《Demon Blade》Chapter 8: Initiation Hour
Mizuno High.
Ryuken and Kenzaki enter into an old storeroom, next to a baseball field. It's filled with broken sports equipment, cabinets of papers and old-school computers.
RYUKEN: I've never known we had a storeroom here.
KENZAKI: It's been replaced with the room next to the basketball court.
RYUKEN: They didn't bother upgrading this space?
KENZAKI: Why would they bother with a haunted storeroom?
RYUKEN: (shock) Is- is it really haunted?
KENZAKI: That's the least of our worries. Nobody comes here, except at night.
RYUKEN: Night?
KENZAKI: I heard some dared their friends to spend a few hours alone in here. A test of courage, of sorts.
RYUKEN: And... is that why we're here?
KENZAKI: No. We don't have time for that. I contacted my friends along the way. They'll be here soon.
RYUKEN: Your friends? Are they... like you?
RYUKEN: They can... do stuff... like you?
KENZAKI: Yes, and no. We each have our own difference in abilities.
RYUKEN: ... um?
KENZAKI: Oh, I'm sorry. Let me brief you while we're waiti-
RYUKEN: (shock) AH! What was that?!
MIE: (opens door) Kenzaki-kun! (pants) I came as fast as I could.
KENZAKI: Mie. Just the person we need.
MIE: (notices Ryuken) Oh, who's him?
KENZAKI: Sawai Mie, this is Ishinara Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Um... nice to meet you.
MIE: Nice to meet you, Ishinara-san!
KENZAKI: Mie, I need you to make a seal that cou-
MIE: (anxious) Ah! Yes... a seal! Like... the magi- I mean, the animal! You toss a ball at them and... they juggle it at their noses-
KENZAKI: There's no need to hide it, Mie.
MIE: Oh! (chuckles, scratches head) Sorry...
KENZAKI: That's okay. You've gotten better not slipping up your words.
MIE: (chuckles, embarrassed)
KENZAKI: Mie, I need you to make a seal for me.
MIE: For what?
KENZAKI: Ryuken here, is being tracked by a Demon.
MIE: What?
KENZAKI: The Stone-Ape to be exact. And I need a seal that could block his Sense.
MIE: Wait?! The Stone-Ape?
KENZAKI: Yes. Mie, can you-
MIE: Wait, wait, wait... why would the Stone-Ape be attracted to his Sense?
KENZAKI: ... I don't know. It all sounds puzzling, but we have to do it fast. I used your confusion seal on the Stone-Ape, but it won't last long.
MIE: Wait? You used it?
KENZAKI: I shot one in his eye.
MIE: Huh? (proudly smiles) I knew it would come in handy.
MIE: Oh, right. Well... to block a Sense... I need to make a new spell to get the required result. But it would take time...
KENZAKI: How long?
MIE: It took me hours to make the confusion seal the first time. Hmm... when did you shot the seal at the Demon?
KENZAKI: 26 minutes ago.
MIE: Hmm... not enough time.
Mie quietly thinks to herself. Kenzaki calmly waits. Ryuken looks at both of them, confused.
RYUKEN: ... um? What are we-
MIE: (single claps) Okay. I can't make a new seal in time, but I can quickly make a similar confusion seal but with some adjustments.
KENZAKI: Adjustments?
MIE: Instead of making him confused, I could confuse the Sense instead. That way, the Sense will be all crazy and rambly.
KENZAKI: The Demon won't understand what it's sensing.
MIE: Exactly! And I'll make it last longer, just in case.
MIE: Alright! Just give me a second.
She walks to a table, takes out a square piece of paper and draws a symbol with a marker pen.
After she drew it, she puts down the marker, closes her eyes, folds her hands, and quietly concentrates.
Seconds later, she opens her eyes and puts her hands on the paper. The symbol marking starts glowing.
RYUKEN: Woah! What is she...?
MIE: Quiet, please. I need to focus.
After a minute, the symbol stops glowing. She takes her hands off and lifts the paper.
MIE: (sighs) Alright... it's done. (turns around) Alright, Ishinara-san, say "Ahh"...
RYUKEN: Wha- I have to eat that?!
MIE: (laughs) Just kidding. Just take off your shirt. I'll handle the rest.
RYUKEN: (shock) Um... do I have to?
MIE: Yep.
RYUKEN: ... can I just... eat it instead?
MIE: ... that's not how it works.
KENZAKI: Ryuken, we don't have time.
RYUKEN: (covers his chest, blushes) Uh... can you just... I don't know... stick in on my shirt...
MIE: The seal has to be close to your soul for it to work.
RYUKEN: I... don't know what you mean...
KENZAKI: Ryuken, just take off your shirt.
MIE: Please, Ishinara-san. It'll be quick. I promise.
RYUKEN: ... no.
RYUKEN: (turns his chest away) No, I won't.
KENZAKI: Ryuken-
KENZAKI: ... Mie.
MIE: Hmm?
KENZAKI: Whenever you're ready.
MIE: ... ready for wha-
Kenzaki rushes and grabs Ryuken, trying to unbutton his shirt. Ryuken strongly resist.
KENZAKI: Just... take it... off...
RYUKEN: N- no... you... won't...
MIE: Ah... um...
KENZAKI: Mie! Do it!
MIE: Um... uh... OKAY!
TSUYUKI: (opens door) Kenzaki! What's the emergency?
Tsuyuki sees Kenzaki arm locking Ryuken from behind and Mie about to unbutton his shirt. The three of them stop and stares at Tsuyuki, who stares back.
MIE: ...
TSUYUKI: ... what's going on?
MIE: Yuki-chan! Oof!
RYUKEN: (wriggling furiously) Let go!
KENZAKI: Tsuyuki, we need your help.
MIE: He won't let us take off his shirt.
TSUYUKI: ... why would you do that?
MIE: I need to stick this seal on him.
TSUYUKI: Why would-
KENZAKI: No time to explain! Grab his legs!
TSUYUKI: (sighs vexingly) This better be worth it.
She attempts to grab Ryuken's legs. He flails his legs around.
TSUYUKI: (grunts) Stop!
RYUKEN: I'm sorry, but I won't!
TSUYUKI: Why you-
KOUGA: (opens door) Yo! Everybody, how's it goin? Hope I'm not too la-
Kouga sees Kenzaki and Mie grabbing Ryuken's arms and Tsuyuki grabbing his legs. They all stare at Kouga, who stares back at them.
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
Kouga quietly and slowly closes the door on them.
KOUGA: (laughs) I'm just kidding. But seriously... what's going on?
KOUGA: You want me to what?
KOUGA: (confused) ... okay. (looks at Ryuken) Sorry, buddy. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like we got no choice, huh? (fist bumps his palm)
RYUKEN: (shock) Wh- what are you-
KOUGA: Oh, sorry. (chuckles) Force of habit. (reaches slowly into Ryuken)
RYUKEN: Wait... please... don't... wait... wait!
At the baseball field, the baseball club members are practising. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream.
The whole team startled, stunned by the eerie scream.
MEMBER 1: Wha- what was that? (walks to it) Is someone hur-
MEMBER 2: (grabs his arm)
MEMBER 1: What are you doing?
MEMBER 2: Don't go.
MEMBER 1: Wh- why?
MEMBER 2: It came... from there.
MEMBER 1: (shock) ... you mean...
MEMBER 2: (slowly nods)
MEMBER 1: (scared) ... ah... there...
Ryuken is sitting on a chair, buttoning up his shirt. A paper seal is attached to the centre of his stomach.
KENZAKI: (concentrating on Ryuken's Sense)
MIE: Well?
KENZAKI: It feels chaotic. I can't tell where it is.
MIE: (sighs of relief) I can't believe that work.
KOUGA: All that fuss just to stick a seal on him?
TSUYUKI: Seriously, what's wrong with you?
RYUKEN: (whispers) ... violating my privacy...
RYUKEN: I- I just don't like it... okay?
KOUGA: Come on, buddy. You don't have to feel shy about it.
MIE: A belly is a good thing. It means you're well-fed and well-loved.
RYUKEN: (murmurs quietly)
TSUYUKI: Kenzaki! What the hell is going on? Who is this guy? And why did we just waste our time taking off his shirt?
KENZAKI: I'm sorry, everyone. I had to make sure his Sense couldn't be tracked.
TSUYUKI: Tracked?
KENZAKI: It seems that our friend here is being tracked down by the Stone-Ape.
TSUYUKI: (eyes widen) What?!
KOUGA: Wait, did I hear that right?
MIE: He told me the same thing earlier.
TSUYUKI: Why would a Level 4 want to track him?
KENZAKI: I don't know.
KOUGA: Is he a Sixther?
MIE: Is he an Exorcist?
TSUYUKI: (turns to Ryuken) You know something, don't you?
RYUKEN: I- uh... I don't-
TSUYUKI: (walks to him menacingly) Who are you to the Stone-Ape?
RYUKEN: (scared) You- you mean the rock snake-monkey?
TSUYUKI: (stands in front of him) Are you its enemy? (leans closer to his face) What are you hiding?
RYUKEN: (leans back) I- I really don't know...
TSUYUKI: You better talk now, Belly Boy. Or I'll make sure you won't talk again.
RYUKEN: B- Belly Boy?
KOUGA: Heh, I remember when she used to call me Pervy Eyes.
MIE: I wish she had given ME a mean nickname.
KOUGA: Ooh, we could make one for you right now. How about... Magic Hands?
MIE: What about... Cake Slave?
KOUGA: Witchy Fingers?
TSUYUKI: Shut it, Knuckle Head!
KOUGA: (shock, laughs nervously)
KENZAKI: Tsuyuki, there's no need for that.
TSUYUKI: He may know something that we don't.
KENZAKI: He doesn't. He has no clue of who we are and what we do.
TSUYUKI: So, he's fresh?
MIE: Ooh, Kenzaki! You got a recruit?
KOUGA: Your first one.
TSUYUKI: (turns to Ryuken) ... hey.
TSUYUKI: How old are you?
RYUKEN: Um... 15.
TSUYUKI: A little overdue.
MIE: 15 is not a bad age to start.
KOUGA: At least he's not 50. (chuckles) You remember that 50-year old dude? The guy Vinny recruited last year? What's his name? Simon?
MIE: Is that the "shorts" guy?
KOUGA: Yeah, he remodelled his uniform to have shorts. (laughs) He didn't give a crap what people think. Man, I love that dude.
RYUKEN: Um... I don't...
TSUYUKI: Have you brief him yet?
KENZAKI: A lot of things happened so fast, didn't even have the chance. (clears throat) Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Uh, Kenzaki-sempai?
KENZAKI: I know that a lot of things are happening right now that you simply couldn't fathom. Not everyone's first supernatural experience was like yours.
MIE: My first was when I was 11, just playing on the swings. I look up and I saw some shiny snakes hovering above me.
TSUYUKI: (shivers fearfully)
KOUGA: My first was when I was 9, pooping in a toilet. You don't wanna know where I saw them...
KENZAKI: I saw my first Demon when I was 8. I was at my grandfather's. There is this forest near where he lives. I used to go there with my mother, walking on the pathway. As long as you don't stray away from the path, you won't get lost. I was just a kid, easily distracted. I couldn't find the path again. I couldn't find my mother. I was lost, all alone in the woods. And then, that's where I saw it. It was a bright, green mouse deer, shining like a sparkling emerald. It looked at me, stared right at me. I couldn't take my eyes off it. When it moved, I followed it, not knowing where it'll take me. I later find myself back in the path. It eventually led me back to my mother. She was crying when she hugged me. But she was happy to see me again. Had it not been for that mouse deer...
RYUKEN: (eyes widen)
KOUGA: (pats Kenzaki's shoulder, smiles)
KENZAKI: (smiles weakly)
MIE: (smiles)
RYUKEN: (turns to Tsuyuki)
TSUYUKI: ... what?
RYUKEN: Oh, um... I thought maybe-
TSUYUKI: You think it's my turn?
RYUKEN: Uh... I mean... you don't have to.
MIE: Come on, Yuki-chan! Share your first. Everyone's dying to hear it.
KOUGA: Cause nobody alive ever knows it. (laughs)
MIE: (laughs)
KENZAKI: (smiles)
RYUKEN: ... s- so, what does it mean... if we could... see these Demons?
KENZAKI: It could only mean one thing. You're a Sixther.
RYUKEN: ... Sixther?
KENZAKI: Those who have unlocked their sixth sense are not just able to see these supernatural creatures, they could interact with them. Like how I could fight with the Stone-Ape earlier.
TSUYUKI: You fought it alone?
MIE: You even came back unharmed.
KOUGA: (clicks tongue) Lucky...
RYUKEN: And... do all Sixthers... fight these Demons?
KENZAKI: The ones who do are more well known as Exorcist.
RYUKEN: ... Exorcist?
KENZAKI: We Exorcists are tasked to protect the peace and the supernatural balance of the world. We defend the unknowing from the unseen predators, as we are the only ones who knew of their existence, and we must act in our part to eradicate those who threaten that peace, even when no one in the world would honour our sacrifices. That is our burden, but that is our life's duty. We are the silent guardians, the hidden protectors, the secret warriors. We are... Exorcists.
RYUKEN: (eyes widen, in awe)
MIE: Wow! That was cool!
KOUGA: (chuckles) I wish you were the one who recruited me.
TSUYUKI: How many nights did it take you to practise that?
MIE: (shock) Yuki-chan! Kenzaki-kun's too good to practise such a cool speech.
KENZAKI: Well, you'd be surprised.
RYUKEN: (looks down, squeezes his knees) So... it's real.
RYUKEN: It... might sound stupid saying this after what I had just gone through, but... this is real, isn't it?
KENZAKI: (pats Ryuken's shoulder) I know how ridiculous it is, everything I just said, everything you saw. It's hard to believe, but it is the truth.
KENZAKI: I understand that feeling, when the reality you lived in your whole life is not how you think it is. It's scary.
RYUKEN: (nods slowly)
KENZAKI: (kneels down, stares at Ryuken) But you won't be alone. We can help. We will help.
RYUKEN: (stares back) Ah?
MIE: (pats Ryuken's shoulder) We always look out for each other. If you ever need anything, we'll be happy to be there for you. (smiles widely)
KOUGA: You can always count on us, buddy. (grins, thumbs up)
RYUKEN: (smiles weakly) I'm... still not sure how to feel about this...
KENZAKI: Take your time, Ryuken. We'll tell you everything you need to know.
TSUYUKI: Kenzaki.
TSUYUKI: We need to talk.
KENZAKI: Alright. I'll be back in a moment.
RYUKEN: Kenzaki-sempai?
RYUKEN: I haven't... thanked you... for saving me.
KENZAKI: (smiles) Your well-being is more than enough.
RYUKEN: (smiles)
Kenzaki and Tsuyuki walk to the far-end corner of the storeroom, away from the rest.
KENZAKI: What's the matter?
TSUYUKI: Nothing about this feels right. How could a Demon track down a Sixther's Sense?
KENZAKI: Some Demons have those abilities-
TSUYUKI: But they could only track down their own kind. And not every Demon can do that.
KENZAKI: ... right.
TSUYUKI: We have to go to Central. We have to report this.
KENZAKI: Wait... I don't think we should.
KENZAKI: I mean... not yet. Not until we help him.
TSUYUKI: You already briefed him. All that's left is to re-
KENZAKI: I mean, we should help him with his...
TSUYUKI: ... what?
KENZAKI: ... his problem.
TSUYUKI: (shock) You're kidding?
KENZAKI: I never kid.
TSUYUKI: The Stone-Ape?!
KENZAKI: Hear me out-
TSUYUKI: You're crazy enough to fight with it in the first place, and now you're saying we have to do this by ourselves?! You're lucky you're still alive.
KENZAKI: I just... (looks back at Ryuken) I just want to-
TSUYUKI: We need help. We need reinforcements. We're not capable enough to fight a Level 4 on our own.
KENZAKI: We've been training for this moment. We can do it, together.
TSUYUKI: And risking Mie and Kouga's lives?! They haven't even graduated from the Academy.
KENZAKI: But you know what they can do. They're strong, talented, they know how to take care of themselves. Plus, we're officers. We are ready to face such a threat.
TSUYUKI: TWO unranked officers! We are supposed to report this to Central because we are not qualified for any of this!
KENZAKI: ... I just can't do that.
TSUYUKI: Why not?
TSUYUKI: ... well, if you won't do it, I will. (walks away)
KENZAKI: I won't let you.
TSUYUKI: You can't stop me.
KENZAKI: ... are you... disobeying me?
TSUYUKI: (stops, looks back) ... what?
KENZAKI: Are you... disobeying your commanding officer?
TSUYUKI: (glares) ... you wouldn't.
KENZAKI: I won't like it, but I will.
TSUYUKI: (glares furiously)
KENZAKI: I know you can't take another offence to your record, but I can't let you report to Central.
TSUYUKI: ... is that an order?
KENZAKI: ... I just can't let you do that.
TSUYUKI: (stares sharply at him) ... you're hiding something...
TSUYUKI: (walks back to him) What's really going on here?
TSUYUKI: Who is he?
Meanwhile, Mie and Kouga are hanging out with Ryuken.
KOUGA: Man, I wish I could get a piece of that Stone-Ape...
MIE: Woah! Very daring of you, Kouga-kun.
RYUKEN: I... don't think that's a good idea...
KOUGA: Huh?! You think I can't handle it?
RYUKEN: N- no, that's not what I-
KOUGA: If it were me, I'll crush that Ape where it stood. Then, we won't have to bother hiding your Sense, or whatever. Huh... how did you do it again, Mie-chan?
MIE: I pretty much scramble up his Sense. Not even Kenzaki-kun can track him.
KOUGA: Jeez, Mie-chan... what exactly can't you do?
MIE: (chuckles, scratches her head) Well, I can't crush rocks with my own hands.
KOUGA: Well... (grins proudly) I can give you some pointers, if you'd like.
MIE: (chuckles) Oh, I can't do that... I value my hands too much to hurt them. Look at them! They're the hands that will craft the future...
KOUGA: (chuckles) Well... (raises his fist) these are the hands that will crush that future!
MIE: (shock) You can't?!
KOUGA: (grins) Can I?
MIE & KOUGA: (laughs)
RYUKEN: ... um...
MIE: Oh, sorry, Ishinara-san. We were just rambling.
KOUGA: Got carried away, there. (chuckles) You can ask us anything, if you like.
RYUKEN: Um... you can... uh... crush rocks?
KOUGA: Oh, of course. (grins) Well, small ones, for now. (chuckles)
MIE: Believe it or not, he's pretty strong for his stature.
KOUGA: (glares) Hey...
MIE: (chuckles)
KOUGA: Well, you have your weird seals... and your weird... snakes and stuff...
MIE: I'm proud of my weird seals. Kenzaki-kun even used one on the Stone-Ape.
KOUGA: He did?
MIE: Yeah. To think he would use it in battle, (eyes sparkles) makes me want to make more different kinds of seals...
KOUGA: (holds a small piece of paper) I still have mine with me. Never crossed my mind to use it.
MIE: Cause you like to get your hands dirty.
KOUGA: (grins) What can I say? I think with my fist.
RYUKEN: You can just... punch a Demon, like that?
KOUGA: Sounds scary, huh? You'll get your fair share of fights.
RYUKEN: M- me?
MIE: We all do, eventually. My first time fighting with one was so tense. I froze up, I couldn't move!
KOUGA: You froze fighting a Mud Rat?
MIE: It was hissing at me! When it chased me, I had to run away. Anyone would run from a rat.
KOUGA: (laughs) Of course, they would.
MIE: Come on, Kouga-kun... no one could be dumb enough to chase after a Sand Beetle till it gives up.
KOUGA: It was BRAVE of me to chase that beetle around, thank you very much!
RYUKEN: I'm... kinda confused.
MIE: Oh, sorry... we were just rambling... again... (chuckles)
KOUGA: Yeah, Ryuuji. Sorry about that.
RYUKEN: It's... Ryuken, actually.
KOUGA: Oops, sorry. (embarrassed)
RYUKEN: Kouga-san, right?
KOUGA: Yep. Hirano Kouga. That's my name. But just call me Kouga. (grins)
RYUKEN: Ah, yes. But... it seems weird...
KOUGA: What's weird?
RYUKEN: I mean, well... you sound... excited... fighting a Demon...
KOUGA: Who wouldn't be?
RYUKEN: Well, I mean... aren't they scary?
KOUGA: Definitely, (raises his fist) but I'm all for it.
RYUKEN: ... I can't imagine myself being... like that...
MIE: Don't worry, Ishinara-san. We're all just people here. You'll fit right in. We just... you know, can see Demons, that's all.
KOUGA: And beat them up good!
RYUKEN: Um... I heard that... you don't have... the same... abilities?
KOUGA: Not every Exorcist does the same thing.
MIE: Yeah. Everyone's unique. Like a snowflake.
KOUGA: Mie-chan is more of a magic caster.
MIE: (smiles, raises a peace sign)
KOUGA: I'm more of a fighter myself.
RYUKEN: Then, what about Kenzaki-sempai?
KOUGA: Kenzaki? Well, we call him a Shaper.
RYUKEN: Shaper?
KOUGA: Shapers can like, um... make blocks, I guess?
MIE: Well, there's more to that. It's called Energy Formation.
RYUKEN: Energy...?
KOUGA: Come to think of it, there's so many things that we have to learn back then.
MIE: So many! I forgot how tough it was learning all those stuff the first time.
KOUGA: Yeah! Now we just study what we do best.
RYUKEN: Like... what kind of stuff?
KOUGA: Hoo, boy! Let me think... there's Energy Formation, which she mentioned, Seal Origination, which she does best, Magical Conjuration, which she also does best, and... uh... my brain stopped.
MIE: Spiritual Concentration, Divine Regeneration, Soul Detection, Object Spiritualisation-
KOUGA: Oh, that one! I'm good at that.
MIE: -Demon Tethering, Demon Sealing-
RYUKEN: Demon Sealing?
MIE: Yeah. It's an old technique where they trapped Demons inside weapons.
RYUKEN: (eyes widen) Weapons?! Like, swords?
KOUGA: Yeah, weapons like swords and... more swords?
MIE: Mostly swords, I think.
KOUGA: Maybe... I mean, they're called Demon Bladers for a reason, right?
RYUKEN: Demon Bladers?
KOUGA: Yeah. It sounds cool, right? DEMON BLADER! But I heard it's tough to learn.
MIE: Ooh, you remember that teacher, the one with the snowy Demon Sword?
KOUGA: Malaya Pascuo?
MIE: You remember her name?
KOUGA: How could I forget a beauty like her?
MIE: She was really cool when she showed off her Demon Sword in class. It kinda made me wanna try it for a moment.
KOUGA: Same here. I heard she's a captain now.
MIE: Really?
KOUGA: Yeah, Defence Division.
MIE: Wow! That's amazing! I'm so happy for her.
KOUGA: Hey, if we're talking about the Defence Division, we gotta talk about Commander Asa-
RYUKEN: Wait, wait, wait... this Demon Sword... it traps the Demons inside it, right?
MIE: Um... yeah. That way, they could use the Demon's powers.
RYUKEN: And, and... Bonding! Is there a thing called Bonding?
MIE: Uh, yeah...
KOUGA: ... how do you know that?
KENZAKI: What have you guys been talking about?
MIE: Oh, Kenzaki-kun! You and Yuki-chan done talking?
Mie sees Tsuyuki standing alone at the corner. Arms crossed; she silently glares at Ryuken.
MIE: Anything wrong?
KENZAKI: ... nothing's wrong. I'm just curious in what you guys have been conversing about.
MIE: Lots of stuff! Well, mostly me and Kouga-kun.
KOUGA: Yeah. But, Ryuken... how do you...
KENZAKI: How does he what?
MIE: He asks about Demon Swords... and he mentioned Bonding...
KENZAKI: ... Bonding?
RYUKEN: I... uh...
KENZAKI: Ryuken?
RYUKEN: I... heard about... Bonding.
KENZAKI: Where did you heard it from?
KENZAKI: Ryuken?
RYUKEN: ... I- I don't know how to explain this...
KENZAKI: Ryuken. We're here to help.
MIE: ...
KOUGA: ...
RYUKEN: ... something... happened last night...
Ishinara Residence
Akari and Maki are watching the news.
"Several strange phenomena have been happening around Machi Town earlier. Witnesses claimed an earthquake wrecked the road at Kabuto Street. Based on the wreckage, experts believed that a giant object fell from the sky, but witnesses denied seeing anything falling. Experts believe that the strange phenomena were similar to what happened in a playground at Nicho earlier."
AKARI: What is happening?
MAKI: Come on, come on...
"There have also been reports of giant splashes along the Ao river. Here is a video captured by a bystander-"
AKARI: Wow... you're right.
MAKI: I told you!
AKARI: This is freaky...
MAKI: I said that I wasn't lying, and yet you wouldn't believe me...
AKARI: Well, you're not easy to trust.
MAKI: What?! How could you say that?
AKARI: Years of living with you...
RYUKEN: (opens door) ... I'm home.
AKARI: Ryuken! (walks to the door) Where have you been? I've been worried sick. You never come home this la-
Ryuken and Kenzaki are standing at the porch.
AKARI: Oh, is this your friend?
RYUKEN: Um... he's-
KENZAKI: (bows) Greetings. It's a pleasure to finally meet Ryuken's mother.
AKARI: Oh, well... it's nice to meet you too. And you are?
KENZAKI: My name is Tetsunouji Kenzaki. I am a friend of your son's.
End of Chapter 8
- In Serial73 Chapters
Rebirth Of Civilization
Andrew suddenly finds himself alone in world that is not his own. The creatures are hostile and unfamiliar, the land around him unrecognizable. He will have to work hard to explore the wilderness he has found himself in, to unravel the ancient magics of this world, and to create a safe place for the others lost in a foreign world like himself. This is a slow paced novel, with an early focus on discovery, survival and crafting. The slow pace is intentional as I hope to write this novel for many many chapters to come. This is also the first fiction I've written and I'm always working on improving my writing so all feedack is appreciated and taken into account. Discord
8 122 - In Serial6 Chapters
A young man of no particular interest finds himself in Yav, a world of eternal sunset, full of magic and weirdness. People like him are called phasers, and said to have powers unavailable to natural inhibitants of the world. He has to uncover why he ended up in Yav and carve a place for himself, or at least not to die too stupidly in the process. Updates twice a week.
8 252 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Third Spire
It has been decades since the Wizardly Order rose and helped the Realm to banish the monstruos Elfey from its lands by building the Five Spires. The kingdom has prospered greatly in the time since, advancing both in the magical arts and the more mundane technology. The Wizards have grown too, gaining influence and spreading throught the Realm, Wizards' Towers dotting the landscape on many regions. But as the Realm grows and starts looking beyond its borders, the Wizards are faced with one insidious enemy inside its own borders. Master Garner, a wizard in the scarcely populated far West of the Realm, feels the situation getting out of hand, and a violent purge forces him out of his beloved Tower. The wizard takes his apprentices and allies in search of uncertain safety in the Third Spire. Some sources of inspiration for this story, for variable reasons: Riyria Chronicles, The Wandering Inn, Gentleman Bastard series. Note: First dedicated attempt at writing. I'm looking for feedback, and I will appreciate if you point out any mistakes. Updates: Tuesday, and every other Thursday, as life allows it.
8 103 - In Serial50 Chapters
Age of Legends
Age of Legends takes place in the world of Noctra a decade after a man known as Lord White coveted power for himself by wiping out the two eldest races of Noctra; Ta' and Nomads. Two survivors of this horror reunite and begin a journey to unravel Lord White's world while uncovering the truth to Noctra's history. A man who is initially only known as "Silent One" seeks vengeance for his people while a lively, wild Amberosin simply fights to survive in a world that wishes her dead. As the last two of the elder races, these two wrestle with destiny in their quest for lasting peace.
8 60 - In Serial57 Chapters
Wrath-book 1-seven dungeon worlds
What do Gods do when they're bored? What does anyone do? They play games. This game, however, has every living beings lives in the balance. The Gods have chosen their seven champions to complete each dungeon that they've made. The champions must complete the dungeons before time runs out or before they're killed by the combined numbers of every living being. Please, leave a comment for corrections or edits that need to be made. I would be most appreciative if you would, thank you.
8 94 - In Serial27 Chapters
A sell-sword struggles to find meaning in a world filled with pain, violence, and loss. Noble Houses rule from Hoverstones that loom over the Flatlands and the Highlands; they act in their own interests, playing politics and more. Tribesmen roam free, a true terror to all they prey upon. Elves scour the lands for objects of great power. And there are rumors of dragons, reemerging at the beckon call of new masters.... Written in a style similar to Game of Thrones, though different and unique, Flatlander is a serial novel filled with uncertainty, peril, and, for the bold, fortune. Enjoy!
8 167