《Demon Blade》Chapter 1: Just Another Day
Your vision is blurred. A pair of hands reach out to you. Someone is holding your small body. You can't seem to tell the face of the person holding you. You feel calm and warm.
An explosion appears out of nowhere. Some kind of huge and sparkling creature is being seen, still blurry. Lightning flashes around the creature. You fell to the ground as the person holding you dropped you. You see the black, starry sky.
The creature looks down on you. Flashes of white lightning surround the creature and you visibly see its red eyes, staring at you. You see it widening its jaws, flashes of lightning emitting from it. Its breath, its roars, and the crackling of lightning, you can hear them all at once.
Its mouth gets closer and closer to you, and-
A young teen wakes up, alerted by his alarm clock. His eyes wander around the room for a moment, slowly gaining his senses. He looks at his alarm clock, flashing the time. He looks disappointed.
He lazily reaches for it. The clock keeps on ringing, longer than it needed to be. He clicks on the clock button and goes back to bed. After a few minutes of contemplating his responsibilities as a moral student and questioning his existence as a human being, he gets up from bed, feeling like he always has been; "Okay".
He looks out the window to only see the sunrise being shielded by the common houses in the neighbourhood. He scratches his chest, lets out a yawn, and says to himself:
"Just another day, huh?"
His name is RYUKEN.
Ryuken steps out of his room with a towel by his shoulder and heads to the bathroom. At the end of the hallway, in front of Ryuken, a young girl comes out of her room and dashes to the bathroom. She goes in and locks the door. Ryuken, with little time to process, realizes at the last second, what had just happened. He knocks loudly on the bathroom door.
RYUKEN: Maki! Let me go in first.
MAKI: 10 minutes! I promise.
RYUKEN: You know well that you never spend less than 20 minutes in there.
MAKI: Well, if you don't stop yelling; I might spend more than that.
Ryuken admits defeat and sits on the floor, next to the door.
MAKI: 15 minutes! I promise, alright?
24 minutes later
Ryuken is seen sitting on the floor, planting his head on his knees. Maki comes out, looking and feeling refresh.
MAKI: See? Wasn't that long.
Ryuken stares at her with disgust. He gets up while Maki walks to her room. A door from another room opens and out comes a slightly older teenage boy.
MAKI: Morning, Nii-chan!
MAKISE: (yawns) Morning, Maki. You done?
MAKI: Yep! Ryu-nii is going in.
MAKISE: (looks at Ryuken) Hey, Ryu. Wait!
Ryuken notices Makise and quickly goes in and slams the door.
MAKISE: Wait, Ryu! It wouldn't take that long.
RYUKEN: (hangs his towel and proceeds to take off his shirt)
8 minutes later
Makise is seen sitting on the floor, sleeping with his head by the wall. Ryuken comes out of the bathroom, drying his hair. He glares at Makise.
RYUKEN: (scoffs) It wasn't that long.
He passes by Makise and went to his room. He shuts his door and the sound woke Makise up.
Ryuken buttons up his uniform and slings his bag on his left shoulder. He looks at the mirror and brushes his dark brown hair to the right. He pats on his chubby stomach, feeling wishful. As he leaves his room, he pats on the head of a baby dragon plush, sitting on his desk on the way.
In the kitchen, we see AKARI, preparing lunchboxes for her children in coloured Tupperware's. Maki is wrapping her yellow lunchbox. Her husband, ISSEI, comes down the stairs to greet his wife.
ISSEI: Wow! Aren't you spoiling your children a bit too much?
AKARI: Why? You're jealous?
ISSEI: (laughs) I would never be jealous of my own children. Because I know I'll always have a special place in your heart.
AKARI: Just when you're about to leave, you decided it was the right time to be romantic.
ISSEI: (laughs nervously) It'll only be a few days. I'll buy you a gift.
MAKI: What about me?
ISSEI: Ah! For you, definitely. Want me to drop you off at school?
MAKI: You would?
ISSEI: I'm going to fetch Tomoharu later for the trip. He lives not too far from your school.
MAKI: Finally! My feet can rest.
ISSEI: ... it's only a one-time thing.
AKARI: Speaking of the trip, your lunch. (points at a large lunchbox)
ISSEI: Wow! I knew you always think well of me.
AKARI: I made extra for Tomoharu-san as well.
ISSEI: Oh... it's not all for me?
AKARI: You'll be driving all day with him. I can't just have Tomoharu-kun be left alone without anything to eat. Besides, his kind soul will always have a special place in my heart.
ISSEI: (eye twitches) ...since when did you start calling him that?
RYUKEN: (coming down from the stairs) Good morning.
ISSEI: Ah, Ryuken. Good morning.
RYUKEN: How long will the trip last?
ISSEI: Hopefully I can come back in 3 days' time. You alright with that?
RYUKEN: I mean... I know you've been busy.
ISSEI: Yeah. Your old man just can't catch a break.
AKARI: Good morning, Ryuken. Here. (hands green lunchbox)
MAKISE: (snatches the lunchbox) Thanks, mum. See you later, dad. (rushes out of the house)
AKARI: Hey! That's Ryuken's!
ISSEI: Don't worry. A young man like Makise has too much energy flowing inside him. Always good to spend it while he still got it. Right, Ryuken?
RYUKEN: (murmurs angrily)
MAKI: Dad, let's go now!
ISSEI: Oh, alright. Farewell, my dear Akari. (kisses her hand)
AKARI: (smiles) Yeah, yeah.
They both share a kiss.
AKARI: Don't forget to rest.
ISSEI: For you, I couldn't. (brushes Ryuken's hair) Take care, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: (silently nods)
Issei walks out of the house, while Maki waits next to the car.
MAKI: Come on, dad. We gotta fetch Imako and Urara along the way.
ISSEI: Alright, I'm coming. Wait... we're doing what?
They both went into the car and drive off.
RYUKEN: (grabs the last blue lunchbox) Well, I'm off.
AKARI: Oh, wait. Give me that. (takes the blue lunchbox)
RYUKEN: Uh... you don't have to.
AKARI: (takes out the radishes and puts in an eggplant dish in the lunchbox) I know how much you hate radishes so I can't have you eat your lunch feeling bad the whole time. (hands him the lunchbox) Here. To regret what you eat is a sin to all cooks.
RYUKEN: (receives the lunchbox, smiles faintly) ...thanks, mom.
AKARI: (kisses his forehead) Now, go on then.
Ryuken steps out of the house while Akari follows him to the door, waving her hand at him. Ryuken waves back softly and walks to school.
As Ryuken walks along the street, he is greeted with a tight, side hug by GENJI.
GENJI: Yo, Ryuken! How's your luck with the ladies?
RYUKEN: Mmf... feeling blue early, huh, Genji?
GENJI: (sigh heavily) Ryuken, do you understand who we are in this world? Our purpose? Our goals for the future? Do you believe we can transcend this feeble life that fate has chosen us? Two highschool students walking together... hand in hand?! (Genji grabs Ryuken's hands, Ryuken knocks it back) We must break away and escape freely out of this prison that we build ourselves. No longer should we suffer being lonely with nothing but our minds and our hands. The true, pure life is out there. Can you see it? Do you see it, Ryuken?!
RYUKEN: ... you want to have a girlfr-
GENJI: We need to find GIRLFRIENDS! That is what we are lacking and that is what we shall chase for, to the ends of the earth. Hell, to the ends of the universe! I don't care if the girl of my wet dreams is a slime monster, as long as we destroy our bleak, single life out of the way. I believe... that is how we can achieve, true happiness.
RYUKEN: (sarcastically claps softly) So, when will you start?
GENJI: (shock) Oh... I get it now. All talk and no walk makes me a lowlife sponge. How good are my heartful words if there is no drive to move forward? I must step back and know my place in this godforsaken world. (sigh) I guess the only girl I could try would have to be none other than Sayuri-chan.
RYUKEN: Sa- Sayuri-chan? Would you really...
GENJI: She is our friend. And she is a girl. So, do you think it could work?
RYUKEN: I... don't think it would work with that logic-
A bespectacled girl walks into Ryuken and Genji.
SAYURI: Ryu-kun. Genji-kun. Good morning.
RYUKEN: Ah, Sayuri-chan. How are y-
GENJI: Yo! Sayuri-chan! Wanna be my girlfriend?
RYUKEN: (chokes) You- you...
SAYURI: Thank you for considering me again, but I have to decline.
GENJI: Darn it! Better luck next time.
RYUKEN: Wait?! "Again"? What does that mean?
SAYURI: This has been the fourth time he asked me.
GENJI: You know what they say? Fifth times the charm! Wanna be my girlfriend?
SAYURI: No, thank you.
GENJI: Darn it!
RYUKEN: (whispers) At least you're stupid enough to say it out loud...
SAYURI: Oh, Ryu-kun. Have you seen the latest episode yesterday?
RYUKEN: Oh, yeah, I did. But I kinda missed a couple of minutes in the middle because Makise was toying with the TV.
SAYURI: Don't worry. I can fill in the blanks.
RYUKEN: Thanks. But it did happen the way I expected it. I told you that Gorm Knight is not to be trusted.
SAYURI: I was thinking about what you said when it happened. I couldn't believe it. I really liked Gorm Knight. But I have a feeling that he probably was forced to do it.
RYUKEN: How so?
SAYURI: His face. He looks sad when he did it.
RYUKEN: Really? I didn't catch that.
GENJI: I don't know what's crazier, my stupid mouth, or your stupid show?
GENJI: (scared) Okay, okay... two otakus is scary enough.
RYUKEN: You know, if you gave it a chance, you might like it.
GENJI: That's why I won't watch it.
SAYURI: Oh, Genji. Your skin looks even more darker.
GENJI: Huh? You notice? I've been doing a good job of taking off my shirt when I'm playing on the field. Do you think I look sexy with these tans?
RYUKEN: You look like a sexy idiot.
GENJI: (shock) You think I'm sexy?
RYUKEN: No, that's- that's not what I mea-
GENJI: I just had an epiphany! I've been wasting my teenage life chasing girls to the point where I am blind to see other genders that are waiting for my call. I should have been more open to what's life has given me. To hell with girls. "Male" is the new "Female"! Ryuken, (grabs Ryuken's hand, kneels on one knee) would you be... my boyfriend?
The road is quiet. The wind blows a sweet serenade. The birds are chirping a lovely tune. Genji stares longingly into Ryuken's eyes, who is stunned, with no words to say. Sayuri witnesses this eventful moment, heart thumping, blushing excitedly. Ryuken stutters as he opens his mouth, slowly gaining the confidence he needed to say the fateful words.
RYUKEN: G- Genji...
GENJI: Yes, Ryuken.
RYUKEN: Thank you for considering me, but I have to decline.
GENJI: Darn it! Don't worry, me. Second time's the charm!
Genji pumps himself up with over-confidence, while Sayuri shies away from the two, still blushing. Ryuken, looking at both of them, scratches his head and lets out a heavy sigh.
RYUKEN: Let's just go to school.
Mizuno High.
The school is bustling with students as they walk in the halls and entering their classes. Many are seen greeting and chatting with each other.
As the three of them walk in the hallway, Genji stops by his class, 1-B, and greets his friends goodbye.
GENJI: What seems like a short moment is like an eternity. After we face the gruelling lessons that we must attend as students of this horrendous school, we will meet again and I will be standing on these cement-filled floors with open arms, waiting for the touch of heaven. Please... don't cry. Save your tears for when I die. As I have a feeling, that time may be soon.
RYUKEN: See you at lunch.
GENJI: Farewell... and I will always love... yooooooouuuuuuuu....
Ryuken and Sayuri walk away, embarrassed, as everyone watches Genji twirling around, hugging himself.
They both enter class 1-A where everyone else is either chatting with their friends or minding their own business. Sayuri sits at her desk at the front, while Ryuken moves to his in the middle.
The bell rings. The students move into their seats. MS. NAMIE comes into the class and drops her folders onto the table.
MS. NAMIE: Good morning, class.
No response. The air is silent. Everyone stares back at the last table by the window.
MS. NAMIE: Umm... Masato-kun?
Upon hearing his name being called, he grins, slicks his hair back, takes his foot off the table, and stands up, putting one foot on his chair.
Every student in the class stands up, except for HIMIKO at the front, crossing her arms, looking pissed off.
MASATO: Oi, Himiko. Stand up.
She doesn't.
MASATO: Oi, are you deaf all of a sudden? I said all rise.
She looks back at him with a sharp, hateful stare. She angrily stands up, arms still crossed.
MASATO: (clears throat) Good morning, Teacher!
EVERYONE: Good morning, Teacher!
MS. NAMIE: Uh... thank you, Masato-kun.
MASATO: (grins) Sit down, NOW!
Every student in the class sat down.
MASATO: Oi, Himiko! Did I do it right?
MASATO: Himiko, are you there? Oi!
HIMIKO: (quietly furious)
MASATO: Himikoooooo...
HIMIKO: (steaming)
SAYURI: It's okay, Himiko-chan. You don't have to-
Himiko stands up and faces Masato behind the class.
HIMIKO: What do you mean "Sit down, now"? You're supposed to say "Thank you, Teacher" after she says thank you, and then tell everyone to sit down, PROPERLY!
MASATO: ...I didn't do that?
HIMIKO: Nothing you're doing is even right! And what was with the getup of you slicking your stinky hair and your dirty shoes all over the table? That's not yours, to begin with. It belongs to the school!
MASATO: (picks nose) Dude, just chill. I was just acting cool. (flicks booger off finger)
HIMIKO: Do you really think being the class representative is all about being cool?! You have no respect for the title!
MASATO: (looks out the window, ignoring her)
HIMIKO: I knew you weren't up for it. We ALL knew you weren't up for it. I can't fathom the fact of having a short nimwit as our class president.
Masato's eyes widen. His face changes from ignorant to angry in a matter of seconds. He stands up and points furiously at Himiko.
MASATO: Who you're calling short?!
HIMIKO: You, of course. Just because you look like a thug doesn't make you bigger than us. And I know you can't reach the table, so you stomp one leg on the chair instead.
MASATO: Th-that's not true! You're just a wannabe who "needs" the position because you looove it when everyone looks at you like a king, you attention whore!
HIMIKO: I want the position because I deserve the position! You want it for the reasons that you just said!
MS. NAMIE: Umm... please... calm down...
MASATO: You're nothing but a weak girl who just wants to feel strong for a change!
HIMIKO: You're just a poor failure who just wants everyone to feed your big ego!
MASATO: Monkey Face!
HIMIKO: Stink Breath!
As the yelling continues, the rest of the class stays silent, in fear of being a victim of the war ensuing before them. Ms. Namie struggles to calm them down, only failing to do so.
Ryuken watches the battle with the rest of the class. He looks back to his table, and says to himself:
"Just another day, huh?"
End of Chapter 1
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