《Demon Blade》Chapter 22: Crème De La Crème
MAN: Where is he?
WOMAN: What's wrong?
MAN: Where is he?
On the other side of the door, you hear the voice of a man, questioning a woman with a cold and forceful tone.
MAN: The boy.
WOMAN: Wh-why do you-
MAN: Where is he?
WOMAN: Wait! Just... just calm down.
MAN: Where is he?
WOMAN: Please... just calm down...
You hear the fear in the woman’s voice as she tries to reason with the man.
WOMAN: He didn’t know.
MAN: Out of my way.
WOMAN: He didn’t mean it!
MAN: Out... of my way.
You curiously stare into the door, with nothing but a blue popsicle on your left hand as it slowly melts down to your fingers.
WOMAN: Please, listen...
MAN: Move.
WOMAN: You don’t have to act this way.
MAN: Move...
WOMAN: He's just a kid-
The door violently opens from outside, and in comes the man as he walks to you with a menacing stare.
You immediately stare back into the man’s eyes, and in them, you see nothing but a sharp glare, filled with burning hate and merciless fury.
You stay still with bated breath as he reaches closer to you, and with every heavy step he takes, you can’t help but feel quivering fear shaking up inside.
And as the man finally towers above you, looking down at you with the same frightful glare, all you could do is look up to him and softly utter-
“Fa- father?”
Kenzaki’s eyes shot wide open from his slumber as a horrified gasp escapes from his mouth.
He now stares into the ceiling with his head lying flat on his pillow, drenched in cold sweat as he heavily pants from the sheer fright of the dreadful nightmare.
Though he knows it was more than just a nightmare.
He turns to his right to take a quick glance at the digital clock resting on the side table near his bed, with his glasses, silver ring and metal button placed on top of it.
He squints at the clock but with his blurry vision, he can’t read the time.
He grabs his glasses on the side table and backwardly places them on his eyes, just to take a quick peek.
The time 3:29 a.m. glows from the digital screen.
He places his glasses back on the table and tries to go back to sleep-
-but doing so after a terrible dream may not be so easy.
The fear felt from the nightmare still lingers, coupled with the anxiety of the upcoming day.
With such thoughts clouding his mind, he just couldn’t think of anything calming or mundane for him to sleep through it.
Tired of forcing himself to sleep but not tired enough to doze off, he opens up his eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh, unsure of what to do next.
He turns to his side and faintly sees his silver ring on the table, softly gleaming from the moonlight in near darkness.
He rose up from his bed to curiously look at the moon shining through his window.
Despite his blurry vision, he can still see the white light beaming brightly in the night sky and takes a brief moment to view it from his room-
-until he eventually decides to get out of his bed and starts walking to the window, not before grabbing his stuff from the side table.
The white half-moon luminously glows in the black, starless sky, with only a few stars twinkling at different spots far from each other.
The air is calm with nothing but the sound of a gentle breeze blowing by and the sweet chirping of crickets calling to one another.
Lying on the rooftop by himself while wearing his turquoise Exorcist uniform, Kenzaki stares deeply into the bright half-moon, all while tossing a dark-blue energy ball into the air and catching it with one hand.
With no way of falling back asleep, he thought it’d be a good idea to not waste his night lying anxiously on his bed and tries to find some peace elsewhere.
He keeps on tossing the energy ball higher and higher, testing himself to see how far he can throw it into the air and catching it every time it drops down.
He continues to throw it as far as he can, as long as he could, catching it every time without fail, until-
Clink! Clank! Clunk!
-the energy ball suddenly slipped from his hands and drops onto the roof.
Kenzaki keeps staring into the ball as it bounces away while slowly dissolving into energy on its way down.
As the ball finally disappears into the air, he turns to the night sky once more and lets out a disappointed sigh.
KANA: Yaaawwwnnn...!
A big, sleepy yawn comes out of Kana’s mouth as she walks along the hallways of the big house while scanning around her surroundings with a flashlight in hand.
UMI: Eeeee...
Walking alongside her is Umi, clenching both her hands onto Kana’s arm as she timidly looks around the dimly lit corridors.
UMI: D-did you- did you see anything, Ka-Kana-chan?
KANA: This is a waste of my time.
UMI: P-please, Kana-chan... you got to be careful, in-in case something pops out.
KANA: It's probably nothing, Umi... maybe some birds are nesting on the roof.
UMI: It sounded too big for any bird!
KANA: It could be a lost cat.
UMI: A cat’s too nimble to make that sound!
KANA: I know one cat who could.
UMI: How did it not wake you up?
KANA: If it didn’t wake me up, then it wasn’t that loud.
UMI: It was loud! It could be a person up there, for all we know.
KANA: No one would dare break into this place. There're guards and cameras all over us. And you should definitely think of a good excuse if the surveillance guard caught us walking around at night on tape.
They keep on walking in search of any strange sights, as they pass by the trophy room while turning to a corner at the end of the hall.
UMI: Then, do you think...
UMI: … it may have been...
UMI: … a gho-
KANA: Stop it.
UMI: Wha?
KANA: Don’t you dare put that into my head.
UMI: Put what into your-
KANA: That word you were about to say!
UMI: I'm not saying it is, but what if?
KANA: You watched too many horror movies...
UMI: You saw them with me-
KANA: And I hate every second of it!
UMI: Really? But I picked out the best ones.
KANA: Which are worse, cause they’re too good! And no, there aren’t any of those... things here. I never heard anything about this house being... occupied.
UMI: But what about that one movie where a dark spirit follows them around and-
KANA: Please shut up, Umi... I didn’t want to think of it when you start mentioning noises in the roof.
UMI: But we still got to find out what made that noise.
KANA: And what do you plan to do once we did?
UMI: Um... well...
Kana lets out a frustrated sigh after seeing Umi’s clueless expression, realizing that she did not think this through.
KANA: This is ridiculous... we should have just stayed in our beds.
UMI: But something had to make that noise!
KANA: It’d better be some dumb monkey jumping around. I’d rather face that than facing a-
… creeeeaaakkk...
An odd, distant creak came from behind them, immediately stopping their tracks as their faces turn white from the sudden eerie sound.
Hesitant to turn around yet strongly curious to glance at what made them shiver in fear, they both witness to their dismay, the door to the trophy room creepily opening on its own.
… creeeeaaakkk...
Both Umi and Kana stifled themselves from making any noise-
KANA: Mmmmm-
UMI: Eeeee-
-as they stand frozen in the empty hallway, unable to gaze away from the haunting sight-
… creeeeaaakkk...
-until the door finally closes by itself with a soft, delicate push.
UMI: -eee-
UMI: -eeeee-
UMI: -eeeeeEEE-
KANA: Please don’t tell me you saw the same thing.
Kenzaki, still in his Exorcist uniform, aimlessly moves around the dimly lit hallways of his own home with his head low in thought.
As he goes through his own one-man house tour, he eventually arrives in front of the trophy room and stops for a moment.
He stares deeply at the front door and quietly thinks to himself, trying to remember the last time he went into this room.
Without anything better to do, he decides to enter into the room to kill time.
He gently opens the trophy room door-
… creeeeaaakkk...
-and softly closes it on his way in.
Inside the spacious trophy room are two glass cabinets mounted on opposite sides of the room’s walls, each filled with an array of trophies, medals and plaques, all neatly organized and dust-free.
Kenzaki passes by them and walks forward to another wall fitted with professionally photographed portraits of the entire Tetsunouji family.
He steadily looks at the wall and on its left side, he sees a family picture of his mother sitting on a chair with her two sons standing by her side.
He and his mother are seen smiling together in the photo, while his younger brother looks rather bored and annoyed to be a part of it.
He turns to his right and sees another family picture of a much older woman sitting as well, with three young adult men standing behind her.
The woman looks eerily stern, posing with her legs crossed while the men each gave a different vibe from their distinct expressions.
The one in the middle cracks a cocky, pompous smirk.
The one on the woman’s right has a cold, calculative gaze.
The last one on her left expresses with a vexed, pent-up scowl.
And above both these family portraits is a bigger, solo portrait of a strict, old man with smartly combed grey hair and a thick, bushy moustache, along with a golden plate below the frame with the name “TETSUNOUJI SHIROU” embedded into it.
He nervously looks up to the portrait, closer and closer to meet his father’s eyes-
-but he quickly lowers his gaze, hesitant to even look at a photographic image of his father’s icy stare.
… rrr...
He begins to feel a sudden yet familiar growl, rumbling anxiously from his stomach as he touches it with his hand.
After the growling calms down, he turns away from the wall of pictures and walks to one of the glass cabinets, and as he looks through it, he sees multiple accolades of past triumphs, most if not all, are awarded to him.
Various trophies and medals of different shapes and sizes, be it in track and field, chess, debate, essay writing, or student of the year among many others, are all proudly displayed in their full glory.
Yet, Kenzaki views all of them with an empty, blank look in his eyes.
After feeling he has spent enough time in the trophy room, he decides to walk to the door to leave for another stroll around his house, until-
-a certain small prize at the bottom of the glass cabinet caught his eye.
He leans his face closer into the glass and clearly sees-
KENZAKI: … ah...
-the blue ribbon he had back when he was younger.
His eyes begin to glow in wonder as he stares deeply into the first prize he’s ever gotten.
He begins to sit down on the carpeted floor without breaking his gaze on the blue ribbon, and keeps on staring at it as he tries to remember the memories he had back on his first Sports Day-
-the memory of that proud moment he once had.
Early rays of sunlight have begun illuminating the new morning sky.
Zakuro briskly yet steadily paces to Kenzaki’s room to wake him up and get him ready for the trip.
He reaches to the door and as he’s about to knock-
KENZAKI: Come in!
-to Zakuro’s surprise, Kenzaki's voice calls out from inside.
He gently opens the door to greet him and immediately sees Kenzaki standing in front of a mirror, all dressed in the suit prepared for him earlier last night.
ZAKURO: Kenzaki-sama? You're already finished?
KENZAKI: I’m almost done.
He finishes fixing the buttons on his sleeves and proceeds to continue with his necktie.
KENZAKI: Arai-san?
ZAKURO: Yes, Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: Do you mind getting the car ready?
ZAKURO: You wish to leave now?
KENZAKI: Might as well, in case anything happens along the way. But I don’t mind waiting if you need more time to-
ZAKURO: Not to worry, Kenzaki-sama. Everything will be done shortly.
Kenzaki turns to Zakuro with an appreciative smile.
KENZAKI: Thank you, Arai-san.
ZAKURO: It is my pleasure, Kenzaki-sama.
Zakuro respectfully bows and walks away to prepare the ride, leaving Kenzaki by himself as he looks into the mirror, aptly wearing his necktie around his collar.
He tightly pulls the tie to his neck, folds in his collar-
-and stares directly into the mirror.
KENZAKI: … I’m ready.
Or so he thinks.
With a slight hint of confidence in himself, he walks to his door and opens it-
UMI: Ah... s-s-sorry, Kenzaki-sama. I-I didn’t mean t-t-to scare you...
KENZAKI: I... didn’t mean to scare you as well, Ebihara-san.
Kenzaki confusedly stares into Umi, who seems very spooked all of a sudden.
UMI: I-I was told t-to ask you if you want some b-breakfast before you leave...
KENZAKI: Oh, uh... that’s okay. I’m not hungry yet.
UMI: Oh... o-okay. H-have a safe t-t-trip, Kenzaki-sssama.
KENZAKI: … are you okay?
UMI: I-I-I'm fine. W-w-why do you ask?
KENZAKI: Your face seems pale.
UMI: R-r-really? I... probably put too much m-make-up on.
KENZAKI: Uh-huh... where’s Daimon-san?
UMI: Kana-chan is... sssick.
KENZAKI: Oh, she is? I hope she gets better soon.
UMI: D- don’t worry. I'll t-t-take care of her.
KENZAKI: … are you sure you’re not sick too?
UMI: No, I'm-I'm f-f-fine, Ken-Kenzaki-sama.
KENZAKI: Ah... well, I... should be going now.
Kenzaki awkwardly leaves Umi by herself as she shakily waves goodbye at him with a nervous smile.
Outside the gates of the Tetsunouji residence, Zakuro waits by a parked black car for Kenzaki’s arrival.
Kenzaki stands by the front door, looking ready to go for his trip.
TERUMI: Kenzaki.
Kenzaki turns around to his mother calling his name.
KENZAKI: Good morning, mom.
TERUMI: Good morning. You’re about to go?
KENZAKI: Yes. It won’t be too long. I'll be back before nighttime.
TERUMI: Oh... that’s good.
They both quietly stand together by the door, unsure of what to say after.
KENZAKI: Well... I should be off, then. Goodbye, mo-
She stops her son for a moment to fix his necktie.
TERUMI: You always pull it up too tight. Let's loosen it a little bit.
KENZAKI: Oh... okay.
TERUMI: Kenzaki.
TERUMI: I know that you’ll be on your best behaviour when you meet your father...
TERUMI: But...
She loosens his tie and gently brushes his suit with her hands.
TERUMI: Don’t be afraid to speak up when you need to.
Kenzaki quietly stares into his mother as she endearingly smiles at her son, and he responds back to her with a soft smile.
KENZAKI: I'll be back before dinner, mom.
TERUMI: Alright. Goodbye, Kenzaki.
KENZAKI: Goodbye.
He waves his mother goodbye as he walks forward to the car waiting for him outside.
Zakuro opens the car door and greets him respectably as Kenzaki enters inside.
From the car, he sees his mother waving at him from the front door, and as he waves back, he notices Kensuke standing from the second-floor window, staring blankly at him as they meet eyes for a moment.
ZAKURO: Are you ready to go now, Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: Oh! Uh, yes... if you please.
He looks back at his home and his family for another brief moment, before Zakuro gently closes his car door in front of him.
The blaring sound of a jet engine roars from a private jet, steadily flying 35,000 feet in the air across Japan.
Inside the jet, Kenzaki looks out the window, watching the blue morning sky as he comfortably sits at the lounge area while fiddling with his fingers in discomfort.
Zakuro sits opposite him with his eyes shut, nervously sweating as he quietly pants through his nose.
Kenzaki notices him looking uneasy and concerningly wonders if he is alright.
ZAKURO: ... pants...
KENZAKI: Arai-san?
ZAKURO: Uh! Er... yes, Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: Are you sure you’re okay?
ZAKURO: Of-of-of course, Kenzaki-sama! I’m exceptionally fine!
He cracks a nervous smile as he tries to steady his composure.
KENZAKI: I can call for the hostess to give you something for-
ZAKURO: Th-th-there is no need, Kenzaki-sama! I’m alright. I am not here to enjoy this trip. I am simply here to be your travel companion; in case you are in need of my help.
KENZAKI: I understand if you don’t wish to be on this flight with me.
ZAKURO: I would never say no to your wishes, Kenzaki-sama. Even if it means getting to fly thousands of feet in the air inside a shaking man-made machine that could drop at any moment’s notice. Nope! Not even that would make me refuse.
KENZAKI: The chances of this plane dropping is more unlikely than you think, Arai-san.
ZAKURO: I wish I had a drink before we took off.
Kenzaki cracks a soft laugh after seeing Zakuro’s tensed face.
ZAKURO: Sigh...
KENZAKI: But I really don’t mind if you don’t want to come. I could just go by myself. It’s just...
Kenzaki starts looking blue as he turns his head away before he could finish what he wanted to say.
ZAKURO: … Kenzaki-sama.
ZAKURO: If all you wanted was some company by your side...
ZAKURO: Just say the word, and I would gladly volunteer.
Zakuro cracks a warm smile, pledging his allegiance to the young master.
Kenzaki smiles back, appreciating the loyalty of his respected butler.
KENZAKI: Thank you, Arai-san.
ZAKURO: It is my pleasure, Kenzaki-sama. Now... I don’t think having some spirits would be a wise idea while I'm still on duty, but I think some tea should be enough to calm down our moods.
Zakuro presses a button at the desk that rings a bell-like sound as it brings an air hostess to arrive at their table with a genial smile.
HOSTESS: Good morning. How may I help you?
ZAKURO: Good morning. We would like to have some tea, please.
HOSTESS: Certainly. Would you like something to eat? We have ready-made lunchboxes specially prepared for this flight.
ZAKURO: That sounds delightful. We will have two of those-
KENZAKI: Oh, none for me, please. Thank you.
ZAKURO: Have you eaten yet?
KENZAKI: Uh... no, I’m... still not hungry.
ZAKURO: You have to eat something, Kenzaki-sama.
KENZAKI: Oh no, please. I don’t mind-
ZAKURO: You can’t start the day with an empty stomach.
KENZAKI: Don’t worry. Tea should be enough for-
ZAKURO: It might take a long time before we get to our next meal.
Kenzaki feels hesitant to accept the offer, as he truly has no appetite to eat anything.
KENZAKI: … okay. I’ll have one, please.
HOSTESS: Noted. I will come back shortly with your orders.
ZAKURO: Thank you very much.
KENZAKI: … thank you.
As the hostess leaves the two for their food and drinks-
… rrr...
-Kenzaki starts feeling the nervous rumble from his stomach again.
ZAKURO: Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: Ah, yes?
ZAKURO: Is something the matter?
KENZAKI: Oh, it’s... it’s nothing.
As they both wait for their meals, Kenzaki looks out the window, quietly deep in thought as they reach closer and closer to their destination.
Booming from the small speakers of a flip phone is a video of a loud, brash man, as he starts talking about topics of a specific niche.
HUNTER: I know some of ya guys said that I talk a bunch of crap since my last video, but DUDE... that guy is CLEARLY a lizard from the way he licks his lips. But in this video, I got some weird as hell pics that ya GOT to see, and DUDE... this s**t is UNREAL.
All alone in a black car, a driver is watching the video with Japanese captions on while eating a sandwich he bought from a convenience store.
HUNTER: In JAPAN of all places, there’s this town called... Machi? Mochi? Whatever. But look at these pics, BRO!
The video shows pictures of a cracked road and several slightly damaged buildings from last week’s encounter with the Stone Ape.
HUNTER: They say it’s an earthquake, but experts claimed that the damage was done from some kind of “thing” falling from the sky. And from these pics, that “thang” must be HUGE. Here's another one I gotta show ya.
The second picture shows the forest outskirts of Machi Town, fairly ruined from the last battle with the Stone Ape.
HUNTER: Look at the damage! Look at that piece of land! Something dug that up and threw at those trees, MAN! And I know no earthquake can’t do that. I know so!
DRIVER: Munch...
HUNTER: And you may be wondering... do I know what I’m seeing? Do I know what I'm looking at? Do I even know what I'm talking about? Bro... I know what’s up. You know what I think? Do you really know what I’m thinking?
HUNTER: Robots. Not just robots... INVISIBLE ROBOTS! Made by the US Army! To invade JAPAN! Everything is there, PEOPLE! Don't you see! Don’t you see what I'm seeing! This is real, DAWG! This is REAL as SHI-
His phone starts ringing loudly, surprising the driver as he drops his sandwich on the car floor while fumbling with his phone to quickly answer it, until he finally finds the right button.
DRIVER: H- hello, sir! … Y- yes, I’m already at the airport. … Understood, sir. I'll be there immediately.
The driver starts up his car, drives out of the airport parking lot and circles around until he reaches to the pick-up point to wait for his passengers to arrive.
At the entrance, many people are seen going in and out of the airport.
Busy businessmen holding their briefcases and phones to their ears.
Married couples pulling their luggage while keeping an eye on their children.
Foreign tourists taking silly pictures of themselves whenever they have the chance.
While the driver keeps on waiting in the car, whistling to himself a catchy tune, walking out of the entrance is a suited man with dark sunglasses along with two more people following from behind him.
Watching from the rear-view mirror, the driver sees the suited man walking to the car’s rear door and opens it wide for Kenzaki and Zakuro to enter and sit on the back seat of the car.
DRIVER: Greetings, Tetsunouji-sama. I will be your driver today.
KENZAKI: Nice to meet you. I trust that I will be in your care.
DRIVER: Of course, Tetsunouji-sama. I will send you directly to your father now.
KENZAKI: Uh, yes... thank you.
The black car drives out of the airport and enters the highway to send the young master to his next destination.
Driving through the quiet morning streets of Tokyo, Kenzaki looks out the window as he sees a few familiar spots that remind him of his past visits.
ZAKURO: It feels like a different world to see a busy city so calm and peaceful after an energetic night.
KENZAKI: I never find myself missing those kinds of nights. But I can’t speak from your experience.
ZAKURO: I have my fair share of life here. I thought I would yearn for it again, but... the quieter days have been more good to me than my noisier years. Still...
ZAKURO: It feels nice to come back once in a while.
Kenzaki looks at Zakuro as he stares out of the window with a nostalgic smile on his face.
ZAKURO: I could still remember the paths I used to take back then. Especially around here. There’s this small stall I used to go to that sells great fried noodles. Best I've ever had. I wonder if he’s still arou- … Ah!
KENZAKI: … what’s wrong?
Zakuro leans in closer to the driver at the front.
ZAKURO: Excuse me.
ZAKURO: I think you missed our office building back there. You forgot to take a right 3 blocks earlier.
DRIVER: Oh, I'm sorry to not mention earlier. I’m ordered to take the young master to the golf course.
KENZAKI: The golf course?
DRIVER: Yes, Tetsunouji-sama. Your father is expecting to see you there.
ZAKURO: I was not aware of this.
DRIVER: My apologies for not informing both of you before we departed.
KENZAKI: No, that’s okay. I was just... surprised, that’s all.
DRIVER: We will be there shortly, Tetsunouji-sama.
KENZAKI: Oh... alright.
He quietly looks away to the window-
… rrr...
-patting on his stomach as he lets out a nervous sigh.
Resting under thick trees in a grassy field is a sign made of stone with the words “AOICHI GOLF CLUB” carved into it.
The black car passes by the sign and drives forward to reach the club building, until it finally parks near it where the entrance door can be seen.
From inside, Kenzaki and Zakuro sees an old gentleman in a suit coming out of the club door and as he walks towards them, they both immediately get out of the car to greet the head butler of the family.
WATARU: How wonderful to see you again, Kenzaki-sama.
KENZAKI: It’s great to see you too, Ougida-san.
Kenzaki and Zakuro respectfully bow before the esteemed gentleman as he responds back with a light bow.
WATARU: You came too, Zakuro.
ZAKURO: Yes, Ougida-san. I am happy to see you healthy and well.
WATARU: Well... I’ve had better days. I've heard you have been a great help to the family in the Machi Residence.
ZAKURO: I have done my very best to serve them well, Ougida-san.
WATARU: And Kenzaki-sama, you have grown so big. I remember when you were just a-
KENZAKI: Tiny boy, clinging to his mother’s arm at all times. How could I forget?
They both share a light laugh together after having not seen each other for quite some time.
WATARU: As much as I enjoy our time together once more, I don’t think your father has much time to waste.
KENZAKI: … I see.
WATARU: If you please follow me, I will show you the way.
KENZAKI: … okay.
Kenzaki follows Wataru as he leads him to the entrance while Zakuro tails them from behind.
WATARU: Zakuro.
ZAKURO: Yes, Ougida-san?
WATARU: Tetsunouji-sama only demanded for his son’s presence.
ZAKURO: Oh, then... I will accompany him till-
WATARU: I don’t think it would do much for you to stand around by yourself while waiting for them to finish.
ZAKURO: Ah, t-then...
WATARU: I suggest you stay in the car and wait till everything is all done.
Wataru looks deeply into Zakuro after speaking to him with a gentle yet commanding tone.
ZAKURO: … uh...
ZAKURO: … very well, Ougida-san.
Wataru turns forward and proceeds to walk into the golf club, but Kenzaki stays still as he looks back into Zakuro, dutifully standing by the car.
ZAKURO: Don't worry, Kenzaki-sama. I'll be here when you need me.
WATARU: Kenzaki-sama.
Kenzaki slowly turns his eyes to Wataru-
WATARU: Your father is waiting.
… rrr...
-his stomach anxiously rumbles again, and his head begins to sweat-
KENZAKI: Y-yes, Ougida-san.
-but he keeps on marching forward and follows Wataru through the golf club to finally meet the man who calls for him.
At a 3-storey driving range, a short distance away from the club building, several employees of the club are seen working to prepare the range and golf course to its best shape before more golfers arrive throughout the day.
A couple of them are seen near the club building, transporting some equipment and supplies to where they are needed to be, and at the farther end of the golf course are a few lawnmowers, trimming the grass to a clean, short length.
Observing them doing their work is Kenzaki, patiently yet nervously standing by himself next to a staircase at the bottom floor of the driving range.
He scans around his surroundings to distract himself for a few minutes before going to do what he came here in the first place.
He sees a few early golfers preparing themselves for their practice swings as they stand on their mats, as well as some staff carrying buckets of golf balls from the counter to these golfers.
He also sees a restroom sign by the end of the driving range as a man walks out from that direction.
As he keeps looking around him while waiting for-
WATARU: Kenzaki-sama.
Wataru comes down the stair and alerts Kenzaki from above.
WATARU: Your father wants to see you now.
His eyes shot up upon hearing those words-
KENZAKI: Th-thank you, Ougida-san.
-and proceeds to move up as his father requested.
As he climbs up the stairs while passing by Wataru-
WATARU: Kenzaki-sama.
WATARU: I know your father more than anyone, and he’s not an easy man to understand.
WATARU: I don’t and I won’t know what you two will discuss together, but I will say this to you...
He turns to Kenzaki with a sharp, mindful stare.
WATARU: If you can’t bring delight to his needs-
WATARU: -the least you can do is to not disappoint.
After receiving Wataru’ words, Kenzaki could only stare back in deep thought, just as the head butler himself slowly turns to where he was going and leaves the young man be.
Unsure if they were words of wisdom or caution, Kenzaki keeps them in mind and climbs forward to the top floor of the building.
With every step he takes, he feels his body getting heavier, his head getting sweatier, his chest getting tighter and his stomach rumbling harder than before.
And as he finally reaches the top, he sees the entire floor empty without a single golfer swinging their clubs, except for one.
In the middle of the empty floor is a bulky old man, wearing a collared shirt and khakis, fitted with a sports cap on his grey-haired head, silently shooting his golf balls into the grassy field with every hard, sturdy swing of his club.
Kenzaki froze in fear at the sight of the man, knowing full well that the figure before him is none other than his father, but he keeps on walking forward, despite wanting in his heart, wishing that today of all days, will not be the day to face him again.
Wiping the sweat from his head, calming down his breath, easing his upset stomach, he pushes himself to take every step, no matter how heavy it feels, to finally stand 10-feet behind the man-
KENZAKI: ... pant... pant...
-the man who requested for his presence; the man who he knows as his father; the man who is more well known as one of the world’s famous billionaires: Tetsunouji Shirou of the Tetsunouji Organization.
KENZAKI: Good-good morning, father.
The man doesn’t greet back or turn his head around-
KENZAKI: I have... come here as you have requested.
-and keeps facing the green field while swinging his golf club.
KENZAKI: … I hope to be of use to you, father. Whatever you need of me, I will do my very best... so you would-
SHIROU: I’ll keep it simple.
His father finally speaks, yet his gaze would still not meet Kenzaki’s.
SHIROU: You are going to work for me.
KENZAKI: … huh?
SHIROU: You will start as the new operations manager for the Toshima City department, but you will be the new executive to replace Kenjiro soon.
KENZAKI: … Kenjiro-san?
SHIROU: You will stay in the Ikebukuro penthouse from now on. All your belongings will be transferred here once you’re settled in.
KENZAKI: … I... I-
SHIROU: You will start tomorrow.
So little came out of him, yet so much to unpack.
KENZAKI: … ah...
Even after carefully listening to his father’s demands, Kenzaki still couldn’t believe what his father really needed from him and could only respond with a confused shock in his eyes.
KENZAKI: What... what about-
SHIROU: About college, word will be sent to your university to drop you out properly.
KENZAKI: Wha… but-but, father, I'm...
KENZAKI: … I’m still in high school.
His father stops practicing and lightly turns his head in confusion.
SHIROU: How old are you?
KENZAKI: Uh, I’m... 17. I’ll be... turning 18 soon.
Kenzaki sees his father leaning on his golf club with another hand on his hips, quietly thinking to himself-
SHIROU: … then we’ll have you drop out of high school.
-and goes back to his practice session.
KENZAKI: Wa-wait! Father, wha... what is going on? I don’t understand why you want me to-
The man suddenly stands up straight, alarming Kenzaki to behave as his stomach rumbles again in fear.
KENZAKI: Uh, I’m... I'm sorry for voicing out at you, father. I... I know that I will be working for you one day, and I'm... all well prepared to be a part of the company, but...
KENZAKI: I just never thought it would be so soon, and... I don’t think it’s possible, since I’m still going to school-
SHIROU: Do you hear what I said?
SHIROU: Drop out.
KENZAKI: But... I don’t think-
SHIROU: School won’t do you any good anymore. Drop out.
Hearing his father telling him to abandon his school life was never something he expected to hear, yet the way his father wants him to start working immediately only leaves him wondering: what is the real reason behind it?
KENZAKI: … what happened to Kenjiro-san?
KENZAKI: What did he do, father?
KENZAKI: … this was never about me, was it?
His father keeps on practicing by himself, as if not knowing Kenzaki is still talking behind him.
KENZAKI: Father... if I may speak, I don’t think having me as... Kenjiro-san's replacement would be the best for the company. He has been a major player since he joined, and he was the one that got us the deal with the Singaporean investors. And I know that he isn’t the most... composed of us, but taking me in as the new operations manager, or even as an executive... would be too big of a leap for me to-
SHIROU: Kenzaki.
Hearing his father speaking his name in his deep, brassy voice instantly sends shivers down his spine, as he now fears what he might say after.
SHIROU: Do you know why I called for you... right here, right now?
KENZAKI: … ah? Wh... why?
SHIROU: Because I expect you to be ready when the time comes. I expect you to be at your best when I call for you. I expect you to be better before stepping in here.
SHIROU: And I surely expected you... to behave when you appear yourself before me.
His face turned white.
His heart’s rapidly beating.
His body’s feeling numb.
His lungs’ heavily breathing.
His head’s feeling faint.
He had hoped that he could satisfy his father’s needs, or leave him feeling assured of what he could achieve. But worst...
KENZAKI: … pant... pant...
He fears that he has angered him.
SHIROU: Our conversation is over. Leave.
With his head hazily clouded with overwhelming emotions, he couldn’t hear anything coming into his ears, except for the very last word his father said.
With every energy he could conjure up to move his body, Kenzaki sluggishly walks away without any more energy to say anything else.
Not even an apology or a thank you.
Just a silent cry for escape.
He has told himself that he is ready to work for the organization, that he is ready for the corporate world, that he is ready to continue his father’s legacy, but the truth is, which he knows very well, is that he isn’t ready for any of it.
As he walks away with every slow and heavy step, he feels his insides rumbling violently.
Nothing like a handful of butterflies flying in his stomach, or a flurry of them raging in his guts, but more so like a storm, spreading to every part of his body, ready to burst out of his skin.
He instinctively holds his mouth shut with his right hand to keep his guts from hurling out of him, as he bows down his head towards the ground while his left hand leans on the wall to steady his balance.
The nausea in him keeps building and building, forcing him to push out his insides-
KENZAKI: … mmff...
-but he keeps on fighting, driving back his nauseous urge with all his strength-
KENZAKI: ... pant... pant...
-until he finally calms himself down, just enough to take his hand off his sweaty face.
He gently stands back up with his head tilted upwards, gasping for air as he takes a moment to cool down his head.
With every slow and deep breath, his mind is more and more at peace, just enough to get his head together-
KENZAKI: ... pant... pant...
-just enough to collect his thoughts.
He finally moves up his feet-
-and turns around to face his father again.
With a sharper look in his eyes, he marches forwards and now again stands 10-feet behind the man he fears the most, hoping that this time, he would find the right words to persuade him.
KENZAKI: Father!
Kenzaki calls for him again, but his father’s eyes would still not meet his.
KENZAKI: Father, if I may speak my mind...
KENZAKI: I know you expected me to kindly accept your offer, but I didn’t. I felt unwilling to take it, and for that, I apologise.
KENZAKI: It doesn’t mean that I do not want it... I just don’t believe that I am ready for it yet.
KENZAKI: But I assure you... if you give me the time, I will come back more prepared than I was to-
SHIROU: Do not make me repeat myself.
His father immediately stops his practice and tensely stands upright while tightly holding his golf club with both hands.
KENZAKI: … please, father... if you would listen for a moment.
KENZAKI: The truth is... I had wished to formally be part of the company at a much later time. Hopefully, after graduating from high school, I wanted to go to college and learn more about the business world, hoping to gain the right knowledge so I could earn my place in your company. But... knowing how you want me much sooner than that, I am content with joining you as soon as high school is over.
KENZAKI: I'm sorry for not wanting to join you today, and as I have said, I am not ready. With how I am now, I don’t believe in myself enough to fulfil whatever role you wish to give me.
KENZAKI: But... if you allow me the time until I leave school for good, I will come back to face you again. And I assure you, I will be more ready and more prepared than I am right now.
KENZAKI: You want me to be the best, I’ll work harder to be the best. You want me to be better, I will be better.
KENZAKI: Better than anyone. Better than I am today. Better than the best. Better... than you’ll ever expect. That-
Kenzaki clenches his fist tightly as he speaks his heart out to win his father’s trust.
KENZAKI: That is my word!
SHIROU: … hahaha-
KENZAKI: … ah?
To Kenzaki’s disbelief, he hears his father cracking a deep, calm laugh, leaving him confused and uncertain as to why.
KENZAKI: Father?
The faint laughter begins slowing down to silence as the man turns his head to shortly glance at Kenzaki standing behind him.
Kenzaki quickly bows his head respectfully, just so he would not have to meet his father’s eyes, but surprisingly sees a rare sight.
Under his grey moustache is a small grin, but this was the first time he has ever seen his father doing so before him.
Unclear if it is a kindly smile or a scornful sneer, he keeps lowering his head while anxiously waiting for his father’s answer.
SHIROU: You really are... “the best of the best”.
His father’s words surprise him even further, leaving him even more confused as to what he means by them.
KENZAKI: … father?
SHIROU: Fine. I will wait till you graduate.
KENZAKI: … ah...
SHIROU: You may leave back to your home.
After giving Kenzaki another chance to redeem himself in his eyes, he readies his golfing stance and resumes practising.
KENZAKI: … ah!
Kenzaki deeply bows in gratitude-
KENZAKI: Th- thank you, father! Thank you... for understanding.
-and raises his head with determination.
KENZAKI: I... I will not waste this opportunity you have given me!
With his father approving and accepting his words, he walks away feeling lighter, as the emotional burden of potentially facing the daunting corporate world at such short notice, is finally lifted from his shoulders.
The fear building up inside in dire anticipation of facing his father is slowly recovering, and as a tiny spark of joy and a small taste of freedom kicks in, he feels more hopeful for what is yet to come.
SHIROU: Kenzaki.
SHIROU: Come to me once you are done.
SHIROU: Do not make me find you again.
But after hearing his father’s last words as he’s about to leave, he sadly realizes that this state of joy and freedom he’s in would not last long, and knowing that, fear begins to consume his mind yet again.
His head feels lighter, his chest feels tighter-
… rrrrr...
-and his stomach starts to rumble anxiously again, all the familiar yet unwelcomed sensations.
With every cautious step away from his father, he steadily tries to keep his composure as he sluggishly walks away, and before he knows it, he’s already walking down to the bottom of the stairs.
He sees Wataru waiting at the bottom with a phone on his ear, but he shortly flips it close and tucks it into his pocket as Kenzaki finally steps down to the ground.
Kenzaki stops in front of Wataru and as their eyes meet, they quietly look at each other for a moment-
-until Wataru cracks a gentle smile and bows before the young master.
KENZAKI: … uh?
WATARU: We hope to see you again, Kenzaki-sama.
KENZAKI: … ha...
Wataru raises his head and passes by him as he goes up the stairs, leaving Kenzaki all on his own, with nobody telling him what to do.
He takes a few steps towards the club building, where Zakuro waits for him in only a short distance away, until he suddenly stops for a moment-
-and instead walks towards the restroom at the far end of the driving range.
As he enters the men’s room, he sees a few men already occupying inside, one by the urinal and another combing his hair while staring at the mirror.
He carefully walks into one of the empty toilets and locks the door behind him.
Inside, Kenzaki looks down at the toilet bowl, stares deeply into it-
-and immediately throws up.
The disgusting sounds coming from his toilet echoes throughout the men’s room, unsettling everyone in it as they could hear the chunks hitting the water.
But Kenzaki takes his time and expels all his unpleasant insides that have been swirling in him since the moment he took the call.
With his head low near the bowl, heavily panting while staring into the mess he made, he reaches for the handle and flushes it all down into the pipes.
He drags himself out of the toilet, not noticing a few pair of eyes judgingly staring into him, and proceeds to the sink to wash his filthy mouth, and takes off his glasses to wash his tear-stained face.
After thoroughly rubbing his face with his hands, he opens his tired, red eyes to look at his wet, pale face on the mirror-
-and takes a deep, long, much-needed breath.
ZAKURO: Do you really believe in that kind of stuff?
DRIVER: The evidence is all there, man.
While waiting for his young master, Zakuro sits behind in the car, having a light conversation with the driver about recent strange events.
DRIVER: If you look at the scene, it doesn’t look like what an earthquake would have done. It almost looks like an explosion.
ZAKURO: Huh... I've heard some people said it was an object falling from the sky.
DRIVER: Right? And you know what’s the weird part? This isn’t new at all. Same stuff happens around the world where danger comes out of nowhere, but no one saw a single thing. And they all say that it was either an accident, strange weather or some natural disaster, but everything they say doesn’t fit.
ZAKURO: So, you’re saying they’re all connected?
DRIVER: Absolutely!
ZAKURO: Huh... I guess these freaky cases are kinda worth reading into.
DRIVER: There's another freaky case that I've been obsessed with recently. Have you heard of the Road Trip Killer?
ZAKURO: I don’t think I do.
DRIVER: But you’ve heard of the recent murders in Australia, right?
ZAKURO: That does sound familiar.
DRIVER: What's freaky about it is that there’re a bunch more murders that are very identical to it in different parts of the world.
ZAKURO: Like where?
DRIVER: There’s a lot, like uh... Morocco, US, Portugal, Colombia, China... those are the ones that I can remember for now.
ZAKURO: Could it just be a coincidence?
DRIVER: There's too many for it to be a coincidence. People online start theorizing that the guy doing it had to be the same person, so they named him... the Road Trip Killer.
ZAKURO: A serial killer, travelling around the world, searching for victims?
DRIVER: Freaky... but cool, right?
ZAKURO: What? N-no... that’s not a cool thing to be obsessed about.
The rear door suddenly opens from outside-
-by Kenzaki as he enters the car.
ZAKURO: Kenzaki-sama!
DRIVER: Oh, uh... Tetsunouji-sama! It’s good to see you again.
He closes the door and tiredly leans his head on the headrest while letting out a weary sigh.
ZAKURO: Welcome back, Kenzaki-sama. How was your meeting with your father earlier?
ZAKURO: … Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: … it, uh... I think it went well.
Zakuro sharply looks at Kenzaki and notices his face looking paler than before.
ZAKURO: Are you okay, Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: … I’m fine.
ZAKURO: Are you sick? Fever? Cold? Headache? Lethargic?
KENZAKI: Uh… no.
ZAKURO: You look so exhausted, Kenzaki-sama. Are you sure you’re alri-
Kenzaki's stomach suddenly growls loudly, surprising both of them.
KENZAKI: … oh.
ZAKURO: Is your stomach alright? Do you have food poisoning? What was the last thing you eat?
KENZAKI: … we ate the same thing.
ZAKURO: It’s possible that you may have gotten the bad lunchbox. If only our meals were swapped... I'll be sure to issue a complaint to the kitchen when we-
KENZAKI: There’s... no need to complain, Arai-san. Just, uh...
KENZAKI: … driver.
DRIVER: Yes, Tetsunouji-sama?
KENZAKI: Would you please send us back to the airport?
DRIVER: Certainly, Tetsunouji-sama.
KENZAKI: Thank you.
The black car drives away from the golf club, proceeds to the exit and drives forward into the city streets.
With his eyes closed shut and his head resting on the chair while calmly breathing from his nose, Kenzaki quietly takes a moment to relax his mind.
Despite his calm behaviour, Zakuro is still concerned for Kenzaki’s wellbeing.
KENZAKI: Oh! Driver!
DRIVER: Yes, Tetsunouji-sama?
KENZAKI: Can we stop by Toritama at Shinjuku for a minute? I want to buy some chicken skewers for back home.
DRIVER: Right away, Tetsunouji-sama.
KENZAKI: Um, Arai-san?
ZAKURO: Y-yes, Kenzaki-sama?
KENZAKI: Are you hungry?
ZAKURO: Uh... not quite yet. Why do you ask?
KENZAKI: Well, uh... just thinking about chicken skewers makes me hungry. Do you know any good places to eat at Shinjuku?
Zakuro sees Kenzaki sitting up straight with a brighter, eager smile on his face as he asks his trusted butler for good food suggestions.
ZAKURO: Oh, definitely! Shinjuku’s a great place for ramen, but there is this place I used to go where they specialize in “dipping ramen”. I still remember the incredibly rich, shrimp broth they served with their homemade noodles.
KENZAKI: I've heard about that. I still haven’t tried it.
ZAKURO: But if you’re craving for some fish, there’s this surprisingly cheap restaurant that serves different types of sardine dishes that are all amazing on their own. I always get their sardine and egg hot pot every time I went there.
KENZAKI: Wow... that sounds even more tempting.
ZAKURO: But I know how much you like tempura dishes, so I know this other place that makes great tempura. The ingredients they used depends on the season, but I guarantee that everything you eat there will not disappoint.
KENZAKI: Woah... that’s- uh...
KENZAKI: M-maybe it’s best we start with one, for now.
ZAKURO: One is not enough, Kenzaki-sama! If you wanna eat in Tokyo, we better eat as much as we can.
KENZAKI: I don’t think we have enough time for-
ZAKURO: Driver!
DRIVER: Yes, Arai-san?
ZAKURO: Don’t go to Toritama just yet. We got a few more places to go first.
KENZAKI: I... guess we’re doing this, huh?
Cruising together through the lively streets of Tokyo, Kenzaki and Zakuro are on their way to find some delectable grub to satiate their growing appetite.
End of Chapter 22
- In Serial39 Chapters
Live by the Sword
--Follow a bandit prone to making poor choices in life. He lives in a somewhat medieval age where steel is king, blood is shed fairly lightly, and weakness gets you punished fast. But that's okay. As long as he has his sword, he'll be fine. Right? --This story is tragic and contains some depictions of violence and nudity. The attitudes of the characters don't represent my views and some of them are highly questionable. Due to these reasons, I've flagged the story as adult content. --I've been working on Live by the Sword since as far back as 2012 and it is my first actual effort at completing a book. Maybe I'll stick with it and there will be paperbacks of it some day. Who knows. Either way, I hope the words I tell give you amusement and perhaps some cause to think. Cheers.
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Weak 'Heroes'
James and his class mates were transferred over into a fantasy world! The king expects them to slay the Demon King? How can they do that when the so called 'Heroes' are unbelievably weak! "I'm in a fantasy world expected to kill a Demon King in 11 years, except everyone is disgustingly weak? What in the fuck this isn't how novels are supposed to go! GET ME OUT". "I just want to be a Teacher". James sniffles uncontrollably. Follow James and his friends uncover mysteries of this new world and to become strong enough to slay the Demon King.
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Charisma's Caster, King of the Night
What does it mean to live? If you want the answer, you're going to have to risk death. Izumi Yugai was a young man who simply did not care enough about anything, someone who shut down his emotions to roll with the punches and survive. He denied himself so much, just to make things easier. Until the day of an unfortunate accident. Death came early... luckily there was still a way out. To put his life on loan, with the debt to be paid in battle and blood. A contract signed with a magical being opened up a whole new world of danger and magic. Magic, which for him required a mix of martial arts and a game-like feature, scaled off his Charisma. Something he clearly did not have. So, as an additional remedy, he joined a Host Club. A place that dazzles women with the most charming of men. If he wants to live, he must fight in one world and rule the hearts of another. This is a story of what it means to be alive. Of those who struggle to decide their destiny.
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In the center of a nuclear wasteland lay the last vestiges of humanity, the City, as its numerous inhabitants called it. To leave its protective wall was certain death. Humanity was not meant to fit within the confines of a walled city. But, with a strict caste system and the threat of being sent to the lowest level of the caste system for even the smallest crime, the City has survived. Liv was born to the highest caste, Most Honored. After her father's treason and subsequent execution, her family was cast into the prison that the lowest caste, the Dishonored, lived in. Tortured and forced to work as a slave for every bite to eat, Liv desired revenge against the King that made her life a living hell and the City that held her captive. With a forced smile and a polite bow, Liv would destroy the overpopulated last bastion of humanity. Releases weekly on Tuesdays at 12:45 Eastern US Time. This story is posted on Wattpad, Inkitt, Moonquill, and Royal Road. There is an original old version (never been updated and does not have any chapters that have been published since 2016) available on Fiction Press and there is an old version of Dishonor (the first volume only) for sale on Amazon. If you are not reading on one of these location, you are reading a pirated version and you can read it for free on Royal Road.
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ADAPT OR PERISH, steve harrington.
In this world, you have to adapt otherwise you will perish.STEVE H X FEM! READER© BOYSMEDIA 2019
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444. (Completed)
"Montana, come here." He nodded his head toward the door, leaving out of the room. Staying silent as Ms. Carol looked at me, I kissed the back of Josiah's hand before leaving out of the room. As I walked out, Messiah stood there looking at me in disgust while I closed the door. "What are you doing that shit for?" "Huh?" I said since I had nothing else to say, just trying to stall time to get my words together."Why are you stripping, Monty?"Sighing, I decided that I wasn't going to lie like I'd originally planned to do after listening to Chocolate's stupid advice. "Money." I spoke simply and he scoffed as I looked down."Why not just ask Josiah for money instead doing hoe shit?" "First of all, It's not doing hoe shit. I don't have sex with anyone. I just dance. And I don't want to ask him for any money. It's not his job to take care of me.""So stripping..." He trailed off with a laugh."..stripping was the last resort? Instead of putting your pride aside?" Saying nothing, I just looked at him with pleading eyes."Please don't tell him, Messiah." I could already tell by the look on his face that he was going to tell him."I ain't gon' tell him.." Thank God. I thought. "..you are." "What?!" I shrieked. "No. I'm not.""You are." He spoke in a demanding tone."Please. You know how he is." I expressed"And you know how he is too but you made that bed." "Messiah, he's going to kill me." I begged."I know." He shook his head, walking away from me."Better figure it out. You got until the end of the day to tell him or I will." He mumbled before walking back into the room.
8 185