《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter: 29 Assault On The Den of Wolves III Balders Game


Balder whipped out a deck of cards and spread them out across his fingertips. As the cards took the shape of a fan, he used them to hide the bottom of his face as he explained the rules of the game.

"The name of this game is connerie(bullshit)" He said shuffling the cards.

"I will distribute the deck equally amongst our 4 players here, so we each should have 13 cards." As he spoke he flashed the deck of cards across the table, causing them cascade into place at the center of the table.

"The rules are simple, we will each take turns placing a card into the center of the table, building a stack of cards that go in ascending value, 2 being the lowest, Ace being the highest. All one has to do is place whichever card is next in the sequence."

"For example, let's say the first card is a 2. The next person would have to put down a 3 of any suit, and if one did not have a 3, you would skip around the table until someone did."

"So this is purely a luck based game" Prince said. "Basically, whoever has the best hand wins."

"Heh, there is one catch," Balder said grinning

"Whats that?"

"When you place your card in the sequence, you place it face down, in other words, no one knows what card you actually placed down was."

"So what's stopping someone from just placing down random cards?" Prince asked.



"If you do not think someone has the card they claimed to have placed down,say Connerie, and if the card is a fake that player has to take the stack of cards in the center. And if not, you have to take the cards. The goal is to empty your hands of all your cards" Balder said


"I see" Prince said. "So basically there is quite a bit of treachery in this game, the winner is the one who can best convince the others of his cards.

"Correct! Also you are also allowed to place more than one card at a time, so long as they are the same value."

"I see, so one could place 4 cards face down and have none of them be the correct one" Prince said.

"Correct! You seem to have the game figured out, Well then let's begin, Prince would you like to deal?" Balder said, giving him the cards.

"It would be my pleasure." Prince said.

"Pedro can you see the cards?" Prince said dealing them out

"Unfortunately I cannot." Pedro said. "I can't see what is not visible to anyone, I can only see the things that are not visible to you."

"In other words, your eyes reveal, not penetrate" Prince said

"Correct" Pedro answered

"I see," Prince said "So I will have to rely on my own wits then, you didn't see anything fishy with his shuffling did you?"

"Nothing, not a thing was out of place." Pedro said

Prince finished dealing out the deck and turned the last card face up, revealing a King.

"Well that's certainly something" Balder laughed. "That would mean the first card has to be an Ace. Prince if you will." Balder said.

Prince smugly grinned looking around the table before placing 4 cards face down. "4 Aces," He said, placing them onto the king.

"Connerie!" One of the old men shouted.

"Oh?" Prince said, not batting an eye.

"No way you have 4 Aces!" The man growled.

"Shit, looks like you got me," Prince laughed. He lifted up his cards revealing three Jacks and a 3 of hearts.


"You're not too good at these games are ya kid" The old man said.

"I guess not?" Prince shrugged, locking eyes with Balder.

"Very impressive, you went all out since you didn't have an ace, might as well bet four right? You knew someone was going to call connerie on you anyway since doing so results in only a few cards being obtained, as well as the fact that no one wants you to win. Also you've figured out who has an Ace here, most likely the man is so agitated because he has an ace in his hand already, or 2." Balder thought

Balder was next up in line placing 2 cards face down.

"one 2 of hearts, and ine 2 of clubs" Balder said

As he eloquently dropped the cards to the table, not a single soul dared to challenge him. It was clear that of all the men there, Balder was the most capable.

"One 3 of spades, and one 3 of diamonds!" The old man that had yelled at Prince earlier said.

"Connerie" Prince yelled

The man grinned, flipping over his two cards onto the table.

"You lose kid!" He said exposing his two cards.

"Damit!" Prince said, striking the table.

As he took the pile of cards in the center he carefully examined them.

"I see," Balder thought "you called connerie on the old man to check his cards, as well as to check mine, without directly challenging me." I'm impressed but your gaining far to many cards, at this rate you'll fall behind and-"

"He, hehhahahah" Prince laughed

"What's so funny?" The old man groaned.

"As of this moment, I have won this game" Prince declared.

As he laughed maniacally, Balder saw a flash of red in his eyes, a menacing gaze that superseded all his previous actions.

"Just who is this boy?" Balder thought

"Shut up and play!" Another man at the table said. "One 4 of"

"Connerie!" Prince yelled before he could even put the card down.

"Thats… thats impossible" The man said "How did you know that I didn't have a single 4!" He said, revealing to the table, a 5 of hearts."

"Did I miss something?" Balder thought. "How the hell did he… what did he? Did he rig the game somehow? How did he manage to get his far?" Balder thought staring back at Prince.

"Balder" Prince said. "Your first mistake was letting me go first." Prince said "Your second mistake was not bullshiting me when you had the chance"

"What? What are you talking about?" Balder said, growing weary. "How the hell can you win this game off of one round!"

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