《Alternate Worlds》Chapter 7: On the Road
They leave early the next morning. Much to their Surprise Avaar'nech and his army of elite elves and paladins are also leaving (in the opposite direction)
The party tells them about the dragon corpse and contengent of soldiers the dragon killed in front of the castle and FlameSinger warns them not to use torches in the temple do to spilled oil from her lost carriage.
FlameSinger tells the Paladin captain about the fight with the dragon and her completely lucky shot of an ice spike down the dragons throat, how it seemed to try to spit fire to get it out and instead blew up it's own head.
The fellow thinks she is telling a bit of a tall tale, but just smiles and lets her tell it.
(Later, when they see the dragons corpse he starts to believe her story.)
First day back on the road is pleasant. Tempetures stay in the nice range and it does not rain (being spring sudden showers are common). They make good time, some light banter, they eat premade food in the saddle and set up camp in a well warded caravan site. (FlameSinger went around and made Sure all the wards were properly charged, or destroyed the ones that let evil in and replaced them with her own. Using Vags symbols of Safe Haven, Vag loved that.)
10th day on the road, ran in to a group of brigands who thought a group of women would be an easy target. They did not live long enough to make that mistake a second time. Hel and Mel gathered their heads to claim the bounties. Turned out they had some good bounties. Group made 1200 gp for all of them. FlameSinger let them split it 6 ways (Mei Ling got a share) as they did most of the work in her opinion (she set fire to a couple but the rest of the party made short work of the much larger gang. It was her first time in combat with the group.) After that Hel and Mel had them practicing manuvers on the ride to help FlameSinger learn to work with the group and to give her experince controling her horse during combat. Mel's comment after a week was the horse was learning faster than FlameSinger (who in close combat is scary, in ranged combat, well she hit her targets more often that not, but her control was iffy when she got excited.)
Day 15 started out rainy with a chance of troll attack, morning ended up rainy with scattered pieces of frozen trolls. To wet to burn with out melting the ground. Da'Rune took care of the troll chunks by way of an acid spell and a lesson in combat magic variety with FlameSinger, who is an apt student when it comes to magic.
Day 16 came to an intact Elven city (Allivale), made it through customs, paid their tarrif and got to stay in a nice dry Inn for a couple days while they resupplied their provisions and beat down all the horny elven 'teens' who came after FlameSinger. The older elves having better control of their emotions tried 'higher' forms of seduction. They were to high, went right over her head.
One fellow tried to pump Mei Ling for information, she told him it was no use, girl just did not have a sex drive. All that beauty and unless your a magic item she had no use for you in That way.
Did not stop people from trying (just because she was underage did not help much. Amazing the number of Elven perverts that were around. The presence of an Assassin body guards did help some though. Not many people were willing to go against ones such as Hel or Mei Ling).
Hel finally admitted she knew why FlameSinger needed them, as a wall against her 'admirers'. Flamesinger just does not get why she got all the attention, she is surrounded by 6 beautiful women and they all got ignored for her. Brani pointed out she was an elf, the 'suiters' are all elfs while they were all human, or mostly human. (they were not sure about Mei Ling yet)
Day 19 left Very early to avoid the crowds (of people chasing after FlameSinger - who hid inside her storage chest till well outside the city).
While she was in the chest, and for something to do, she sorted everything and found the catch of items she stole from Whellen.
Once out she shows the girls the stuff she 'found' in a corner of the storage box.
She Identifies them (or pretends to as most have tags telling what they are) Gives the mask to Mei Ling.
"I got an earring of mind shielding hm a Anklet of Underwater Breathing, stupid name, above water breathing would be pointless. Aqua Lung would be a better name. The Mask of the Theif and this bracelet, hmm." put is on, it shrinks to fit her left arm perfectly, "nice" she breaths as she does her own form of Identify on it. It turns out to be a Bracer of Defense, AC4, does her no good.
"Hey Rune, want a new item. Bracer of Defence, equivalent to Brass full plate." Takes it off and hands it off to her.
"Noice" she purrs, "Why don't you keep it ?"
Taps her everpresent copper ring, "Ring of Protection, Armor level Brass. So pretty much the same thing."
She nods, "ok yeah. Bracer of the same level does not help you any. Thanks." she puts it on, happy with the find.
Mei Ling taps her, "Why did you not give it to me ?"
"You got the Mask."
Quiet, "oh."
Brani, "She wants to get in to Da'Rune's pants." happy look.
FlameSinger looks at Brani, "She does not wear pants." she says in her normally oblivious tone when ever someone brings up sex.
Brani frowns, "No I meant you wanted to have sex with her."
Blank look, "Why ? She is not interested in me that way."
Da'Rune nods, "I like boys. You just think Everyone wants sex cause that is all you think about Brani."
The rest nod or don't comment. Though pretty much everyone thinks it.
FlameSinger surprises them all, "I personally am saving myself for one who Loves me. Sex for the sake of sex does not appeal to me."
Mei Ling looks surprised, "OHhhh ok, that explains so much."
Brani gives her a hard look, "Then why are you not banging Mei Ling ?"
Mei Ling, "Cause I am bound to her and she can't tell how much of what I feel is the compulsion or my own feelings. I totally understand and agree, I don't know either. Still my life is her's even if I don't get any sweet lovings from her."
"Mei Ling, could you please stop trying to embaress me to Death." FlameSinger sighs, as she has gone bright red by this point.
They laugh at that and drop the topic.
Secretly Hel is pleased to hear that. Though she wonders how much FlameSingers obliviousness is real and how much is an act. She has been watching and come to the conclusion that the girl is a cosumate actress, but then she had to become that to survive. She has skills she does not even know she has. Ones that let her survive in that horrible enviroment. If her parents weren't already dead she would have been happy to do a freeby on them.
Day 22 end up having to find high ground to set up camp, rains came down very heavy. FlameSinger set up a 'rain shield' (TK field) that helps keep the water off while they get the tent up.
Because of the flooding of the surrounding lands they are stuck there for 3 days. The Cloaks Feast proves a welcome relief on the 2cd evening from standard camp rations.
FlameSinger and Da'Rune do more spell exchanges, Mie Ling teaches Hel Go using poker chips. Mel spends it trying to meditate with Aysun. Brani just stares outside sighing allot. She gets bored easily. By the 3rd day most everyone is ready to throw Brani outside.
By the 4th day the water levels are down enough for them to move on. (Day 26)
The storm did a lot of damage to the farm lands around the capital. Tree's down all over the place, crops totally ruined. Real disaster for the region. The military and mages guilds are out in force helping with the clean up and doing what they can. FlameSinger looking at a completely flooded farm with the family trapped on their roof pulls out her staff, The ladies pull back and form a peremeter well back from her, a little afraid of what she is going to do.
FlameSinger recieits a Heat Spell, focuses it and her potent psionic ability through the staff and slowly sweeps it back and forth around the area. Turning much of the water in to steam and there by lowering the water level a great deal. Seeing what she is doing Da'Rune calls up a wind spell that blows the steam clouds well back from the farm area's. Between the two they get the water level down to ankle deep all over that region. Though it won't last long as this area is lower than the surrounding places. Still its down long enough to rescue the few families from their homes and get them to the higher ground of the high way.
To slow down the water flow, She uses the Ice Magic to make a temporay low height wall across the main water flows. Then extends to ice over the top another 50 yards all around.
Air guard (elves on Peguses) see's her and her friends at work, getting the farmers to safty and the creative use of heat and ice spells. They send crystal ball recordings of the events to their base in the Capital.
Using the technique several times they manage to save several families. Then they join up with a group of priest using lower water spells. Crossing that with FlameSingers ice magic creates many safe passages to get people to the road. By evening FlameSinger is a little space cadet, over did her powers by quite a bit. But they saved close to a hundred people. Da'Rune is out of spells, and everyone is muddy and tired. When they Finally get FlameSinger down for a nap (she was telling people how pretty their colors were while stumbling around like she was drunk.)
The other rescue workers that they helped knew she pushed her powers to far. She was not the only mage or priest to be in that state that day.
The Demons tried to take advantage of the confusion to build their ranks, it did not go as planned do to a pair of minor local gods who came to help. They saw the Demons for what they were and told the few remaining priest who cast Dispell Evil and Protecion from Evil which forced the demon 'recruiters' back, the Holy Orders took care of them pretty fast after that, with the Minor Gods acting as the eyes to stop their plans.
One did manage to get in to FlameSingers tent, was about to put a cursed item on her person when Mei Ling put her sword through his middle. In their fight, the demon knocked over FlameSingers cot, causing her to wake up and mutter about bad demons, then she lashed out. The demon went through the tent roof and was seen tumbling east on a high arc.
Mei Ling, moved the cursed items to one side, got her mistress back in to bed, then stood guard over her. One well meaning priest came in later and tried to move Mei Ling from her post. She took a swing at him and he ran. He reported the 'mad woman' to the guard, who knew about the woman and told him she is the mages body guard and to just leave her alone.
Day 32 - water levels all but gone. FlameSinger and friends recovered from their ordeals in demon fighting and rescueing civilains. The report on the cursed items has been passed on.
They got a room in one of the nicer inns because they can afford it for once.
Day 33: FlameSinger pays everyone. Just to get it out of the way. But she still wants them around cause 'human shield' idea Hel has about her and 'THEM'. Though she has gone back to wearing her uncles coat and Vags cloak as a disguise. So hidden the ladies get more attention from the few brave souls to approach such obviously dangerous looking people.
When they actually make it to the Central Temple of Corellon. Some fat half elf priest tried to make FlameSinger go to the service entrance for her 'hand out'. Mie Ling was prepared to gut him for being so crude to one of the Faithful.
A higher rank priest was tempted to let her. He scolded the cleric for treating anyone that way just based on how they were dressed. Reminding him, many upstanding people have lost most of their possessions in the past week. The Fat one moved on quickly. The girls thank the priest.
"Now then, what can I do to help ?"
FlameSinger speaks, "I was informed that a relitive of mine died and his will is being kept here. Avaar'nech sent me here to see about it." The priest is all smiles as he leads her and her guard to the right area. She digs out her papers from a pouch in her ever present magic back pack and hands them over. 2 Identification Confirmation spells later and she is before the High Clerk. Who brings her to the person who can read over the will and give her the total of her proper inheritance(s). Arbirator Shoul
"Ms FlameSinger, I understand why you don't want to use your foster parents name. They were not worthy of someone like you." - head down " I read the report how you and your friends rescued the farmers." he adds in a quiet tone. Then sits up and in normal tone, "Even so you are the last living person of that estate and by our law you inherit it all. Of your uncles holdings. Most of it went to his partners. But you still get half his sizeable fortune and the Summer house in Cryllton, that is in the southern part of the Empire, east side, actually it borders the eastern and southen side, 120 acres of mixed forest with an human style Manor house at it's center. The house has been vacant for the past 5 years do to the last caretaker dieing of old age. Your uncle was a very open minded sort and had employees of many races. That one was human. He is buried on the property by your late Uncles wishes.
On other news, we now know who your Birth family is. They are land owners in the southern empire. In fact, for a case of irony, they are neighbors to your uncles estate."
She frowns, "I would not think Irony, I would think my slime related foster parents used it as a means to remove me from them via that location. It is a most logical idea."
He nods, "They found no such evidence of that. In fact the people who took you were not related to the ones you ended up with. It's just coincidence that your Uncle owned the neighboring land.
Anyway your birth family are the Shadowmantles - they are High Knight level nobles of Warrior Mages predominately. Your mother and Grandmother are here in the capital at this time."
The bag comes off her shoulders and her friends grab her before she can 'hide'.
Hel explains, "When ever she gets overwhelmed she tries to hide in her magic bag. Took us 2 hours to talk her out of it last time."
Grinning, "Well this is a lot to take in, so I can understand it. More so as I have met her grandmother, If I had such a bag I would be tempted to hide from her to. Powerful warrior and arch-mage. Though your birth mother is no slouch in that department either. She is a mage of some power." Mei Ling ends up holding the bag and refuses to give it back.
"Your inheritance is in the Capital Bank, the total, after all taxes and fees, is 66 million gold." Arbritor Shoul says happily.
That is the last thing FlameSinger, heard, she fainted. "66 million ... *thud*"
The Arbitor looks at Hel (whom he see's as the head of her private guard), "ok then,"
He sends for smelling salts. They have a good supply of them cause this happens more than people realize.
After she comes to he gets her to sign the nessisary paper work. Gives her copies and everything she needs to claim her accounts from the bank.
Someone in the temple went and told the Shadowmantles that FlameSinger, their long lost child, was at the Arbriters.
By the time they are coming out, Grandmother Shanyrria Shadowmantle tries to rush up to hug her unaware granddaughter, only to be brought up short by the wall of steel between her and FlameSinger. The messenger forgot to mention the body guards. "Hold Hold, " she says to them hands in the air, "I am Shenyrria Shadowmantle. That is FlameSinger right ?'
FlameSinger looks up, scans her carefully (Exicited, proud, curious, loving) "Yes I am. Sorry but I don't know you and someone charging up at me gets them agitated."
Sakura, "Getting me agitated is not a healthy thing" the enchanted sword states in her silky soft and dangerous voice.
Talking sword in the masked ones hands, ok that puts a different spin on things. Those have unknown powers and tend to fall in to the dangerous catagory more than just normal swords or lesser enchanted swords.
Ryllae Shadowmantle comes up much more sedately, "Mother, your doing it again. Please calm down. Now the priest tell me they checked twice to make sure she is related to us and is indeed our lost Ciyradyl."
Thinking over that name (yech), no.
The mother is calm and even tempered, where as the grandmother is excited and boisterous. They are like both sides of FlameSingers personality. The ladies slowly put away their weapons but stand ready if need be.
The grandmother, an old hand at adventuring recognizes the movements and knows these people have been in many fights together, know how to handle themselves and what their limits are. She has more experice and skill, but they would still be formidable appoinents. Not that she wants to fight them. These people don't feel like sell swords, more like friends protecting one of their own. She nods, "Yes your right. I just get so excited. My long lost granddaughter. Only ever had 1 granddaughter."
Ryllae, "Not for a lack of trying on your fathers and my part, you have 10 brothers, 6 older and 4 younger."
Brani blinks, "That is a huge family for elves."
The mother smiles slightly, "Well I love my husband very much."
Grandmother nods, "and often all over the estate. I don't mind, she is a good mother and the more they have the more there are to love."
Mother Ryllae smirks, "You have 17 aunts and uncles to, Mother and Father were very energetic people."
Grandmother sighs, "Your grandfather was quite a man .. why are you climbing"
They missed one of her blue bags, In she went.
Da'Rune shrugs and picks up the bag, "She does that when she gets stressed, seems to find comfort being inside magic bags."
Mother Ryllae slowly nods, back to the serious face, "She is hiding. From what we understand of her life before that is something she probably learned to do to escape punishment or very stressful events. She trust all of you, so she will hide where you can see her. But if it was around anyone else there is no telling where she would disppear to."
Mei Ling, "Knowing her, thin air. She has many unusual skills."
Grandmother Shanyrria nods, "Survivial of the small and defenseless. They often learn to do things like that. They find ways to protect themselves and hide in plane sights. Like that costume she is wearing, most people would barely notice her or disregard her as unimportant."
Hel, "Actually she wears it because she is extremely pretty and her looks bring out the creeps and perverts. When in cities we usually end up protecting her from them."
The others nod.
The Shadowmantles convince the girls to go somewhere more private.
The Inn and restruant of the Roaring Unicorn, private meeting room.
They Finally get FlameSinger out of the bag and her disguise. The resembalence to Ryllae is striking, save the darker hair and slimmer hips. Same blue eyes, similar jaw lines. Though FlameSinger has this Extra Presence to her that draws the eye and commands the heart. (and in some people the loins).
Shanyrria looks the girl over, "Your hair is more like Ryllae's mothers. But your eyes are pure Shadowmantle. Impressive overall effect. I can see why you need friends around you. "
She nods, "I got a staff to, if any get to handsy."
She pulls it out of her bag, Both women look at it and agree, that would detere most people especially if she hit them with it a few times.
Aysun informs them she is deadly with it to.
Ryllae keeps trying to get the child to use the name they gave her at birth. FlameSinger absolutely refuses.
Finally Ryllae Snaps, "What is so Special about FlameSinger ?"
Looking at the floor, "It was the name Uncler Vaagu and I picked out for my Mage Name. He was the only person in my life who cared about me, treated me like a person and not some Thing to beat or yell at for being TO Good at Everything. He helped me with my magic, taught me to fight, let me read any book in his libraries. He was the only friend I had." she says in tears.
Ryllae sits back in shock it Finally sinking in that the name is something very Special to the child, she is not going to give it up because some stranger who claims to be her mother says otherwise.
Shanyrria frets, "ok ok, enough you two. How about you tell us the name .. no forget that. Stupid idea, probably loath that name to huh."
FlameSinger nods. "They said I was born in fire, that is why I had to be punished so much, to get the bad parts out. But I could See they hated me, thought I was something disgusting. I have always been able to see more than others knew."
Ryllae smirks a little, "Sounds like she got a stronger version of your gift Mother. " Nods at Grandmother, "She can do that to, read people like a book. Makes her an excellent judge of character."
Aysun nods at FlameSinger, "She took that gift and improved on it. Made it in to a combat technique that makes her extremely dangerous in close range combat. She calls it Zen based on some monk styles she read about."
Grandmothers eyes go wide at that, 'oh my.'
"Actually it came to me in a dream. This big elf would visit me when I was little. Sometimes to tell me he and Momma missed me, sometimes he taught me things. Called me his Little Flame. At some point he stopped coming, but he sent me another teacher, tall thin fellow I called Poppa Corellon. Don't know why I did. It always seemed to amuse him though. He taught me magic as I slept." FlameSinger tells them while still crying over her memories. She is not looking at them, just her feet. Lost in her memories.
Grandmother looks shocked, then tears up a little. "I think that first one was your Grandfather, he died a little after you were stolen from us. Heart failed him. But he always called you his Little Flame. never told me why."
FlameSinger holds up a hand and a ball of fire appears in it, "Told me to keep it hidden. Not to let the bad people know about it. So I never let them see what I could really do. Kept it hidden, learned to control it in secret. I learned well."
Her friends all nod, "Ice to" Mel then tells them about FlameSingers fight with an Old land dragon, froze its head solid, then shattered it. Later did the same thing to an undead anti-paladin. She is Scary powerful with fire and ice and no telling what other gifts she has, cause she is always practicing Something. She shows them her flail, looks normal, no magic, then she claps the balls together and small lightnings play across them and they grow cold to the touch, She tells them how FlameSinger used her hidden talents to enchant them in such a way that they don't radiate magic. They are not as powerful as normal magic weapons, but every time she hits an opponent with them they freeze a little more.
As mages, they are Very impressed. As relitives, very proud. Nice to have a genius in the family.
Mei Ling supplies, "She is completely immune to heat and cold, fire or ice. I have a dragon spirit bound to me, Long story don't feel like getting in to it." The Flame Dragon appears (by lighting up, its invisible otherwise). It goes and wraps around FlameSinger (took the mention of it as permission to come out and try and comfort its friend). FlameSinger rubs its head. Purring fire is a strange sound. "Yeah, other than me, She is the only one who can touch it with out losing a hand. My little Dragon Soul considers her its best friend. I am it's sister, in its way of thinking."
Da'Rune adds, "From what we understand they kept trying to find ways to stunt her intellect but she mastered everything they gave her. She is by all accounts a Master weapon, armor and blacksmith as well as leather working, art, singing, we have heard her sing, master is an understatement. She knows more trivia than anyone I have ever met, and I know allot of people. She can cook, tell the most fun stories, she needs to work on her appraisal skills."
FlameSinger, "I maintain those swords were crap. The armor not much better. If that was Average the average is pretty low quality."
Hel, "We just put it down to Master metal smith versus a normal one."
Grandmother nods, "Yes, we Master Smiths tend to get picky about quality of others works. Human average is pretty low by elven standards."
Changing the subject, Grandmother ask, "Where were you between the time the portal took you and you were found ?"
She bites her lip, "In Between."
Grandmother nods in a 'go on' way.
Mei Ling explains, "She was trapped between realities. She learned much there and when she was needed the Gods called for her. That's how she arrived where she did. Though from what I understand the landing was not all it was supposed to be."
FlameSinger nods, "The exit was narrower than the entrance. "
Wince for both older mages.
FlameSinger nods, "Yeah, The Lady had to put me back together a bit there. Broke several bones on impact with a wall. Not something I like remembering."
They nod and can understand That. They have heard Which temple she was found near so can guess which Lady she is talking about.
Lost all my clothes in the impact to. I was on my way to Uncle Vaagu's, had an old coat of his he left after his last visit, and I found some nice pull over shirts in his size from a traveling merchant. I ended up wearing them cause the clothes I had on were pretty much destroyed, all torn up and blood everywhere. Ick. That is what I was wearing when they found me. Scared me near to death, I thought they were the raiders coming back."
From there the story of their meeting, her flight and fight, the raiders being chased by a the dragon, the magic cloak of useful items and the iron door. Using her spells trying to slip out while the dragon was occupied. How FlameSinger Forgot dragons can smell invisible. and the luck shot with the ice spell and so on.
By the time they are done, the Shadowmantles are all caught up on the adventures so far. FlameSinger tells them she still has things she has to do before she can settle down, She has a debt to repay and it may take a while.
They both understand about such things, Family of Honor and Service like theirs, debts are serious business. So while they would love for her to come home with them they will not push it. She does tell them that the land she inherited is litterally next door to theirs EmberHeart Manor. She would appreciate if they could check on it and see if it needed any upkeep. She could pay them back as Uncle Vaagu CrystalEmbers left her about half his fortune - They know Very well who he was and are impressed that he was the Uncle she speaks of so foundly.
Later, same day, mid afternoon. They get to the Bank that has her monitary inheritance. Grandmother came with them, Just in case she needed a little back up. The girls don't mind. She is a famous and well respected personage (with some wonderful stories of her own).
At the bank the clerk that is set to help them makes both Grandmother and FlameSingers skin crawl. Not evil persey more like he talks down to them, treats them like they are less important than himself and such (woman hater type). A few minutes of the run around from this idiot and FS takes her paperwork away from him and goes in search of intelligent life.
She finds it in the form of the Bank President, a strong older Elven woman. She explains the clerk assigned to her about her inheritance is treating her and her Grandmother extremely pourly. Talking to them like they are fools.
The President looks over the papers, checks the name then is all friendly and gets them someone who is not a woman hating idiot. (Its a Huge account and then add in the Matriarch of the Shadowmantle family is with them, another Huge account (just a hair smaller than the one FlameSinger is getting) the very intelligent woman does not want to jepordise things by letting some minor peon alientate them. They could take their money to another banking concern, that would seriously hurt their bottom line.
(Author note: Richest person in this world at this time is worth 400,000,000 and is a Dragon with an understanding of Investiment Banking - below him the next one is worth 250,000,000 (million) After that it used to be CrystalEmbers till he died and his fortune split. Then she see's the child also inheratnced the Amaratharr Fortune as well, (51 million all fees and taxes paid) which will make this Lovely child the 3rd richest person in the world, at 117 million. The Amaratharr fortune is actually part of the CrystalEmbers fortune - the sisters cut of the inheratence.)
Takes a few hours to get all the paper work done and a new bank book made up for her. This bank has offices through out the Elven Empire in all major cities and most larger towns. Lines of credit are also available.
A careful search through their records show that she actually has investments listed. She looks over the dates and notes ; Many of these Investiments were made in the last year, while the accounts were Supposed to be Frozen for the tax persons to make sure all things were handled properly.
It takes all of 30 minutes to trace the leak to the same slime who tried to give them the royal run around. He had their accounts listed as 'inactive' and had been investing things on the sly - and loosing money doing it more often than not. He is Very upset that he is under arrest for Embellzement - it takes a man to explain to him that because an account is Frozen does not mean it's Inactive, and that he Never had the authority to use any of the money in those accounts. Doing so is counted as Theft from the Bank and he is going to spend a long time in prison for his blatant stupidity as he owes the bank around 6 million.
Madam Shadowmantle manages to get the list of the properties that her Granddaughter now owns do to this Persons illegal use of her personal fortune.
Businesses Owned - Private school for 'troubled youth' (all girls)
- Business selling squid to restruants (its located in a land locked region with no access to the ocean or boats - screams SCAM quite loudly.) Local Constabulary are informed that that company is fake and was being used to launder stolen money from some of the most powerful people in the country. They want their money back and/or the heads of the criminals.
-Money to various organizations that are dubious at best Including the now Defuct Adventurers Guild (which got a payment sent to them just a week ago to help with legal fee's.) As FlameSinger is one of the people who helped get it shut down, she wants her money back. Or the right to set fire to all the Guild Leaders.
Pretty nearly everyone of the places that got loans from the Slime Clerk (Shadowmantles name for him) supported or participated in treating women as less than male slaves. With the help of the Kings personal guard (She has friends in nice places) they got about 40% of her granddaughters money back and most of the 'targets' as FlameSinger called them were arrested for assorted crimes against the Crown. (Everyone of those organizations were illegal).
The school got shut down by FlameSinger. She cut off their money, then went in with the Elite Guard and a couple of Paladins. Had she gone alone she may not have made it out. Turned out to have been run by the same people that had Kidnapped the Shadowmantle girl all those years ago. They also, by pure luck, caught the ring leader of the entire group. A few truth and mind reading spells, plus a touch of Godly intervention and the whole group was exposed. Turned out the Demons were supporting them in one of many plots to cause problems. They tend to do things long term. For the Demons, loss of this was a minor inconvience, the loss of their Temple was a bigger concern (invasion by Holy Warriors and one pissed off female Psion with the powers of a god - Anwen Queen of the Dragons. Nothing like a flight of Dragons to teach evil to back off. They were nice, they played mounts for the holy warriors. The Warriors Aura's protected the dragons from the Demons powers and the dragons, well Fire Power. It worked so well a group of elves and dragons formed a new squad to protect both the Elven Lands and the Dragon lands.)
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Time is a valuable thing, it also may not all have occured yet Sonika is a little girl in a strange world cultivating what fortune she has, adventuring and demystifying what she lacks in order with the rules and regulations of the land, and sometimes not
8 145Death Drive
In the near future, most work has been relegated to machines and people are content to spend their time immersed in virtual reality, something they cannot get enough of. Thomas Walker, an ex-racecar driver who blames the hidden algorithms that run society for losing everything that is important to him, finds himself at the center of a string of bizarre vehicular attacks and becomes assured that someone is out to get him. Meanwhile, Lucas Bennett, an anxiety-ridden software engineer, is contracted by the leading artificial intelligence corporation in the US to decipher the inner workings of their flagship AI that have become incomprehensible even to themselves, a job that he is very invested in since he considers technology the solution to his personal as well as mankind’s timeless problems. Unknown to the public at large, the CEO of the company is bent on unleashing the full capabilities of that AI to handle every single aspect of society and individual lives. When all hell breaks loose, the two men and those close to them team up to survive and fight back against the horde of vehicular attackers and the Intelligence behind them while also clashing together over their views: is artificial intelligence a way to humanity’s salvation or doom? Betrayal abounds, nothing is as it seems and the traffic is a real killer. The story is finished and I will be publishing a new chapter every Friday. If that seems too slow for you, you can get the book at Amazon
8 93Ambiance (Cellphone Novel)
A girl is enclosed in a temple where she is a prophetess. She only wakes to see the late afternoon sun. When she begins to dream of a second heart within, which beats to the rhythm of someone near her. My entry as part of the Team Dreams in @rskovach 's Decameron 2.0. A/N: The cover art is not mine. Credits to the artist.
8 90Disappearance
8 196