《Demon Blade》Chapter 2: Blue Blooded
On the roof of the Mizuno High School building, flocks of students are having their lunch period. Ryuken, Genji, and Sayuri are sitting together on a bench, eating their lunches. Sayuri notices Ryuken's lunchbox.
SAYURI: What happened to your green lunchbox?
RYUKEN: (chewing) Makise.
SAYURI: I'm amazed at how you could stand being around your siblings.
RYUKEN: They're a pain in my neck. (continues eating, chewing) Knowing your brother, I can't imagine seeing you fight.
SAYURI: (shakes head) Satoshi always looks out for me. I don't know where I'll be if it weren't for him.
RYUKEN: I wish he was my brother.
SAYURI: Yeah. You would love it if he did.
RYUKEN: (chokes on food, coughs)
SAYURI: Ryu-kun! Are you okay?
RYUKEN: (whispers) Was that... was that a proposal?
SAYURI: Ryu-kun?
RYUKEN: (cough) I'm fine... I'm fine.
GENJI: Come on, guys. You're making me jealous. Smothering me with stories of your sibling loves and rivalries. Ooh, if only I could clone myself and proudly call him my twin brother.
SAYURI: I can't imagine the idea of having two Genji's in one house.
RYUKEN: It'll be chaos.
GENJI: It will be PARADISE! The ultimate example of TRUE sibling love and rivalry. Don't believe me? I will prove it to the world. You will see it. Someday. Just wake me up when the technology arrives at my door.
RYUKEN: (stares blankly)
SAYURI: (chuckles softly)
GENJI: Oh, I heard about what happened in your class earlier.
SAYURI: You heard about it already?
GENJI: Words travel fast. Who knew that spineless principal got it in him?
SAYURI: Oh, it wasn't the principal that solve the whole mess.
GENJI: What? Then who did?
SAYURI: The student council president came by.
GENJI: That four-eyed loaded prick?!
2 hours earlier
In classroom 1-A.
PRINCIPAL: Masato, I understand your... frustrations, but I believe it is best that you... listen to dear Himiko of how to... uh... behave. Do you... understand?
MASATO: (glares sideways)
PRINCIPAL: Uh... Masato...
HIMIKO: He will never listen, Mr. Principal. But I know you can. I believe it is fair to strip off his position this instant. His behavior does not fit the role that he sits on. Trust me, I have many accounts of-
PRINCIPAL: I... understand, but I still believe that we could... take this opportunity to... correct Masato's behavior with him in this position.
HIMIKO: With all due respect, I don't think this is the right move, sir.
MASATO: You heard what the old man said. Why not take this chance to make me a better man, right? Not that I'm already not one.
HIMIKO: I don't care if you are forced to take this position! You already proved that you don't belong here!
MASATO: I thought it was your job to make sure I knew what I was doing!
HIMIKO: We've been going through this for almost a month, and you still learned nothing!
PRINCIPAL: Uh... please... just... calm down...
Everyone turns to the door.
KENZAKI: (bows) Mr. Principal. Class of 1-A. May I come in?
PRINCIPAL: Uh... Tetsunouji Kenzaki... what brings you here?
KENZAKI: I heard there is a commotion that is happening in this class. And as the student council president, I would like to know if there is anything I could assist with?
PRINCIPAL: Well... I don't think we are... experiencing any problems-
KENZAKI: Please, sir. I understand your desire to solve any misunderstandings within the school grounds by yourself, but if I may, I would like to understand the conflict arisen in this classroom and hopefully, I would achieve a clear grasp between the supposed individuals that are causing this disturbing ruckus.
PRINCIPAL: Mmm... well... (looks down) if you insist.
KENZAKI: Thank you, sir. (faces Himiko and Masato) Now, normally I would ask what is the misunderstanding, but I know enough.
HIMIKO: W- what? Were we loud?
KENZAKI: Were you loud? Yes. But it is not the fact that I've been hearing you, it is the fact that I've been observing you. The moment the semester starts, the tension between both of you was clear as daylight and it never stops growing. And it was only a matter of time until it escalates. Mr. Principal, I understand the logic of having someone of his background to try to portray an authoritarian figure for a chance, but I believe there are better ways to fix such issues. So, why are you not considering demoting him and re-elect a new class representative?
HIMIKO: That's what I have been saying this whole time.
PRINCIPAL: Well, um... I just... can't.
KENZAKI: Why not?
PRINCIPAL: Well, it was... a special request by his... um... (stares at Masato)
KENZAKI: (turns to Masato) ...I see. And there is no way to turn it around?
KENZAKI: I understand. Since it is not in his power and in mine to alter the current position, we just have to accept what we have and make do.
HIMIKO: Wait, are you serious?!
MASATO: This has been a complete waste of time. I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we just start lessons already? (walks away to his table)
KENZAKI: I wasn't finished, Shizu Masato.
MASATO: (stops, and looks back)
KENZAKI: I understand you are at a prime age to rebel against authority and break the laws that were already constructed by our elder's hands, and I believe such rebellious nature is important in a monotonous world, but If you wish to stay as the class representative, then you must know what your position is at stake. It is fine if you do not care about the managerial duties and the tedious reportings of your fellow classmates, but what is important is the true burden of the power that you hold. Do you know what that is?
MASATO: ... cleaning duties?
KENZAKI: The answer... is leadership. To be a leader is to carry the hearts of your people, and in this case, all 36 students of class 1-A. You are responsible for them, and they are responsible for you. While in this case, you are given the title without their say, so you have to earn it. Know them, trust them, respect them, and they will undoubtedly do the same to you. I believe you have the potential to be a great figure in this school, but... if you cannot stand your ground or choose to falter your path, then I have no choice but to ask you to resign your position. (walks to Masato, looks down on him) Even if I have to take you down.
They both stare at each other, intensely.
KENZAKI: Do I make myself clear?
MASATO: (stares angrily)
HIMIKO: Don't worry, Sempai. He heard you enough.
KENZAKI: And you, Hayashida Himiko. (turns to her)
HIMIKO: Ah! Yes, Sempai?
KENZAKI: While I understand the suffering of having someone of this caliber to be your representative-
MASATO: (angrily growls)
KENZAKI: -it doesn't mean that you should devalue yourself by screaming at his antics when he ridiculed you to no end. Disciplining him is a good decision on your part, but unfortunately, you did not pick the right time and the right place to perform your rightful duties as the assistant class representative.
HIMIKO:...but, he... he started it-
KENZAKI: (walks towards Himiko) Who started the disaster is not a concern to me. What matters is how you act on it. Your unprofessional attitude is the reason why the class hasn't started their lessons yet, the reason why the principal came to this class in the first place, and the reason I am talking to you right now. Controlling your emotions is necessary for your part.
HIMIKO: (looks down, embarrassed) I... I understand, Sempai.
Kenzaki places his right hand on Himiko's shoulder. She notices a silver ring he wore on his middle finger. She looks upon Kenzaki.
KENZAKI: I know how it has been tough for you to endure this unjust election. I knew of your successes during your middle school career and wishing that it would be the same run as it was. But the fact that your high school experience would not be how you envision it to be is precisely why you must not see this as a disappointment but as a challenge. I have high hopes for you, Himiko. You have the drive to reach greater heights. The road to the student council is brighter for you than it is for me. But to make sure that door never closes, you must stand firm, move forward, and always believe. (smiles) Believe in yourself, as I believe in you.
HIMIKO: (blushes) S- Sempai...
MASATO: Oi, Kenzaki! (walks to him) You may think your little pep talk works on their dumb brains but it won't work on me. (faces Kenzaki) Just because our families are on friendly terms, doesn't mean you can talk to me equally, you hear?
They both lock eyes intensely The rest of the class is silent.
KENZAKI: I shouldn't stay long. (steps away from Masato) I apologize for causing any inconvenience to all of you. I will learn to be better in the near future. My only hope is for both of you to learn to be a better team. Learn each other's weaknesses, so you could work together to use each other's strengths. To perfectly balance your life, is to perfectly balance yourself. Perfection cannot be born; it has to be forged. Mr. Principal, class of 1-A, (bows) if I may dismiss myself. Thank you.
Kenzaki leaves the classroom. Everyone stays still in silence, in awe of what they had witnessed. After moments of dead air, noises flood across the room:
"That's the Tetsunouji kid?!"
"You had a crush on him?!"
"Did you see how he talked to Masato?"
"Wow! So cool!"
Himiko still stands, blushes silently. Masato scoffs and goes back to his seat. Ms. Namie tries to calm down the class. The principal decides to move out.
PRINCIPAL: Um... I guess... I'll be going then... (quietly walks away)
MS. NAMIE: Please, everyone. Quiet down.
The noises won't stop.
MS. NAMIE: (defeated) Please, guys... just stop...
2 hours later
GENJI: I heard his dad force the school to make him president.
SAYURI: You can't prove that.
GENJI: But you know it's possible, right?
SAYURI: Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it's true.
GENJI: Come on! You can't trust these upper-class folks. And everyone in Japan knows about what his brothers did. Every time they come up on TV, it just makes me wanna turn it off.
RYUKEN: Yeah... I felt bad for the workers that got laid off.
GENJI: So you know we shouldn't trust people like them.
SAYURI: But he's not like them. Like... not at all!
RYUKEN: Yeah. I mean... he doesn't seem like a bad person.
GENJI: (scoffs) That's what he wants you to think.
SAYURI: He doesn't. He treats everyone nicely.
RYUKEN: There are times I forgot that he's a Tetsunouji.
SAYURI: Right?
GENJI: You're all just blinded by his fake, bright smile. But not me. No. He won't get me that easily.
SAYURI: It seems weird for you to not trust someone.
GENJI: All I'm saying is that you don't mix with people like them. They're bad news.
RYUKEN: You said the same thing when you first met Sayuri.
GENJI: ... I did?
SAYURI: He did?
RYUKEN: You did!
GENJI: I was 9! Give me a break.
The bell rings.
At the basketball court, the basketball team is practicing for the big game. Kenzaki is talking to the captain.
BAKU: You don't know how much your support means to us, Sempai.
KENZAKI: Your abilities, as well as your hope for your team, is worth believing, Baku-san. Knock em' dead.
BAKU: Yes, Sempai!
Makise is on the court, dribbling the ball past his teammates, jumps up, and shoots the ball through the hoop.
MAKISE: Yeah!!! Give me some!
They high five each other and compliment his shot, feeding Makise's pride. Makise notices Kenzaki talking to Baku. He quietly glares at Kenzaki.
As Kenzaki was talking to Baku and Wakiko, he notices Makise and stares back. They quietly stare at each other, not enjoying each other's presence.
TAICHI: Yo! Coach called.
MAKISE: Uh... yeah. Coming.
He glares back at Kenzaki for a moment before joining the rest of the team. Kenzaki watches him until Wakiko calls him out.
WAKIKO: Sempai, would you please check our schedules for the day?
KENZAKI: Oh! Uh... of course.
Kenzaki takes the folder that Wakiko handed to him. He checks it thoroughly. Suddenly, his ears start to ring faintly. His face changes. He looks more vigilant as his eyes grow sharper.
KENZAKI: My apologies, Wakiko. But I have to go to the bathroom.
WAKIKO: Oh, I understand, Sempai.
Kenzaki walks away from the two and goes out to the door.
WAKIKO: Sometimes, I forgot he's human.
BAKU: Even a man like him can't deny the call of nature.
On the roof, Kenzaki comes out of the door. He stands near the edge of the roof. He takes out his cell phone. He logs into an online group chat. A few messages can be seen.
Kenzaki closes his eyes, quietly staying still. In the darkness, he sees multiple thin, hazy threads. It points to the direction of the source of the ringing. He opens his eyes and quickly messages the online group chat.
Pingu Alley.
The alley is dark and quiet. Not much can be seen. Suddenly, pairs of glowing eyes can be seen from the darkness. Growling noises can be heard. The eyes get bigger and bigger.
From above, a girl lands at the edge of the alley. She wears a green military uniform. In her left hand, she is holding a long wooden stick.
The creatures growls even louder and rush out to attack her. Winged, scaly, bug-like creatures the size of pelicans, flies out, hissing a terrible buzz, as they launch to attack her.
The girl stands her ground, holding her weapon tighter.
Kenzaki and Wakiko are walking in the hall. His phone starts to vibrate. Makise bumps into him, dropping his phone to the ground.
MAKISE: Watch out, Student President. You don't wanna drop your "bonus".
WAKIKO: Hey! You did that on purpose!
MAKISE: What? The floors are slippery.
WAKIKO: Hey! Sto-
KENZAKI: That is alright, Wakiko. I'm fine.
WAKIKO: You can't just let him do that to you, sempai.
KENZAKI: He's right. The floor is a little slippery.
Kenzaki turns to Makise, who glares back at him while walking away. He then picks up his phone, checks on it, and flips it open.
WAKIKO: (notices the phone) Is it broken?
KENZAKI: (flips phone down) No. Everything's alright.
The girl flips her phone down. She walks away from the Fang Flies who are on the ground, black flames burning around their bodies.
She lifts up her stick, which now has a giant blade attached to its side. Her military uniform starts to slowly evaporate. Underneath it reveals a high school uniform. The blade of her spear disappears with the blowing breeze, and the stick shrinks down to her palm. She now holds a skinless pencil and tucks it in her pocket. She walks out of the alley and leaves the scene.
End Of Chapter 2
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