《Demon Blade》Chapter 5: You Got The Touch!
Ryuken is sitting on his bed, holding his knees. His eyes look tired, staring at the katana underneath the blanket the whole night. Rays of the sunrise hit his face. His alarm clock starts ringing. He slowly turns to look at it.
Maki comes out of her room, walking to the bathroom. Ryuken comes out of it, wet and yet, still looks messy. They walk past each other.
MAKI: Ryu-nii? You're up early.
RYUKEN: (grunts)
Ryuken goes to his room. Maki feels confused.
Ryuken slowly dries his hair with his towel. He looks at the mirror after, silently staring beyond it. He remembers the words the Beast said to him:
"... I am sorry."
He thought to himself:
"Why did he say that?
What was he sorry for?
How does he know me?
Do I... know him?"
He looks down-
-and sees his green lunchbox on a table. He is in the kitchen, fully uniformed. His family is around him.
MAKI: How could Ryu-nii sleep through that? That was the loudest thunder I've ever heard!
MAKISE: He has always been a heavy sleeper. I remember when he was young, he slept in the car, all quiet. And when we all came back home, we all got out and forgot about him. (laughs) We left him there for an hour!
AKARI: I could never forgive myself for that... At least nothing horrible happened this time, right, Ryuken?
Ryuken still looks spaced out, not listening, not saying a word.
AKARI: Ryuken? You alright?
MAKISE: Oi! Ryuken! You're still sleeping?
MAKI: Ryu-nii, are you okay?
AKARI: Ryuken?
MAKISE: Ryuken.
MAKI: Ryu-nii?
MAKISE: Ryuken!
AKARI: Ryuken!
He snaps out of it. He's now walking to school with Genji and Sayuri.
SAYURI: Are you alright, Ryu-kun?
GENJI: You've been pretty quiet lately.
SAYURI: Do you feel sick?
GENJI: Terminally ill?
RYUKEN: Uh... I-
SAYURI: Did you had a fight with Makise?
GENJI: Family turmoil?!
RYUKEN: No, I'm-
SAYURI: Or maybe you have-
GENJI: Complications with your GIRLFRIEND?!
SAYURI: (shock)
RYUKEN: What? No! I don't have a girlfriend.
SAYURI: (sigh of relief)
GENJI: (giggles) It'll be cooler if you have one. But seriously, what's going on?
SAYURI: Yeah, Ryu-kun. Is something bothering you?
RYUKEN: Hmm... it's... kinda silly.
SAYURI: You can tell us.
GENJI: You know we can handle anything silly, right? I mean, look at me. If I had different friends, I would be dead.
RYUKEN: Well, it's... I had a... dream.
GENJI: A dream?
SAYURI: Like the one you have every night?
RYUKEN: No. This time, it's differe-
He stopped walking and froze in place.
GENJI: Um, Ryuken?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun, what's the matter?
His eyes widen. A drop of sweat flows down from his forehead. He starts to remember the dream he had every night. The blurry dream of a mysterious creature with red eyes, cloaked in lightning.
RYUKEN: (whispers) Was that... was that him?
GENJI: Ryuken, what's wrong?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun, are you alright?!
GENJI: Ryuken?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun!
GENJI: Ryuken!
SENSEI: Ishinara!
Ryuken snaps out again. He is now in class. His teacher and the rest of the class stares at him. He feels confused.
RYUKEN: Um... uh...
SENSEI: Ishinara! I won't ask you again. Did you leave your book at home?
He looks around. The rest of the class have their textbook on the table. He looks down. His table is empty.
RYUKEN: Ah, no... sensei! I'm just... (goes to his bag) getting it out right now.
SENSEI: Then do it quickly! (whispers) These young kids just don't listen to their elders anymore...
He takes out the book and puts it on the table. Some of the classmates are quietly chatting and laughing while staring at him. He feels embarrassed. Sayuri looks back at Ryuken, feeling worried.
Ryuken is in the school washroom, washing his face. He looks at the mirror and stares beyond it. He's remembering pieces of his usual dream and the one he had last night.
RYUKEN: What does it all mean?
A group of students comes into the washroom. Ryuken quickly washes his hands and moves out.
In the hall, Ryuken sees Juri, holding a video camera, and Wakiko arguing from afar. He notices Sayuri talking to them as well. Curious, he walks to them.
WAKIKO: Two members aren't enough for your club, Juri. You have to do better than that.
SAYURI: Um... please, Wakiko-san. We have already done the necessary steps. It should be enough-
WAKIKO: Absolutely not! You have to follow the rules on how to form a club. The rules are there to create a safe environment for all clubs to exist in harmony. Without the rules, there will be lots of unnecessary clubs like yours.
JURI: Kuh Kuh Kuh...
JURI: You truly do not understand what I am trying to achieve in this school. Your mind is a hundred years too late.
WAKIKO: (eye twitches) Excuse me?
JURI: Open your eyes, people! There are millions of questions about this world that needs to be answered, but nobody here is doing the real, important job. Nobody dares to search for the truth and nobody cares when in actuality, they should! My club will search for these answers. That is why I'm here. You will see... the "Search for the Extraordinary" club will be the best club this school will ever found. We will work hard and play hard to find the clues that will lead us to the real answers to the strange mysteries of the world. You need us. We need to be here. We need to exist. If not, this world will be nothing but an empty, shallow rock of ignorance!
Everyone around them starts looking at her.
WAKIKO: You still don't have enough members.
JURI: We will conduct a mass search!
WAKIKO: And not even one teacher will fund you.
JURI: We do have a teacher!
WAKIKO: You do?
SAYURI: We do?
JURI: Namie-sensei is there to be by our side!
WAKIKO: Namie-sensei is funding the Floral Arrangement club and the Volleyball club. She is not capable of funding another one.
JURI: She will.
WAKIKO: She won't.
JURI: She will!
WAKIKO: She won't!
Ryuken goes to Sayuri, standing next to her.
RYUKEN: Um, Sayuri?
SAYURI: Ah! Ryu-kun. Sorry, you have to see this. Are you alright?
RYUKEN: Yeah, I feel better. So, this is what you have to deal with every time you're with Juri?
SAYURI: Pretty much...
JURI: She will! (points her video camera on Wakiko)
WAKIKO: Stop pointing that thing on my face!
JURI: I won't!
WAKIKO: What's the point of that thing in the first place?
JURI: Evidence. For court.
WAKIKO: You really think the court will take on your side?
JURI: As long as I have evidence.
WAKIKO: Evidence? Well, I have witnesses. Everyone around us is a witness. What are you gonna do about that, huh?
JURI: Bribe them, of course.
WAKIKO: You... you're just a loud, dumb brat who thinks she can get away with anything!
JURI: Why are you talking about yourself?
KENZAKI: Wakiko.
WAKIKO: Uh... sempai.
KENZAKI: Several students have told me about an argument going on here. I didn't expect you to be a part of it.
WAKIKO: S- sorry, sempai. I should've been more composed when it comes to handling trouble.
KENZAKI: That is alright, Wakiko. Knowing you, I believe you have done the best you could. Speaking of trouble, what seems to be the problem?
WAKIKO: It's... Okabe Juri, sempai.
KENZAKI: Ah, Okabe Juri-san. I understand the problem that you are facing but the rules are set for a reason. If you cannot abide by them, then we have no choice but to decline your club application. If you can find yourself a teacher to fund the club, then everything will be enough for the initial design of it.
JURI: Wait, we just need to find a teacher?
KENZAKI: Well, yes. You have enough members already. All that's left is one step.
JURI: We have enough?
KENZAKI: Of course. All three of you. (looks at Juri, Sayuri, and Ryuken)
RYUKEN: Oh! I'm actually not a-
JURI: Yes! All three of us! Thank you, sempai. We will find the right teacher in no time. Then, you will witness the birth of a new era for this school. I will make you proud. I will make the WORLD proud! (laughs confidently)
KENZAKI: ... yes. That's very nice of you. I look forward to the creation of your revolutionary vessel.
RYUKEN: But, I'm not-
JURI: This ship will set sail to new heights, Kenzaki- dono! You better believe it.
KENZAKI: I always believe.
WAKIKO: (grumbles angrily)
SAYURI: (whispers) I'm sorry, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Well, I-
KENZAKI: Yoneda Sayuri-san, isn't it?
SAYURI: Uh... yes, Tetsunouji-sempai.
KENZAKI: I have heard you are an integral part of the formation of this club. I still wonder what the "Search for the Extraordinary" club's purpose is in this school, but knowing Satoshi's younger sister, I knew that you would accomplish incredible achievements.
SAYURI: You know my brother?
KENZAKI: Of course. We met once on a debate competition years ago, when our school competed against his during the finals. He put up a great fight. We eventually won, but your brother gave such a lasting impression on me. He never faltered, just like you.
SAYURI: Well, that's... too flattering, sempai.
KENZAKI: I'm quite surprised to find you in this school, Yoneda-san. I thought you would have followed your brother's footsteps.
SAYURI: Well, there was a... change of plans...
KENZAKI: No matter. I'm actually happy to see you choose this school. Mizuno High will be proud to have you as their own.
SAYURI: Ah... thank you, sempai. I'm... quite interested on how you still remember my brother after all this time?
KENZAKI: I remember everyone, Yoneda-san. No memory escapes from my mind. Meeting someone new like your brother is always a thrill to me. Speaking of which, I would like to know more about your friend here.
RYUKEN: Oh, I'm- well... I'm just nobody, sempai.
KENZAKI: Please. Nobody is nobody. Your existence will always have a purpose in this world, especially in this school.
RYUKEN: Uh, okay. Well then... my name is Ishinara Ryuken. Nice to meet you, Tetsunouji-sempai.
KENZAKI: Ishinara Ryuken? Are you perhaps related to Ishinara Makise?
RYUKEN: Oh! Uh, yes. He is my brother.
KENZAKI: What a surprise to find out that he is your brother. Just from your character alone, you two have nothing in common.
RYUKEN: Well, that's not a first.
KENZAKI: Your brother has been quite a hassle to me all these years. I remember when we caught him and his friends smoking on school grounds a year ago.
RYUKEN: Yeah, I remember that. My mom was furious.
KENZAKI: If you mind me asking, is your domestic life... healthy?
RYUKEN: Oh, there's... nothing wrong with my family. He has always been like that. It's a pain for us as well.
KENZAKI: Oh, I always thought that he had a problematic family. But I guess I was wrong. I apologize for misjudging.
RYUKEN: Oh, no. I should apologize for all the trouble my brother had done all these years. Please, bear with him for just another year.
KENZAKI: Nonsense. You shouldn't apologize for what clearly isn't your fault. I see that you're full of great potential, Ishinara-san. Your path for success is clear. You just have to believe in yourself.
RYUKEN: ... thank you, Tetsunouji-sempai. And... you can just call me Ryuken, if you'd like...
KENZAKI: I will be happy to, Ryuken-san. If, you would call me, Kenzaki, instead.
RYUKEN: Oh! Uh... is that alright, Tetsuno- I mean, uh...
KENZAKI: I may be your senior, Ryuken-san, but it doesn't mean we cannot be friends. (holds out his hand)
RYUKEN: T- Thank you, Kenzaki-sempai! Please, take care of me. (holds out his hand)
KENZAKI: Ryuken-san, I look forward to- (shake Ryuken's hand)
They both froze when their hands touch. Their faces look as if they were in shock. Kenzaki hears an intense ringing in his ear. Ryuken feels like his insides are shaking violently.
JURI: What's going on?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun? Are you okay?
WAKIKO: Sempai, what's wrong?
They couldn't let go of each other's grip.
WAKIKO: Sempai! Are you okay?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun! Ryu-kun!
JURI: Is this love at first sight?
They both struggle to let go of their grip. Until a tiny spark of lightning fires from Ryuken's hands. The spark stings Kenzaki, pulling his hand away. Ryuken does the same. He looks at his hand and sees tiny, residual sparks on his palm.
WAKIKO: Sempai! Are you hurt?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun? What's the matter?
RYUKEN: I- I don't know...
WAKIKO: What did you do?
WAKIKO: What did you do to him?!
KENZAKI: Wakiko... It's alright.
WAKIKO: Sempai, your hand?
KENZAKI: (checks his hand) It's alright. He's just... surprisingly strong...
SAYURI: It's not his fault! He has been sick all day.
RYUKEN: I- I have to go to the... to the...
Ryuken runs away from them.
SAYURI: Ryu-kun, wait!
WAKIKO: Hey! Wait a minute!
KENZAKI: There's no need, Wakiko.
WAKIKO: But, sempai-
KENZAKI: He has his own problems. I think it is best to leave him be.
WAKIKO: ... sempai.
KENZAKI: We should... move on to our duties now.
Kenzaki walks away. Wakiko follows.
SAYURI: (whispers) Ryu-kun...
JURI: Your boyfriend's weird.
SAYURI: What? He's not-
JURI: He's not your boyfriend?
SAYURI: Um... no, but... he's not-
JURI: Good. You could do better.
SAYURI: What?! What's wrong with him?
JURI: Oh, you do like him?
SAYURI: What? That's... that's not what I meant...
JURI: (grins) Now I know... TWO of your secrets.
SAYURI: J- Juri... (sniffs) you wouldn't...
Kenzaki is walking in the hallway with Wakiko by his side. He thought to himself:
"What just happened? I suddenly could feel his soul's Sense once we-"
He looks at his hand that shook Ryuken earlier.
"But, it wasn't just that. I could feel the Sense of two souls in him. His own, and... a Demon's...
The Demon... from last night.
Ishinara Ryuken... what are you?"
Ryuken runs behind the school, where no one is there. He catches his breath, feeling exhausted. He stands by a wall and slowly sits down on the ground. He looks at his hand that had sparks earlier, thinking to himself:
"What just happened?
What just happened?!
What the hell is going on?
Did I shock Kenzaki-sempai?
Was that electricity in my hands?
What did I just do?"
He keeps staring at the hand, wishing for answers. He knocks the back of his head to the wall, looks up into the sky, feeling lost.
RYUKEN: ... what is happening to me?
In a playground, little children are playing while their parents watch over them. Cheers and laughter are everywhere.
A ring of fire emerges from the sky. From inside, the Stone Ape Demon drops down, next to the playground, shaking the ground beneath.
Everyone felt the ground shake. Children are running around in panic. The parents are chasing after their children, calming them down.
GIRL: Mommy!
MOTHER: (hugging her daughter) It's okay, sweetie. I'm here.
GIRL: Was that an earthquake?
MOTHER: I don't know, sweetie. But we have to get outta here.
Many people start to run around in panic. Some of them run towards the Demon, not noticing it, standing above them. The Demon observes them quietly.
He then notices a young boy, holding an ice cream cone, sitting on a rocking horse. The young boy stares at him, in awe. The Demon stares back. They both look at each other for a moment.
He then leaves the playground, walking away on his hands and feet. The young boy keeps staring at the Demon from afar. His ice cream fell to the ground.
End of Chapter 5
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