《Can a holy hero be born from such a person?》Chapter 173: Onwards toward the border


"So, did I miss anything?" [Azumi]

Azumi and Aqua come back after the long clean up session, Azumi somehow look tired, for him, cleaning up those corpses of soldiers and pegasus drains him more than actually fighting them, so much so that a dark thought enter his mind, why didn't they just evaporated when the arrow hit them, alas he quickly get rid of such thought and focus on cleaning the corpse, along with Aqua, who actually have the same idea

The four soldier that they brought in are so much in fear that not only they passed out, Alfin, using a memory dive spell doesn't even had any problems in doing so, much too her suprise, still it's a good thing as she learn a few important thing when Azumi out there cleaning with Aqua

To summarize her finding, Alfin said that they are tasked by the governor from the Kingdom Below the Wind to kidnap as many children from Chrysanthemum as possible to use them as a sacrificial lamb to open up the gate at the temple where Mrs Grais were once held up for the same reason. Second, the Pegasus unit had been told to always get ready as the wind spirit Garuda might once again incur it wrath towards them, and so this time, they are planning on using a secret weapon from certain someone to atleast buy them some time so that they succeed in getting their hand on the artifact

"That's an omnious sign" [Azumi]

"That certain someone, did you think that it's the same person as in your report?" [Alfin]

"I believe so" [Azumi]

"Can you explain?" [Lady Hinata]

"Well..." [Azumi]

Azumi explain to Lady Hinata about his recent trip towards Kingdom of Aster and how they managed to get hold off certain information from Faizi and Fauzi (which as usual he referred to as that person), and that bring Alfin towards the last thing that she managed to learn, and that's they also use slave merchant network to gather around as many children as possible so that they will have enough "supply" of them, and now they are being held in the border


"I see, that's in line with Lin report" [Mrs Khamishah]

"Still, they are clearly using those children, can't the guild interfere?" [Kucin]

"This is a grey area, on one hand, we must wait for the response of other guild master, and on the other hand, who knew what will happen if we wait around for too long" [Kronbir]

The three adventure are now in dilemma, to follow their guild protocol or to just charge in and help those kid, but Khamishah make her decision

"We will help Princess Alfin this time around, we might get penalised by the guild system but honestly speaking, they're way to avoid that" [Mrs Khamishah]

"And that is?" [Kucin]

"Well, they will penalised us, no doubt about that, but with Princess Alfin and Naruhito household support, we could atleast have them properly explain to the higher up, and if they found out that we are in a clear, those punishment will be taken back" [Mrs Khamishah]

"But what if Kingdom Below the Wind insist we are breaching the guild policy?" [Kucin]

"Well, we can just have them "penalised" us on the surface, leaving behind a fake bad record in our guild record, that's on the surface, but below the table, the guild will still know we are in a clear so it's a risk worth taking" [Kronbir]

"As expected of Karonlir son" [Mrs Khamishah]

The three make a firm decision of helping Alfin

"If that's the case, Lisa and Kisa, can you guys help Alfin? I will go back to the castle and ask for official help" [Lady Hinata]

""Alright!"" [Lisa Kisa]

"..." [Alfin, Azumi]

"Something wrong big brother, big sister?" [Angeline]

"No we are just thinking, the reason why Azumi could send a message through bird wind golem but those from the Naruhito castle couldn't do so, could it be because these pegasus unit interfere the message delivery from the magician, I mean those rat in the castle must had gave the magician mana signature to these unit, and thus they can interfere with it easily, but in Azumi case" [Alfin]


"My bird wind golem simply dispel itself once it get the job done, so they don't have my mana signature and thus they couldn't interfere my golem" [Azumi]

"If that's truly the case, can you send me a letter to my husband? I'll inform him about the situation and ask him to send additional soldier to the border for help" [Lady Hinata]

"Gladly" [Azumi]

With that, Lady Hinata make an official letter with her stamp on it, Azumi uses his bird wind golem once more and send it towards the duke castle. They had a good night rest before continuing their journey early in the morning

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