《Demon Blade》Chapter 11: To Lure a Predator
RYUKEN: So, I just have to take this off?
MIE: Yep, it's that easy.
RYUKEN: Okay...
Ryuken takes off the paper seal from his stomach.
RYUKEN: Alright. Sawai-san, here's the pap-
It starts to burn in his hand.
He immediately lets go of the seal as it slowly burns on its descent to the ground.
MIE: Oops... (chuckles embarrassingly) I forgot to mention... it does that...
RYUKEN: What?! That could have burned me!
MIE: Relaaax. It's just for show. It doesn't hurt.
RYUKEN: For show?
MIE: Once you pull it off, it's already useless. So, it disappears.
RYUKEN: By burning?!
MIE: (shrugs shoulders) That's just how it is.
RYUKEN: Right...
KENZAKI: Now that that's done...
RYUKEN: ... ah?
KENZAKI: We'll just have to wait.
Kenzaki walks in front of Ryuken and silently stands still, as he stares beyond the grove of trees in front of him.
KOUGA: Yo, Ryuken. Mind holding the bag for me? (hands the sword bag)
RYUKEN: Oh, I should hold onto that, actually. (grabs the sword bag) Thanks, Kouga-san.
KOUGA: Thanks, buddy. I just need to do some stretching before the big guy shows up.
RYUKEN: Oh... right...
Ryuken slowly sits down on the grassy ground, next to Kouga who's twisting his hips.
Mie notices Tsuyuki sitting alone on the grass, and walk towards her.
KOUGA: (on the ground, trying to reach his toes) Erggh...
RYUKEN: (looks down, feeling worried)
KOUGA: ... what's wrong, buddy?
RYUKEN: ... I don't... know about this plan, Kouga-san... it's... starting to get to me.
KOUGA: What?! Don't tell me you forgot who came up with it in the first place?
RYUKEN: (murmurs regretfully)
28 minutes ago, under the streetlight.
KOUGA: I could just... run around the town until I find him.
TSUYUKI: And search every corner and alley? Our town is not that big, but it's still big for the five of us. (glances at Ryuken)
TSUYUKI: (whispers) ... four of us.
KENZAKI: What's important is that we have to search the rooftops. The Stone Ape has a knack for... surprising introductions...
MIE: I could use some seals that could detect any weird movements around town.
KENZAKI: Do you have them?
MIE: W- well... I haven't... made them yet... (smiles shyly)
TSUYUKI: And if she does, what does "weird movements" even mean?
KENZAKI: We have no choice but to find him the natural way. Search every part of the town for any weird tracks that the Demon might leave. Hopefully, we could find him by morning.
TSUYUKI: Morning?! We won't even get to find him in a week!
KENZAKI: We have to start somewhere.
TSUYUKI: Why can't Mie just make a new seal for backpack kid here every day?
RYUKEN: B- backpack?
TSUYUKI: If the Stone Ape can't find him in a couple of days, he might just leave the town and search elsewhere.
KENZAKI: I don't think the Stone Ape would give up that easily.
TSUYUKI: Then, what then?! We can't track him, and none of us are good enough to find him with our first five senses!
RYUKEN: ... y- you can't track him?
TSUYUKI: Didn't you hear me?! What are you, dea-
KENZAKI: Tsuyuki.
TSUYUKI: (scoffs, looks away while crossing her arms)
KENZAKI: No, we can't, Ryuken. What's annoying about these Level Fours and Fives is that they're skilled enough to hide their Sense. We could... ask for Rangers to help us, but... (glances at Tsuyuki) ... I'm afraid if we report this, they might investigate deeper, and... it may lead them to you.
RYUKEN: But... but Demons can track their own kind, right?
KENZAKI: Yes, but very likely, only the ones that they are familiar with.
RYUKEN: And that... Stone Ape... is tracking after me?
KOUGA: Well... yeah. That's why we're thinking of a way to not have him do that anymore.
RYUKEN: ... but you shouldn't.
RYUKEN: ... what if...
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
RYUKEN: What if you... make me the bait?
KENZAKI: (shocked)
KOUGA: Woah, what?!
MIE: Ishinara-san! That's not-
RYUKEN: No, think about it! All of you wanted to take him down together, right? If you take the seal off, then... then the Stone Ape will just... come after me, and... you just need to take care of the rest.
MIE: But, that's...
KOUGA: Er...
RYUKEN: R- right?
KENZAKI: ... that's not a bad idea.
MIE: Kenzaki-kun!
KOUGA: Wait, you shouldn't-
KENZAKI: The only problem with this plan... is that you'll be exposed to the danger, Ryuken.
KENZAKI: (looks away) And I can't imagine putting you in that position.
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
RYUKEN: Kenzaki-sempai... I don't want to play this cat-and-mouse game forever. It has to end someway.
RYUKEN: I know I'll be in danger, sempai. But I don't want to trouble anyone anymore. If anything, I want to end this by tonight.
KENZAKI: (stares at Ryuken)
RYUKEN: I trust that all of you will protect me. I'm only asking to be useful... just this once.
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
KENZAKI: ... everyone, listen to me. (faces the rest) Here is the plan. We're going to head to the outskirts of Machi Town, away from the people. Once we're there, we'll remove the seal and wait for the Stone Ape. (faces Ryuken) Ryuken, when the time comes, I need you to hide and stay safely away from the fight. The rest of us will keep the Stone Ape busy, so get ready.
TSUYUKI: (stares coldly)
MIE: (mutters agitatedly)
KOUGA: (chuckles anxiously) We're- we're doing this, huh?
KENZAKI: Our job as Exorcist tonight is to take down the Stone Ape, once and for all. But, remember... our top priority, is Ishinara Ryuken.
KENZAKI: No matter what happens, if he is in any danger, we have to protect him, at all costs. Understand?
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
KOUGA: (smiles nervously) As crazy as this plan is... it's kinda exciting, don't you think?
MIE: (anxious) Ah... my first Level Four...
KOUGA: (chuckles) Who am I kidding? At times like these, (fist bumps his palm, smiles eagerly) you gotta take a leap, right?
MIE: (building courage) Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm in! I'm in!
KENZAKI: Tsuyuki...
TSUYUKI: (sighs vexingly) ... sure.
KENZAKI: ... then, it's settled.
KOUGA: Wooooooooooooooooo!!! (pats Ryuken's shoulder) Ryuken!
KOUGA: To tell you the truth, I kinda underestimated ya. But I see it now. You got balls, buddy.
RYUKEN: Um... thank you?
KOUGA: Alllllll-Riiiiiight!!! Let's kick his sorry-ass ape butt back to hell!!!
At the forest outskirts of Machi Town, the five of them are waiting for their demonic foe.
Kenzaki is on the trees, observing carefully. Ryuken is sitting down on the ground, with bags, front and back. Kouga is still stretching, while Mie is mending Tsuyuki's hand. A faint light is glowing from Mie's hands.
MIE: ...
MIE: (glances at Tsuyuki)
TSUYUKI: (notices her)
MIE: (quickly looks away) ... um... I think it's done.
Tsuyuki looks at her bruised hand. She slowly tries to move her fingers.
TSUYUKI: (flinches) Errgh!
MIE: Ah! Are you hurt? Let me-
TSUYUKI: No. It's... it's fine...
MIE: I'm... I'm sorry, Yuki-chan. I'm... not that good of a healer.
TSUYUKI: (stands up) You don't have to feel sorry, Mie.
She tightly clenches her fist, ignoring the pain.
TSUYUKI: ... you have done enough.
MIE: ... well, (stands up) at least let me wrap it first.
Mie pulls a long piece of white cotton cloth from inside her sleeves, rips it off, and proceeds to bandage Tsuyuki's hand.
After finally stretching, Kouga sits down on the ground and pulls out his fingerless gloves from his pocket.
KOUGA: (chuckles) Finally... after months, I get to use these bad boys. (wears them) And on a Level Four?! (chuckles) This is gonna be good...
RYUKEN: ... gloves?
KOUGA: (shows his hand to Ryuken) Oh, you'll see... (chuckles) I gotta let my Steel Gloves feel some real Demon flesh once in a while.
RYUKEN: ... those are fabric.
KOUGA: (laughs) Yeah... they sure are...
Kouga pulls out a blue sports headband with a red cougar symbol on it.
RYUKEN: What's that?
KOUGA: Oh, this... it's...
He longingly stares at the headband with sad eyes.
KOUGA: ... it's nothing.
Kenzaki, standing on a tree branch, notices a figure moving from afar. He quickly leaps from tree to tree until he lands on the ground near the others.
KENZAKI: He's near. Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Ah... okay!
Ryuken stands up and walks away with all his bags.
KENZAKI: Ryuken!
RYUKEN: (halts, looks back)
KENZAKI: Don't come out, unless I told you to.
RYUKEN: A- alright!
He walks into the forest and stays behind a bush.
KENZAKI: Everyone... get ready.
Kouga stands up and wears the headband on his forehead, not without cracking an excited smile.
KOUGA: ... about time.
The four of them stand side by side together. They all take out their metal buttons and place them on their chest. Strands of glowing threads appear and sew itself on each of their bodies, forming military-like uniforms.
Kenzaki fits on a turquoise uniform, Tsuyuki wears a green uniform, while Mie & Kouga both wear grey uniforms.
Mie folds both of her sleeves, revealing a white cotton bandage, wrapped on both of her arms.
Kouga, with his gloves on, fist bumps his palm. Pieces of metal starts layering from his fingers, to his palm, and finally to his wrist.
Tsuyuki pulls out her skinless pencil. She flicks her wrist towards the ground and the pencil transforms into a long, wooden staff.
RYUKEN: (staring from the bush) ... Woah.
Kenzaki touches his ring, preparing for the Stone Ape to arrive.
Sounds of giant footsteps slowly approaching can be heard, getting louder and louder. The four of them silently waits for their foe.
A shadowy figure can be seen from the trees, getting bigger, getting closer.
A body made of soil and rock. Fist as large as boulders. Standing at 2-storeys high. Our four, young Exorcist, are about to face their first Level Four Demon: Beirul, the Stone Ape.
BEIRUL: (stares menacingly)
TSUYUKI: (glares silently)
MIE: (sweating nervously)
KOUGA: (smiles eagerly)
KENZAKI: ... I expected you to crash down from the sky like earlier.
BEIRUL: ... there is no need. I have a clear mind on what I need to do.
KENZAKI: And that is?
BEIRUL: To find that boy... so I could seek the answer I wish for.
RYUKEN: (quietly breathing, sweats nervously)
KENZAKI: The answers?
BEIRUL: Unlike others of my kind, I do not wish to harm you humans. My only wish is to search for my Master.
TSUYUKI: ... Master?
KENZAKI: Who do you serve?
BEIRUL: You don't deserve to learn who I serve. To utter his name in front of you would only be a waste of his excellency.
KOUGA: Jeez... sounds like a pompous prick.
TSUYUKI: (glares silently)
MIE: (squeals anxiously)
KOUGA: (readies his fighting stance)
KENZAKI: ... Demon, I do have one question.
BEIRUL: ... you may speak.
KENZAKI: Once you seek this boy, what would you do to him?
BEIRUL: ... I would want to know... how and why... does Master's Sense rings from within him.
KENZAKI: And... if you don't get the answers you wished for?
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
BEIRUL: ... then...
BEIRUL: ... he would be... of no use to me.
KENZAKI: So... you would leave him be?
BEIRUL: Leave him?
BEIRUL: No. I would do whatever I can... to free my Master...
BEIRUL: ... even if I have to crush him for it.
RYUKEN: (frightened)
KENZAKI: ... unfortunately, Demon... I cannot let you freely do as you wish.
BEIRUL: Where is the boy?
KENZAKI: (his ring starts to shine) As Exorcist, I vowed to the Code-
BEIRUL: I can Sense my Master. He is near...
KENZAKI: (blue energy glows from the ring) -to protect the supernatural balance of the world-
Tsuyuki starts spinning her staff above her head.
BEIRUL: Where did you hide the boy?
KENZAKI: (the blue energy forms into a greatsword) -to keep our demonic foes away from the unknowing masses-
She spins it faster.
BEIRUL: Where did you hide him?!
A strong wind circles around her.
Tsuyuki slashes her staff down to the ground. Attached at the end of the staff reveals a Bardiche/Voulge-like blade that forms from the wind.
KENZAKI: (grips the greatsword with both hands) -and expel them, if we must.
Beirul slams his fist at the four of them.
KENZAKI: Spread out!
Kenzaki, Tsuyuki & Mie leaps away, dodging the fist, while Kouga backflips away from the impact.
He then jumps on the fist, runs up his arms, and delivers a hard punch on Beirul's face, before cracking a proud smirk.
KOUGA: Hah! How did that feel, you-
BEIRUL: (grabs Kouga)
BEIRUL: (flings him to the trees)
Tsuyuki notices Kouga flying in the air.
TSUYUKI: (scoffs) Idiot!
MIE: Kouga-kun!!!
MIE: Y- Yuki-chan!
TSUYUKI: I'll give you an opening! Don't waste it!
Tsuyuki runs towards Beirul, who aims another fist at her. She dodges it, and slashes his knees, forcing him to kneel down.
BEIRUL: Erggh!!!
Mie closes in onto Beirul, and attached a seal on his leg, before running away.
BEIRUL: You little-
His knees exploded, crumbled as he fell down to the ground.
BEIRUL: (grunts in pain)
Ryuken witnessed everything, his eyes widen in shock and awe.
Kenzaki jumps on Beirul's back above his head. Beirul notices and rotates his head around to face him.
As Kenzaki lifts his energy greatsword to strike, Beirul attacks Kenzaki with his fist, surprising him out of nowhere.
Kenzaki quickly conjures an energy shield before the fist breaks it in impact, forcibly pushes Kenzaki to the ground.
KENZAKI: (grunts)
MIE: Kenzaki-kun!
Mie runs to Kenzaki to his aid as Beirul slowly gets up while regenerating his leg.
Tsuyuki, from a distance, spins her spear above her head, creating a small tornado around her. Charging up her spear, she abruptly stops spinning, and slashes it down-
-firing a wind slash at the Demon.
Beirul quickly notices and blocks it by raising his fist in front of his face.
Tsuyuki keeps on firing multiple wind slashes as Beirul continues blocking them.
BEIRUL: (resisting)
TSUYUKI: (pants heavily)
But Tsuyuki starts to slow down as she runs out of breath.
Beirul then stabs at the ground and lifts a huge chunk of the earth. He raises it up with both hands and violently chucks it at her.
Alarmed, she quickly leaps away before it reaches the ground.
KOUGA: (jumps out of the bushes) YO! I'm not done ye-
The giant chunk of earth flies straight at him.
KOUGA: -Crap.
The earth crashes towards the forest, destroying the trees on its way.
Tsuyuki keeps on running, but a piece of earth debris roughly hits her back-
-and knocks her down to the ground.
TSUYUKI: ... ghh...
Mie and Kenzaki watch the scene as she helps him stand up.
MIE: There has to be a way to...
KENZAKI: (pants) ... his head.
MIE: Huh?
KENZAKI: I attacked his head... a few times earlier. (pants) He wasn't happy...
MIE: You can just shoot it from here.
KENZAKI: My arrows aren't... strong enough...
MIE: (takes out a seal) Try this.
Tsuyuki is on the ground, trying to get up as Beirul slowly approaches her.
As he towers over Tsuyuki, he lifts both his fist to deal the killing blow. He raises them higher and-
A blue energy arrow lands on his face.
Annoyed, he turns to Mie and Kenzaki, holding an energy bow from afar.
MIE: ...
BEIRUL: You shoot me with that one more-
His face explodes as dust flies out.
MIE: ... did it work?
As the dust clears, part of Beirul's face was destroyed, but it is slowly regenerating.
KENZAKI: Not enough.
MIE: Er...
MIE: Ah?
KENZAKI: I need you to stop him from dislocating his body parts.
MIE: W- what?
Beirul grabs the weak Tsuyuki and lifts her up to his head.
TSUYUKI: ... ergh...
She sees his messed-up face, slowly stitching itself back together.
BEIRUL: You Exorcist never learn...
Beirul begins to squeeze her.
She screams in pain as Beirul mercilessly squeezes her body until-
Kouga launches a surprise kick at the side of his head.
He then spins his body in mid-air and delivers another kick right at his face.
Stunned, Beirul drops Tsuyuki to the ground.
KOUGA: (smiles) You missed me?
Beirul tries to grab him, but Kouga managed to dodge and sits on Beirul's head. He then hammer-fist his face, angering Beirul even more.
BEIRUL: Grah!!!
Beirul grabs Kouga and throws him forward in the air.
KOUGA: Woah!
Using his legs, Kouga slows his momentum and completely stops in mid-air.
Launching from the air itself, he springs back at Beirul and double punches him in the face, knocking him back.
BEIRUL: Ghh...
Kouga steps on his face and jumps from it.
High above his foe, he faces him with his leg upwards.
He spring downwards from the air and delivers a mean, right hook at him.
KOUGA: (smirks) Think again when you're flinging me around, Baboon Butt!
Beirul quickly grabs Kouga with both hands as he struggles to escape.
KOUGA: Urgh...
BEIRUL: I won't this time...
KOUGA: ... Aghh...
Mie suddenly jumps at Beirul, surprising him. With a seal stuck on her palm, she strikes Beirul at his face and pushes him back.
Stunned, he drops Kouga.
Mie lands in front of Beirul and presses her palms together, quietly standing still.
BEIRUL: Enough with your tricks!
As the Stone Ape aims his fist at her, she takes a deep breath and-
-a burst of flames breathes out from her lungs, burning Beirul.
Engulfed in flames, Beirul tries to put the fire out, brushing them out with his hands.
With Beirul distracted, Mie slides between his legs and stands behind him.
She presses her palms again and quietly concentrates as multiple white cotton cloth on her arms emerges from the wrapping, spreading outwards.
With her hands, she controls the movement of the cloth and launches dozens of strips towards Beirul, mummifying most of his body.
BEIRUL: ... w- what?!
She pulls the cotton strips tighter, preventing his escape.
BEIRUL: ... gh... Grr!
But Beirul, with all his strength, pulls her away, trying to break free.
MIE: Ahhh!!!
Dragged over the ground, she launched more cotton strips towards the trees behind her and wraps around them, preventing Beirul from moving even further.
MIE: (grunts in pain)
Unable to move or separates his body parts, Beirul notices Kenzaki from afar, holding a giant blue energy spear, charging it with energy.
Panicked, he violently moves around to escape.
MIE: (struggling) I... can't... hold on...!
KENZAKI: Not yet.
Out of nowhere, Kouga grabs the cotton strips in front of her and pulls them with all his strength.
KOUGA: Errrghh!!!
MIE: K-Kouga... kun...
KENZAKI: (sweating) Not yet.
As Beirul pulls forward, fighting against Mie and Kouga, a strong gust of wind pushes him back.
Tsuyuki is facing Beirul and spins her spear at him, pushing him with a windy spiral.
KENZAKI: (gritting his teeth) Not yet.
TSUYUKI: (spinning furiously) AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
KENZAKI: (charging his spear) Not... yet...
Kenzaki fires his charged spear at the Stone Ape.
Tsuyuki stops spinning and leaps away to safety.
Mie cuts the cloth with the motion of her hands and is pulls herself towards the trees with Kouga.
Beirul tears the cloth around him and faces Kenzaki, only to see the spear flying straight at him.
BEIRUL: ... Ah-
The spear lunges where Kenzaki aims at: his head.
Tsuyuki, Mie and Kouga tirelessly pants their breath out on the grassy ground.
Kenzaki catches his breath as well, but he notices something wasn't right.
He sharply focuses on Beirul, only to realize that the Stone Ape had tilted his head upwards and barely dodged the spear, only for it to penetrate his neck.
BEIRUL: (breaths calmly)
BEIRUL: ... that was a clo-
The spear explodes, a bright blue flash of energy burns where Beirul stands.
The rest take cover from the explosion, getting out of harm's way.
As the flash dissipates, all that's left are pieces of sizzling rock and burned dirt.
RYUKEN: T- they... they did it...
Kenzaki, Tsuyuki, Mie, and Kouga regroup in the middle of the battlefield.
RYUKEN: (smiles excitedly) ... they did it.
The Stone Ape is finally blown to pieces, but their faces don't seem too overjoyed.
RYUKEN: (stands up from the bushes) You did it! You beat th-
RYUKEN: ... ah?
KENZAKI: ... it's not over...
The scattered pieces of the Demon's remains start moving towards in front of the young Exorcist, slowly forming itself back again.
TSUYUKI: You missed...
KENZAKI: He's got good reflexes.
KOUGA: (scoffs) For a big, lump of crap.
MIE: Ah... my arm's hurt...
As the remains start to pile up, they all prepare their battle stances.
KENZAKI: (wields double energy swords) Alright... it's now or never.
The pieces start to divide.
KENZAKI: We just have to break the head.
Multiple legs start to form.
KOUGA: Umm... that's... a little too much?
The bodies start to grow.
MIE: They... look a little smaller...
Their heads are taking shape.
TSUYUKI: Oh... great...
Standing before the young Exorcist, compiled of rock and dirt, are four Stone Golems, ready to begin the next round.
KENZAKI: (sighs exhaustingly) ... the fight just got fair now.
End of Chapter 11
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