《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 18: Remember The Name, Prince


"Alright, that's all for today boys!" Meri said cheerfully. As she wiped her hand across her sweaty forehead, she stained it with specks of mud from her dirty hands.

Adam, Marlin, Jimi, and Prince stood around her, letting out sighs of relief.

Standing over a mound of dirt they had upheaved to cover the crops they hand planted. Meri leaned onto a shovel to support her weary legs.

"Hmph, well then are you satisfied now?" Prince said, raising his arms.

"Yeh right," Meri laughed "No man is capable of satisfying me" She rebutted

Prince grinned, slightly tilting his head to the side. "You know.."

"Be careful," Meri said, lifting up a metal shovel. "I have a shovel this time."

"Tsk, whatever" Prince said walking away.

Meri stuck out her tongue at Prince and headed in the direction of Sir Ivan's estate.

"That damned Prince!" Adam said shaking his fist "Marlin! Make sure you don't tell him about my little surprise! If he gets away from this, I'll have my boys come after you next!" He yelled

"I I I wouldn't dream of it!" Marlin said

"And what are you looking at!" Adam yelled at Jimi.

Plucking out a small ball of lint from his afro Jimi flicked it away carelessly with his finger. Picking up the metal shovel that Meri had left behind, Jimi started running his hands across it stuttering back and force like he was having a seizer.

"Heh, this guy must be a mute or something." Adam said walking up to Jimi. "Never talks, all he does is pick up objects and starts, acting all crazy! He's not right in the head I tell yah." Adam said.

Prince walked to the top of the hill where his shack was. As he struggled up the steep climb, he saw the violet rays of the sunset cross the horizon.

Jumping onto his bed, he plopped onto the top bunk and covered his head with his hoodie.

"You acted so tough out there, but you were really shaken up weren't you!" Pedro gagged.

"Look at all these blisters" Prince said "This country work is humbling. It reminds me that no matter how far I climb, I am still a man, and a fragile one at that," Prince said chuckling.


The door to the shack creaked open, letting the rays of sunlight back into the shack.

"Looks like we've got company Prince," Pedro said.

A dozen men armed with clubs and knives came into the shack clogging up the doorway. Navigating through the mob, a middle age man came to the front of the thugs directing them with his hands.

"Hehehe! You sleezy good for nothing dumb fuck!" Adam yelled at Prince. "Now that my boys are here why don't you repeat what you said to me earlier, Newbie!"

Prince looked at the group of men and then back at Adam.

"My mother birthed me into this world, and she gave me a name that would inherit that world." Prince said. "When she named me Prince, I wonder if it was to separate me from the likes of scum like you."



Adam slammed the door shut, locking his men and Prince in a darkened room with little light.

"When I'm done with you you're gonna be my bitch" Adam said "You and that mother of yours!"

"Men Attack!" Adam yelled.

"Your first mistake was shutting that door" Prince said.

As the wave of men rushed for him he didn't even budge from his spot on the bed.

"Your second mistake was mentioning my mother!"

Two men armed with clubs came for Prince on the top bunk.

Prince kicked the side of his bed, instantly tilting it. The fast lurch forward, smashed the two men in the face, knocking them on their asses.

Prince lay back on the bed with his face covered by his hood and the darkness of the room, as if nothing had happened.

"Heh, I could kick your clumsey asses in my sleep!" Prince said laying there.

The two thugs looked up at Adam, unsure of what had just happened.

"Don't just stand there!" Adam yelled. "Get that son of a bitch!"

The two men got back up running at Prince once again with two others close behind.

Prince grabbed the mound of hay he used as a pillow and flung it at the two men. They ran into the fluff, blinded by it. Grabbing the side of his bed, he leaned of it, delivering a drop kick to the two men, with one foot going into each of their faces.

"OOOOOFFF" They cried.

Two more men came at Prince, right behind him on the edge of his feet.

Pulling back, Prince swung under the bunk bed with the momentum from the kick and lurched himself in a loop, landing back on top of his bed.

"Prince!" Pedro yelled, bringing his attention to a fractured part of the bed. The wood was jagged and splintered making for an easy weapon.

Prince kicked the splintered wood, sending a round of shrapnel barreling towards one of the thugs eyes.

"AAHHHH!!!" He cried as the splinter pierced his eyelid, getting stuck in the top like it was some kind of piercing.

The second thug swung a knife at Prince's ankle, nearly catching him. As he came back for another swipe for Princes feet, Prince jumped over the blade, and landed on top of it. Prince's weight forced the dagger into the wooden bed frame, indenting it into its surface.

"Grrr Ghhh" The Thug yelled trying to unstick his blade from Prince's weight.


Prince stepped on the thug's wrist, snapping it like a twig, and then hit him with a spinning back kick to the face.

"Four down, eight to go" Prince said, jumping out of his bed. "Damnit got a splinter in my toe," He said yanking out a tiny piece of wood.


The door to the shack burst open as the shadow of a man with a huge weapon appeared in the doorway.

"This could be bad" Pedro said apprehensively


"What! What the heck is that?" Adam shrieked as a dastardly figure, warped and altered its figure, like spiders were crawling out of his weapon.

As the man came to the doorway, he appeared with a shovel in his hand, dancing his fingers around it in mid-air.

Paying no attention to the scene before him, Jimi stood in the doorway, and continued to make the strange movements, swinging his huge afro too and fro as the battle went on.

"Ignore him!" Adam yelled to the thugs "Get that one now!" He said pointing at Prince.

"What are you..." Prince said looking at Jimmy. He watched carefully as Jimi moved with the shovel.

"I see" Prince said "Well isn't that a beautiful thing? Whats a guy like you doing in a place like this!" Prince said flipping off the bed.

He landed onto the floor as the eight men surrounded him.

"Jimi if don't mind can you close that door?" Prince said

Jimi closed the door, and within moments, the room was filled with the cries of men, shrieking as Prince delivered a series of crippling blows to their bodies.

When it was all, over Prince stood on a pile of aching bodies, eyeing down Adam in indignation.

"Now, now that your men are gone, why don't you repeat what you said to me earlier? Soft ass!" Prince growled

"So… soft ass?" Adam said cowering in fear.

Prince walked up to him, punching Adam in the face. As Adam fell to the floor, Prince kicked him over onto his stomach and pulled down his pants.

"Noooo! What are you doing! You cannot defile me like this! Please I'm still a virgin!" Adam said crying.

"What? You sick fuck" Prince said shaking his head

"Hey Jimi! Throw me that shovel!" Prince yelled.

Jimi tossed the shovel over to Prince, gleefully bowing after the toss.

Prince lifted the shovel high in the air, ready to deliver a decimating spanking to Adam in front of his men.


"OOOWWWW!!!" Adam yelled as the shovel smacked his cheeks bright red.

"Heheheh after tonight Adam will be referred to as soft ass! Everyone get that?" Prince yelled

"Yes we get it!" The men yelled aching in pain.

"Yes Prince!" Prince yelled, spanking Adam once again.


"Yes Prince!" The men answered

After a good 20 minutes of public embarrassment Adam waddled out of the shack holding his ass with his men trailing behind him.

"The name is Prince! And don't you forget it!" Prince yelled after them.

"Heh" Prince heard from behind him.

"Heha" "Hehahahahahhaha!" Jimi laughed out loud. He rolled on the floor grabbing his sides as Prince walked over to him.

"So you're not a mute after all" Prince said extending his hand. "Thanks for enjoying the show" Prince said.

Jimi stopped laughing and got back up, returning to his feet. Ignoring Prince's gesture completely, he walked out of the room shooting a disparaging glance at him.

"Faker" He said walking away.

"Prince," Pedro said "Why were you attempting to shake hands with that slave! A Prince should have no place talking to trash like that!" Pedro yelled

"Pedro" Prince said, shaking his head. "Why would you judge a man based on his stature? Look at me I'm a servant living in a hellhole shack! If you judge me by my title I'm not much am I?" Prince said

"What good could come of befriending a man who cannot conversate and can't even stand still without twiddling his fingers?" Pedro asked

"Wow, this is the first time" Prince said

"The first time what?" Pedro asked

"The first time my eyes can see something your eyes couldn't" Prince said. "Jimi is one of a kind, he just may be the most intelligent man I've ever met in my life, I just need him to trust me, Prince said scratching his chin.

"What? Are you joking?" Pedro said

"No I'm 100% certain" Prince said "Jimi is to be no slave here, He will become the first member of my clan"


"Nobelesse De Nuit"

"Nobles of the night"

"My King" Wiesheng said, entering the grand throne. Godefroi was leaned over the throne, with his hand at his chin, contemplating.

"Weisheng" Godefroi answered.

"What are your orders?"

"Summon all of the Dukes of France." He said "Its time we began our plans for our next move on the world" Godefroi said.

"And what of your nephew?" Weisheng said. "Word has already spread about him, if we leave him untouched he could potentially"

"I know" Godefroi said. "That will also be a topic of our meeting with the Dukes" he said.

"We will make all of France Prince's enemy, and when he finally makes his move, he'll be surrounded at every angle" Godefroi said

"The most important thing is that we prevent him from gaining powerful allies, and in the worst case scenario, infiltrating our ranks" Godefroi said. "And based on the attack in Vienne, it's possible he may already have. My nephew has definitely already come into contact with powerful people, whether or not they are on his side remains to be seen"

"Sir..." Weisheng said backing away

"Where are you captor of my womans heart?" Silvio said looking over the horizon of his home.

"Oooowww!" Lindor said as Alphonse patched up his bleeding appendage. He bandaged up the portion of Lindor's arm that was still left.

"This isn't over" Lindor said "I will have my revenge!" He yelled

"Prince!" Lindor yelled.

"Prince!" Silvio yelled.

"Prince!" Godefroi yelled.

"Prince..." Alicia moaned masturbating herself to sleep.

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