《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 22: Marlin I


"Meri…" Prince said laying beside her in the mud. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pressed his chin against her head.

"Yes Prince" She answered.

"It's getting late, we should probably head back to the cabins" He answered.

"Your right," She answered. "By the way Prince.." She said


"Did you ever get the feeling we were being watched?"

"Ofcoarse, god was watching us Meri," Prince said looking back at the tree Marlin had been hiding behind. "And I think he liked what he saw"

"Did you…" She said blushing "Did you like what you saw? I've never done that before…"

"It wasn't the best I've had," Prince said "But it was definitely the dirtiest, but I like that"

"Heheh My sweet Prince" Meri said caressing him.

"ooWWWW!" Prince yelled, receiving a kick to the balls from Meri.

They walked back to the cabins soaked in mud. Prince grabbing his balls the whole time.

"I'm going to take a shower, and then I'm going to go to sleep" Meri said. "Thank you for saving me Prince…" Meri said blushing

"The reward made it worth my while" Prince said

"Remember what I said about the shovel!" She said, walking off.

After showering, Prince hopped onto his bed. He closed his eyes and began to rest, contemplating his next move.

"Prince" Pedro exclaimed. "This is our chance, We have finally proved we are capable with a blade, maybe she can refer you to Sir Ivan as a bodyguard," Pedro said.

"Not going to happen" Prince answered.

"What not? Have you not proven yourself?" Pedro said

"Pedro, if you could climb the peerage system just by being skilled, do you think people like Meri would be here as foreman?" He answered.

"What do you mean?"

"We live under a Monarchy, those who are in power are the ones who decide who gets what position, do you think those who are in power would transfer it to those who are more skilled than they are?"


"In order to climb this system, you either need to have been born into nobility, or have climbed using the only things that matter."

"If skill isn't what is required, what is the thing?"

"Trust and Money, I have joined Sir Ivan's ranks as a servant why? Because I was talented? Surely he could have found someone more capable, no, I was recieved because I was trustworthy. He trusts god, and as long as I appear to be on gods side, I will win his trust."

"Then how are you going to climb? Opportunities like this are not going to appear all the time! Let's take this chance now!"

"Your right Pedro" Prince said. "But I can't help but feel that fate will provide me that path."

"And if it doesn't?" Pedro asked

"Then I will have no force, but to create my own path, hopefully it doesn't come to that."


Prince lifted up his left eye as he felt a presence approach him. A dark figure hovered over his bunk, ready to drive a dagger into his heart.

The figure held the dagger over him, trembling.

"Marlin," Prince said "I know how you feel"

"How could you understand how I feel!" Marlin cried. "You're nothing like me! You just walk in here and then start slaying bears, and then start doing things with… Kissing with… touching…Doing everything with Meri!" He yelled

"But what have I done to you?" Prince said

"You took Meri away from me!" Marlin cried

"Was she ever yours?" Prince asked. "And besides, I told you I was going to sleep with her, if you truly felt this way, you should have said, Prince if you sleep with Meri I'll kill you! But instead you said nothing and started crying just like you are now. How pathetically weak!" Prince yelled

Marlin fell back and dropped to his knees, sulking. Lifting his blade into the air, he aimed it at his own breast.


"If I can't be with Meri I don't want to"

"Marlin do you really think you are in love with Meri?" Prince asked.

"Ofcoarse I am!" He yelled "She kind, she's wise, and she has the cutest smile"

"She also let me stick my cock in her breasts!" Prince said jumping out of his bed "How can you be in love with a woman like that!"

"That was all your fault!" Marlin said crying again.

"Marlin, listen to me, you are not in love with this woman! You have never even kissed her! Trust me, a love like that won't get you anywhere! Do you really want to be with a woman who desires other mens cocks? The only cock she should want is yours! Thats is the woman you deserve!"

"But no one wants anything to do with me…" Marlin said. "Meri was the only one who talked to me, the only one who didn't laugh, the only one who was kind…"

"Marlin, do you want Meri, no do you want women to desire you? Or do you want Meri to stop desiring me. You can only pick one, the other you must live without.."


"I was just like you! It was my best friend who slept with my girlfriend! A girl I had never even kissed that I promised my life to, cheated on me with my best friend! If I was able to recover there is no way you can't either!"

"Really, is that true?" Marlin said drying his eyes"

"Yes it is" Prince said.

"If you want to end your life, I wont stop you." Prince said. "But I will tell you this, if you follow me you will have much more than Meri, you can have any girl you want."


"Just follow me, swear your loyalty to me and I will make you into a man that will have any women he desires, and If I fail, feel free to take my life, it's a win win."

Marlin dropped the dagger, and locked eyes with Prince. He slowly got to his feet, trying his best to be strong.

"Very well, I won't swear loyalty just yet, I want you to get me to sleep with a woman first! Marlin said. "After that I will do it! And if not…" Marlin said. "I guess I'll leave this place, I can't stand to see you two together…" He said.

"Prince, tell me, how do you feel about Meri" Marlin asked.

"I like her, but I am not in love with her."

"Is she not good enough for you?"

"I don't think I can be in love with a woman who is needy, I need a woman, who provides for me, as much as I do her."

"Then what is she to you? Is she a girl you like, like a girlfriend?"

"No, I already have one of those." Prince answered. "As of today Meri is just a woman I slept with, what she becomes after that is up to her."

"I… hate you Prince...." Marlin said gritting his teeth. "Your everything I hate combined in one person, but you have everything I want to have… Do I really have to become like you to get what I want?"

"No Marlin," Prince said :In order to get what you want you need to become better than me." Prince said. "And I know just the place to take you."


"To the place where I began my journey" Prince said, "Tomorrow we head to Vienne square"

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