《The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness》Chapter 2: How I Lost The Name Prince I


2 years ago… December 27th 1610

"No way! Is that the real deal?" Richard exclaimed. "Did you really get the color of arms for your birthday?!"

"That's right! My uncle gave it to me earlier!" Prince said, holding up a rainbow colored pendant.

"Why would the symbol of the French Monarch, the most holy of objects, be given to you for your birthday?" Richard exclaimed.

"It's tradition to give it to a member of the royal family on their 18th birthday! Apparently on the eve of the night it's supposed to grant a wish!"

"Wish? Yeah right?" Richard answered laughing. "What would you wish for anyway? You're a Prince! You can have anything you want!"

"Well… I think I'd wish for the poor to be rich… Or maybe for there to be world peace"

"The poor in this country are happy! There are barely any beggars and no one has died of hunger according to the census!" Richard remarked "Also Since the treaty of peace 10 years ago there has been peace among all the major nations! The world is fine! How about you wish for something for yourself!"

"Something.... for myself…"

"Yeh! Like If I made a wish it would probably be, to be invisible!" Richard laughed. "Then… I could go anywhere I wanted!" He said rubbing his hands together.

"You would wish for that…" Prince said, shaking his head.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hey guys! The cutest girl in France is here!" A voice yelled from the outside

"ZOOOEEE!!!!" Prince said opening the door. He ran up to her squeezing her tight. As he embraced her, the smell of lilies flowed through his senses. As her rosy red hair drooped over his shoulder he closed his eyes encapsulating her warmth.

"Tsk… peasant girl," Richard said looking away

"Ugly!" Zoe said sticking her tongue out at Richard

"Look at this dump!" She exclaimed "You can't even keep this place clean for a day?"

"Richard? Clean his room?" Prince laughed "I've been praying for that day to come."

"I made a special chocolate for you Prince!" She said extending out a small box to Prince.

"This is amazing!" He said opening the box. There was an assortment of all different kinds of chocolate. From caramel drizzled truffles, to heart shaped mint chocolates, there was more than enough to last him the weekend.

"Why do you hang out with such a lowly girl?" Richard said scoffing at Zoe. "If it wasn't for me having my own quarters inside the inner wall, you two wouldn't even be able to meet! They'll never let a thing like her into the castle!"

"You think just because you can swing a sword you're so much better than everyone else!" Zoe said rolling her eyes. "You were an ass before! But now that you've become a knight you're even worse!"

"Hey guys, let's all just calm down, I don't have much time left… let's go to Cretonne Creak like we always do!"

"Heh Ok!" Richard said "First one there's gets to kiss Zoe!" he said taking off

"Wait, WHAT?!" Zoe yelled, blushing as Richard took off. "Well don't stand there Prince get going!" She yelled

"I…" Prince said.

After making their way out of the Knight's Barracks, the trio ran down Bourbon road. As they darted through the crowded cobblestone streets, the smell of fresh baked bread from the bakery filled their nostrils.

"Hey! Watch it!" A man carrying a basket of bread yelled, as Richard nearly toppled him over.


"Haahhh?" He said, examining his basket again. "Richard!!! You good for nothing hairy cunt!" he screamed, finding one of his loafs missing.

"Sorry sir!" Prince said, handing the man a silver coin.

"Ohhh Prince! Thank you very much! Such a kind boy! I can buy a whole nother basket with this!" The man said.

The trio ran past the lush flowers of the Garden of Faiths, making sure not to step on any flowers they made their way. Passing under a giant gate with a statue of two angels on either side, they landed at Cretonne Peak. From the access they had from the Garden of Faiths, they arrived at its Apex fifty feet above a private beach below them.

The sun was dropping low into the horizon, coating the water with a beautiful mix of violet and orange vibrancy. The seas were calm, slowly dragging the tides to the shore of the sandy beach below them. The trio stood on a hill of Lilies and daffodils, on a grassy plane behind the Garden of faiths. As a gentle breeze softly graced their skin, they enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, with only the sound of the waves and the occasional seagull occupying their senses.

"Heh" Richard laughed. "You didn't even try to win!"

"I wasn't going to win" Prince said. "Besides,it wouldn't be fair to make that kind of bet without Zoe's permission…"

"Hey man relax, it was just a joke" Richard said

"OOOOWWWWW!!!!" Richard yelled receiving a kick to the groin from Zoe

"Let's go watch the sunset Prince!" She said

The three sat together enjoying the sun of Cretonne Peak eating Prince's chocolate.

"Guys I'm turning 18 tonight! I can't believe it!" Prince said smiling

"Heh, yeh, I remember when I turned 18" Richard said "It's been almost two years! If I have half the amount of women at my 20th birthday I'll be happy!"

"Half of zero is still zero" Zoe laughed "Your mother being at your birthday party doesn't count!"

"Hahahah" Prince laughed

"Zoe!" Richard gagged

"Well, I on the other hand can't wait till Princes 18th birthday! Then me and Prince can get married!" Zoe said wrapping her arms around Prince.

"Fat chance! The royal family would never allow-"Richard began.

"No that's not true!" Prince said "The 23rd Prince Abelard just married someone of a lower class! I don't see why it would be different for me!" Prince said smiling.

"Hmph!" Richard said. "You can have any women you want, all of the busty women with bodies that blow this one out of the ocean! And you pick the girl with no chest! Hahaha, to each their own I guess."

"Hmph! I'd never marry a man like you!" Zoe said. "You probably haven't showered in days! And even though you're a knight you could never compare to a Prince!" She said hugging Prince.

"Here Prince, have a chocolate!" Zoe said sliding a chocolate into Prince's mouth

"Tsk, I'm gonna go skip rocks, I don't want to see this bullshit" Richard said going to the rocks below.

"Prince…" Zoe began "You're not gonna run off with some girl tonight are you… You're finally at the age to marry… Richard is right you can have any girl you…-"

"No!" Prince yelled "I want to be with you!" He said holding her in his arms.

"You… don't mean that" She said looking away.

"I do! Ever since that day you stepped out into the precession on my way to the grand hearing, I couldn't stop thinking about you!" Prince said. "You risked your life all to give me that tiny box of chocolates you were able to put together!"


"It was the 10th time I saw you, I knew from the kindness in your eyes you were the one I wanted to marry! It was worth the risk!" She said

"Oh Zoe! I love you! I want to marry you now!" Prince said.

"Prince…" Zoe said as her eyes watered. "Close your eyes and perch your lips"

Prince did as he was instructed perching his lips and reaching out for Zoe.

"Mwa!" Zoe said kissing him on the forehead. She had placed her index finger over his lips.

"Awe not even today! Of all days!" Prince said upset.

"I take the faith very seriously! Once we're married you will have every part of me," She said, rubbing Prince's face.

"Hey! Prince!" Richard called from below "Come skips some rocks with me!"

Splash! Splash!

Prince came down to the beach, managing to get two skips from his first throw.

"No, you've gotta angle the rock upwards! To enhance the skipping! Like this!"

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!

Richards's rock splashed multiple times before falling into the water.

He wasn't the best looking knight in the order, but Richard was in supreme shape. With his big strong arms that hung from his six foot two shoulders, he was certainly a burly looking man

"Wow Richard…" Prince said "You're so strong!"

Prince on the other hand was a good looking boy, but was small and timid. Born with beautiful blond hair and kind blue eyes, he had the expression of pure innocence, completely contrasting his best friend Richard.

"Strength has nothing to do with it," Richard said, cracking his neck. "It's all sleight of hand," He said smirking at Zoe.

"Let's go back up Prince!" Zoe said "I don't want his arrogance to rub off on you!"

"But… I like skipping rocks…" Prince said throwing a rock into the water.

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!

"Heyyyy! You're starting to get the hang of it!!!" Richard said slapping Prince on the back.

"Ugh, Boys are so stupid!" Zoe said sitting on a large boulder.

"A king, given the entire world, merely asks for the next planet in orbit" A man said standing above them on the creak. "Yet a young prince given just a mound of sand asks for nothing, happily spending his days building castles out of it."

The man was extremely well dressed in robes that had the mark of the holy cross. He stood resolutely above them, clearly unwilling to dirty his clothes by coming down to the sandy shore. A long sword in a golden seat hung from his belt, glistening in the afternoon's sunshine.

"Uncle Godefroi!" Prince exclaimed "What are you doing here?"

"You are not to be building castles today my boy! You are awaited at a real one! Are you going to be late to your own birthday party?" Godefroi asked

"Sorry uncle..." Prince said, gathering his things, "Can my friends come?" Prince asked.

"The peasant girl is a no, normally I would allow Richard to accompany you, but tonight is a special occasion, only a small group is permitted" Godefroi said

"I see, I guess I'll see you guys later" Prince said sadly.

"OK bye Prince! Don't forget about what I said!" Zoe yelled blowing a kiss at him

"Prince! If you come back a virgin, I'll be disappointed,"Richard said winking

"A man who lays in filth soon becomes a pig!" Zoe said, throwing her shoe at Richard "Remember, I'm going to marry a Prince! Not a filthy animal!"

"Hehe bye guys!" Prince said leaving.

Prince walked with his uncle in the Garden of Faiths making his way back to the Castle.

"Tell me Prince," Uncle Godefroi asked "Why do you hang around that peasant girl! She's no good for you."

"Everyone says that… why is a peasant girl so bad?"

"A peasant's girl's love will always be conditional, she only loves you because you're a prince."

"That's not true!" Prince said, getting flustered.

"Listen to me. That girl, she doesn't love you… she loves the thought of marrying a prince! And that's it! Do not let love blind you Prince, see her as she truly is!"

"Stop it Uncle! Don't say those things about Zoe! You've always been alone! What do you know about love anyway?"

There was a brief pause in their conversation following Prince's words. Lifting up his empty ringed hand, Godefroi sighed placing it back into his pocket.

"I'm sorry Uncle…I didn't mean that…" Prince said solemnly

"No,Forgive me Prince" Godefroi said clearing his throat."I only want what's best for you… I was just hoping tonight you might enjoy yourself. There are many women here of noble birth who would love to spend the night with you, you may never get a chance like this again"

"Yeh yeh, you say this when we have a ball every 3 months! I see no reason to rush." Prince said, shaking, shaking his head.

Godefroi paused again, but this time he looked even more anguished than before. There was a look in his eyes that Prince couldn't make out. Was it sadness? Or was it pity?

They had arrived at the main Castle. Walking past the main gates, they were escorted by guards into the main hall.

As they entered, an extravagant party came into view. Down the white marble floors lined with red carpet, people danced, drank and laughed the night away. As hundreds of little candles illuminated the room, a giant, shimmering, chandelier reflected light in beautiful crystal beams above the hall for all to see. At the very end of the hall a band of musicians played their hearts out, performing a beautiful eastern orchestra.

"Bravo! Bravo!" An eloquent man said, raising his wine to them. 'They're called the 13 Strings of Wudon!" The man said, entertaining his colleagues. "That almost sounds like the Legendary 13 Swords of Wudon!" he said laughing "Imagine those 13 warriors playing musical instruments! That would certainly be a sight now wouldn't it!"

"Prince, might I ask you one last question?" Godefroi said before walking further into the hall.

"Sure" Prince answered

"I suppose you're right about me… I have never wed... and I've never really loved someone before… Tell me... what does it feel like?"

"You've… never loved anyone? Never anyone at all?"

"If I did it was so long ago I cannot remember it, Please can you tell me what it's like?"

"Well...When I think about Zoe… I feel like nothing else matters… I feel like I could stop being a prince tomorrow and just spend every day in her arms...I guess that's what love feels like" He said scratching his head

"I see…" Godefroi answered "But If you were to love someone... and it turned out the person you loved never existed…Were you ever in love at all?" Godefroi asked

He looked at Prince with the same conflicted expression. Grief, pity, turmoil, and passion all burned together in his eyes, lighting them with an overwhelming aura.

"What? What are you saying?" Prince asked anxiously.

"Do you" His Uncle said looking into his eyes. "love me Prince?" His uncle asked taking a deep sigh

"Of course!" Prince said flustered "Well, not the same way I do Zoe... but of course I love you! You're my Uncle!" Prince said "The Master and Commander of the Templars! Your Godefroi the Great!"

"But what if I wasn't" Godefroi answered. "Let's pretend I was someone who killed your uncle long before you were born, and impersonated him just to get close to you? Would you still love me then?" His uncle asked.

"No… Because you would have lied to me" Prince answered "But maybe I could learn to love this new person… Maybe I could learn to understand them…"

"You truly are a pure soul boy" His uncle said patting his head. "The Bourbon family is truly a benevolent one."

"What about you Uncle? Do you love me?"

"I…" Godefroi said pausing briefly "Don't love anyone, not even myself"

"Why? Why can't you love anyone? Or even your own self?" Prince asked

"Because in order for me to love someone… I have to truly and unquestionably know every aspect of who they are"

"But that's impossible! It's impossible to read minds! You have to trust people! That's part of being in love!"

"That my boy is why I have never loved anyone… Because I trust no one… not even myself. You would be wise to do the same'' His uncle said.

For a moment his uncle's eyes flared up, like they had become golden. In his expression Prince did not see a human's eyes but the eyes of a great demon glaring down upon him. No, it was more frightening than that, it was as if the eyes of a god were glaring at him, delivering judgement.

"SOOONNN BROTHERR, BONSIOR BONSIOR!" A large man said striding down the hall. As his long cape dragged on the floor, he waddled side to side, wearing a grin as wide as Cretonne peak across his face.

"Hiccup" He burped, blowing stale whiskey into the faces of Prince and Godefroi.

Using what little dexterity he had, he stopped his crown from sliding off of his head, and laughed to himself.

"My King!" Godefroi said, taking a bow.

"There's no need for that Godefroi!" King Bourbon laughed. : There are no commoners here tonight! Only family!" He said, spreading his arms.

"Prince!" A blond woman in an extravagant dress yelled running up to him. She padded his cheeks and squeezed him.

"Oh honey we were so worried! You didn't sneak off with that peasant girl again now did you?" She asked.

"Mom…" Prince said. "Why does everyone hate her…? I want to marry her…"

"Marriage?" His mother gasped. "That is out of the question! Can the girl even spell marriage?" His mother said shaking her head in disbelief.

"How can you say that? You don't even know her! I've asked a bunch of times but you never wanted to meet her!"

"Prince… honey, listen to me" His mother said, placing her hands on her shoulder. Her blond hair drooped to the side revealing a beauty mark, a single freckle on her cheek.

"I named you Prince because you are the Prince of my heart. You are the future of the Bourbon family and I want everyone to address you with respect. No one is going to respect you if you walk around with a whore on your ar-"

"Get off of me!" Prince yelled yanking his mother's arms off of him. "I… I hate you!"

"Prince!" Godefroi interjected "That's no way to-"

"Carolyn!" King Bourbon said. "Let the boy marry who he wants! Is it our duty to interfere with true love? Let the boy marry; he can always divorce and get a new wife if he finds her to be ill soot."

"Thanks Father!" Prince yelled "That would be a dream come true!"

Godefroi examined Prince, closely studying him. After a few moments he leaned back and crossed his arms, with a seemingly disappointed look.

"Speaking of dreams come true… Where is the Color of Arms! Aren't you going to make a wish?" Godefroi asked

"SHIT!" Prince thought

"No way! Is that the real deal?" Richard exclaimed. "Did you really get the color of arms for your birthday?!"

"That's right! My uncle gave it to me earlier!" Prince said, holding up a rainbow colored pendant.

"I forgot it at Richards!" Prince thought

"Aahhh I left it in my room!" He said running off. "I'll go get it"

"Carolyn." The king said. "Why are you crying?"

"I I don't know…" She said. "For some reason it feels like that's the last time he's ever going to talk to me…"

"Don't be silly!" King Bourbon laughed "Once he sees the present you got for him I'm sure he'll make a complete turnaround!"

Running to his room, Prince reached under his bed, grabbing the makeshift escape rope he had made of old window curtains.

"I do this way too often…" He thought, throwing the rope out the window.

"Where are you going? I went through the trouble of finding you and this is what you do?" Uncle Godefroi said.

"Uncle! I left the Color of Arms at the Knights Barracks! I can be back in 20 minutes! Please don't tell Dad!" Prince pleaded

Dong! Dong! Dong! The bell tower rang

For a moment Godefroi's eyes flashed yellow again. He placed his hand over his face shielding Prince from his eyes.

"It's the hour of the eve… In this hour is when the Color of Arms grants a wish. Tell me Prince what is destiny calling you to do?" Godefroi asked

"What are you talking about uncle" Prince asked, "You're acting very strange tonight."

His uncle's face had gone cold. It did not look like one of anguish or pain, but one of emptiness, it was as if his uncle was suddenly on the verge of death.

"You can go back and retrieve your Color of Arms and live the rest of your life in misery, or you can come back to the castle now and enjoy your last moments in peace. Which one would you rather?" Godefroi asked

"My last moments? Uncle… what are you talking about?" Prince asked "I don't have time to talk to him. I've gotta get that color of arms back here or I'll be in huge trouble!"

"....Forgive me Prince… I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better birthday…" his uncle said walking away. "If you hate me for that…I'll understand"

"What was that all about?" Prince said making his way down the castle walls.

Hurrying back down Bourbon road, he arrived at the Knights Barracks. Scurrying up the stairs, he made his way to Richard's room. The door was open.

"Just my luck!" He said shoving the door open.

As he entered the room, he looked around for his necklace. As he made his way to the dining room table, he noticed something peculiar hanging off of a chair.

"Zoe's blouse?" Prince thought picking it up. "What is that doing here?"

As he slowly rounded the corner, he heard a subtle sound coming from Richards's bedroom. It sounded as if someone was snoring, or choking on something.

"Richard!" Prince thought "He's still here! Maybe he can tell me where the color of arms is! And what Zoe's blouse is doing here!"

Rushing to Richards's bedroom he blew open the door exasperated.

"Richard!" He yelled, catching his breath "I forgot my..."

Unable to finish his words, Prince then came upon a monstrosity he knew he would never unsee. His lips trembled as he desperately tried to convince himself he was mistaken.

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