《Demon Blade》Chapter 14: A Key to a Good Morning
Fujimaru Residence. Morning.
In the living room, a woman is looking inside her purse, shuffling everything inside like she's lost something.
KAEDE: (sighs) Where is it now?
She then walks to the staircase, looks up and yells out a name.
KAEDE: Yuki!!!
A young girl is sitting in front of her mirror, finishing brushing her long, dark purple hair.
She places her brush on the mirror desk. We see a photograph leaning on the mirror.
It shows a small girl with an adult man playing in the snow, bright smiles across their faces.
As she was about to reach for her hairband, a voice calls out to her from below.
KAEDE: Yuki!!!
She immediately responds.
KAEDE: Did you see my cardkey?! It's not in my bag!
TSUYUKI: Hold on!
Tsuyuki ties up her hair into a long ponytail in front of the mirror and quickly rose up.
Tsuyuki leaves her room to her mom's room, but her foot suddenly stepped on something.
She looks down and sees her mom's cardkey under her feet. She picks it up and rushes down the stairs.
KAEDE: Ah! You found it!
TSUYUKI: You dropped it. (gives the cardkey)
KAEDE: (chuckles) I can't trust myself with anything. (grabs it) Thank you!
TSUYUKI: You're going now?
KAEDE: I have to. Gotta be ready before my boss arrives.
Tsuyuki glances at some files scattered across the dinner table, some looks opened and unfinished.
TSUYUKI: ... when did you sleep?
KAEDE: Oh, just after you came back.
Tsuyuki frowns, not believing her mom's answer.
She goes to the table and starts arranging the files into the empty file box.
KAEDE: Ah, Yuki! Let me-
TSUYUKI: That's okay. (cleaning up) Have you eaten?
KAEDE: (wearing her blazer) Ah... I just drank a bottle of Vital Booster.
TSUYUKI: (disgust) Mom... I told you not to drink that junk.
KAEDE: (yawns) It works, though.
TSUYUKI: (carries the box) That doesn't mean it's good.
KAEDE: (wearing shoes) Okay... just leave it there, and I'll-
TSUYUKI: I'll bring it to the car with you.
KAEDE: Oh... (chuckles) Thank you.
Kaede opens the door to leave the house while Tsuyuki follows her with the file box.
At the top of the roof, a mysterious figure silently observes both Tsuyuki and Kaede walking to the car.
He takes his chance and drops to the lower roof, outside Tsuyuki's window.
He tries to open it, but it's locked from the inside.
The figure, equipped with a silver ring on his right hand, forms a blue energy sphere from it and flattens it into a long, thin strip, thin enough to slide through the windowsill.
With the motion of his hand, he pushes the energy strip to slide inside and climb up to the window lock.
As the strip reaches closer to the top, the edge of the strip transforms into a claw-like appendage that grabs the small lock, unlocking it.
Kaede opens her car door and grabs the box from Tsuyuki's hand, placing it next to the driver's seat.
KAEDE: There we go. There are some leftovers in the fridge. You can make yourself some breakfast.
TSUYUKI: You want me to pack some for lunch?
KAEDE: That's okay, Yuki. I don't have much time now.
Kaede enters her car, shuts her door and starts up her engine.
Tsuyuki watches her mother quietly, wondering if she could help more.
Kaede pulls down her car window and smiles at Tsuyuki.
KAEDE: ... Yuki?
KAEDE: You want cheesecake tonight?
TSUYUKI: Ah! And- and the... and the-
KAEDE: Raspberry jam? (winks) Gotcha!
TSUYUKI: (smiles faintly) Take care, mom.
KAEDE: You too! (drives away) Bye, Yuki!
Kaede waves her hand out. Tsuyuki weakly waves back.
TSUYUKI: ... bye.
Tsuyuki watches her mother drives away, wishing her all the luck for her work meeting.
The blue energy strip transforms into elevating blocks, pushing the windowsill upwards.
He peeks inside the room, looks around and-
KENZAKI: ...?!
Tsuyuki shuts the door and walks to the staircase.
She then remembers about the leftovers, glances at the kitchen and goes there instead.
She opens the fridge and sees a few plates of food.
She grabs one out and saw a pack of Vital Booster mini bottles behind it.
She glares at it with a disgusted scowl.
A few minutes have passed. No one has come upstairs.
Feeling safe, Kenzaki enters Tsuyuki's room and searches around.
He goes through her desk and the drawer underneath. Nothing.
He goes to the bookshelf, checking every corner. Nothing.
He goes to her cabinet, checks inside and pulls some drawers within. He pulls one drawer and sees her undergarments.
KENZAKI: (blushes)
He closes it. Nothing.
He continues to look around the room, but still nothing.
Feeling lost, he wonders where Tsuyuki would have kept it.
He looks at her bed and notices her schoolbag over her pillows.
Curious, he walks to it and-
Thump! Thump!
His eyes widen in terror, hearing those footsteps getting louder and louder.
Tsuyuki enters her room to grab her bag but immediately spotted that her window was open.
Puzzled, she walks to it and looks outside for a moment, wondering if she left it open.
Under her bed, Kenzaki lies down on his chest, quietly breathing as he sees her feet walking to the window.
Tsuyuki closes her window, not feeling suspicious in the slightest, and proceeds to grab her bag from the bed.
Kenzaki sees her feet walking from the bed to the door.
She opens it, ready to leave-
-but she stops.
At the last second, her eye catches the leaning photograph on the mirror desk. Quietly staring at it from a short distance, she walks towards it and lifts the photograph, staring deeply into it.
She approaches her bed, sits on it and places her bag on the ground near it.
Calmly sitting by herself, her eyes faintly glows as she longingly stares at the smiling man in the photograph, not without cracking a soft, peaceful smile.
She lies down on her bed, holding the picture closer to her chest and silently stares beyond the ceiling.
She takes a moment to herself, a moment to reminisce.
She then slowly gets up, walks back to the mirror and opens a drawer underneath, safely keeping the photograph inside.
She grabs her bag from the ground and notices it partially zipped open.
She zips it close, walks to the door, turns off the lights and proceeds to leave.
As she closes her door, unbeknownst to her, we see Kenzaki under the bed, who has conjured a blue energy rope that suspends in the air.
Attached at the edge of the rope, we see it grabbing a metal skeleton key, with a familiar symbol embedded into its bow.
Tsuyuki locks the house door on her way out. As she walks away-
... rattle...
-a noise can be heard from the side of the house. Curious, she walks towards it.
Kenzaki is on the lower roof outside her room, with his back on the wall, trying to not make any more noises.
KENZAKI: (sweats nervously)
As she walks closer to the source of the sound-
-a wild marten walks out, surprising Tsuyuki.
The marten digs into the grass, searching for a grub.
Fascinated, Tsuyuki slowly approaches the marten, hoping to pet it.
The marten stops digging and looks at her with its marbled eyes, wagging its tail.
As she takes more and more steps, closer and closer-
TSUYUKI: (holding her breath)
-the marten scurries away-
-leaving her sights.
Disappointed, she turns away and proceeds to go to school.
Kenzaki quietly drops down to the ground and leaves the scene.
9 hours later.
In the second-floor hallway of Mizuno High, many students could not move away as they witness an event unlike any other. None could predict it, and none could understand the reasons behind it.
After a loud clash between the Student Council Vice-President and the supposed president of the official-turned-unofficial "The Search of the Extraordinary Club", a female student from Kokyu High, who just walked into the school grounds, is now choking the Student Council President, not before she effortlessly slammed him to the wall with one hand.
"Wh- who is that?!"
"Did that just happen?!"
"Is that a Kokyu uniform?"
"Do they know each other?"
"Why did she attack him?!"
A multitude of questions are racing in each of them, but none are as worried and shocked as Wakiko, seeing her respected president in such a painful manner.
WAKIKO: Sempai...
Even Ryuken, who know those two, has no clue what has happened between them.
RYUKEN: Kenzaki-sempai... Fujimaru-san...
Away from inquisitive ears, Kenzaki and Tsuyuki are taking their time with their "discussion".
KENZAKI: ... I can't take that risk, Tsuyuki.
TSUYUKI: ... what?
KENZAKI: Leaving you with a Gatekey... may risk the chance of you ruining my plan... to register Ryuken to the Academy.
Tsuyuki was taken aback by his actual answer.
KENZAKI: You could visit Central anytime... and report to them about him, and I would not have the chance to stop you. So, I stole it.
TSUYUKI: (stares angrily) ... you-
KENZAKI: After last night, even after facing us, the only saving grace that could change everything, is that you could simply walk into Central, and do what you wished we would have done.
KENZAKI: I even stayed back there for a few hours, just in case you decided to visit late at night-
Tsuyuki chokes him harder.
TSUYUKI: You slimy sack of S***! For someone who overthinks, you could have just asked me for the damn key!
KENZAKI: ... I know. But I have a feeling-
KENZAKI: It's only a possibility, but I know that asking you... or even ordering you for it, would not be easy.
KENZAKI: You wanted reinforcements for the Stone Ape; I denied. You wanted to report Ryuken to Central; I denied again. You're willing to charge me for treason; I was willing to charge you for insubordination. Nothing went the way you wanted. But your Gatekey... is your only chance of changing that.
KENZAKI: Imagine... if I go to you and ordered you to give it to me, would you do it?
KENZAKI: You may be reluctant at first, and still oblige, feeling bitter the whole day. Or-
KENZAKI: -you can choose not to... and strike me down where I stand.
TSUYUKI: (eyes widen)
KENZAKI: Think about it, Tsuyuki. What I said... even if it's the tiniest possibility... you know you could have done it.
Tsuyuki quietly thinks to herself, wondering if she would do what Kenzaki thought she might.
TSUYUKI: ... and risk another criminal charge for assaulting my commanding officer?
TSUYUKI: Whatever you wanna do to Ryuken, be my guest. I don't care. His life is not worth getting more dirt in my record. At least... not yet.
TSUYUKI: You think you know me, but you don't. Just because you can detect souls, doesn't mean you can read them.
TSUYUKI: You wasted your time, Kenzaki. And worse, you wasted mine. So why don't you just give it back to me, and I'll make sure I'll be more compliant next time.
KENZAKI: I can't just give it to you-
TSUYUKI: (chokes harder) Do you know what DAY it is?!
KENZAKI: Erggh...
TSUYUKI: It's Thursday, which means... some Enforcement officers are waiting for me to come to their door anytime now. I never missed a day, and I don't want to test their patience. You understand?!
KENZAKI: Then... I'll go with you.
She breathes out a frustrating sigh after hearing his response.
TSUYUKI: (scoffs) Fine. Meet me near the storeroom. I'll be the-
KENZAKI: I have... other things to settle-
TSUYUKI: You have settled enough!
Tsuyuki chokes him tighter, staring sharp daggers into him.
KENZAKI: ... ergh...
TSUYUKI: ... make it quick.
Tsuyuki lets go of him, dropping Kenzaki as he coughs air out while rubbing his bruised neck.
KENZAKI: (gasping for air)
TSUYUKI: You know what's worst... than you, breaking into my home... and stealing from me?
TSUYUKI: You... not trusting me.
After one last deathly glare, Tsuyuki turns around and walks away from Kenzaki, leaving him slightly in a mess.
Along the hallway, eyes all over her, she took a quick moment to glance at Ryuken, giving him a mean glare.
Ryuken notices, feeling unwelcome in her eyes.
As Tsuyuki leaves the hallway, chatter begins to erupt from the surrounding students, huddling together to speak on what they just saw.
Wakiko rushes to Kenzaki to aid him.
WAKIKO: Sempai! Are you-
KENZAKI: I'm fine, Wakiko. (rubs neck)
WAKIKO: I can get the first aid-
KENZAKI: There's no need. We- we have a lot of work we need to handle first.
WAKIKO: You- you don't have to-
KENZAKI: We have to hurry.
Kenzaki walks towards the Student Council room, while Wakiko stands silently, worrying for her president.
KENZAKI: (turns around) Wakiko?
WAKIKO: Oh! Uh... yes!
Kenzaki and Wakiko walk away together along the hallway, catching the attention of the other students.
"Who was she?"
"Was she her girlfriend?"
"What did he do to her?"
"Did you see how angry she was?!"
"What can you expect from guys like him?"
"He probably deserved it."
Concerned, Wakiko glances at Kenzaki, looking quite steady, despite the waves of words rolling around him.
Ryuken watches both of them walking away, feeling worried as well.
GENJI: See what I mean!
GENJI: I told you! You can't trust that guy.
RYUKEN: Uh... no, no, no. You're misunderstanding.
GENJI: What do you mean?! You saw what happened!
RYUKEN: I- I know. But it's not what you think.
SAYURI: Y- yeah. It probably wasn't-
JURI: It all looks clear to me.
GENJI: Right?
JURI: Our glorious Student Council President of Mizuno High was just visited by another fellow Student Council President of Kokyu High. There are now entangled in a web of drama, romance, thrills and excitement, as they compete against one another to be the best Student Council President in all of Japan. She came to warn him, but her steaming anger from when he pranked her by packaging raisin-filled muffins in a muffin box that CLEARLY says "Chocolate Chip Muffins" when she was just 8 years old, could not be contained. They have been sworn enemies from the start, but the war has only just begun...
The rest of them were befuddled by Juri's long-winded "explanation".
GENJI: ...
RYUKEN: ... um... that's... uh-
GENJI: No, no, no. It's much more simpler than that. While I do appreciate the very wild and creative answer, it's clear that they're a couple. Or should I say... "were" a couple.
RYUKEN: Y- you can't just say that!
SAYURI: But... it kinda does make sense...
RYUKEN: S- Sayuri!
SAYURI: I- I mean... I still have respect for him, but... even he has a life outside of school.
GENJI: Yeah, tricking unsuspecting girls is definitely a hobby of his.
JURI: I guess Kokyu girls are hotter, huh?
GENJI: I bet he cheated on her with a girl from middle school. People like him would only go for the young ones.
RYUKEN: No, that's not-
GENJI: Could you believe that his mom was about our age when she married the old geezer?! Eughh... just thinking about it grosses me out.
SAYURI: I mean, just because his father was like that, doesn't mean he would be.
GENJI: They're all the same! Even his older brother got his hands on a minor once.
JURI: Woah... are the Tetsunouji's really that bad?
GENJI: Have you been living under a rock?
JURI: I'm only into the weird conspiracies. The freakier, the better.
GENJI: It's worse than conspiracy. This is real life we're talking about. With real people.
SAYURI: Maybe we shouldn't talk too much about this. Most of them are still rumours.
GENJI: They're not rumours! They're all real! Even our "darling" Student Council President is no exception. In the end, he's just another shady, slimy, rich k-
Ryuken's sudden outburst shocked the rest of them silent.
GENJI: ...
JURI: ...
RYUKEN: Ken- Kenzaki-sempai is... is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Not everything is true, alright? Like, just because it was a girl from another school, doesn't mean they're in a relationship or something. They- they definitely know each other, but again, not romantic or anything. It's just... maybe it's... a little more complicated than we think. But- but it doesn't mean he's a bad person, okay? He's- he's better than that!
GENJI: ...
JURI: ...
RYUKEN: ... he is.
GENJI: ...
JURI: ...
RYUKEN: ... an- anyway... I should go to... the dojo. I can't... skip another class. Matsunaga-san would kill me.
GENJI: ...
JURI: ...
RYUKEN: I- I'll see you later.
Ryuken weakly waves at them and hurriedly leaves the scene.
JURI: ...
GENJI: ...
SAYURI: ... maybe we went a bit too far.
JURI: We? It was mostly this guy here.
GENJI: When did Ryuken suddenly become defensive of that creep?
SAYURI: The last time they met, it kinda ended... awkwardly.
JURI: Yeah. He ran like a wuss after shaking his hand.
SAYURI: Juri... it didn't happen like that...
GENJI: ... what happens after?
SAYURI: Nothing happened.
GENJI: ... nothing that you know of?
SAYURI: Uh... yeah.
GENJI: Hmm... you think they meet up after school?
SAYURI: Well, I don't really know...
GENJI: Oh, man... I don't want my friend to get caught with that creeps' business...
JURI: ... WELL... today was an interesting, fruitless day. Things didn't go the way I wanted, but something else happens that is worth capturing either way. (shuts her camera off)
GENJI: ... wait, you got all that on camera?
JURI: Yep!
GENJI: Hey, can you share me the footage?
JURI: Nope!
GENJI: Wha? What's the point of getting all that?
JURI: Just because I record it, doesn't mean I'm gonna show it to people.
GENJI: Come on... imagine the views we can get. "Tetsunouji High School Scandal! Caught On Camera!". If we make some money, we can split it. 50:50.
GENJI: Okay... 60:40. You'll get 60, of course.
JURI: Hmm... still no.
GENJI: Alright... 65:35. Final offer.
JURI: (laughs) Not a chance.
GENJI: Hmm... then why do you bring a camera all the time?
JURI: (chuckles mischievously) Even someone who loves secrets has secrets of her own...
GENJI: ... wha?
Sayuri quietly stares where Ryuken went and whispers to herself.
SAYURI: ... Ryu-kun. Whatever happens, I hope you can get through it.
A taller, muscular student with short, spiky hair is yelling at Ryuken at the dojo entrance.
Ryuken looks fearfully uncomfortable.
DAISUKE: You didn't come to practice yesterday, and today you came in LATE!
RYUKEN: ... y- yeah, I kno-
DAISUKE: You might as well not come at ALL!
RYUKEN: S- sorry for my lateness, Matsunaga-
DAISUKE: Do you think we could just accept this kind of behaviour in this DOJO?!
RYUKEN: ... n- no-
DAISUKE: NO! Everyone in this dojo should have... (counts his fingers one by one) Confidence! Discipline! Commitment! Determination! ...
RYUKEN: ... fo-
DAISUKE: FOCUS! And tell me Ishinara, do you have all of those?
RYUKEN: ... um... I-
DAISUKE: NO, YOU DON'T! Not a single OUNCE can be spotted in you!
Ryuken looks down in shame.
DAISUKE: You have to be the WORST club member this dojo ever got! You're lucky to even step in here in the FIRST place!
DAISUKE: And you know what... you might as well not step in here ever again.
RYUKEN: ... uh?
DAISUKE: You heard what I said. Go on. Join the History Club for all I care.
RYUKEN: (looks down)
DAISUKE: Pathetic... to think that you wanted to be part of-
A bamboo sword hits him on the head.
AYAKA: Would you stop messing with the rookie already? You're gonna make us lose a lot of potential champions if you keep going like this.
A young girl with dark green hair came from behind while resting the bamboo sword on her shoulder.
DAISUKE: (massages his head) Kuh... I'm just... toughening him up, Ichiyoshi-sempai. The rookie's gonna face it someday.
AYAKA: If that's true... today would not be the day for that.
RYUKEN: Um... Ichiyoshi-sempai?
RYUKEN: I'm... really sorry for not attending yesterday's practice. I was... I had some problems I had to-
DAISUKE: Don't even THINK that you can get away with excuses like th-
DAISUKE: AHH!!! It's the same spot!
AYAKA: That's enough, Daisuke. Go warm up the rest.
DAISUKE: (growls softly) ... alright... (walks to the other members)
AYAKA: Yish... if that's what I'll be if I get first place, I might as well be a loser forever.
RYUKEN: I- Ichiyoshi-sempai...
AYAKA: Oh? Ah!
She pats on Ryuken's shoulder with a bright smile across her face.
AYAKA: No worries, no worries. I don't care why you're late. I just want you to be comfortable in this dojo, and learn as best as you can.
AYAKA: (chuckles slyly, whispers) You know... I used to be late all the time back when I was a junior. The last president did not enjoy that at all. Mocking me and such. "You'll never be the Club President with that attitude." Well-
Ayaka proudly spreads her arm.
AYAKA: Look who's president NOW!
AYAKA: Well... I still come in late as usual... but at least there's no one here to tell me what I can't do! (laughs proudly)
COACH: ICHIYOSHI AYAKA! Quit slacking around!
AYAKA: AH! Eheh... except for the coach. Get your gear on, Ryuken. Time to swing your hearts out!
RYUKEN: Ah... yes, Sempai!
Ryuken walks in to get his gear. Another member with a brown, bowl-cut is seen wearing his.
CHOHEI: Ryuken! You came!
RYUKEN: Chohei-san.
CHOHEI: You got me worried. Thought you were gonna quit.
RYUKEN: (chuckles nervously) Well... that's not impossible at this rate.
CHOHEI: Come on. It's only been a couple of weeks. Wait another month, and then you quit.
RYUKEN: Um... really?
CHOHEI: Uh... (chuckles nervously) Don't listen to what I said. That was a bad joke. So, what happened? You don't feel like practising yesterday?
RYUKEN: W- well... a lot was going on...
CHOHEI: Ah... complicated stuff. But hey, if you don't mind sharing, I know a guy who's also... complicated.
Chohei strikes a confident smile and points a thumb at himself.
Ryuken blankly stares at him, not getting it.
CHOHEI: ... it's... it's me. I'm the... I'm the complica- ah, forget it.
RYUKEN: I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't know you were joking.
CHOHEI: Ah... don't feel sorry. I get that a lot. Well, actually... not a lot. I don't often... talk to- (shakes his head) Ah! Never mind! Anyways-
RYUKEN: (tries to tie his armour)
CHOHEI: Oh! Let me help you with that.
RYUKEN: Ah... you don't have to-
CHOHEI: Hey... you need help, you get help.
RYUKEN: ... thank you, Chohei-san.
CHOHEI: No problem. You need a sparring partner, too?
RYUKEN: Ah... thank you, Chohei-san.
CHOHEI: Alright. Well, since you didn't come yesterday, you missed the opportunity of me teaching you my... super, secret technique.
RYUKEN: Oh? (chuckles shyly) I forgot about that...
CHOHEI: So, for today... I'm gonna teach you... TWO of my super, secret techniques. So, don't blink.
RYUKEN: (smiles) Yes, Chohei-san!
The two of them join the rest of the members for their usual practice session.
Kenzaki is walking towards the old storeroom all by himself.
He looks around, searching for Tsuyuki.
Kenzaki turns to the sound above and sees Tsuyuki up in a tree.
TSUYUKI: Quite an early bird, aren't you?
KENZAKI: ... I tried to come as fast as I-
TSUYUKI: Ah, just shut up! (drops down) I feel tired talking to you any longer. (pulls a metal button) Just open it.
KENZAKI: ... alright.
They both place their metal buttons at their chest, transforming into their Exorcist uniforms.
Kenzaki pulls out the Gatekey and gently pushes it forwards the empty air.
He turns it clockwise. The symbol on the bow shines a faint light, emitting a soft ringing.
From the tip of the Gatekey, a small glimmer suddenly expands into a white, bright, rectangular doorway.
We see nothing but shining white light inside.
KENZAKI: (turns to Tsuyuki)
TSUYUKI: ... lead the way, squad commander.
Hesitant yet steady, Kenzaki puts the Gatekey in his pocket and walks towards the Gateway, followed by Tsuyuki.
They both enter the door until they could no longer be seen, as if engulfed by the light.
The Gateway, piece by piece, slowly dissipates, until it finally disappears into thin air, leaving nothing to trace.
End of Chapter 14
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