《Blackula》Jamarcus is trapped in Castle Blackula, May 8, 9


May 8

I took a lamp and tried all the doors in the castle. They were locked.

I went down to the lobby and tried the main door. It was bolted and chained, but I removed them easily. But the door was locked from the inside.

“They key must be in the count’s room,” I reasoned. “But he’s always either always in his room, with me, or doing chores around the castle. I’ll just have to wait until I’m sure here’s left.”

May 9, evening

During our usual post-dinner chat, Blackula asked me whether I had written any letters to anyone since I had arrived at the castle.

“I’ve written some letters,” I replied, “But I haven’t been able to find a post box.”

“I’ll mail your letters for you,” said the count, smiling. “In addition, I want you to write a letter to Abebe Hawkins. Tell him that you’ll stay with me for another month, at least.”

“But Count B, that’s … that’s so long.”

“I desire it, Jamarcus Harker. When your employer sent someone on his behalf, it was understood that you would attend to my needs. I’m not asking too much, am I?”

He actually was, but I wasn’t about to say it out loud. Not while I was a prisoner in a castle in the middle of nowhere. I bowed to him in acceptance.

He handed me some sheets of paper and envelopes. He didn’t give me anything to seal the envelopes. It was understood that he would be reading anything that I wrote.

“Jay, brother, you should tell your friends of how well our business is going,” said Blackula with a sharp-toothed smile. “You’re looking forward to getting home to them, aren’t you?”

I had to figure out a way to write to Mr. Hawkins and Moesha in secret.

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