《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 35: Assuault on the Den of Wolves VIII



Lindor Howled as he stretched out his claws, smashing them against Prince's sword. His eyes burned from the heat of the flames that engulfed him on all sides.

Prince parried Lindor's attack and landed a spinning sweep on Lindors gigantic beast of a right leg. Falling down onto one knee, Lindor let out a wail as his leg touched a steel pipe penetrating the roof. As the hot steel branded itself onto Lindor's leg. Prince came in from above with a falling dive.

"So all I have to do is imagine the things that captivate my soul! And I can do an arte! It doesn't matter what I name it?" Prince said to Pedro

"Yes exactly! But depending on the arc of your attack and how you release your soul, a different attack will emerge"

"Fine!" Prince answered, "Falling Eagle!"

His blade began to glow with a blue ferocity, and wings appeared on either side of it as hastily approaching Lindor

"Wolf Claw!" Lindor yelled. As he swiveled his paw, a white streak of energy pulsed through his claws.

The white claw traveled through the air, colliding with Princes eagle.


The claw traveled straight through Princes attack, knocking him backwards. Tumbling and tossing on the ground he reformed into his stance

"Pedro! Are you telling me his arte is stronger than mine!" Prince said

"Yes! His arte was used in combination with his artefact, when one does that, their arte becomes enchanted"


"Yes, the soul of the ancestor and the decedent fuse momentarily becoming one for an attack, the arte becomes enchanted, bearing the effects of whatever special power the ancestor has."

"So if I fuse your soul with mine"

"A shadow will cloak your soul"

Prince raised his sword and aimed it at Lindor.

Lindor howled back menacingly grinning as he did.

"I will kill you! And then Meri Alicia, and any other woman you have ever met I will fuck them! I will fuck them all!" Lindor yelled


"You pig!" Prince screamed

Running across the rooftop, Prince dragged his blade along the ground leaving a trail of sparks.

When he was a foot away from Lindor he spun in a circle putting torque into his next swing

"Shadow Edge!" Prince cried.

A dark aura encased his blade, overflowing with ominous power.

"Hmph! Too obvious!" Lindor said ducking under his attack. The blade drifted over his head as he crouched down ready to launch a counter attack.

"What is this!" Lindor cried

From the corner of his eye, he saw a dark entity, much more sinister than Princes. It was like a silhouette that had taken on the form of a man. It was completely black from head to toe. Its clothes, its skin, even its eyes were like dark holes sucking Lindor in with their enmity.

The dark figure thrust a sword attack at Lindor, slicing him across the shoulder and slamming him onto the hot Ashy floor.

"GOD!" Lindor screamed as the flames once again burnt his fur coat. He cowered away in fear, as he watched the demonic doppelganger slowly morph back into Prince's shadow.

"Pedro… what was that?" Prince said

"That artefact," Pedro said "I thought I recognized it. It is my uncle's mirror, using it produces a shadow that mirrors your every move but emphasis on mirror! If you perform right swing it will perform a left!"

"Wait but what about my attack before? Why wasn't there a shadow then?"

"The shadow will only mirror dark attacks, attacks from your soul won't do, if you want the shadow to attack you will have to use my souls, which by the way we only have 4 left of."

Lindor sprang to his feet, and with a howling rage he slashed at Prince, trying to catch him off guard.

"Getting frustrated?" Prince said, easily holding him off.


"You've gotten stronger over these last two years! Seems I'll have to use…" Lindor said reaching towards the ground " some underhanded tactics!"

Lindor grabbed a handful of dirt and thrust it into Prince's eyes blinding him.

" Sabertooth!" Lindor yelled, biting at Prince with his white fangs.


Lidnor grunted as Prince used the handle of his sword to uppercut Lindor.

"I changed! You on the other hand haven't changed a bit Lindor!" Prince yelled, hitting him with a spinning roundhouse kick to the chin.

"Always using petty attempts to achieve victory!"

Lindor lost his footing setting up a perfect opportunity for Prince to attack.

Prince made a slice from the top of Lindor's shoulder to the opposite side of his lower stomach. As soon as his blade had finished it's cut, his shadow doppelganger mirrored his cut, creating an X across Lindor's chest.

" Shadow Cross!" Prince yelled

"I've had my eyes closed at every chance!" Prince said " And even if I was blind, I can smell the filth of your presence outlining every move you make!"

Lindor fell to the ground limping in pain. "Dammit? I'm out of options! He's become to strong! Who taught him artes?" he thought

" It's over Lindor," Prince said, bringing his blade to Lindor's chin. " I will make sure your death is slow, and painful!"

Prince dug his blade into Lindor's thigh, spilling pools of blood down Lindor's leg.

" You Bastard!" Lindor screamed

"No, that's not what I want to hear! Apologize for attacking my woman! Apologize for ever laying a finger on Alicia!"


Lindor spat into Prince's face.

" I saved you, I took you off the streets and fed you! And this is how you repay me! Fuck you! And fuck your whore of a woman! Half of France has probably fucked-"


Prince dug his blade farther into Lindor's leg

"I swear Lindor, by the end of tonight I will have you-"

Princes comment was cut off by a stray arrow that grazed the side of his cheek. He pressed his hand against his face, finding a trail of blood running down it.

"Long Live Lord Lindor" a man with a crossbow said.

He was completely covered in ash, with half of his face burnt to cinders from the fire. Limping to Lindors aid he led a small pack of men behind him

"Alphonse?" Lindor said. He grabbed his heart, warmed by the face of his war torn comrade.

"Lindor, we would never leave you, not even the flames of hell's Prince could stop us from reaching you!" Alphonse answered "You no good shit! I should have let you die on that table you sneaky fuck!" Alphonse yelled

"I knew it wasn't a mistake." Prince said.

"Your men are loyal to you, leaving them out of this would have led them to my downfall"

"He… I wouldn't speak so fast…" Lindor said "Your downfall is still iminent!"

Prince watched as dozens of more men emerged from the flames. Some with swords while others with arrows and crossbows.

"Pedro" Prince said "You've died before right?"

"That I have" Pedro said "Do you fear this is the end?"

"Did you hear chains at the end?" Prince asked

"No…" Pedro answered. "Maybe it isn't death you hear, maybe its a friend."

"A friend wheeling the chains of death?" Prince asked "Who could that…"

"Alsalasil!" A voice cried in the distance.

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