《Demon Blade》Chapter 16: Search Quest


GENJI: Pass! Pass!

On the Mizuno High soccer field, Genji and his team are playing a practice match.

Genji is dribbling the ball towards the goalpost, guarded by the frantic goalkeeper.

MAMORU: Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic.

Genji prepares to shoot-

MAMORU: Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't pa-

-and kicks the ball.


The goalkeeper immediately ducks in fear, but Genji misses the goal as the ball flies above it, flying straight at a walking unsuspecting man.


The ball aims at the man's head-



-but he stops it with his hand, tightly clenching it with his fingers without even looking.

GENJI: (runs to him) Mister! You alright?


GENJI: (approaches him) I'm sorry about that, Mister.

The man looks at Genji with a friendly smile on his face.

THE MAN: It's cool.

GENJI: That was... pretty impressive, what you did.

THE MAN: What can I say?

He drops the ball to the ground and juggles it with his feet until he softly kicks it back to Genji.

GENJI: (catches it)

THE MAN: I still got it.

GENJI: Thanks, Mister.

THE MAN: No problem.

GENJI: (turns around) Oi, Mamoru! What was that?! Dodging the ball...

MAMORU: Why does it matter?! You kicked too high!

GENJI: It MATTERS cause you're the goalie!

MAMORU: Aren't you SUPPOSED to aim at the goal...?

GENJI: (whispers) I swear the next one's gonna hit your head. (kicks the ball back)

THE MAN: Alright. Have fun. (walks away)

GENJI: Oh! Mister!


GENJI: Are you lost?

THE MAN: Ah... kinda. How do you know?

GENJI: Never seen you around before. Are you a new teacher? Our new coach, perhaps? We could actually use a better one.

THE MAN: What? (chuckles) No, no, no. I'm just looking for someone. He joined this, uh... this is Mizuno High, right?

GENJI: Yep. The one and only.

THE MAN: Oh, good. I just saw someone from a different school a minute ago. Got me confused there.

GENJI: You're looking for someone, huh? Maybe I could help. Tell me who, and I'll even share some dirty secrets.

THE MAN: (chuckles) Quite enticing. But, uh... do you know a Ryuken?

The name caught Genji by surprise, to hear it uttered by the strange man.

GENJI: R- Ryuken?

THE MAN: Yeah. Ishinara Ryuken. I heard he joined the Kendo Club this year. Do you know him?

GENJI: ... uh...

Genji hesitates for a moment as the man waits for his response.

THE MAN: ...

GENJI: Um... no. I don't know him. S- sorry.

THE MAN: No problem. Do you know where the dojo is, perhaps?

GENJI: Um...

THE MAN: ...

GENJI: ... I think it's at the... third floor, east building.

THE MAN: Great. I'll check there.

GENJI: Uh, y- yeah.

THE MAN: Thanks for the help, pal!

GENJI: Oh... sure.

The man smiles at Genji before walking away towards the school building.

GENJI: ... why is he looking for him?


At the old storeroom, Kenzaki faces Ryuken while holding a metal coin between his thumb and index finger.

RYUKEN: ... a coin?

Kenzaki tosses it to Ryuken.

He catches it and sees the Exorcist symbol on it.

KENZAKI: Feel anything?

RYUKEN: Um... no. Uh, am I supposed to... feel something?

KENZAKI: Hm, really? Let me see.

Kenzaki walks to Ryuken and opens up his right palm.

Ryuken places the coin flatly on Kenzaki's palm, and the coin suddenly stands upright on its edge.

A child-like surprise crosses all over Ryuken's face, like seeing an unbelievable magic trick.

RYUKEN: Woah! What?!

KENZAKI: (smiles) Seems fine to me.


RYUKEN: How- how did you do that?

KENZAKI: This is a Spirit Coin. It's specially spiritualized to train new Exorcists for this art. You can't see it, but right now, I am channelling the Spiritual Force within me to my right hand. And without it-

The coin falls flat on his palm.

KENZAKI: -the coin wouldn't react.

RYUKEN: Woah...

KENZAKI: And you can channel it to anywhere-

He places the coin on top of his head and it begins to stand upright.

KENZAKI: -to any desired area.

He drops it onto his shoulder and it still stands.

KENZAKI: Physical barriers would not disrupt the flow-

He then bounces it to his shoe, but the coin starts getting shaky, trying to straighten itself.

KENZAKI: -but not to a great degree.

He kicks the coin up and catches it.

RYUKEN: And, how do I... channel my... Force?

KENZAKI: A simple but good question. While it's constantly flowing everywhere inside us, most of it is still in the core and it's not going anywhere. What we want to do is to channel that energy from the core to where we wish it to be, like my hands earlier.

Kenzaki places his left hand on his stomach-

KENZAKI: What you have to do, is to feel that energy, swirling inside-

-and trails it up to his chest.

KENZAKI: -bring that energy, as much as you can-

He then trails his left hand from his right shoulder to his right forearm.

KENZAKI: -flow it outwards, bit by bit-

He raises his right hand, closed to a fist.

KENZAKI: -from your stomach, to your chest, to your arm-

He opens his right hand with the coin laying on his palm.

KENZAKI: -and finally...

The coin stands straight up on its edge.

KENZAKI: ... to where you want it to be.

RYUKEN: ... ha...

KENZAKI: Any questions?

RYUKEN: It... looks very, um...


RYUKEN: It seems... easy enough, but...

KENZAKI: I understand. It does seem methodical, but over time, you will get used to it.

RYUKEN: Ah... yeah.

KENZAKI: It's like driving a car. As you slowly get used to the pedals and the wheels and the gears, you'll eventually know how to drive smoothly without even thinking.

RYUKEN: I... don't know how to drive.

KENZAKI: Me neither. Now, to better channel that energy, it is best to be at peace.

Kenzaki takes a deep breath.


Ryuken breathes in as well.



KENZAKI: ... and out.

They both exhale together.

KENZAKI: Do this until you're ready.


Ryuken closes his eyes and keeps on breathing in and out, as many times as he needed, to finally prepare himself for what he's never done before.



KENZAKI: Are you ready?

RYUKEN: ... I'm not sure.

KENZAKI: Now, close your eyes... and try to feel it.

Ryuken closes his eyes again and focuses on the power inside of him.

KENZAKI: Feel it beating.


KENZAKI: Feel it burning.

RYUKEN: Hmm...

KENZAKI: Feel it glowing.


KENZAKI: Feel it...

RYUKEN: ... mmf...


RYUKEN: (sweats)


RYUKEN: ... Ken- Kenzaki-sempai?


RYUKEN: I... don't know what I'm doing here.

KENZAKI: You're trying to feel your Soul and the Spiritual Force inside you.

Ryuken blankly stares at Kenzaki, hoping for a clearer answer.

KENZAKI: Don't worry. You'll get it.

RYUKEN: ... right.

Kenzaki hands Ryuken the coin.

KENZAKI: Once you get the feel for it, remember how I showed it to you earlier and try raising the coin up.

RYUKEN: ... okay.

Ryuken opens up his right palm and places the coin on it.

With every tiny ounce of self-confidence he has, he closes his eyes to focus.


KENZAKI: Take your time, Ryuken.

RYUKEN: ... hmm...

He quietly concentrates-

KENZAKI: You can do it.

RYUKEN: ... Hmm...

-harder and harder.

KENZAKI: Find your core, feel it.

RYUKEN: Hmm...

With every spiritual power he has imaginable-

KENZAKI: Slowly, Ryuken. Don't rush.

RYUKEN: Ahh...

-he brings it all out.

KENZAKI: Calmly, and you will find it.

RYUKEN: Ahhhhh...

All the Spiritual Force swirling deep within his Soul-


-he summons it all-


-everything into his hand.


KENZAKI: ... Ryuken?

... Or so he thinks.


Sweat heavily pours from his head as Ryuken clenches his body tightly.

RYUKEN: (grits teeth) ... is it working?!

The coin is still lying flat on his palm.

KENZAKI: ... don't- don't overdo it, Ryuken.

RYUKEN: But, I'm... getting it... right?!

Kenzaki worriedly watches as Ryuken's face looks like he's about to push out a big one.

KENZAKI: ... yeah...


In the Karate dojo, each of the members are standing in formation, training under their raven-haired senior.

REKI: Front Kick!


REKI: Right Punch!


REKI: Left Punch!


REKI: Side Kick!


REKI: Right Punch!


REKI: Arms Down!

They put their hands down and stand still-

REKI: ...

-patiently waiting for their club president's words.

REKI: Abara!

ABARA: Y- yes, sempai!

REKI: Your form was lacking in balance. Just be calm and steady yourself.

ABARA: Yes, sempai!

REKI: Hatano!

HATANO: (pants heavily)

REKI: You're losing stamina too quickly. We'll have to build it up so you could follow through with the lessons.

HATANO: (pants) Yes, sempai...

REKI: Yoneda!

SAYURI: Uh! Y- yes, sempai!

REKI: There's a lot of strength in your strikes. I can feel it in your breath alone.

SAYURI: Uh... yes, se-

REKI: Power is good, but control is better.


REKI: Power will make your strikes stronger, but it will risk you to be reckless in your actions. With control, you can deliver your attacks with more precision, even under pressure.


REKI: A cluttered mind is heavier and harder, but a peaceful mind is sharper and quicker.

Sayuri's eyes glow with resolve as she promises herself to work harder.

REKI: Do you understand, Yoneda?

SAYURI: Yes, sempai!

REKI: Good. (turns away) Okugawa!


REKI: You're too stiff. Loosen up a little.


The sharp-eyed club president walks to the front of her disciplined club members and faces them.

REKI: Everyone! Just because I didn't say your names, doesn't mean you're free from any and all faults. There's a lot we need to work with.

They all look upon their esteemed president-

REKI: But, I've seen a lot of improvements since last week. As long as you all keep going, you're all set to overcome your flaws.

-eyes burning with determination.

REKI: REMEMBER! Strength is nothing, without weakness. Do you understand?


REKI: Bow!

They all respectfully bow before her.

REKI: You're all dismissed.

Everyone starts to scatter around the dojo, talking to one another or panting their breath out.

Sayuri goes to her bag near the entrance and grabs her water bottle.

As she tiredly quenches her thirst, she sees a strange man peeking into the dojo, looking around.

THE MAN: ... this doesn't look right.

SAYURI: ... may I help you?

THE MAN: Oh, hello. I'm guessing this isn't the Kendo dojo, huh?

SAYURI: No, this is the Karate dojo. The Kendo dojo is at the west, on the second floor.

THE MAN: What?! All the way over there? Hmm... I guess that kid got it backwards.

SAYURI: Do- do you need anything else?

THE MAN: What? Oh, no, no, no. I'm just trying to find someone there.

SAYURI: Someone?

THE MAN: He just joined that club. You know a Ryuken?

Sayuri's eyes start to widen, wondering if the man is talking about "the" Ryuken.

SAYURI: R- Ryuken?!

THE MAN: You probably don't know him. He's never a crowd-pleasing kind of guy.

SAYURI: W- wait? Are you looking for... Ishinara Ryuken?

THE MAN: Hoh? You know him?

SAYURI: I'm... I'm a friend of his.

THE MAN: You are?! Wait a minute...

The man looks at the young girl before him and guesses a name.

THE MAN: Sayuri, right?

SAYURI: Ah?! How do you know?

THE MAN: (smiles) Hah! You are Sayuri! I can't believe I got the chance to meet you.

SAYURI: You- you know me?

THE MAN: Of course, I know you! Ryuken talks about you all the time.

SAYURI: (blushes) He- he does?

THE MAN: Yeah. And he's got good taste, too. (smirks) Just like me.


THE MAN: It's great to finally meet you, Sayuri. But I gotta go and meet the man of the hour. Hope we'll see each other soon!

SAYURI: Uh, it's... good to meet you too.

The man brightly smiles at Sayuri and waves her goodbye before walking away.

SAYURI: ... who is he?



Ryuken tightly grips his right wrist with his left hand as he tries to summon the energy from his Soul.







RYUKEN: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Drenched in sweat, Ryuken falls down to his knees, drops the coin to the ground and exhaustingly pants his breath out.

RYUKEN: (pants heavily)


RYUKEN: (pants) Was I close? (pants)


RYUKEN: (pants)

KENZAKI: ... almost.

Ryuken looks down in disappointment, feeling that it wasn't even close.

KENZAKI: You don't have to push yourself too hard, Ryuken. You'll get there.

RYUKEN: (pants) Like, maybe... a few more minutes? (pants)


RYUKEN: (pants) ... hours?

KENZAKI: ... some people take days to get it right.

RYUKEN: (pants) ... days it is.

KENZAKI: Don't worry, Ryuken. It'll be-


The sound came from the door.

RYUKEN: Ah! Who's that?

KENZAKI: You may come in!

The door opens and a young girl enters the storeroom with a jovial smile on her face.

MIE: Kenzaki-kun! Ishinara-san! Hello!

RYUKEN: Sa- Sawai-san?

KENZAKI: Right on time. I'm quite amazed at how punctual you can be, Mie.

MIE: Aw... don't set me up for failure...

KENZAKI: It seems that you're ready.

MIE: Of course! Everything is prepared.

KENZAKI: Good. Ryuken.


KENZAKI: I'll be off for a while. There's a bunch of things I need to take care of first, but in the meantime, Mie will give you a new seal for your Demon Sense.


KENZAKI: I'll leave him to you then, Mie.

MIE: Roger!

KENZAKI: And... Ryuken.

He picks up the coin from the ground and hands it to Ryuken.

KENZAKI: You'll get it, I know you will.

Ryuken hesitantly takes back the coin, doubting Kenzaki's words of encouragement.

KENZAKI: Take your time to search for your Soul, feel the energy and slowly channel it to where you wish it to be.

RYUKEN: ... okay.

KENZAKI: I'll be back soon.


KENZAKI: ... well, I'll leave the rest to you, Mie.

MIE: Alright!

Kenzaki walks to the door and exits the storeroom.


MIE: Now then, time to get to work!

Mie pulls out a chair from a corner.

MIE: Ishinara-san, the doctor is ready.

RYUKEN: Oh... okay.

Ryuken sits on the chair as Mie pulls another one for herself.

He begins to unbutton his shirt from the top but stops himself midway as he starts to feel a little hesitant.

MIE: ... what's wrong?

RYUKEN: ... um...

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: (whispers) This feels... weird, doing this while we're alone.

MIE: You can keep the shirt on if you want.

RYUKEN: W- what?

MIE: I'm not gonna stick anything on you today.

RYUKEN: You're- you're not?

MIE: Nope. Cause I got something better!

From inside her bag, she pulls out a piece of paper with a sigil symbol on it and places it on her lap.

She closes her eyes and touches it with both hands.

The symbol suddenly glows up brightly, surprising Ryuken as he stares in awe.

After a few moments have passed, the symbol stops glowing as she lifts her hands away.

She then presses her palms together and focuses her energy to her hands.

Another moment has passed, and as she slowly breaks her hands away, a small sigil made of light glows in the air between her palms.

Mesmerized, Ryuken simply watches her in silence.

MIE: ... Ishinara-san.


MIE: Just relax, okay?

RYUKEN: Ah... right.

Keeping the seal between her palms, she brings it to Ryuken's stomach and carefully pushes it into him.

RYUKEN: Wha?! It's- it's inside me?

MIE: Just don't move, okay? This will take some time.

She quietly concentrates on placing the seal onto Ryuken.

RYUKEN: Wh- what about the paper?

MIE: This will be easier for you. It won't go anywhere unless I remove it.

RYUKEN: R- really?

MIE: Besides, if I gave you one to stick it yourself, you might forget about it from time to time.

RYUKEN: R- right.

MIE: Sometimes, I forgot to put on my deodorant every morning. I always wonder if I smell bad to other people. Do I smell bad?

RYUKEN: Um, uh... I don't smell anything.

MIE: What?! I smell like nothing? (sighs) That's even worse...

RYUKEN: ... um, is this like... better?

MIE: Yep! All you need is the base of your designed magic, convert it using your Spiritual Force and voila! You just made your very own Spirit Seal.

RYUKEN: Spirit Seal?

MIE: It does take time to make one, but what you get is a seal that's stronger and effective.

RYUKEN: ... how long does it usually take?

MIE: Hmm... days. Sometimes a week or more.

RYUKEN: And... you took 2 days to make this?

MIE: Hehe... I got excited.


MIE: But it's not even that strong, though. I made it from a drawing. See?

RYUKEN: Y- yeah...

MIE: Hee... if I got my hands on those Seal Tablets, oh... the things I would do with that baby...

RYUKEN: ... will- will it leave a mark?

MIE: A mark?

RYUKEN: On- on my stomach...

MIE: Oh! (smiles) Don't worry about it. Your belly would not be harmed. It'll stay as plump as a partridge.

RYUKEN: (glares) Mm...

MIE: If anything, I'm leaving a mark on your Soul.

RYUKEN: ... my- my Soul?

MIE: (nods) This seal would hide your Demon Sense from any Demons or Trackers, even though it's... kinda faint. But, as Kenzaki-kun would want it, we can't leave any rock unturned. Wait... is it rock or stone? Hmm...

RYUKEN: ... you- you can feel it? My Soul?

MIE: Not really, but all Souls are at the stomach, so I can't really miss it. Kenzaki-kun told you, right?

Ryuken looks down at the coin in his hand, thinking if it really is that easy.

RYUKEN: ... right.


In the Kendo Dojo, the rest of the members are sparring against one another.

Chohei sits near the entrance to take a break, wiping his sweaty face.

CHOHEI: Hooo... why do they always make it harder at the end of the week?

The strange man stands at the entrance, peeking his head inside.

THE MAN: Woah, look at them go! But which one is he?

The man sees Chohei resting and calls to him.

THE MAN: Hey! You!

CHOHEI: Huh?! Me?

THE MAN: Yeah, you! Say, which one is Ryuken?

CHOHEI: Ryuken?

THE MAN: Yeah! I can't tell who's who.

CHOHEI: Oh, he's not here anymore.

THE MAN: What?!

CHOHEI: Yeah. He went out with the uh... Tetsunouji fella.

THE MAN: Tetsunouji?!


THE MAN: Huh, who would have thought? Say, do you know where they went then?

CHOHEI: Um, not sure. Something about a... program?

THE MAN: Program?

CHOHEI: Yeah! That um, uh... Whistleblower Program?


CHOHEI: Wait! No, that's not it. It's uh... Wi- Wi- Wirebasket?

THE MAN: Wirebasket?

CHOHEI: Gah, I know it, I know it! It's- it's at the tip of my tongue. I know what it is!

THE MAN: ... okay.

CHOHEI: It's a W, it's a W-

THE MAN: ...

CHOHEI: Wi- Wi- Win- Winner... no.

THE MAN: (sighs) I missed him, huh?

CHOHEI: W- Whitebread! No...

THE MAN: ... I really wanted to surprise him.

CHOHEI: Win- Winter- Winterblack... W- Winterblack! Yeah, that's it! The Winterblack Program! They went for the-

Chohei turns to the man, but he already left the scene.

CHOHEI: Wh- where did he go?


MIE: Almost there...

RYUKEN: Ergh...

MIE: Almost...


MIE: And...

RYUKEN: Grr...

MIE: Done!


MIE: Oh!

RYUKEN: (pants heavily)

MIE: Did- did it hurt?

RYUKEN: N- no. (pants) I was just... doing this coin thing.

She sees the coin on Ryuken's hand, still lying motionlessly.

MIE: Oh...

RYUKEN: I... I just don't get it.

MIE: ...?

RYUKEN: I don't get what he was trying to say.

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: It looks simple but, doing it is just...

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: I don't know what I'm trying to find, I... I just can't feel it... I feel nothing.

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: Am I... am I doing it wrong?

Ryuken hopelessly looks down at his palm...


... at himself.


MIE: There's... nothing wrong with what you're doing.


MIE: You just can't do it the same way as him.

RYUKEN: ... wha?

MIE: Some can feel their Souls immediately, and some take time for it. And... some just never feel it at all.


MIE: Like... me.


MIE: Yeah.

RYUKEN: But, you're really good at the, uh... at what you do.

MIE: And I still can't feel the Soul in me.

RYUKEN: Then, how do you do it?

MIE: I just do it.

RYUKEN: You... you just do it?

MIE: I know that the energy is flowing inside me and all, but instead of feeling or thinking on how to do it, I just feel and think on... doing it.

RYUKEN: ...?

MIE: Like, do you remember-

Mie pulls up her sleeve to show him the cotton wrapping on her arm.

-you remember seeing me using these, right?

RYUKEN: ... y- yeah.

MIE: Okay! So, technically or scientifically or... whatever you wanna call it, the way it works is that I find and feel my Soul, channel my Force into my arm, so my cloth can react and do all those things that it can do, right?

RYUKEN: R- right.

MIE: BUT, I never once thought of doing that at all.

RYUKEN: ...?

MIE: All I did, was feel and think on summoning as many strips as I can, and fire them at my target, or... wrap them up, or... swing them around, anything! It's like my Soul knows what I want... so it does that for me.


MIE: If we... want it, then... our Soul would will it. D- does that makes sense?

Ryuken, who has been quietly listening to Mie explaining how she does it, stares blankly into her, even more confused.

RYUKEN: ... uh...

MIE: Um... let me try it this way.

She grabs the coin out of Ryuken's hand.

MIE: They want us to find our Soul and the Force inside and use it and blah blah blah, but I never could do it that way. So, instead of focusing on what's inside of me, I just focus on the coin.

RYUKEN: ... just the coin?

MIE: Yeah! Watch.

She opens up her right palm where the coin lies.

MIE: ... I want the coin to stand.

The coin quickly stands up.


MIE: I want the coin to roll on my arm.

The coin rolls on her arm.


MIE: Roll back.

It rolls back to her hand.

RYUKEN: H- how-

MIE: Spin.

The coin slowly spins on its own.

RYUKEN: W- wha?!

MIE: Faster.

It spins faster.

MIE: Faster.

It spins even faster.

RYUKEN: ...?!

MIE: ... faster.

It spins faster and faster and faster.

RYUKEN: ... how...

The coin keeps spinning-

MIE: ...

-and spinning-

MIE: ...

-and spinning-

MIE: ...

... and-

MIE: Jump.


The coin tosses itself into the air, in front of Ryuken's astounded face-


-until Mie catches it between her fingers.


MIE: ...


MIE: ... do- do you get it now?

Mie hands the coin to Ryuken, still in awe.

He slowly reaches for it and deeply stares into it.


MIE: ...

RYUKEN: ... if I want it, then it would will it?

MIE: Y- yeah! S- something like that...


He places it back into his palm and with faint newfound confidence, is ready to try again.

RYUKEN: ... I...

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: ... I want the coin... to stand up.

The coin still rests on his palm, lying calmly-


MIE: ...

-until it suddenly moves, slowly getting up.



But the coin seems shaky, struggling to stand by itself.


MIE: Feel it! Think it! You can do it, Ishinara-san!

RYUKEN: (scared) Ah...

The coin slowly rises up-


MIE: Yes, yes.

-swaying from side to side, trying to stand straight on its edge.


MIE: A little more... a little more...

It's still wobbly.


Still rocky.

MIE: ...

Still shaky.


MIE: ...


RYUKEN: Stand up.

The coin finally stands up straight.



Mie leaps up from her chair in joy, as Ryuken's jaw drops in awe of his own feat.

MIE: You did it! You did it!

RYUKEN: Wh- what do I do now?!

MIE: You- you can do whatever you want! What do you wanna do?

RYUKEN: Um, uh...

Mie stands next to Ryuken, jittering with excitement.

RYUKEN: Uh... shake around?

The coin shakes back and forth.


MIE: AAAAAHHHH!!! YES! YES! Do something else! Make it do something else!


MIE: Hm, hm.

RYUKEN: I... want it to jump.

MIE: Ooh... a pro move. Do it, Ishinara-san!

RYUKEN: Ah... okay.

As Mie eagerly watches by his side, Ryuken focuses on the lying coin, wanting it to jump.

RYUKEN: Hmm...

The coin vibrates-

MIE: Oh...

RYUKEN: ... jump.

-as it struggles to leap up from his palm.

MIE: Mmm...


It's vibrating wildly.

MIE: Ooh... you can do it, you can do it.

RYUKEN: Come on, jump.


RYUKEN: (scoffs) Jump!

MIE: Uh...


RYUKEN: (grits teeth) Jump...

MIE: Come on...

Still vibrating.


Still vibrating.


Still vibrating.




His hand starts to spark.


A white lightning bolt blasts out of Ryuken's hand, electrifying the coin.


Mie quickly ducks to the ground, shielding herself from the blast while Ryuken instinctively raises his hand upwards, pushing the lightning away from him and Mie.

Energized, the coin shoots up to the sky-


-and pierces through the roof.

Dust starts clouding the storeroom as the lightning bolt sparks away.

Dazed yet unharmed, Ryuken and Mie are on the ground, slowly regaining their senses of what just happened.

MIE: (coughs)

RYUKEN: S- Sawai-san! (coughs) Are you alright?

MIE: (coughs) I'm... I'm fine.

As the dust starts to clear up, a tiny light shines from above.

A freshly damaged coin-shaped hole can be seen on the roof from below.

Speechless, they both look at it in complete awestruck.

MIE: ...


MIE: ... did you... did you want that to happen?

RYUKEN: ... I...

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: ... I don't know.


THE MAN: (sighs deeply) This is a bummer...

The man is walking outside of the school by himself, feeling upset.

THE MAN: When did he suddenly start being bus-


THE MAN: OW! What the-

The coin bounces off the man's head and drops to the ground.

As he rubs the sore on his head, he sees the coin and picks it up to check it.

THE MAN: ... where did this come from?


The door to the storeroom opens as Kenzaki enters inside.

KENZAKI: Hey, everyone. Are you all do-

RYUKEN: Ah?! Kenzaki-sempai!

Ryuken quickly hides the broom behind his back, but Mie is still cheerily sweeping the floor, unaware of Kenzaki's arrival.

MIE: (humming)

RYUKEN: Sa- Sawai-san...

MIE: Hm? Oh! (stands straight) Welcome back, Kenzaki-kun!

KENZAKI: ... what are you doing?

RYUKEN: (sweats) We're- we were just, uh...

MIE: We're just cleaning up.

KENZAKI: Cleaning up?

RYUKEN: Uh... yeah! (starts sweeping) This place has been... pretty dirty, so...

MIE: We had a lot of free time, so might as well, right?


RYUKEN: (smiles anxiously)

KENZAKI: ... well, I guess it doesn't hurt. This place hasn't been taken care of for quite some time.

RYUKEN: Y-yeah, we just... felt sorry for it.


Kenzaki walks to Ryuken-


-and stares deeply into him.

RYUKEN: (sweats) Uh...

He touches Ryuken's shoulder-


-and closes his eyes.


RYUKEN: (sweats)



RYUKEN: ... sempai?

KENZAKI: Wow. I can't Sense any Demon in him.

He turns to Mie with a proud smile.

KENZAKI: I never doubt your abilities, Mie.

MIE: (blushes) Aw... thank you, Kenzaki-kun.

KENZAKI: Well, I guess that means we're done.

RYUKEN: We- we're done?

KENZAKI: It's almost sunset. It's about time to go home. Thank you, Mie. For your help.

MIE: Anytime!

RYUKEN: Th- thank you, Sawai-san.

MIE: No problem! (slings bag onto shoulder) I guess I'll go now. Got some classes to catch up.

KENZAKI: Classes? Tonight?

MIE: Yep. I won't be free tomorrow, so it's gotta be tonight. And Ms. Veffredo is expecting to see my new Spirit Animal concept later. She didn't like the last one I made...

KENZAKI: Won't your mom be worried?

MIE: Oh, she won't mind. She'll be back late anyway.

RYUKEN: W- what about your dad?

MIE: My- my dad?

Mie pauses for a moment, as she hesitates to think of an answer.

MIE: He's uh... he's still on a business trip.

KENZAKI: I see. Take it easy, Mie. I know it's been tough, juggling school and Spirit Seals during the past couple of days.

MIE: You don't have to worry. I like the challenge. In fact, I love it! Playing with seals just fires me up!

KENZAKI: (smiles) That's nice to hear. Good luck with your classes, then.

MIE: Thank you! And if there's anything you need, I'm just a number away!

KENZAKI: You got it.

MIE: Bye-bye, Kenzaki-kun!

KENZAKI: Bye, Mie.

MIE: Bye-bye, Ishinara-san!

RYUKEN: Oh. B- bye...

Mie reaches for the door and as she was about to leave-

RYUKEN: S- Sawai-san!

MIE: Ah?

RYUKEN: T- thank you-

MIE: ...

RYUKEN: ... for- for everything.

Ryuken wished he could say more than just a thank you, to show her how much he appreciated her help.

But to Mie, those words were more than enough.

Her eyes sparkle a gracious glow and she can't help but crack a soft tender smile.

MIE: Goodbye, Ishinara-san.

RYUKEN: Good- goodbye!

Mie leaves the storeroom and merrily walks away.

RYUKEN: (smiles)

KENZAKI: You've gotten pretty close.

RYUKEN: Ah, w- well... she- she's pretty easy to warm up to. I- I guess I can go back now?

KENZAKI: Of course.

RYUKEN: A- alright.

Ryuken grabs his bag and walks to the door.

KENZAKI: Aren't you forgetting something?


Kenzaki points at the katana laying on the table.

RYUKEN: Oh, right!

Ryuken goes to it, tucks it into the sword bag and carries it with him to hand it back to Kenzaki.

RYUKEN: He- here you go.

KENZAKI: You're giving it to me?

RYUKEN: Y- yeah?

KENZAKI: It's yours, isn't it?

RYUKEN: W- what?! But, I- I can't-

KENZAKI: I even got it a Kendo-style bag, so it would blend in.

RYUKEN: Oh, but-

KENZAKI: You should keep it, Ryuken.


KENZAKI: You're connected with it, so you should hold onto it. You might Bond with it easier that way.


KENZAKI: And, I have a feeling... whoever's inside, it would be better if they were with you.

Ryuken looks at the bag, wondering if that were true.

RYUKEN: ... maybe. T- thank you, Kenzaki-sempai.

KENZAKI: And if you're scared to have your family see it, you can just chuck it right at your window.

RYUKEN: I- I can't do that!

KENZAKI: (laughs) Sorry. That was a bad joke.

RYUKEN: Oh? (chuckles) It's alright.

KENZAKI: Well, we best be leaving.

RYUKEN: Oh... yeah.

Ryuken slings the sword bag onto his shoulder and follows Kenzaki to the door.

Kenzaki halts for a moment and turns around.

KENZAKI: Oh, Ryuken. The coin-

RYUKEN: The- the coin?! Oh, it's uh...

He reaches to his pocket, pretending that it's there.

RYUKEN: It's uh-

KENZAKI: Keep it.

RYUKEN: ... wha?

KENZAKI: You need it to practice at home. Once you get the hang of it, I'll teach you something else.

Kenzaki opens the door and steps out.

KENZAKI: And bring the sword as well!

RYUKEN: Y- yes, sempai!

Ryuken walks to the door after Kenzaki exits the storeroom.

Before he closes it on the way out, he looks up to the roof and sees the tiny hole, clogged up by a ball of cotton.


Genji and Sayuri are waiting by the school gate.

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ... wonder what's taking him so long?

SAYURI: Some extra lessons, maybe...?

GENJI: Hmm, maybe.


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...

SAYURI: ... so, how's the practice going?

GENJI: Oh, it's... going fine. The coach is... still a loudmouth.

SAYURI: Is that so?

GENJI: (nods)

SAYURI: Hmm...

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ... how's your... lessons going?

SAYURI: It's going good. Sawaguchi-sempai said that my punches are too strong.

GENJI: Woah, remind me not to mess with you.

SAYURI: I couldn't be that strong...

GENJI: (chuckles)

SAYURI: (chuckles)

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: Oh, there he is.

Ryuken is seen from a distance, speed walking to the gate.

SAYURI: Here he comes.

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


RYUKEN: (pants tiredly) Sorry, I'm late.

GENJI: UNACCEPTABLE! To leave your friends waiting and worried sick for you! Hmph! And I thought I was the bad friend...

SAYURI: Don't feel bad, Ryu-kun. I've seen how your club practice. It looks really tough.

RYUKEN: Oh, uh... yeah. Been a rough day.

GENJI: (notices the sword bag) HAH! The mighty sword of Muramasa!

RYUKEN: What?! No, uh... it's just a... bamboo sword. I, uh... need it for practice this weekend.

GENJI: Let me see!

Genji tries to grab it, but Ryuken steps back.

RYUKEN: No! Uh, it's... it's very delicate.

GENJI: Come on... it's not as dangerous as a real sword...

RYUKEN: W- well, it's still dangerous.

SAYURI: They can hurt real bad.

GENJI: Try hitting me with it. Come on, I can take it.

RYUKEN: (starts walking) You wanna be my dummy for the weekend?

GENJI: (follows him) It will be an honour!

SAYURI: (follows them) You won't last a minute, Genji-kun.

GENJI: Is that a challenge, Sayuri-chan? Alright! I'll be at your door early in the morning, so use me to your content, Ryuken-sama!


SAYURI: (chuckles)


The three of them are still walking by the sidewalk.

GENJI: Every weekend?

SAYURI: Yeah, pretty much.

RYUKEN: Where do you guys go?

SAYURI: At her place.

GENJI: Her place? What is it like there?

SAYURI: Like... any other house?

GENJI: What about her parents?

SAYURI: It's just her and her dad.

GENJI: What about her room?

RYUKEN: Why are you so curious about her room?

GENJI: This is Juri’s room we’re talking about! Who knows what secrets she’s keeping in there.

RYUKEN: It's probably just like any other room. No need to be so nosy.

SAYURI: Well, it’s definitely different from mine.

RYUKEN: But it's pretty surprising... since we never see you with Juri together at school before.

GENJI: Only to find out that you were two-timing us all this time.

RYUKEN: (glares) Genji... it wasn’t like that.

SAYURI: Yeah... It’s not really a big secret or anything. I just never thought it was too important to tell anyone.

GENJI: Not even with us?!

SAYURI: W- well-

RYUKEN: (shoves him) Genji! Give her a break.

GENJI: (smiles) What...? I'm kidding! It’s alright. I get it. Just because we’re friends, doesn’t mean we have to spill our entire life out.

RYUKEN: Y- yeah...

SAYURI: (smiles softly) I hope you guys understand.

GENJI: Of course, we do. Gotta keep some mystery to yourself, you know. Right, Ryuken?

Genji side hugs Ryuken and pulls him closer.

GENJI: I bet you got a looot of dirty little secrets in that handsome head of yours, don’t cha?

RYUKEN: (sweats) N- no, I... don’t.

GENJI: But, man... every weekend? Not even me and Ryuken could beat that.

RYUKEN: ... now that you said it, we don’t really hang out outside of school.

SAYURI: Huh, when was the last time we went out together?

RYUKEN: Hmm... I can’t remember.

GENJI: How terrible are we?! How could we even call ourselves “Best Friends” if we never do “Best Friends” stuff?! What a waste of our precious youth... to not even spend it on energy-wasting activities... that don't amount to anything in the end!


SAYURI: … but, you know, if you want to hang out sometime, I’m okay with that.

GENJI: Yeah... yeah, we could! How about it, Ryuken? Wanna go out tomorrow?

RYUKEN: Um, well... (glances at the bag) I... don't know if I'll be free.

GENJI: You're just gonna swing that thing all day?

RYUKEN: Uh... w- why not?

GENJI: Kendo is cool and all, but it ain't real sword fighting, though.

RYUKEN: It's still sword fighting. Just... less bloodier.

GENJI: What's wrong with a little bit of blood?

RYUKEN: Do you want me to get killed?

SAYURI: But it's nice seeing you taking it seriously now.

RYUKEN: Oh. Uh, well it has... gotten more interesting...

SAYURI: Oh! By the way, Ryu-kun... did anyone see you earlier?

RYUKEN: W- what?! Uh... n- no...

SAYURI: Really? That man didn't show up?

RYUKEN: ... what man?

SAYURI: There was a man that came to our dojo earlier, but he thought it was the Kendo dojo.


SAYURI: He said he was looking for you.

RYUKEN: I... I don't know-

GENJI: Wait! Did the guy had a ponytail?!

SAYURI: Uh... yeah.

GENJI: Sayuri! Why did you tell him where Ryuken was?!

SAYURI: Wha- you met him?

GENJI: Yeah. He was walking by the field earlier. He asked about him too, but I just act like I don't know him.

RYUKEN: Ponytail guy?

GENJI: But seriously, you can't tell them anything, Sayuri. Who knows what that man wants from him.

SAYURI: But he knows his name and, uh...

She turns to Ryuken and remembered what the man said to her.


SAYURI: (blushes) ... that- that's it.

GENJI: You can't just sell your friends out like that. Guys like them can't be trusted. (scoffs) If I see him again, I'll punch the sunglasses off of that ugly face of his.

RYUKEN: ... sunglasses?

GENJI: Yeah. He was wearing those tinted ones.

RYUKEN: Tinted?

GENJI: Yeah, the kind that makes you look cooler, but we know that's just a bunch of bull-

RYUKEN: W- wait!

Ryuken suddenly stops walking, as both Genji and Sayuri looks back at him.

SAYURI: Ryu-kun, what's-

RYUKEN: Were they- were they blue?

GENJI: W- what?

RYUKEN: Were they blue?

GENJI: ... what was blue?

RYUKEN: The sunglasses!

SAYURI: Y- yeah. They were blue.

Ryuken's eyes brighten up as he begins to crack a wide smile.

SAYURI: W- what's wrong, Ryu-kun?

RYUKEN: ... he's in town.

GENJI: ... who's in-

Ryuken sprints between them and dashes away.

GENJI: Woah!

SAYURI: R- Ryu-kun! Where are you-

RYUKEN: Sorry guys, I had to go. I'll see you next week. BYE!!!

GENJI: W- what?

SAYURI: B- bye?

Ryuken runs further and further away, leaving the two behind.

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ... what was that all about?

SAYURI: Maybe he... expected someone?

GENJI: Hmm... (continues walking)

SAYURI: (walks by him)

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: Uh... I'll be leaving here.

SAYURI: Oh? To the stall?

GENJI: Yeah. I'll be helping my old man all night.

SAYURI: How is he?

GENJI: He's fine. He's doing well.

SAYURI: It has been a while.

GENJI: You can come by anytime. It'll be my treat.

SAYURI: Oh, um...

Sayuri hesitates for a second as Genji stands by.

GENJI: ...

SAYURI: ... whenever Ryu-kun's free, I could-

GENJI: Oh, definitely! Like... bring him too. It's better when it's all of us.

SAYURI: Uh, yeah...

GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...


GENJI: ...

SAYURI: ... I'll- I'll be going then.

GENJI: ... alright. See you next week.

SAYURI: See you.

Both Genji and Sayuri go their separate ways.


Ryuken dashes by the street, turning every corner, closer and closer to his home.

As he reaches closely, he sees a dark green car parked outside his house from afar.

Thrilled, he sprints towards it, passes by the car, turns to the house, runs up the stairs, into the front yard, bolts to the door, reaches for the knob, turns it-

THE MAN: Hey! What's with the rush?

Ryuken froze by the door after hearing a familiar voice.

He turns to see the man, laying on the grassy yard, hands under his head with his legs crossed, peacefully watching the orange sky.

The man pulls his sunglasses down and looks at Ryuken with a proud smirk on his face.

THE MAN: You miss me or something?

Ryuken's eyes glow brighter and brighter, not without cracking a delighted smile.

RYUKEN: Uncle Yuugi!

End of Chapter 16

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