《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 19: Meri I


A man's heart is like a vessel for love with a hole at the bottom. If a woman isn't constantly pouring love into it, he will eventually find a woman who will. At times, a mans hole may be so large, it takes multiple women to fill his desires. It is not his fault for constantly making love with women. It is his fault for not sealing up the hole in his heart.

-The Dark Prince

"Hey Jimi don't take all of the Stew!" Adam yelled at Jimi, as he scooped a large heap of chicken stew into his bowl.

Jimi was about to put some of it back, until Prince gave Adam a despairing glare.

"Hehe never mind…" Adam said withdrawing.

Prince Adam, Marlin, and Jimi sat outside of their shack eating out of a large pot. The flame from the fire illuminated their faces against the dark night. Eating in a awkward tension that resulted in silence, only the sounds of slurps, and frequent clanging of silverware were heard as they consumed their dinner.

Finally trying to uncomfortably break the Silence, Marlin broke the ice.

"So… Prince" Marlin said "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Heh, if I told you you wouldn't even believe me" Prince said.

"Oh yeah? Try me!" Marlin said laughing.

"I was trapped in a cell with nothing but a Bible that I used to quell a demon." Prince said "After that, all other fights became easy."

"A demon?" Pedro scoffed. "You do realize I'm your ancestor, in other words, we share the same blood!"

"Ehhh Ok... "Marlin said regretting his topic choice.

"Well how about where you're from? Do you have family?" He asked

"Everyone in my family is dead." Prince said coldly

"Freinds?" Marlin asked

"Dead, dying or betrayed me"

"For gods sake hobbies?" Marlin cried

"Hmmm, I guess I enjoy playing-"

"Damnit can't tell them about the harpsichord, that's too high class." Prince thought

"I enjoy playing with the emotions of women." Prince said

"O really now!" A voice yelled from behind him.


Prince was sent flying from a kick to the head from Meri.

"Yesss" Adam grunted through his teeth quietly.

"Tsk! What's your problem!" Prince yelled at Meri.

"I came to check up on you after your first day, and this is what I get? Men like you make me sick!" She said walking away.

"Jimi! Don't forget to come to my cabin before you go to sleep!" She ordered

Jimi jumped onto his feet, picking up a stick from the fire. Waving his hair around in circles, he spun it around in multiple directions while waving his fingers over the stick, as aflame burned at the end.

After a few moments Jimi realized his mistake, as the fire reach his fingertips. He jumped and let out strange facial expressions that resembled yells, but didn't make a sound. Sticking his fingers in his bowl, he relaxed as his cooled of his hand.


"Tsk! Weirdo!" Adam said getting up and leaving

Jimi finished his bowl and headed over to Meri's leaving Prince and Marlin alone.

"Mannn he's so lucky!" Marlin said pouting.

"How so?" Prince asked.

"He gets to spend time with Meri alone… I wish I could do that…" He said

Marlin was a short teenage boy, maybe 17 or 18 years old. He had brown hair and timid brown eyes, that quivered whenever someone made eye contact with him. He was decently built, but was far from knight status, and had a naivety about him that was uninviting.

"You want fuck her don't you?" Prince said smiling

"Me and… Meri…That would never happen!" Marlin said "Besides, she's a woman of the faith! She would never...:"

"He's just like I was" Prince thought.

"Listen Marlin" Prince said. "You and Meri will probably never happen, but its not because of her religion, its because you are a weak timid boy with no confidence in himself"

"Thanks…" Marlin said

"Marlin" Prince said putting his hands on his shoulder. "I told you that to make you stronger. you don't have to stay weak forever."

"How do I become strong?" Marlin asked

"Watch me" Prince said "Watch me carefully, if you do that you will save yourself a hundred heartbreaks"

"Ok… thanks Prince…" Marlin said. "I was hoping you were going to give me a magic item or something.

"Follow me for long enough and I just might." Prince said

"Oh and Marlin" Prince said "I want you to hear this now so you don't find out the hard way. I wish my friend had done this for me"

"What is it?"

"I'm going to sleep with Meri"

Later in the evening Prince lied on his bed. watching Jimi's empty bunk. "It must have been over an hour since he's left…" Prince thought "Where could he"


Jimi came through the door, playing with his wooden stick as he danced his way to his bunk.

Prince jumped down to his bottom bunk and looked Jimi in the eyes.

Jimi looked up at Prince, with a carefully diligent expression.

"Jimi" Prince said "you're a genius aren't you?" Prince asked

Jimi stuck his finger in his nose and closed his eyes, enjoying his plunge into his nostrils.

"Tsk! Tell me is Meri still awake?" Prince asked

Jimi made no response towards Prince and continued digging away.

"Fine, don't wanna talk huh?" Prince said "Fine by me" He said leaving his shack.

Walking down the hill, Prince kept through the night to Meri's cabin. After a few minutes, he came to a small isolated cabin outside of Sir Ivan's estate.

"The light's still on" Prince said. He crept towards her window, trying to listen in on what was going on inside.

"Chire" She said "No that can;;t be right…"


"Cho ir…?"


"Its pronounced "Kwire, the word is Choir" He said sitting outside her window.

"Who the hell asked you, Perv!" She screamed. She Jumped through the window, drop kicking Prince in the chin.

She crashed hard onto the ground below, landing directly on top of Prince.

"How the hell do you know how to read?" She yelled

"I taught myself..." He said.

"Really! Just like..."

( A memory of a boy with blon dhair rushed through her mind)

"…Ughf Men!" She yelled punching Prince in the face.

She withdrew her hand slowly, shocked that she had landed a blow on his face.

"You could have dodge that one," She said in a concerned tone

"Heh, I like it rough." Prince said smiling at her.

"Ewww gross!" She yelled jumping off of Prince. "You are the most repulsive man I have ever met!"

She grabbed a heap of soil and flung it at Prince's face. "You wanna talk dirty huh! Then look how you-"


Prince grabbed a mound of dirt and flung it back.

After just a few minutes they were completely drenched in filth. They sat outside Meri's cabin in the dark laughing to themselves.

"Look at us…" Meri said "It's going to take hours to bathe all of this off!"

"Not if we shower together Meri" Prince said leaning in towards her.

"Prince…" She said blushing.

Prince's lust erupted. As she leaned forward to kiss him, her dirt stained clothes became loose, revealing a girth of cleavage just below his view.

"Yeesssss" Prince thought


Prince was once again hit with a kick to the groin.

"Owwww!" He cried

"You never learn do you?" Meri said. "You're going to keep trying things with me until I chop your wood off aren't you?" She grumbled

"Or until another girl pops up" Prince said. "Not much options here to be honest." He admitted

"Whats wrong with you?" She yelled "You are the biggest asshole I have ever met! You should treat women with more respect, your mother did a horrible job-

"My mother did an excellent job!" Prince interjected. "Don't you ever say anything about my mother!" He yelled. His chest started to rise rapidly as he started to grow vexed.

"I'm sorry…" Meri said "I didn't mean to"

"It was girls like you," Prince said "Innocent girls like you who said things like that! That's why I became this way.." Prince said walking away. "If I hadn't changed, my mother would be turning in her grave, watching girls like you break my heart."

"You don't know anything about me! I'm not like any girl you've ever met!" She yelled

"Yeh whatever!" Prince said "I've got better things to do than to chase you" Prince said.

"You can't talk to me like that! I'll take away your dinner privileges if you keep this up!"

"Go ahead" Prince said. "There's nothing you could do that is worse than the women before you did"

"You dick!" She yelled slamming her door.

Prince returned to the shack plopping down on his bed.

"How can one woman fall in love with me the first time she sees me, and another hate me the first time she meets me!" Prince said

"Prince," Pedro said "All women are not the same, if you wan this one you will have to woo her."

"Woo her?" Prince said "Do you think Richard wood Zoey before he shoved his cock down her throat!" Prince said

"She is not Zoey or Alicia" Pedro said

"Then what the hell is she!" Prince said

"She's Meri…"

"And I'm a dick?" Prince said out loud

"Hehe, Dick!" he heard from the bunk below him.

"Shut up Jimmy" He said flipping his head below him.

Once again, Jimmy was completely passed out, showing no signs of consciousness.

"I know its you!" Prince yelled.

"Prince" Pedro said to him.

"What is it?" Prince answered

"I am so confused, why are you doing all this."

"What do you mean?"

"A few days ago, you lead a major strike against Godefroi and now your chasing women knowing you have one at home, have you forgotten about Alicia? Have you forgotten your goal?"

"Pedro, at any moment, my uncle's assassins can burst through that door, and kill me, right now I'm on my way to become a knight, there are two things that are certain

"The first is that I must maximize on my opportunities while I am here. The people I am talking to now, Jimi, Marlin, and even that bitch Meri, they all will have important roles in the future."

"The second is that I must enjoy life. If I am to die at any point, I want to die with no regrets, if I have the chance to sleep with another woman I should take it, there is no guarantee Alicia won't find another in my absence." Prince said.

"No" Pedro said. "I am certain she will never cheat."

"Why is that?"

"Haven't you figured it out? This is a first"

"What's a first?" Prince said

"My shadow eye is seeing a part of a woman that your eyes hasn't"

"Prince" Alicia said sitting on her balcony. "I want to have your child, and no one else's, and for that I will wait."

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