《Demon Blade》Chapter 18: Unbreakable Bond
With every energy he could summon after a tired sleepless night-
-Ryuken reaches for his alarm clock on his desk-
-and turns it off.
RYUKEN: ... mmm...
He crawls back to his bed and goes back to sleep.
Mie tiredly rises up from her bed after turning her alarm off.
She stretches up her arms and lets out a satisfying yawn.
MIE: Mmm...!
Her eyes are still heavy, but she keeps on getting out of bed as she readies herself for the day.
The morning sun creeps into the window, shining over Ryuken's face.
His eyes begin to slightly open, still combating the morning fatigue.
As he slowly gains his vision-
RYUKEN: ... ah...
-he sees the katana, resting peacefully on the bed next to him.
RYUKEN: ... Ah!
He immediately gets up and grabs the clock.
RYUKEN: W- what time is it?!
It reads 10:32 a.m.
He quickly gets out of bed, grabs the towel and leaves the room.
Ryuken comes back in, grabs the katana, puts it in the bag, zips it close, keeps it under his bed and leaves the room.
Mie looks at herself in the mirror as she fixes her blouse.
She takes a bottle of perfume and sprays it on herself.
She sniffs it for a second and douses herself with more perfume.
MIE: (coughs)
After brushing up her hair, she stares into the mirror again and cracks an excited smile.
In the kitchen, Akari is fixing breakfast while Issei is sipping tea, reading the morning paper.
AKARI: You left your necklace in the shower.
He pats his chest to check.
ISSEI: Oh, yeah... I forgot.
AKARI: You can't be forgetful on stuff like that. What if you left it somewhere else?
ISSEI: (chuckles) Well, it has been useless lately-
Ryuken storms down the stairs wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants with his hair slightly wet.
AKARI: Oh, Ryuken. Food is rea-
RYUKEN: No time! We'll eat at the theatre.
AKARI: And eat junk food for breakfast?!
Ryuken runs to the guest room and slides the door open.
RYUKEN: Uncle Yuugi! Sorry, I'm late, but I'm ready now-
YUUGI: Zzz...
Ryuken sees Uncle Yuugi lying flat on the futon, spreading his arms and legs while snoring peacefully.
YUUGI: Zzz...
Mie opens up her drawer and grabs two white cotton strips from inside.
She puts them into her purse and slings the purse onto her shoulder before opening her door.
As she leaves her room, she hears the sound of a TV playing from her mom's room.
She slowly walks to it and peeks into the ajar door.
She sees her mom sitting on the bed, eating chips while shuffling through channels with a remote.
RINA: (eats a chip)
MIE: ... M- mom. I'm, uh... I'm leaving.
RINA: (chewing)
MIE: I got some... stuff I need to do.
Rina presses the remote-
MIE: I'll... I'll be back soon.
-and is now watching a loud reality show.
RINA: (chuckles)
MIE: I'm- I'm leaving now.
Mie gently opens her apartment door-
MIE: ... bye.
-and closes it softly on her way out.
After hearing the door clicking, Rina turns to the sound outside her door with a cold glare.
RINA: ...
At the dining table, Yuugi is having breakfast with Issei, Akari and Ryuken, who looks slightly upset.
YUUGI: (chewing) Mmm... these eggs are so yummy. Right, Ryuken?
Ryuken quietly chews his eggs.
YUUGI: (sips from a bowl) Wahhh... this miso soup is so warm and refreshing. Don't you think so, Ryuken?
Ryuken quietly sips his miso soup.
YUUGI: (sweats nervously) Ahh... you want some more rice, Ryuken?
AKARI: Look at what you did.
AKARI: What kind of man are you to break a boy's heart?
YUUGI: Ah... I can't help it. Last night's sleep was the best I've had in months.
AKARI: But you did promise him, right?
YUUGI: Y- yeah, but-
RYUKEN: It's- it's okay. It's not your fault, I mean...
Ryuken feels guilty, thinking that he shouldn't feel too mad.
YUUGI: But I did promise.
YUUGI: And I broke it. You have every right to be mad at me, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: But- but then again, I... also woke up late. I couldn't sleep well last night.
YUUGI: Anything bothering you?
RYUKEN: Um, just some... school stuff.
YUUGI: Man... how bad are you kids having nowadays?
RYUKEN: We could still catch the next screening, so... it's not really a huge deal or anything.
YUUGI: It is a huge deal! We could be spending time doing something else rather than being here.
RYUKEN: Well, at least we're here together.
YUUGI: Oh! (laughs) Look at you! Appreciating what you have. You're getting wiser by the minute, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: (chuckles) I don't see it that way.
YUUGI: But don't worry. I'll make it up for you. In fact...
Yuugi takes out a CD from his jacket.
YUUGI: I got this baby right here.
RYUKEN: Woah...! Is that-
YUUGI: The new Wolf 5 album! Feral Hysteria! Extended edition!
ISSEI: Didn't know they're still making music.
YUUGI: The wolves will never die!
AKARI: (scoffs) Can't believe you let him listen to that trash.
YUUGI: At least they're not as trashy as the Burning Lilies.
Akari suddenly slams the table.
AKARI: You take that back!
YUUGI: What? It's true. The Wolf 5 sells more albums in the late 80s.
AKARI: Yeah, but the Burning Lilies had more record-breaking singles than them.
YUUGI: If they're so good, then why do they break up so early, huh?
AKARI: At least they don't keep making bad music like your lame puppy band.
YUUGI: The Wolf 5 is pure rock genius!
AKARI: The Burning Lilies are a masterpiece!
Yuugi and Akari continue arguing, as Issei watches in delight.
ISSEI: Haa... this takes me back.
Machi Train Station
Mie is among the crowd, waiting by the platform. She keeps staring at the track, anticipating the next bullet train.
From afar, she sees one speedily arriving at the station. It stops at the platform and opens its doors for flocks of passengers to exit.
After no more passengers leave the train, Mie and the rest enters it, filling the seats and spaces until the doors finally close, leaving to its next destination.
The carriage is filled with an assortment of folks.
Some are reading the daily paper.
Some are loudly chatting with their friends.
Some are sleeping on a stranger's shoulder.
Some are texting on their phone, ignoring their child who's furiously hopping on the cushion seats.
Mie firmly grasps on the handle strap, quietly watching out of the window.
Her face seems calm, but her eyes are glowing with anticipation.
After minutes have passed, a chime can be heard from the speakers followed by an artificial voice.
As the train decelerates and halts at the station, the door opens up for passengers to leave.
Mie steps out of the train and walks towards the exit.
Outside the station, Mie scans around, remembering which way to go.
She sees a familiar landmark and walks to that path, knowing where to go from here.
Ryuken and Yuugi are at the porch, putting on their shoes as Akari stands by.
AKARI: Not even for a quick meal?
YUUGI: I wish. I'll leave as soon as I drop Ryuken off.
RYUKEN: You really can't waste any time?
YUUGI: I'm lucky to even have time.
ISSEI: Where you're at, time is like a gift from the angels!
Issei's voice echoes from above as he walks down the stairs.
He now wears a silver locket around his neck and he slips it under his shirt.
YUUGI: (chuckles) If only angels were that generous.
ISSEI: (smiles)
AKARI: Where are the others?
ISSEI: I couldn't wake Makise up. I think I heard Maki, but she probably went back to sleep after.
AKARI: What do they even do all night?
YUUGI: Oh, leave them be. They probably don't even notice that I came by. (chuckles)
Issei smiles as he forwards his hand to Yuugi for a handshake.
They both firmly shake each other's hand before hugging and patting each other's back.
ISSEI: (whispers) Don't get yourself killed, alright?
YUUGI: (smiles) I'm too stubborn for that.
Yuugi lets go of Issei, turns to Akari and spreads his arms out, inviting her for a hug.
YUUGI: How bout a goodbye kiss?
AKARI: (smirks) You should have asked Issei for that.
YUUGI: At this point, I'm desperate for anything.
AKARI: (chuckles)
Yuugi and Akari both hug each other.
AKARI: Take care of yourself, okay?
YUUGI: (smiles) Okay, mom.
Yuugi lets go of her and turns to Ryuken.
YUUGI: Ready?
Yuugi opens the door and steps out of the house as Ryuken follows him.
YUUGI: I'll be back to pig on your food again.
AKARI: The only reason why you ever come here.
RYUKEN: Bye, mom! Bye, dad!
AKARI: Have fun, Ryuken!
YUUGI: Be seeing you!
AKARI: Come back real soon, alright!
Issei and Akari wave their goodbyes by the door, as Yuugi and Ryuken walk away while waving back at them.
YUUGI: Have we been to Senko Street before? I don't remember...
As Yuugi takes out his car keys, he notices Ryuken's face looking all gloomy.
YUUGI: ... what's wrong?
RYUKEN: Oh, uh... n- nothing.
YUUGI: That face sure doesn't say nothing.
RYUKEN: Um, well... seeing them saying goodbye just...
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: It- it just makes me think of... when we'll say goodbye lat-
YUUGI: Oh, don't get emotional now! We still have 6 hours left.
RYUKEN: Ah, s- sorry...
Yuugi side hugs Ryuken, pulling him in closer.
Ryuken looks up to see Yuugi smiling brightly at him.
YUUGI: Let's make this the best 6 hours of your life, kay?
RYUKEN: (smiles) You don't have to go that far.
YUUGI: Heh, I'll go even further beyond!
RYUKEN: (chuckles)
Ryuken and Yuugi walk to the dark green car parked outside the house.
From inside, Akari watches them from the window in the living room, while Issei grabs a newspaper and sits on the couch.
He notices Akari, staring silently while gripping the curtains.
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: ... what's wrong, Akari?
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: (smiles) They'll be back in no time. He learned his lesson years ago, remember?
He flips open the newspaper and reads it quietly.
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: ...
AKARI: ... shouldn't he...
Issei turns to Akari after hearing her speak.
AKARI: Shouldn't he... know by now?
Issei's eyes start to widen, knowing what she meant.
As he closes his paper to lay it on his lap, he turns away and lets out a worried sigh.
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: ...
AKARI: He's turning 16.
ISSEI: ...
AKARI: Shouldn't we tell him?
ISSEI: ...
AKARI: He'll know eventually. So, shouldn't we-
ISSEI: You're right.
Akari turns to Issei with his head looking down.
ISSEI: He'll know.
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: He has to know.
AKARI: ...
ISSEI: ... but not by us.
ISSEI: He should be the one to tell him, not us.
With a conflicted look across her face, Akari wonders if what he said is right.
ISSEI: ... only him.
Silence hits the living room as the sound of a driving car fades away.
Kenmoto Prison Facility
Inside the dull, grey walls of the rectangular, secured building, a group of people are sitting in the waiting area, as a couple of receptionists are typing on their keyboards, receiving calls and guiding visitors on the necessary procedures.
Mie sits quietly by herself, holding a small piece of paper.
A TV screen lights up, flashing the number 31 brightly. Mie looks at the screen, then looks back at her paper.
She gets up and walks to the receptionist area. They showed her to the security screening, where a couple of the prison staff guides her through the room.
She places her purse on the X-Ray scanner and raises her arms as a staff member uses a metal detector to scan all over her body.
After passing through security, she takes her purse from the scanner and follows a staff member to the visiting area.
In there, a bunch of prisoners wearing their teal jumpsuits are sitting among their friends and families, talking very softly to each other.
A staff member brings her to an empty table in the middle. She sits down quietly after they leave her be.
As she patiently waits by herself, she looks around to see many faces among the prisoners and visitors in the room.
Beaming faces.
Weeping faces.
Scorned faces.
Sorrowed faces.
She silently observes every one of them.
A young prisoner turns to the officer at the end of the room. He then turns to his parents with a sad glow in his eyes.
As the young prisoner stood up before them, his mother gives his son a tight, loving hug while his father reassuringly pats him on the shoulder.
Mie watches him as he walks to the other side of the room, waving goodbye to his family.
As the young prisoner leaves, an older glasses-wearing prisoner, with a messy comb-over and a short goatee, walks into the room after a staff member lets him in.
The man looks around the room, searching among the crowd.
Mie sees the man and quickly rose up from her seat, scratching the chair off the floor.
The man heard the noise and saw Mie standing in the middle of the room.
They meet each other's eyes and stares deeply at one another.
The man cracks a big, blessed smile as he saw the young girl before him.
Mie couldn't resist smiling as well.
The man calmly walks towards Mie, as she stands on her feet, jittering with excitement.
Mie tries to control her composure but as the man reaches closer, she hastily walks away from the table, cutting down the distances between them.
MIE: Dad!
HIROTA: Hey, sweetie.
Without a second to waste, they embrace one another as tightly as they could.
Hirota lays his daughter's head to his chest, brushing her hair lovingly.
Mie buries herself under her father's arms until nothing can be heard but his beating heart.
HIROTA: (sniff) Did you just came from a cologne factory?
MIE: (laughs softly) I don't wanna smell bad to you.
HIROTA: (chuckles) At this rate, I don't need a bath for months.
MIE: (laughs)
They hug each other as long as they could.
Senko Cinemas
Inside the sleek and stylish structure, pop music bounces off on the poster-filled walls with bright neon lights shining from every corner, attracting the crowds of moviegoers as they flood to queue for their tickets and snacks.
Among them is Ryuken, patiently waiting for his turn to buy a bucket of popcorn and a couple of sodas.
While waiting for him, Yuugi curiously stares at the poster of the new movie titled, "The War Marine".
In it, he sees a couple of beautiful female models in the background, an elderly general with a bushy moustache, a snickering scarred villain, and the main hero himself, Luther Lee: a tall, fit, dark-skinned man, wearing a tank top and holding a gun in his hand, staring beyond with a smoulder.
YUUGI: Hm, quite a handsome fellow.
RYUKEN: I'm back.
Ryuken approaches him from behind and hands him a soda.
YUUGI: Thanks. Say, where did you hear about this Luther Lee guy?
Yuugi walks to the cinema queue while sipping his drink as Ryuken follows him while munching on some popcorn.
RYUKEN: He's been blowing up for quite some time. He was in this T.V. show once, shows up in a bunch of movies and now, he's finally in a lead role. A lot of his fans are excited about it.
Yuugi curiously looks around the entire cinema.
YUUGI: A lot of female fans, huh?
RYUKEN: They do find him attractive.
YUUGI: And you don't?
RYUKEN: Y- yeah... he's good looking.
YUUGI: (chuckles) Don't sweat it. Nothing wrong with a man appreciating another man's beauty.
RYUKEN: ... well, he is handsome.
After Ryuken hands their tickets to the usher, they rip a part of it and gave it back to them, letting them in with a greeting smile.
Ryuken and Yuugi thanked the usher before they enter the halls and proceed to their assigned theatre room.
RYUKEN: I read that people voted him as the sexiest man of the year.
YUUGI: Really? You happen to know who's the sexiest woman is?
RYUKEN: (glares) What am I? The internet?
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: ... naturally, after finding out who the sexiest man is, I was interested to find out who the sexiest woman would be.
YUUGI: (chuckles) Naturally.
They enter the theatre room and search for their seats.
RYUKEN: They voted for a Korean model named Ki Jae-Eun. Don't know enough about her, though.
YUUGI: Ki Jae-Eun? She sounds familiar...
They both sit down and rest comfortably in their seats.
RYUKEN: I couldn't imagine being in their shoes, to be voted the sexiest person in the world...
YUUGI: Wouldn't want the attention?
RYUKEN: Hmm... maybe not for being sexy.
YUUGI: What? You don't think you can cut it? With a few touches, we could make you a star. Then, everyone would never take their eyes off you.
RYUKEN: (disgusted) That sounds like a nightmare.
YUUGI: More like a dream! (smirks) If only I was 20 years younger and had a camera on me, I could make it big. Hell, get a camera on me right now, and I'll show the world who's sexy!
RYUKEN: (chuckles)
Yuugi grabs a handful of popcorn and munches on them.
YUUGI: With a title like that on my name, no lady could resist me.
RYUKEN: I'm... surprised you're still single, Uncle Yuugi.
RYUKEN: Oh, sorry. I shouldn't-
YUUGI: Oh, that's alright. It's a perfectly good question. Besides, we're men, aren't we? You wanna ask me for dating advice, then I'm all ears.
RYUKEN: W- well, not yet... but, how come you're not seeing anyone? I mean, you never seem like someone that would have any trouble dating.
Yuugi cracks a smile and brushes Ryuken's hair.
YUUGI: You worried I'm gonna die alone?
RYUKEN: (annoyed) S- stop that.
YUUGI: (laughs) Why would I wanna waste my time doing the dating game again? I'm too old for that.
Ryuken fixes his messed up hair.
RYUKEN: You're not that old.
YUUGI: My stunning youth is fading, Ryuken. My grey hairs are showing up. See?!
Yuugi points to a tiny speck of grey hair on his head.
RYUKEN: It doesn't mean it's too late.
YUUGI: (chuckles) Yeah... you're right.
Ryuken looks away to sip his drink.
YUUGI: (whispers) ... I just don't want to.
The projection starts playing on the screen.
YUUGI: Oh, look! The best part is about to start.
RYUKEN: They're just showing some trailers for new movies.
YUUGI: Yeah! They're short, sweet and straight to the point. Why spend 2 hours when you can watch a movie under 2 minutes.
RYUKEN: ... hmm.
MIE: -and since Sora-chan knew Ashikaga-san, and Aki-chan is in the same club as Ashikaga-san, that's where I got to know Aki-chan.
HIROTA: Mm-hmm.
MIE: You would love her! She's so sweet and cute and she's got these adorable round eyes and every time she looks at me, I feel like screaming with joy and I wanna hug her and squeeze her and-
HIROTA: Woah! (smiles) Don't get too excited.
MIE: We even went to this arcade and played a bunch of games together and Aki-chan played this hammer game and she nailed a perfect score and she even won a plush for that! Ahh... seeing her smile just makes me so happy.
HIROTA: I'm glad you're having fun.
MIE: Aki-chan is so talented, she has this sketchbook with all her drawings, they're all so good!
HIROTA: And what about Kouga and Tsuyuki?
MIE: They're all good, but I'm still bummed that Yuki-chan still hasn't given me a mean nickname.
HIROTA: You better not give up on that.
MIE: I won't! It's not fair for Kouga-kun to get the ill-treatment from her alone... even Ishinara-san got one after only a day.
HIROTA: Ishinara?
MIE: Oh, yeah, I made a new friend. His name's Ishinara Ryuken.
Hirota ponders for a moment after hearing the new, unheard name.
HIROTA: Ishinara Ryuken... not too hard to forget.
MIE: (chuckles) You can't turn your brain off for a second, can't you?
HIROTA: (shrugs) Eh. I cursed myself with this skill. It was useful back then.
MIE: But you still don't know what they look like. Doesn't that make it harder?
HIROTA: It kinda does. But I can still remember who they are based on what you told me about them. Even just a little.
MIE: (chuckles) If you ever need a refresher, I'll be happy to remind you again.
HIROTA: (chuckles) Thank you, sweetie. At least, It'll be easier for me to know a bit about your friends when I'll be thanking them.
MIE: ... thanking them?
HIROTA: For taking care of you.
Mie stares silently at her father after hearing those words, as wistful thoughts cloud her mind.
MIE: ...
HIROTA: ... Mie.
MIE: ...
MIE: (snaps out) Ah?!
HIROTA: (smiles) Tell me more about your new friend.
MIE: Oh... yeah, um... Ishinara-san! He's really nice. He can be shy, especially with how he looks but I don't think he looks terrible.
HIROTA: How did you both meet?
MIE: Kenzaki-kun introduced him to us, and-
HIROTA: Kenzaki?
MIE: Y- yeah, and he-
MIE: Ah?
A disapproving look crosses all over Hirota's face.
HIROTA: I thought I told you already.
MIE: Well, I-
HIROTA: Why are you still friends with him?
MIE: He- he's not a bad person.
HIROTA: It doesn't matter if he is, Mie.
MIE: But, you remember when I told you about-
HIROTA: I know... I remember what you said, but it doesn't change anything.
MIE: But if you'd know him, you'll-
HIROTA: It doesn't matter!
Mie shuts her mouth and looks down in shame.
MIE: ...
Hirota calms himself down, only to feel regretful.
MIE: ...
HIROTA: I'm... I'm sorry, Mie.
MIE: ...
HIROTA: I shouldn't have said it like that.
MIE: ...
MIE: ... no, I'm... I'm sorry for mentioning-
HIROTA: You don't need to say sorry. It's just...
MIE: ...
HIROTA: You understand... why I feel this way, right?
MIE: I... I understand.
They quietly stay still on their seats, unsure of what to say after.
MIE: ...
MIE: ...
HIROTA: Tell me... tell me more about Ryuken.
MIE: ...
HIROTA: ... please.
MIE: ...
MIE: He... he needed some help when I first met him.
HIROTA: What kind of help?
MIE: It was... something out of his reach, but we took care of it eventually. I helped him again a few more times, and he always thanked me after.
HIROTA: (smiles) He sounds like a good kid.
MIE: I've been getting a bunch of thanks recently. There are times where I thought I didn't do a good enough job, but I'm always glad to see them smile in the end.
HIROTA: It feels good to help others, does it?
MIE: (smiles) Yeah... yeah, it does.
HIROTA: How's your mother?
MIE: Oh, uh... she's...
She looks away, hesitantly thinking of an answer.
MIE: ... she's doing fine. I got tired of take-aways, so I started cooking some simple food... just for us.
HIROTA: Really?
MIE: Y- yeah! I don't really cook well, but she's always kind enough to try them.
HIROTA: (smiles) I'm glad you both are getting along well.
MIE: Uh... y- yeah...
Mie starts to look down, wishing what he said was true.
HIROTA: ... you okay, Mie?
MIE: Oh, it's... it's nothing.
MIE: I'm... going out with Sora-chan and Aki-chan later.
HIROTA: Really?! (smiles) That's great!
MIE: Yeah! They'll be at Senko Street after Sora-chan's bowling practice. I wanted to join but I just couldn't.
MIE: Cause I'm visiting you.
HIROTA: Mie... you don't have to visit me often.
MIE: It's that time of the month alrea-
HIROTA: I know, Mie, but you don't have to make an excuse to them just so you can meet me.
MIE: W- well, I-
HIROTA: If you really want to go out with them, please... just do it. I completely understand.
MIE: ...
Hirota grabs Mie's hands on the table and holds them tightly.
She looks up to see her father's comforting smile.
HIROTA: I want you to be happy, Mie. If being with them makes you happy, if that is what you want, then...
MIE: ...
HIROTA: ... just go.
Her father's words ring true to her feelings, and yet she feels guilty even thinking about it.
MIE: ... but-
The name echoes through the room, shaking Mie to her core as she looks up to see her father's soft, sad smile.
This wasn't the first time it happened, but she's still isn't ready to accept it.
Hirota stands up from his chair and as he spreads his arms, Mie quickly embraces him.
They hold each other even tighter than before.
Hirota cracks a proud smile while Mie softly sobs under his arms.
HIROTA: You go and have fun now.
MIE: ... okay.
They let go of each other as slowly as they could, not wasting any precious moments between them.
As Hirota walks away, he waves her goodbye while looking back with a thankful smile.
HIROTA: Goodbye, sweetie.
Mie weakly waves back-
MIE: Goodbye... dad.
-and quietly stands alone as she watches her father disappear into the other side of the room.
The exit door opens wide as dozens of cinemagoers leave the theatre room, with Ryuken and Yuugi walking among them.
YUUGI: (stretches arms) Ahh... that was really good...
RYUKEN: Eh, it was decent.
YUUGI: The action was awesome! Did you see how he jumped from the plane and lands on the motorbike?
RYUKEN: Yeah, that was cool! I like the one-on-one fight with him and Mr. Crabclaw or whatever his name is.
YUUGI: And that Luther Lee fella, I get now why people like him.
RYUKEN: If it weren't for him, the movie would be unwatchable.
YUUGI: (sighs contently) I'm pretty jealous of all you young'uns getting to do all this stuff.
RYUKEN: What stuff?
YUUGI: This! Going out, exploring new places, do different things every day... kinda wished I used my youth a little better back then.
RYUKEN: (smiles) Like I said, Uncle Yuugi. You're not too old for those things.
YUUGI: Gah! You said old! At least you get to go out with your friends anytime you want.
RYUKEN: ... hmm...
YUUGI: My friends are busy cause they have lives to live. W- well, I'm no exception...
RYUKEN: ... I don't... go out with my friends that much.
RYUKEN: It's not like I don't want to or we don't want it to happen, it's just... it just never crossed our minds.
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: M- maybe it's because we always see each other at school, walk together, eat together, so... it never felt necessary to hang out like this.
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: Genji even invited us to hang out this weekend, but... I was worried that something might come up. And yeah, something did, and I do want to spend time with you, but... I kinda feel bad that I'm not doing the same with my friends.
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: Do you think I'm... a bad friend?
YUUGI: Why would you ever think of yourself like that?
RYUKEN: Well, I-
YUUGI: The fact that you feel bad for them is proof that you're not one.
RYUKEN: I... I guess that was a... stupid question.
YUUGI: Friendship is not measured by how much time you spend with each other.
YUUGI: You could live with someone you hate all your life, and still won't connect.
YUUGI: It's all about how much they mean to you.
RYUKEN: ... what they mean to me?
YUUGI: (smiles) I don't get to see Issei and Akari a lot now, just as much as I don't get to see you. Yet, every time I'm back with them, it's like nothing ever changes.
YUUGI: If we ever need each other, we'll always find ways to help out as best as we could.
YUUGI: They mean a lot to me, as much as I mean a lot to them. If anything, ... that's what friendship means to me.
Ryuken looks up to Yuugi with glowing, admiring eyes.
Yuugi turns to Ryuken and brushes his hair.
YUUGI: (laughs) You starving? That popcorn ain't enough for our growing stomachs. Okonomiyaki, right?
Ryuken fixes his hair while cracking a soft, cheery smile.
YUUGI: Okonomiyaki, it is!
Yuugi pulls Ryuken closer to him-
YUUGI: Come on, Ryuken! The day's getting shorter, but our palates are never over!
-and rashly drags him to the cinema's exit.
RYUKEN: Ahh! Okay, okay!
Senko Street
Crowds of family and friends are walking around the plaza, visiting stores, eating meals or simply leisuring around.
Sora and Aki are together, sitting on a bench near a water fountain.
SORA: You've never been here before?!
AKI: Uh... yeah. This is my first time.
SORA: Did you move here from somewhere else?
AKI: N- no. I've lived here all my life.
SORA: Really?! How come you've never heard of this place?
AKI: Eh... I don't go out too often.
SORA: Man, we really need to spice up your life.
AKI: Eheheh... it may not be that hard-
A pair of hands reach out from behind Aki, covering her eyes.
MIE: Guesssss whooo?!
AKI: Gaaah! Ah... Mie-chan?
MIE: Bingooo!
Mie lets go of Aki and leans on the bench between them.
MIE: Aki-chan! Sora-chan! How's bowling?
SORA: Practice went well as usual. Aki here got to swing one out.
MIE: (turns to Aki) You did?! How did it go?
AKI: (embarrassed) It felled to the side.
SORA: First time for everything.
MIE: Yeah, Aki-chan! If you keep going, you could be a pro like Sora-chan.
AKI: (smiles shyly) Eh... I don't think I'll go there...
SORA: What about you, Mie? You done with your "secret shady stuff"?
MIE: What? Oh, yeah! Pretty much all done.
AKI: ... what "secret shady stuff"?
SORA: Maybe we'll find out at lunch.
MIE: W- wha-
SORA: Man, practice always makes me go hungry like a wolf. You like BBQ, Mie?
MIE: Oh... yeah, I do. I'm down for it.
SORA: Nice. What about you, Aki?
AKI: I... don't think I've ever tried it.
MIE: What?! Not even those sweet, juicy, grilled meat?
AKI: My- my family don't go out oft-
SORA: Alright! We're changing that!
Sora grabs Aki's hand-
SORA: Time to show you what real life's all about!
-and pulls her up.
AKI: Ah!
SORA: Come on, Mie. We gotta teach Aki everything she's missing out on.
AKI: S-Sora-san!
As Mie watches Sora playfully teasing Aki, she cracks a soft smile and catches up to them.
MIE: Wait up!
Kyabetsu Okonomiyaki Restaurant
Half-filled with hungry patrons, the smell of frying batter and sweet sauce permeates the air, as the customers grill their savoury pancakes to their heart's content.
Ryuken and Yuugi are sitting at their table, mixing a bunch of ingredients in their bowls.
YUUGI: "The Search for the" what?
RYUKEN: "The Search for the Extraordinary Club" Yep. That's the name.
YUUGI: What does the club do?
RYUKEN: I honestly don't remember if Juri already explained it.
YUUGI: So, you're saying that this Juri is pulling you and Sayuri into this makeshift club?
RYUKEN: Uh... kinda. But I thought I should help out in some way.
YUUGI: For Sayuri?
RYUKEN: I can't help but feel bad. I mean, I know that they're friends, but I still don't trust Juri.
They both start pouring their mixture onto the hot pan.
RYUKEN: I don't think she's a bad person, I just think she's...
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: ... too passionate?
YUUGI: (chuckles) Quite something you got there.
RYUKEN: Hmm...
YUUGI: To think that you lose sleep because of this.
RYUKEN: Er... and some... other things.
YUUGI: But life got its challenges, you know? And more and more will come soon.
Yuugi pours themselves two glasses of tea.
YUUGI: But one day, you're gonna look back and think, "Huh... what was I worrying about?".
RYUKEN: I just hope that day will come sooner.
YUUGI: But hey, knowing you-
Yuugi grabs his glass.
YUUGI: -nothing you can't handle, right?
RYUKEN: (smiles) I wish.
YUUGI: Let's make a toast. Come on!
Ryuken grabs his glass as well.
RYUKEN: What should we toast for?
YUUGI: Whatever you want, Ryuken. Today's your day.
Ryuken quietly thinks for a moment.
YUUGI: ...
RYUKEN: I guess I'll toast for... things to work out?
YUUGI: (smiles) For things to work out!
Yuugi raises his glass-
RYUKEN: (smiles) ... yeah.
-and Ryuken raises his.
Shizuru BBQ House
The sound of sizzling meat fills the crowded restaurant, as the waiters keep up with the speed of new orders, as fast as the plates pile up at each table.
Mie, Sora and Aki are cooking various food items on their grill.
SORA: (happily chewing)
AKI: How long should I leave it?
MIE: Not too long. It cooks pretty fast.
SORA: Hihiii... I finally get to eat some beef...
MIE: You just want an excuse to eat BBQ, huh, Sora-chan?
SORA: Of course! What kind of person would eat BBQ alone? A sad one! Come on, Aki. Eat up, eat up.
AKI: Th- that's alright, Sora-san. I- I'm fine.
SORA: You too, Mie. Eat as much as you want.
MIE: Don't mind if I do!
SORA: Say, what got you busy this morning?
MIE: Ah?
SORA: Is it your Winterblack stuff?
MIE: Uh...
SORA: You doing part-time?
MIE: What? N- no... nothing like that.
SORA: You can share with us, you know? We won't judge. I can't say the same for Kaoru.
AKI: (nods)
MIE: Um, uh...
Sora and Aki stare into Mie with eager eyes.
SORA: ...
AKI: ...
MIE: I just... I just met with my dad.
SORA: Your dad?
MIE: Y- yeah.
SORA: What does your dad do?
MIE: He's, uh... he's an accountant, for a business company.
AKI: Oh, like my mom.
AKI: My mom's one. She works for the Tetsunouji Organization.
SORA: Really?
MIE: Y yeah... something like that. And, uh... my dad goes on a lot of trips. So, he's not always at home.
SORA: Oh...
MIE: B- but, he was here for a while, so I got to meet him. We had breakfast, and... said our goodbyes.
SORA: He had to leave?
MIE: Well, I... wanted to meet with you after.
SORA: Oh, Mie...
Sora feels bad after hearing Mie's answer.
SORA: You don't have to skip your dad for us. We can do this any other time.
MIE: N- no! I- I love going out with you. I really do!
SORA: We know that already. But next time if your dad's in town, we can go out some other time.
MIE: B- but-
SORA: (smiles) We understand.
AKI: (nods)
MIE: ... o- okay.
AKI: What about your mom?
SORA: Was it just you and your dad?
MIE: ... she-
SORA: ...
AKI: ...
MIE: ... she was there, too.
SORA: That must be so nice... a family get-together!
AKI: Don't worry about us, Mie-chan.
Aki leans in closer to Mie and pats her on her shoulder.
MIE: Ah?
AKI: You should always take your time with your dad. Family always comes first and last.
Mie looks down and hesitantly nods.
AKI: My grandma always says that to us whenever we visit her.
SORA: Woah, she sounds cool. By the way, your mom works at that company?
AKI: Y- yeah.
SORA: Do you know anything about it?
AKI: N- not really.
SORA: Does your mom tell you any stories?
AKI: My mom never shares anything about her work.
As Sora and Aki keep on talking, Mie quietly looks away while slowly chewing her cold beef.
Yomu Bookstore
Thousands of neatly packaged books are displayed in rows of shelves, waiting to be picked up.
Masses of potential buyers are walking around the store, either searching for the right book or simply killing time.
Ryuken scans around the manga section while Yuugi trails behind him.
RYUKEN: Hmm...
YUUGI: Found it?
RYUKEN: N- no... it's not a well-known title.
YUUGI: Okay. Buy as many as you want, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Y- yeah...
Ryuken continues searching, but the way Yuugi stands by, waiting for him to find what he wants, slightly irks him.
RYUKEN: Um... Uncle Yuugi?
RYUKEN: You- you don't need to wait for me. This... may take some time.
YUUGI: Oh... alright. Maybe I'll go check some magazines.
Yuugi walks away, leaving Ryuken on his own.
On the other side, Aki is scanning around as well, while Mie and Sora are flipping through random manga.
SORA: I haven't read any manga since I was 10.
MIE: Grew out of it?
SORA: Pretty much.
Sora turns to Aki, who's crouching to seek a book on the lower shelf.
SORA: What are you looking for again?
AKI: There's this art book that I'd like to use as a reference. I don't know if they have it...
MIE: What's it called?
AKI: Um... "Art's Eye", I think...
MIE: I'll look around for it.
AKI: Oh, uh... thank you.
Mie leaves the two as they keep on searching.
SORA: ...
AKI: ...
SORA: ... maybe we're in the wrong section.
AKI: ... hmm...
Mie wanders around the shelves, scanning by as she walks past them.
She keeps on walking until someone was standing in her way.
As she was about to pass by the fellow customer, she stops as she notices a familiar face.
MIE: Oh?
MIE: Ishinara-san!
RYUKEN: Sa- Sawai-san? What are you doing here?
MIE: I'm out with my friends. What about you?
RYUKEN: I'm just... searching for some manga.
MIE: On your own?
RYUKEN: Uh, no... I'm with my uncle.
MIE: Your uncle?
RYUKEN: Well, he's more of a family friend. W- what about your friends? Where are they?
MIE: They're just behind there. I'm trying to help find this one book.
RYUKEN: Oh... what book?
From a distance, Yuugi is looking at a trendy pop culture magazine.
The cover shows a beautiful young woman with fair skin and long, silky blue hair.
The main headline reads:
"KI JAE-EUN: The Stunning South Korean Gem"
YUUGI: Hmm... where have I seen her before?
He looks up to see Ryuken from afar and notices him talking to a young girl.
YUUGI: ... a friend?
Meanwhile, Sora and Aki walk out from behind the shelf.
SORA: I don't think it's here, Aki. Let's go somewhere else.
AKI: Okay.
SORA: We gotta go find Mie fir-
Sora sees Mie talking to a boy.
She quickly turns around and pushes Aki back.
SORA: (whispers) Hide, hide, hide!
AKI: Wha- what's going on?
Sora and Aki are hiding from view while peeking at the two talking.
AKI: ... who's that?
SORA: I don't know. Never seen him before.
AKI: Do they know each other?
SORA: Maybe...
Sora thoroughly looks at the young boy.
SORA: Hmm... too chubby for my taste.
Ryuken and Mie are still talking at the moment.
RYUKEN: N- never expected to meet you again today.
MIE: Yeah! It's like we just met yesterday.
RYUKEN: (smiles) Literally.
MIE: (chuckles) Right! By the way, did Kenzaki-kun asked about the coin?
RYUKEN: He, uh... he told me to keep it.
MIE: If you need a new one, I can find one for you.
RYUKEN: Uh, yeah... funny story about the coin, it-
A faint ringing emitted from inside their ears.
Mie's eyes grow sharper the moment she heard it.
Ryuken winces as his ears itch in discomfort.
Mie quickly turns around, scanning her surroundings.
Ryuken digs into his ear to scratch the itch.
MIE: You heard that?
RYUKEN: Heard what?
MIE: The ringing.
RYUKEN: Y- yeah... how do you know?
In the back alley of a shop lot, a fiery portal slowly opens up.
As it gets bigger and bigger, a pack of small, devilish lizards floods out of the portal, hunting for their master's new prey.
End of Chapter 18
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I Gained The Power To Shapeshift On Earth
Thomson did only one thing in his daily livestreams, and that was constantly punching sandbags. A week later, he made a giant 150 kg sandbag explode with one single punch! At that time, all the viewers thought that this was just a show, all until one day—an accident occurred on Thomson’s livestream. At a construction site, a stone weighing several tons went out of control and smashed towards the ground! In the moment of desperation, Thomson swung his fist at the stone. With a bang, the stone shattered into pieces!!! …In the next month, Thomson quickly became a rising star all over the Internet. Everyone thought he had reached his peak, until one day—Thomson suddenly transformed into a Pegasus and flew into the air…
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My BestFriend Dad
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