《Demon Blade》Chapter 25: Unlikely Circumstances
Before they step into the abandoned club room to see Juri, Ryuken and Sayuri expected to enter into a run-down club room, filled with dust and trash in every corner and spot you can’t reach.
But as soon as they enter what they thought was the filthy forsaken wasteland, both their eyes shot up in surprise to a sight they never would have predicted.
Squeaky clean floors and windows.
Neatly stacked books in dust-free cabinets.
A sweet floral fragrance filling the air.
To their astonishment, Ryuken and Sayuri are welcomed into a clean, pristine room, illuminated by the sunlight through the clear window as it reflects off the shiny cabinets and floors, with not a single stain to ruin the pure energy the room exudes.
Juri is at the centre of it all, sitting calmly at a cleanly wiped desk while writing some words on a piece of paper with some markers.
She then looks up to see Ryuken and Sayuri already inside with their jaws dropped as they look around the spotless club room.
JURI: Guys! You’re here!
SAYURI: Juri... did you do this on your own?
JURI: Yeah, but I want to share somethi-
RYUKEN: When did you do all this?
JURI: Last Friday, but I need to share something with you gu-
SAYURI: In just one day?!
JURI: Yeah, I had a lot of time. But guys, quiet for a bi-
RYUKEN: How did you do this on your-
JURI: Shut up and let me speak!
Ryuken and Sayuri turn to Juri as she demands some silence from both of them.
JURI: Ahem... now that we’ve all settled, it is time for me to show all of you... the “huge” thing that I wanted to share all along.
SAYURI: Is it not this room?
JURI: I already showed you this room last week.
SAYURI: But it was all a mess last time! Why didn't you ask us for help?
JURI: That doesn't matter! Now... the reason why we’re here today, is that I want to share a "HUGE" revelation I've had that will shake the very CORE of our marvellous club.
RYUKEN: Oh boy... here we go.
JURI: Another EPIPHANY has struck me down as I think and think on how to move forward with this club that I made, that I birthed from my mind, that I build with my own blood, sweat, tears and other fluids!
SAYURI: You... don’t have to go that far.
JURI: I am blessed to be given this club to plan our next move. I am blessed with the necessary resources to continue our future operations.
RYUKEN: What resources?
JURI: And while I am truly blessed with the two of you, the THREE of us... I knew something is still not right, and once I knew what it was... I will do whatever it takes to attain it. But first, QUESTION TIME! Have you ever seen a club with only three members?
SAYURI: W-well... there’s probably a few, but I can’t think of one right now.
JURI: EXACTLY! While three are enough for any club to take shape, even the smallest of clubs have at least 4-5 members at one time. And because of that, three... will never be ENOUGH! We need to expand... to grow... to fatten up this club to its full potential! And for that, we must search... just like in the name, we must SEARCH for the EXTRAORDINARY, to bring this wonderful club, to the bright, shining glory, that it DESERVES!
SAYURI: So, you want... more members?
RYUKEN: Why can’t you say that in the first place?
JURI: NO, are you insane?! Why would I ever regress myself to someone with a feeble mind like yours?
RYUKEN: For once, I’m glad to have a feeble mind.
JURI: And to get there, I've made a sure-fire plan to get more members in the quickest way possible. And that, lady and gentleman...
Juri grabs the paper from the desk-
JURI: … is THIS!
-and shows it to Ryuken and Sayuri with a proud grin on her face.
Walking through the ground floor of the back building, along the hallways of various clubs, Chohei, with the yellow bottle in his hand, scans around the area, peeking inside some clubrooms while searching for someone particular.
CHOHEI: Where on earth is your club, Ryuken?
Wakiko, the vice-president of the Student Council, walks out of a room while happily waving goodbye to a friend.
As she walks along the hallway, she sees her fellow classmate, Chohei, confusingly looking around the entire place.
Curious, she walks up to him to know what the matter is.
WAKIKO: Chohei-san?
CHOHEI: Oh? Wakiko-san! Are you in the middle of tasks?
WAKIKO: I’m almost done. What about you? Are you done with practice?
CHOHEI: Yeah, I’m just about to go home.
WAKIKO: What are you doing here?
CHOHEI: Oh, my club mate forgot his bottle, and I wanted to return it. I heard his club is somewhere around here.
WAKIKO: That’s a very ugly bottle.
CHOHEI: Really? I think it looks cool.
WAKIKO: Maybe he left it on purpose. What's the name of the club?
CHOHEI: It’s something like, “Searching... for the Extravaganza”?
CHOHEI: Or maybe it was, “Selling the... Exquisite”?
CHOHEI: “Snatching the... Exemplary”?
WAKIKO: I... don’t think I’ve heard of it.
CHOHEI: Man, I'm... really bad at this. But he said it’s around here, so I just have to look.
WAKIKO: Oh, well... good luck with that.
CHOHEI: Thanks. See you tomorrow.
WAKIKO: See you.
Chohei keeps on looking all over, as Wakiko watches over him, puzzled over the club's name he was trying to remember.
WAKIKO: … “Searching” club?
Written in marker on a piece of white paper, Juri presents her “sure-fire plan” to Ryuken and Sayuri, as they lean in to read what it says, and it wrote:
We, the members of the Search for the Extraordinary Club, cordially invite you to join the best club in the world!
Here, we challenge ourselves to question the greatest mysteries the world has to offer.
From weird supernatural occurrences, strange natural disasters, travelling serial killers, forgotten & missing memories...
And much, much more to explore!
The world is full of extraordinary mysteries, the likes no one dares to investigate... but not us.
We want you to join us into the great unknown...
To find the answers for the unexplainable...
To seek the truth behind the darkest of secrets...
Together, we will find the key to unlock the world’s greatest mysteries.
And together, we shall triumph in our journey, no matter what it takes.
Would you like to take this step with us?
Find us at: Mizuno High School, South Building, 3rd floor, Room S3-5.
RYUKEN: Hoh... this is alright.
SAYURI: Yeah... this is pretty good!
Ryuken and Sayuri express delighted surprise at the flyer, but as they read further, another paragraph written in all red wrote:
Warm regards,
Okabe Juri
President of The Search for the Extraordinary Club
Unsure of how to respond to the last paragraph, Ryuken and Sayuri could only stare into the flyer in confused silence, while Juri keeps grinning proudly with her head held high.
SAYURI: Err...
RYUKEN: Ehh...
JURI: Heheh...
SAYURI: Um, its uh... very, uh... welcoming!
RYUKEN: For the most part... you should probably cut the-
JURI: It's PERFECT, right?!
She steps back with the flyer in her hand, raising it high into the heavens.
JURI: With this grand flyer in my hand... our club will RISE to where no club had risen before!
All three of them look up to the flyer, as it shines majestically above their heads.
JURI: Now, go print a hundred of these.
RYUKEN: Are you serious?
JURI: Okay... make it 500.
RYUKEN: Even if we can print them, you do know that this “club” is still unofficial, right?
JURI: Of course! Why would I ever forget?
RYUKEN: Right... and you do know that if we stick these to every board and wall on school, the Student Council are gonna find out about us. And once they do, they’ll knock on our door and kick us out. Is that really what you want?
JURI: Who says anything about sticking them onto walls? I was thinking of throwing them all from the rooftop.
RYUKEN: WHAT?! Are you kidding?! That’s littering, and clearly obvious!
JURI: But it WILL be the fastest way of sending our message to the masses! And plus, it’ll look cool.
SAYURI: Juri, I know having more members would be more fun for the club, but if we still want to keep it a secret, I don’t think this is the right way to do it.
JURI: Mm...
SAYURI: We'll think of something else. I'm sure of it!
Juri drops her head low and stares into the floor with gloomy eyes, as she was really hoping that they’ll support her on this idea of hers.
JURI: Okay... I understand. I know my ideas are... crazily good, but I also know they’re tough to pull, so... I won’t feel bad if you don’t want to do it.
She walks to the desk and places her paper flyer on it-
JURI: But desperate times calls for desperate measures...
-folds the flyer from multiple corners-
JURI: So, I will have no choice but to use my last resort.
-walks to the window and opens it wide-
JURI: I shall plea to the Gods...
-steps further away to give herself distance-
JURI: … pray to the heavens...
-readies herself as she raises her paper airplane flyer-
JURI: … and leave it up...
-swiftly runs to the window-
-and strongly throws the paper airplane outside, as it flies magnificently through the air so it would descend to where fate wishes it to be.
Juri, with a gratifying grin across her face, along with Ryuken and Sayuri, both staring blankly outside the window, watches as the plane cuts through the air, swaying from left to right, until it finally flies away from their sights, leaving them clueless as to where it will land, and to who it will reach to.
RYUKEN: So, your final resort also involves littering?
JURI: What is with you and littering?
The paper airplane keeps on flying as long as it’s still in the air, and finds itself near a street a short distance away from the school where it came from.
Clack! Clack! Clack!
As it begins to lose air, gravity pulls the paper airplane down, falls towards the ground, and-
-hits a young girl's head on the way down, and drops to the ground in front of her black high-heeled boots.
As the paper plane lies motionlessly on the street, a hand appears from above and reaches for it.
CHOHEI: Where the heck IS this club?
Chohei climbs up another floor, as he still can’t find Ryuken’s club on the previous floors.
He reaches to the top and finds himself in a dark, dirty hallway.
CHOHEI: He can’t be here, right...?
Despite his doubts, he still moves forward in search of Ryuken, even though the hallway itself is starting to creep him out.
CHOHEI: Am I the only one alive in here?
He then sees a light coming out from one of the rooms in a distance-
CHOHEI: Could that be...
-and walks towards it.
JURI: Hmmm...
Juri firmly stands in front of the door with her arms crossed and her fingers tapping impatiently as she anticipates the new “fated” club member to arrive, while Ryuken and Sayuri are both sitting at the desk just behind her.
RYUKEN: You think she’ll stand there till the end of the day?
SAYURI: Knowing her, she might even wait till midnight.
As Sayuri worriedly observes her friend-
JURI: Hmmm...
-she starts to stand up and walk up next to her for a few words.
JURI: Hmmm...
SAYURI: Let's take the day off for now, Juri. It's been a long day.
JURI: Hmmm...
SAYURI: I know how much you’ve worked hard for this, but you don’t have to stay like this for it to happen. It'll come eventually. Just be patient.
JURI: Hmmm...
SAYURI: Let's take a break. You deserve it. Especially after cleaning the whole room by yourself, that’s something worth celebrating. If I had known sooner, I would have bought you a treat. Come on, it’ll be fun!
Juri keeps staring into the door without a single word to Sayuri, who could only look back with a soft frown-
-until she starts smiling cheekily after thinking of a way to attract her friend’s attention.
SAYURI: I'll buy you some coffee jelly...
JURI: Ah! Cof-coffee... jelly...?
SAYURI: Mm-hmm.
Juri turns to her with an excited look in her eyes-
JURI: … ah...
-but shakes her head to resist the bittersweet temptation.
JURI: … no.
JURI: No! I don’t deserve it!
Juri turns and faces Sayuri with an adamant glow in her eyes.
JURI: I will deserve such a sweet treat, only AFTER I successfully grow this club to its highest form! And I shall wait for that day to come, even if my bones start crumbling in front of my eyes. But I don’t have to! Because I know for certain, that our NEW fated member, will come right through that door... rrriiighttt...
JURI: … abooouuuttt...
As soon as she says it, she turns to the door-
JURI: …!
-but no one came in.
JURI: Rrriiighttt... abooouuuttt... NOW!!!
They all turn to the door, expecting something to happen, but to Juri’s disappointment, fate has seemed to fail her.
JURI: Sigh... it would have been cooler if anybody would walk in here right about no-
CHOHEI: Helloooo...
Everyone quickly turns to the door as soon as they heard a voice entering their club room, especially Juri, who’s utterly shocked that a person actually arrives.
JURI: Wha... huh...?!
CHOHEI: Is this the... “Something-Something" club?
RYUKEN: Chohei-san?
CHOHEI: Oh, Ryuken! I finally found you!
RYUKEN: What are you doing here?
CHOHEI: I came to bring you back this.
Chohei shows him the yellow water bottle in his hand.
RYUKEN: What?!
Ryuken checks his bags and realizes he just made a big mistake.
He quickly stands up from his seat, runs up to Chohei and grabs the bottle to check on it.
RYUKEN: Wh-where did you find it?!
CHOHEI: It was on the floor back at the Dojo.
RYUKEN: Oh, I'm- I’m such an IDIOT! How could I forget about this?!
CHOHEI: Don’t fret. It’s just a bottle.
RYUKEN: T-thank you, Chohei-san! You have... NO idea how much this means to me!
CHOHEI: Really? This bottle’s precious to you?
RYUKEN: Y-yeah... it really is. So... thank you again, for bringing this back to me.
CHOHEI: Hey, no problem. Just don’t lose it again, alright? So, this is your clubroom, huh? Pretty neat, but hard to find. So, what kind of things do you-
JURI: Our fated one...
CHOHEI: W-what?
JURI: You... are the last piece of the puzzle...
CHOHEI: What puzzle?
JURI: The Gods and powers beyond have bestowed me a gift in the form of a fit man with a terrible haircut...
CHOHEI: Hey...! My hair’s not that bad...
JURI: And here you are, right in front of me... all that’s left to bring this club to its rightful honour...
CHOHEI: … uh...
JURI: … as our NEW club member!
CHOHEI: What?! No, no, no, I'm not here to join. I just came here to give back his stuff.
SAYURI: Yeah, Juri. It was just a coincidence that this happens.
JURI: It’s NOT a coincidence!
RYUKEN: Not everything has to be fate.
JURI: But it is FATE! There's no such thing as COINCIDENCES!
CHOHEI: I- I just want to help my friend here get his bottle back...
JURI: Which must be a SIGN from above, that you are DESTINED to be one of us!
SAYURI: No, Juri. It means what it means.
JURI: But I CAN’T accept it!
SAYURI: But you did listen to what we said about the flyer earlier.
JURI: Then is THEN! Now is NOW!
CHOHEI: Can I just... leave?
Juri grabs Chohei by his arms, pulls him closer to her face-
CHOHEI: Uwah?!
-and begins to speak to him softly in an assertive tone-
JURI: You...
JURI: You... are valuable to me.
CHOHEI: I... I am?
-as Chohei carefully listens to her every word.
JURI: You have no idea what your existence means to this club, what your contributions would mean to the future of its success, and what you will achieve in your own path, if you do not take this once in a lifetime chance.
CHOHEI: My... path?
JURI: The stage is set and ready for you. You just have to take the first step. And that step... starts here.
CHOHEI: R-really? Y-you think I'm... that important?
JURI: Of course, I do... why would I ever lie to you?
Chohei’s eyes open wide in amazement as he feels moved by every word she says.
JURI: You are the key that will unlock our victory...
JURI: You are the hope that will lead us to glory...
JURI: And no one, and I mean NO ONE... will ever take that away from you, no matter wha-
BLONDE: Um... excuse me?
The four of them unexpectedly heard a sweet, gentle voice, coming from the direction of the door.
They turn to it immediately and standing by the doorway is a young girl with fair white skin and long golden-blonde hair tied into a high ponytail, properly attired in her school uniform.
BLONDE: Is this the... “Search for the Extraordinary Club”?
The room quickly turn silent, as the sudden appearance of a beautiful foreign-looking girl with bright blue eyes, renders everyone in the club speechless-
CHOHEI: Woah...
JURI: Uhh...
-until Juri notices that in the blonde girl’s hand, is the folded flyer she threw earlier.
JURI: YES! Yes, it is!
Juri pushes Chohei away-
-runs up to the blonde girl-
-and tightly holds her hands with an ecstatic smile.
JURI: It's you!
BLONDE: It's me?
JURI: Yes, YOU! Our fated new member!
CHOHEI: Wait, I thought I was-
JURI: The Gods have answered my prayers, and has sent me a beautiful angel to aid in my crusade for the truth! You have no idea how happy I am... to finally meet you!
BLONDE: Meet me?
JURI: I'm so happy, I could scream to the heavens!
BLONDE: You would?
JURI: Yes, and I would do it, like... Yay!
JURI: Yes, like Yay!
BLONDE: Y-yay?!
JURI: Yay!
JURI: Yay!!!
BLONDE: Yay!!!
RYUKEN: Wha... what is going on here?
JURI: Please, my fair maiden. Tell us who you are to our incredible, but humble club.
CHOHEI: Wait, am I a part of this now?
BLONDE: Oh, don’t mind if do. Hello everyone! My name is Iris. It's so very nice to meet all of you.
Iris graciously bows before the four of them with a sweet and pure smile.
JURI: Very nice to meet you, Iris. The name’s Juri, and I... am the President of the Search of the Extraordinary Club!
IRIS: Oh, so you’re the one who wrote this flyer?
JURI: Yes! Yes, I am!
RYUKEN: How did you get it?
IRIS: Funny story, actually. I was just walking home after a whole day of looking at different clubs all over the school. None of them really caught my eye, so I thought of going back home to think about it. But then... a paper plane crashed into my head! It hurt for a bit, but I picked it up, opened it and found out it was a flyer for a club. And I was like, “Oh my! What a coincidence!” I was trying to find a club to join, but then, the club found me!
JURI: There are no coincidences, my dear Iris. It was fate that brought us here together.
IRIS: I was also afraid I might die in 5 minutes if I don’t come here in time.
JURI: Ahahaha! It’s a good thing you did! Ahahaha!
RYUKEN: I can’t believe that worked.
SAYURI: It’s very nice to meet you too, Iris-san. My name is Sayuri.
IRIS: Nice to meet you, Sayuri. You have a very lovely name.
SAYURI: Oh, uh... yours too. It's a name of a flower, right?
IRIS: Correct. So is yours.
SAYURI: Oh, y-yes, it is!
IRIS: Quite a coincidence that we are named after two beautiful flowers. But only one of us is as beautiful as their name. Psst... it’s not me... hehe.
Sayuri starts to blush as Iris cracks a genial smile.
SAYURI: Oh, uh... ahaha... that’s- that’s very flattering of you, Iris-san. Are you perhaps... new here?
IRIS: Why yes. I just moved here last week and started school here just today.
SAYURI: Oh, really? And, if I may ask... are you from around here?
IRIS: I don’t look like I belong, huh?
SAYURI: Oh, no! I- I was just curious about your- I... I'm sorry if I-
IRIS: Hehehe. No need to worry. But, yes. My parents are unsurprisingly not from around here. But I have lived in Japan since I was a child.
SAYURI: Oh... no wonder you speak so fluently.
IRIS: Japanese is practically my mother tongue. It’s the only language I can speak.
CHOHEI: Wow, that’s- that’s very interesting, Iris-san!
IRIS: Oh! And who might you be?
CHOHEI: Oh, um... I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Chohei. It's a pleasure to meet you.
IRIS: It's a pleasure to meet you, too. You seem to be in good shape, Chohei. Do you work out?
CHOHEI: Oh, well I... do practice Kendo since I was young, so... my body shape has always been like this.
IRIS: Kendo? You must be really strong.
CHOHEI: Oh, well I- I'm pretty... pretty average, really...
IRIS: Any girl would be lucky to have someone like you on their side.
CHOHEI: Wh-what?! N-no... that’s very nice of you, but... I don’t think that would be the case...
IRIS: Oh, but I do believe that is the case, Chohei.
CHOHEI: You- you do?
IRIS: What girl wouldn’t want a strong man lifting them off their feet with their big, muscular arms?
IRIS: I know I would.
A simple warm smile appears on Iris's face, but in Chohei’s eyes, her smile is like a beautiful radiant light, shining from the heavens, as a bountiful of flowers dances all around her, elevating her beauty to a universal level.
And as those images begin to flood his head, Chohei's face turns deep red from all the excessive blushing.
CHOHEI: … ah... ahh...
IRIS: And hello to you! What is your name?
RYUKEN: Oh, I'm... I'm Ryuken. It's... good to meet you.
IRIS: It’s good to meet you, too. I like your bottle.
RYUKEN: Oh, this? Uh... t-thank you.
IRIS: I especially like the dragon symbol on it. Do you happen to like dragons?
RYUKEN: Uh, I just... I bought it because it was... cheap.
IRIS: Of course! If the best things in life are free, then the second-best things in life are cheap.
RYUKEN: Uh... s-sure...
IRIS: Hey... it's better to be cheap than being wasteful, am I right?
Iris playfully winks at Ryuken, who could only answer back with an awkward chuckle.
RYUKEN: Uh, ahaha... r-right...
Her kind bubbly smile and her sparkling glowy eyes with her innocent yet joyful aura irradiates the room, charming everyone as they warmly accept her, except for Ryuken, who can’t help but find her behaviour rather odd.
JURI: This is great! With the four of us as one team, nothing in this world is impossible!
RYUKEN: Four, huh? You’re in luck, Chohei-san. Juri just forgot about you, so you’re not really part of the club.
CHOHEI: … ah...
RYUKEN: … Chohei-san?
CHOHEI: … ahh...
RYUKEN: Chohei-san!
Ryuken's voice snaps Chohei back before his blush overcomes his entire body.
CHOHEI: Ah! Uh... well, you know...
CHOHEI: I don’t mind being... part of the club...
RYUKEN: Are... are you sure? It might ruin your-
CHOHEI: It's okay! I mean... I like to practice too, but I don’t mind hanging out with you guys. I can just... be the fifth unofficial member!
RYUKEN: This is an unofficial club. Everyone here is unofficial.
JURI: This is the best day EVER!
Juri walks up to the desk and stands on top of it, causing everyone else to look up to her.
JURI: I finally get to make the club that I’ve always wanted... and do the things I want to do... with more people than I expected... this is AMAZING!
She faces the window with her fists on her hips and a big enthusiastic smile across her face.
JURI: Today shall be known as the true BIRTH... of the Search for the Extraordinary Club! The GREATEST mystery-crime-conspiracy-film-documentary club the world will ever see!
RYUKEN: Wa-wait?! Can you repeat that?
JURI: Everyone...
Juri excitedly pumps her fist into the air.
IRIS: Yay!
CHOHEI: Y-yay!
SAYURI: Ya... yay?
Ryuken’s eyes coldly stare at the proud Juri-
-until he lets out a deep, long, defeated sigh.
RYUKEN: Sigh... yay...
On the school soccer field, the entire soccer club is currently practising honing their skills.
From dribbling to defending to passing, everyone is hyped up to improve themselves in their respective roles, but sitting on a bench by himself is Genji, with his head looking down as he quietly remembers this morning’s encounter.
SHUUYA: Waa... my leg’s burning!
One of the team’s midfielders approaches him from the field while drenched in sweat.
SHUUYA: Sup, Genji!
GENJI: Oh, hey Shuuya.
SHUUYA: Hoo... everyone’s in their A-game today!
GENJI: Yeah... they’re all looking good.
SHUUYA: Coach ain’t letting us go till we all pass out, huh?
GENJI: Sure looks like it.
SHUUYA: At this rate, we'll ALL drop like flies by the end of the week! Hahaha!
GENJI: Haha... yeah...
SHUUYA: ... something on your mind, Genji?
GENJI: What?
SHUUYA: You looking down today.
GENJI: No, it’s nothing. I'm just tired.
SHUUYA: You haven’t broken a sweat yet. Are you sick?
GENJI: No, I’m... I'm good. Just a bit nervous before it’s my turn.
SHUUYA: Really? You've done this like a million times. What got you hung up all of a sudden?
GENJI: Just... some stuff I have to figure out later on.
SHUUYA: Well, hope you clear those stuff out, cause you ain’t looking so sharp.
COACH: Genji! You're up!
The coach calls for him to the penalty area.
GENJI: Alright! Wish me luck, Shuuya.
SHUUYA: Go get them, Genji.
Genji gets up from the bench and performs some short warm-ups before he runs up to the field to practice his penalty shots.
SHUUYA: Work your magic, Genji!
He enters into the penalty area with a ball already on the penalty spot and faces the goalie, who seems more ready than ever.
MAMORU: Come on! Give me your best shot.
Genji takes a deep breath as he focuses on the goal post, sprints towards the ball and shoots it into the goal-
-but Mamoru catches it with ease, and can’t help but smirk proudly.
MAMORU: Really? Is that the best you got?
He tosses the ball back to Genji, who seems annoyed by Mamoru’s teasing.
GENJI: Mm...
SHUUYA: Don’t worry, Genji! You'll get the next one!
COACH: Do it again!
Genji places the ball back at the penalty spot, steps back away, takes a deep breath-
-and sprints to the ball, kicking it as hard as he can-
GENJI: Haaa!
-but the ball misses and flies above the goal post.
MAMORU: The goal’s right here, man! Look where you shooting.
SHUUYA: You got this, Genji! Keep it up!
COACH: Aim where you shoot!
A member takes a ball from a basket and passes it to Genji, who now looks more frustrated than before.
GENJI: Khh...
He steps back from the ball-
SHUUYA: You can do it, Genji!
-focuses on the goal-
MAMORU: Come on, Genji! I know you can do better than that!
-focuses on where he wants to shoot-
COACH: One more time, Genji! Don’t screw this up!
-and kicks the ball with all his strength-
GENJI: Haaa!!!
-but the ball hits the metal pole above the goal and bounces back to the field.
SHUUYA: Oooh... so close...
MAMORU: Haha! Just a little lower, you could have got it.
COACH: What's going on, Genji?!
Genji clenches his fist tightly and grits his teeth in infuriation.
GENJI: Ghh! Goddammit...
COACH: You haven’t got a single one, and Mamoru ain’t that good!
MAMORU: Yeah...! Wait, what?
COACH: Where's your head at?! If you go on like this-
GENJI: I know, I know! Just... just give me another shot!
COACH: Sigh... alright. One more!
Genji gets another ball and places it on the ground.
GENJI: … pant... pant...
He steps away from the ball-
“It's hard... to lose this way, isn’t it?”
-readies himself for another shot-
“You don’t get to leave me bruised...”
-sharply aims at the goal-
“Or make me beg on my knees...”
-furiously sprints in an instant-
“Or beat me down till you’re satisfied...”
-draws his kicking leg as high as he can-
“No, you don’t.”
-and fiercely kicks the ball-
“And you know what’s worse?”
-with all of his fury.
“You don’t even get to SCARE me.”
Genji’s eyes won’t stray away from the goal-
-as he anticipates the ball to hit the net-
COACH: How the...?
-but the ball was nowhere to be seen.
GENJI: Dammit!
As he realizes the moment he screwed up again, he turns around to see where the ball went, but instead-
GENJI: …?!
-sees black and white pieces of teared up cotton and leather, floating down near his face.
As he stares into them slowly falling to the ground, he looks down to see the ball he just kicked-
...blown to pieces, with only half of it still intact.
GENJI: … wha-
COACH: Genji!
The coach runs up to him as Genji stares into the ball in complete bewilderment.
COACH: The ball popped?
GENJI: I... I... I don’t know how-
COACH: I knew I should have ordered the ones from the Kyojin store.
The coach grabs the half soccer ball and disgustedly glares at it.
COACH: That goddamn shop got me nothing but cheap knockoffs... Genji, you good?
COACH: Wanna give it another try?
GENJI: I... I think I’m good, coach. I'll just... take a rest for a while, if you let me.
COACH: Yeah, sure. Whatever. I got some angry calls I need to make anyway.
Genji slowly walks away from the field, as he quietly wonders if he really did cause it to explode.
SHUUYA: Genji! How did you do that?
Shuuya runs up to him from behind with a shocked look on his face.
GENJI: It was... it was a cheap ball.
SHUUYA: What?! You sure about that?
GENJI: Yeah, I’m... I'm sure.
SHUUYA: I saw it, Genji. You really put a lot of power in that kick. I really think you popped the-
GENJI: I’m gonna... be in the restroom, for a while.
Genji walks away from Shuuya, leaving him more confused than ever.
SHUUYA: Man... is he really alri-
COACH: Shuuya!
SHUUYA: Ah?! Yes, coach!
Shuuya runs up to the coach at the sidelines.
COACH: I want you to take this basket of soccer balls back to the store, and replace them with the new ones we haven’t used yet.
SHUUYA: ... what?
COACH: You heard me, Shuuya. Now, get moving!
SHUUYA: But... these are the new ones.
COACH: What?!
SHUUYA: These are the new ones.
COACH: Quit joking around and get me those balls, Shuuya!
Inside the dimly lit school restroom, Genji lowers his head to the sink as he washes his face to cool himself down.
He lifts his head up, turns off the pipe and reaches for a napkin to dry his face.
He takes a few deep breaths while staring at himself in the mirror, still processing on what recently happened.
But at the same time, his thoughts are still reminded of what happened this morning as it still won't escape his mind, especially the seething anger he felt when that bully provoked him till he almost snapped.
He tries to calm himself down, but that strong urge to fight won't go away.
That intense urge to kill... still burns inside of him.
As he keeps staring at the mirror with all these emotions swirling in his head, he notices something that was off for a moment.
Something about his face.
Something about his eye.
He leans in closer to the mirror, pulls his right eyelid, and sees-
-in the dark brown irises of his right eye, is a small hint of orange, glowing faintly as it slowly pulses like a flickering light, until it finally fades away.
End of Chapter 25
- In Serial108 Chapters
Lazy Dragon Queen: Gaming in an Illogical World
Other Tags: Tower Defense | Crafting | Anti-Cat Propaganda Have you ever thought to yourself, “tfw no qt3.14 dragon girl gf to play vidya with?” Are you one of those lonely people who claim to prefer single-player games because you have nobody to play multiplayer games with? Do you wish that you could have a harem of cute, 10/10 waifus who just want to play video games, be lazy with you, and do cute romantic things? Then congratulations! You don’t get any of those things, but Drake does. You do, however, get the opportunity to live vicariously through Drake as he goes to a lazy dragon’s (read: best girl’s) pocket universe that has been designed to be the perfect survival / tower defense / crafting hybrid game-turned-reality! Have I mentioned that there are cute dogs and bees involved? What about the bodybuilder cat enemies? Or the fact that I, the best informational status window and synopsis writer ever, Window, am in the story? Oh, and you might want to keep in mind that the dragon in charge of the universe dislikes all things rational, logical, and other boring things like those. --- Volume 1 now available on Amazon! Cover art by ErosPanda! Full-sized version of the cover art here!
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