《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 27: The Great Conference of the Dukes II


Signaling to the women Marlin had saw earlier, Prince invited her over.

"Yes me lord." she said daintily.

"Well here she is," Prince said to Marlin, "Now seduce her"

Marlin tried his best to compose himself, desperately trying not to look at the nipples poking out of the woman's clothing.

"He… hello" Marlin began, "Do you think… We can...you know" He said blushing.

He looked down at the woman's pleasantly plump breasts, tightly arranged in a nice area of cleavage. A blood rush overcame him, nearly making him faint.

"Prince… this is hard, do you think you can" Marlin began.

"If you can't handle this woman, you really think you have a shot with Meri?" Prince chimed.

Prince's words cut like a razor sharp knife, nearly slicing Marlin's heart to pieces.

"He's right," Marlin thought. "How can Meri sleep with a virgin like me? I'll never get her like this… But Prince… he could do this without breaking a sweat!"

"You there! You seductive looking woman!" Marlin cried

"Uhh… yes…" She replied

"I want to have sex with you! From the moment I saw your chest, my dick has been harder than a freshly molded sheet of iron!" Marlin cried.

"Your a funny one" The girl said teasing "First time?"

"Yes! But do not be fooled! I'm as good as I am in the bedroom as I am on the cottonfields!" Marlin cried

"That will be 5 shillings" The girl said

"Prince!" Marlin cried

"Prince handed over the shillings to Marlin.

"We've got to work on your seduction skills>" Prince said shaking his head. "And Marlin, never raise your voice at a woman." Prince said "It's childish, she's standing right next to you for Christs sake."

"Thank you Prince" Marlin said

The woman grabbed Marlin's hand and lead him into a room in the back of the bar. Marlin had a grin on his face that was so wide, even the woman's chest he was drooling over seemed small in comparison.


"I can't believe this is happening." Marlins whispered, placing a hand over his mouth.

"Wow Prince, you're turning into quite the nice guy, not the Prince of Darkness I expected" Pedro said.

"A Prince who is cruel to his enemies is fit to be a King, but A Prince who is cruel to his subordinates, is no Prince at all."

"We shall see." Pedro said .

"Nice show you put on there" Prince heard from behind him

A man with a long trench coat approached him. He tipped the edge of his top hat towards Prince.

"The name is Balder, how's about you come to my table and make some real money?"

"No thanks," Prince said "I'm satisfied with what I've obtained today."

"Oh? That's too bad, I was going to invite you to my high roller table, the prize for winning is nearly 500 pounds, are you sure you are not interested?" The man said.

"No, I'm all set." Prince said

"Thats a shame, we could use someone of your caliber at table" The man said. He reached into his pocket, taking out a small pocketwatch.

As the man withdrew the watch a black flame engulfed the watch, shrouding it in darkness. As the dark flames emanated all over the man's hands, Prince couldn't help but me drawn in by a dark power.

"Pedro" Prince said "What is that?"

"That Prince, is an artefact." Pedro answered

"That's an artifact?"

"They come in many more forms than just swords! If you can retrieve that gauntlet from him you will obtain new powers!"

"Can this man see the flames pouring out of it? Do you think he knows of its power"

"No, only someone with the blood of an ancestor can use that, and my eyes can tell he is not carrying that blood. This is your chance, see if we can obtain it while he is still unaware of its worth."


"On second thought." Prince said "Is there any chance you would be willing to part with that watch?"

"This cursed thing?" The man said "I found it in a prison I was assigned to earlier in life, what would you want with this? The mirror in it is broken"

"I'll give you a pound for it" Prince said,

"Hmph, I don't know what significance this broken treasure has for you, but if you want it, beat me at this game and its yours" He said

"Very well," Prince said. "I guess I'll do just that."

"Pedro" Prince said "I can feel power seeping out from that thing, how much more powerful will I become?"

"With two artefacts, you will be able to hold your own against that rival of yours." Pedro answered

"And who might that be?"

"Achooo!" Silvio sneezed "Well it seems someone somewhere is thinking fondly about me" He laughed "So now that we've gotten the info, how exactly are we going to stop this handsome dark Prince?"

"We will not stop him, we are going to assist him." Godefroi siad

"Come again?" Silvio said.

"We are going to extend a warm welcome to him, and the moment he lets his guard down we will destroy him!" Godefroi said.

"Due tell, I'm very interested" Sivlio said

"Are you sure you two have never met?" Godefroi asked, "You seem to be quite fond of him."

"Absolutely" Silvio said bowing. "If I had ever met him he would be dead, no one can challenge my looks or deftness with a sword."

"Prince, we will settle the score, man vs man, I won't let anyone interfere with our quarrel! What you have against this group of ugly bastards has nothing to do with me!" Silvio thought

"I see" Godefroi said, "Judging by his reactions, Silvio has met Prince… is he a traitor, or is he just obsessed with his handsomeness? Knowing Silvio its probably the latter… One question should clear this up."

"Silvio, who is more handsome? You or Prince?" Godefroi asked

"Tskkk" Silvio said angrily "Me of course I'm ashamed you would even ask!"

"I see" Godefroi said "It seems whatever is between them has nothing to do with treachery, Silvio clearly sees Prince as his rival, not his comrade, I'll leave this be… for now."

"Well played" Archbishop Clay said to Bishop Frank.

"That's why he's the King" Frank answered.

"If The Dark Prince approaches any of you, you are to welcome him in, say you are interested in overthrowing the crown and report back to me. After that we will lead him into a trap, one even darkness cannot escape."

"Prince, keep doing as you like and soon you will be in my clutches!" Godefroi thought

"Lets take a break for recess I'm sure some of you at this table need to get some fresh air. Isn't that right Duke Valentine ?"

The man with all black clothes and rose hair withdrew the dagger he was just about to throw at the huge man that had spilled his drink earlier. Letting out a sigh, he regained his composure.

"Agreed." Valentine answered.

"We will return at eight, until then you are dismissed,"

"My King," The men answered

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