《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 30: Assault On The Den of Wolves IV Balders Game II


Prince grinned, locking eyes with Bolder, as he came to his turn.

"Two fives," Prince said, laying down his hand. He placed them down, looking around the table.

"No one is going to call connerie?" he said raising his hands.

"Its not worth it." The man next to him said. "You've got enough cards as is, why would we risk picking up an extra two cards?" The man said.

"Very well, your next Balder," Prince said.

"Two sixes," Balder said, laying down his card.

" seven of spades and one seven of diamonds" The old man said following Balder.

"Three eights" The man beside Prince said, placing down his cards.

Prince looked down at the pile of cards, there were nearly a dozen now, all gathered into the center.

"This next move decides the whole match." He thought, placing down his cards.

"Four nines," Prince said, placing down his cards. A thick tension started to pulse through the table.

"What are the chances that he has four of those cards?" The old man said eyeing Prince. "If I don't call Connerie now, he gains a huge advantage, but If I'm wrong, I'll lose this match for sure."

"What's wrong? Old man? Not going to call me out?" Prince laughed.

"ARRGGG connerie!" The old man gagged. "Theres no way you have those cards!"

"Tsk Tsk tsk" Prince said laughing. He turned over his cards revealing the four nines.

"What! Thats impossible! The old man said flipping over the cards," I don't even see a five in this pile of cars! You were bullshiting me earlier weren't you!"

"I've been bullshiting you from the beggining" Prince laughed

"You're a fool," Balder said to the old man. "There was little possibility of him not having those cards!" Balder said.


:What? How's that?" The old man said.

"There are only four of each type of card in a deck and the deck was equally split amongst the four of us, in other words, if he didn't have all four cards, someone here would have them." Balder said.

"And what's your point!" The old man said.

"Didn't you notice the awkward pause?" Balder siad. "If someone had even one nine card, surely they would have called connerie correct? That pause was from people going through their decks unable to find the nine card, so naturally, he has all four of them!" Balder said.


"Your immense hand of cards, will only cause you to call conneries out of spite, so, as of now you are out!" Balder ordered. "Place your deck into the center of the cards!"

The old man threw his deck onto the table, and stormed out of the room. After carefully arranging them on the table, Balder made his next move.

"One ten of Hearts, and one ten of clubs," Balder said, placing down his cards.

The man next to Balder eyed Balders cards carefully as a drop of sweat ran across his eye.

"Does he really have two tens?" The man thought. "I am looking at two of them right now…If he's bullshitting That would mean that Prince has none, what are the chances of that?" The man thought. "Dammit I've got no choice! It's too risky to call him out!"

"One Jack of clubs!" The man said, placing down his card.

"Hmmmmm" Prince said, scratching his chin. The man began to sweat as Prince carefully eyed him down.

"If you're going to call connerie go ahead and do it!" The man said.

"Fine," Prince said. He scornfully gazed at the man. "One Queen of Diamonds" He said placing his cards down.


"One King of clubs." Balder said, placing his card down.

"Skip!" The man beside Prince said.

"Three Aces," Prince said, placing his cards down.

"What! What is this trick?" Balder thought. "In the first round he did the exact same thing! He didn't have any Aces then… and it should be impossible for him to place down even one but three? Does he think its more believable this way? And yet, No one is calling bullshit? Is this because no one has the last Ace? But that doesn't make any sense? If no one has the last Ace shouldn't Prince just place down all four? But how did he obtain the fourth? None of this makes any-"

"Connerie!" The man beside Prince yelled. "Nice try! No way you can possibly have three when in the first round you didn't have any! Don't worry Balder, I know you probably were worried the whether the old man had more than one ace or not, as I can tell neither of us has one in our hands, but let me tell you, this guy is full of it! No way he could possibly."

Prince flipped over his cards, revealing three Aces.

"Impossible! How did you get-"

"I always had them," Prince said. "In the first round, I accomplished two things'' Prince said "The first was making you underestimate me, which lead to the old man's downfall, but the second, was to make you believe I had no Aces." Prince said

"I bet you're thinking, If I had three Aces, why wouldn't I just place them down right then and there? The answer is, I knew someone would call connerie, so my plan was to build up your confidence until the deck was stacked. I picked up three cards in the beginning of the game, to get you to take the whole deck! You're finished!" Prince said.

"Well played Prince,'' the man said, placing his cards into the center.

"Now its just you and me Balder." Prince said.

Prince had 6 cards left to play, as Balder sat graciously with three.

"The next mistake loses!" Balder thought "He's smart, he can probably tell If I lie… I just need to skip until I can play my hand, and this game is as good as mine!" Balder said.

"Balder," Prince said.

"Do you really think you can beat me that way?" Prince said. "Just waiting out your turn, and skipping the cards you don't have?" Prince said.

"No way! Can he read my thoughts! How can he"

"In your hand, all three of your cards are the same, aren't they?" Prince said.

"Im Impossible!" Balder said

"They are all fours!" Prince said reading him, "No… there all fives aren't they!" Prince jabbed.

Balder covered his ears.

"I'm not going to listen to another word you say!" Balder said. "I'm going to stick to my plan and win this match!" Balder said.

"Hehe, it's almost two easy!" Pedro said. "This game is yours Prince"

"It was mine, the second Balder didn't bullshit me" Prince said. "It revealed too much about his character. It's time to win this game, and retrieve that artefact Pedro." Prince said. "We still are on a strict time constraint, I don't know how much longer Mary will last up there."

(upstairs in Lindors room)

"Yes Yes!" Lindor said. "Now take your Panty's off!"

"This pig!" Mary said, taking off her pantys.

Lindor grabbed them, sniffing them endlessly.

"I swear Prince, if this plan doesn't work… I'll kill you!"

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