with a set of blades

Jimi whirled his chains, ready to fight alongside Prince, but was stopped.

"No Jimi," Prince said, "Thank you for helping me thus far, but I don't want anymore blood on your hands, I will deal with the rest."

Prince ran through the group of men, slicing them to pieces as he made his way to Lindor. As he swiftly dodge and countered their strikes, his red eyes never once left his wounded prey.


"He's a demon!" Alphonse said. "He cuts through each of these men with no remorse, no conscience, It's almost as if he is possessed!"

"He is possessed" Lindor said. "Possessed by the demon of Revenge!"

"Revenge? What have we done to deserve this? We took him in under our care! We watched him grow!"

"I… betrayed him Alphonse"

"You WHAT!"

"I was afraid, afraid he would one day become this… also I was jealous of him."

"How so!"

"The way women looked a thim, the way men feared him, I had never seen anything like it... A woman like baroness Alicia courting him… when I tried to make a move on her she called me a creep, and yet this eighteen year old boy was able to do what I couldn't… It hurt me so ."

"Lindor you fool!" Alphonse said. "Look at you, you are a Lord, Now a Viscount in title, you are the leader of the greatest band of thieves in France! And, you have quite the small fortune we obtained from our ventures. How can you not see all you have that Prince doe no!"

"You mean all I had!" Lindor said. "I was a fool! I took life for granted, and now Life has taken everything I have! You must not make the same mistake!" Lindor said.

Reaching into his pocket, he took out a bottle of cologne. He extended out his hand, giving it to Alphones

"Lindor, I'm sorry, but what use does a man like me have for cologne?"

"Take this!" Lindor said. "It is the artefact that I used to transform!"

Alphonse's eyes grew wide, as he felt the power

"I can't Alphonse said "It is meant to be with you, besides we are of no relation! I cannot use that artrefact."

"Take this and escape! Get out of here and sell it for a good price on the black-market! With these wounds I will surely die! But you Alphonse, still have a chance to live."

"Lindor, when you met me I was a doctor who became a homeless drunk. My wife had left me and it seemed no one in this world cared if I lived or died. As far as I'm concerned my honor my love and my life are on this rooftop, and if you die here, so will they!"

"Alphonse no!" Lindor cried

"Alphonse" Prince said standing before him. "You saved my life that day, that day you pulled out that sword from my stomach. Please, leave Lindor to me; he has sinned beyond the realm of redemption."

"I will not!" Alphonse said. "I'm a doctor godamnit! And we do not abandon our patients no matter the cost!" He cried. "I don't care what he did! I would rather die than abandon this man!"

Drawing out his sword Alphonse ran at Prince with a proud swing.

Closing his eyes Prince halfheartedly cut him down, dropping him with a single blow

"Alphonse!" Lindor cried. He stretched out his arms to his friend as he fell.

"Lord Lindor..." Alphonse said, as his wounds stained the ground with blood. "It was an honor"

"ALPHONSE!!!!" Lindor cried.

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