《Alternate Worlds》Chapter Two: Travel broadens the mind and shrinks the purse
Cin'aed wakes to the bumpy travel of the wagon. Sitting across from her, coated in ice around her middle is Brani. Looking about she sees Hel leaning against the back of the wagon, grinning at her. "Good morn sleepy head." Hel states in a kind tone.
Cin'aed sighs forlornly, "Oh well. I kind of was hoping it had been a dream."
Hel shakes her head, "Sorry no. But I know what you mean, I have more than a few adventures where I wake hoping it did not really happen.
Cin'aed nods at the freezing Brani, "What happened to her ?"
Brani, "You did. I was trying to wake you, your eyes sort of opened, you muttered something about brigands and elves and then I found myself over here frozen to the side board."
Cin'aed stares at her, "Must have touched my bags then. I have been homeless in my time and I have all kinds of defenses when I am sleeping. Be glad my subconscious went with Ice, used to throw fire at people who tried to steal from me."
Hel is snickering. "I loved it myself. She is bad about poking around in others bags, she tried to 'wake you' by pulling one out of your grip. You never even woke up, just sat up, intoned a spell and zap, freeze, crying little thief. That was over an hour ago."
Eyes closed, "Spell ? I lost my spell books to little miss fire happy. Well my travel one anyway. I had nothing really offensive memorized either and had used all I did have before I met all of you."
Hel shrugs, Brani is just pouting.
Cin'aed looks at Hel, "How does she take it when people go looking through her stuff ?"
Hel's smile gets wider, "She freaks out about it. Mostly as we usually find small items of ours hidden about herself and her stuff. She is good at 'finding things we dropped' Especially things we dropped in to our bags."
Cin'aed looks at her bags then pulls one forward and hands it to Brani, "Knock yourself out. Nothing special in them." With a thought the ice falls away and Brani massages the warmth back in to her arms.
Cin'aed rolls up her top blanket, carefully fitting it in to the stiff paper it was originally held in.
Then scoots all the way in to the top corner with her other blanket. Pulling it back. Melisanda is sitting on the bench watching. Da'Rune is driving and Aysun is walking next to the lead horse.
It soon becomes Very apparent the blue bag is magic as there is no way so much stuff could fit in it otherwise. Melisanda watches then comments, "Maybe you should get a light stone and just crawl in ?"
Brani is holding an odd iron device painted blue but the paint is fading, "What is this ?"
Cin'aed shrugs, "It's a jack, used to lift vehicles off the ground so the wheels can be taken off and repaired or changed out. That is one part, there is another part down in there somewhere. Looks like an iron bar with an opening at one end and a flat piece at the bottom. Type of crow bar essentially."
Hel ask, "What is the open end for ?"
Cin'aed, "All of the wheels my people use has what is called lug nuts, they hold the wheel to the axle. That part is to remove or tighten those nuts." Hel nods in understanding.
The bag is far from full however and Brani finds nothing she wants to 'keep for later' and so packs it back in. In the same order she removed it.
"What is in the other bag ?" Brani inquires.
Cin'aed shrugs, "Clothing, napkins, rags, stuff like that. One is stuff that was in the storage trunk from the back of my carriage the other is stuff from Inside of my carriage. The backpack is stuff I scavenged from traps that I thought might be useful or valuable but mostly the stuff needs repair before it's worth anything."
Melisanda, "I did not think to ask, but what are your skills, beyond burning, freezing and such ?"
Cin'aed looks at her, "Huh ?"
Hel, still grinning, "Our priestess wants to know what kind of mundane training you may have. She was trained in carpentry before becoming a priestess as an example."
Cin'aed makes an 'Oh' expression, and thinks, "Mystism, Occult learning, Armor, weapon and black smithing, smelting, leather working, um, I can sing, play the mandolin, Costuming, cooking, though I am not a great cook I do ok there, um let's see, story-telling, used to play this game, interactive story telling. The Story teller sets up a world, the players all are characters in that world. Sort of acting but not. Cause it's done just sitting around like this and making stuff up with in the context of the game. There were all kinds of games to. Had rule books, and dice for chance stuff. they called them Role Playing Games. Everything from being adventurers like all of you, to pretending to be monsters, like goblins and orcs, or Vampires and were-critters and such things. Most of the people who played these things had mundane unexciting lives, so they lived vibrant fantasy lives with their friends. I probably have other skills to that I just can't think of off the top of my head."
Hel snorted when Cin'aed became so animated about her games, but did not interrupt. She had seen people do strange things when bored so why not that. From the sound of it someone figured out how to make money off a child's game to.
She retrieves her bag and sits back again. "The pretending was much nicer than the reality though. In the games if your character died you just made a new one. Out here you die that's it. Without some serious godly intervention."
Melisanda nods, "And a boat load of money."
Cin'aed turned to her, "About that, why do the churches charge so much for that anyway ? It sounds like a way so only the very rich can get it done and screw over the poor."
Brani, answers, "Partly that and partly cause they don't like doing it. It's to deter people from seeking such aid to start with. There are gods who would do it for free, but many of the dark gods get pissy when the souls they just claimed get pulled out of the dead lands. Death gods are also bad about letting someone get away to. Something about book keeping problems is what I was told. Not that I understand what keeping books has to do with souls."
Cin'aed nods, "It's about Order of Things. They don't like it when someone fixes someone up like that I guess. And the Dark ones don't like it cause if the soul remembers anything of the afterlife they may mend their ways and seek redemption."
Hel shrugs, "I am doomed and know it. I am a Professional Assassin. They all know that so I thought you should to. Though I would hate to have you as a target. You would kill me in your sleep before I had a chance to act."
Cin'aed nods, "It's all the Mystism and martial arts training I have had. Combining the two has kept me alive in situations for people wanted me dead just so they could take my stuff. Few years living on the street and you pick up all kinds of skills most honest people don't." looks pointedly at Brani as she states that. Brani just looks skyward, at the roof of the covered wagon, and pretends it's very interesting pattern or something.
Melisanda grins, catching that. Hel already knew and Da'Rune could care less.
Melisanda, "So can you work magic to, like our blond girl here ?"
Making a face, "Yes, but no spell books so I can't right now. Takes a lot of study time to get the spells right, especially in this kind of situation. Need to pick and choose which spells may be useful cause the special words don't like to stick in your head once used. With practice you can do all the other parts with ease, but something about magical words." Da'Rune is nodding.
Brani, "So why not barrow Da'Rune's books ?"
Da' Rune almost comes over the seat at that suggestion, "Why you !" Melisanda forces her back in to her seat. Cin'aed sits calmly, "Well that is one reason. Also most mages write everything in their own short hand to Keep fellow mages from stealing their spells or their versions of existing spells. While, given enough time I could maybe decipher her spell book it would likely take a good while. Depending on how complex her code is."
Da'Rune nods in a 'that's right' way.
Cin'aed continues, "Not that I would not try if I had access to them." Brani starts to speak, Da'Rune yells at her "You try to hand over my books to her I will kill you permanent like you little thief."
Hel, looking around the back hands 3 thick books to Cin'aed, "Here ya go, having a second spell slinger around would be helpful." Each book has a large silver lock on them. Brani offers Cin'aed her lock picks.
Da'Rune is staring at Hel in shock. Hel shrugs at her, "You have done nothing to earn my trust or respect, your actually lucky I don't hate you. Otherwise I would have left you back there, with the spiders." Da'Rune slowly turns forward and says not another word. Hel is one scary scary person. A master assassin, very highly trained, no nonsense and people she does not like don't live very long. Da'Rune has no illusions about which of them would win in a fight.
Cin'aed looks over the books, raises a hand mutters a simple rhyme in THE language and the locks pop open. Da'Rune starts and looks at her, "How did you do that so easily ?"
"You wrote your command to unlock the books on the spine. " points to it, "Right here below your name Angelica Monroe Delanco and 'if found return to Delanco Family estate'." Everyone is laughing Aysun comes back to find out what is going on and once she hears she shakes her head and returns to guiding the horses. Opening the books Cin'aed begins scanning, flipping through pages of dribble and self grandizing and bad doodles before she finds the first couple spells. She reads them and then looks at Da'Rune, "It took you a long time to get past Apprentice didn't it. This is wow, so so, easy."
Brani scoots over and looks at it, "I can read but not this stuff."
Cin'aed, "That Is because her hand writing is so bad. It's all in common, even the spells, well except for the 'special ones' and those she wrote out how they sound not actually how they are supposed to be written. If I was not fluent in that language I would have a horrible time reading this. Most of this is a diary, all of it praising herself and her accomplishments and making it sound like everyone treats her like royalty. I know a few Psychologist who would love to study how your mind works."
Brani, "What is a s-y-Call-O-sist ?"
Cin'aed, "Psychologist, Means study of the mind They are doctors who try to help people with mental illnesses. IE the Mad or just disturbed. Or in this case, delusional. Yikes. I only have 2 years of training in that field, ran out of money before I could complete school, anyway this is pure bumpkiss, bad writing, form and grammar. Just from that I can tell most of this is not true." Flipping through more of it she finally closes it and hands it to Da'Rune, "I think I will just keep to using my psionics till I can get some proper scrolls to work from."
Melisanda, "Scrolls are expensive and they have spells to keep people from stealing them."
Nodding, "Well I found some old poorly made jewelry, I may be able to sell some of them for enough for a proper book and some scrolls."
Brani sits up, "Oh can I see this stuff, maybe I or Hel can give you an Idea of it's worth. Cause sometimes, even when the jewelry part is poorly done the gems are real."
Cin'aed thinks on that then nods. Pulling the backpack around she opens it and pulls out a couple necklaces and rings. "Here you go." Brani's jaw about hit the floor, Hel scooted around and took a necklace with several good sized though in Cin'aed's opinion, badly shaped gems.
Hel says in quiet awe, "These are junk jewelry to you ?" Cin'aed nods. Brani, "Honey, these are high end things. That one that Hel is holding, I guess to be around 4500 to 5000 gold coins. And that is Platinum and Sapphires."
Looking at it, "But it's so shoddily done." She focuses and calls up a cantrip showing an image of what she thinks of for proper jewelry.
(Authors note: I don't know how to insert the pics I got for this section - the way its set up here does not work with how I got the images stored on my computer. Images are of Modern pieces while theirs is from older times and thus not as nice).
The images float in the air and Brani makes low moaning sounds of want. Hel looks at them then at the piece in her hand and sighs.
"Ok I can see why you think what you do now. Those images are some Very high quality work. But mind you these pieces are old, couple hundred years at least. That adds a little to the value."
Cin'aed nods, then pulls out the rest for them to appraise. 12 pieces in all. Then she pulls out the gems she found, "Found these to. Found others but they were badly cracked or in tiny pieces that I did not feel like trying to dig out from the other garbage." 13 gems of varying size, quality and value. 4 of which both women put in the 500 gold range in value. All told about 2380 gold worth of gems and 13500 gold in jewelry, estimated. 15880 gold total estimated value. Cin'aed puts the lot in to the box with the sail boats pictured on it.
Brani sighs, "The problem is finding people to buy them and not try to cheat you. Someone I guarantee will try and accuse you of stealing them to. Someone Always does, greedy bastards."
Hel, "Brani, you usually do steal stuff and most merchants in our area know it."
Melisanda, "That guard, Jerold, always accuses someone of stealing, especially if they are adventurers and not in a guild. Thinks cause he is a guard he can get away with it. Problem is he often does."
Cin'aed's face goes dark, "Tries it with me and he will learn what flying feels like when I drop him from a few hundred feet up." Hel has no trouble believing she would either. Nothing like fighting for your life to give you a dangerous edge.
Da'Rune pipes in, "The bad side of that is you end up fighting All the guards and I don't think even you would stand a chance. They employ some really dangerous people in our town."
Hel nods, "Being marked an enemy of the state is not a good thing either. I work for the state from time to time. I would hate to have to try and hurt you cause you snapped and killed a few dozen guards."
Cin'aed nods, "I would hate to have to vaporize you to. Trust me, if I snapped to that extent, your thinking on the wrong scale."
Melisanda nods, "She would just kill everyone and not stop till everyone's dead or she is. I have seen mages snap like that when I was a child. Someone pushed them the wrong way and a nice old man goes completely insane and tries to kill everyone. Usually takes an army to stop mages like that."
Da'Rune nods, "Cause when a Mage loses it the magic in him goes wild, chaos takes hold and no other mage wants to face that for fear of being driven mad to. So they send in lots and lots of archers with iron and silver arrows. Just to make Sure he ends up dead."
Looking thoughtful, "I never understood this thing about silver and magic. To my experience silver works just as well as any other metal. Iron is another one reputed to have magical properties, or by people thinking it has power to stop magic. Neither one does."
Da'Rune, "Depends on the magics being used. And it's actual Mithril that has that property, silver gets confused for it by the layman because they look similar." Cin'aed nods, "Ok that makes more sense."
They go quiet for a bit then Cin'aed ask, "What about White Gold ?"
Da'Rune nods, "Some mages swear by the stuff. But it's hard to come by. Supposedly takes to enchantments well."
Cin'aed nods.
Brani looks at Cin'aed, "I thought you did not like Da'Rune or her magic."
Cin'aed shakes her head, "I think she has some issues but she does know allot about magic. As far as her spell books go, her hand writing gives me a head ache trying to read it. Which is why I stopped. Well that and all the spelling errors. Side effect of my hobby is I have excellent spelling. Grammar though is so so. Never was very good at Grammar."
Da'Rune smiles, nice to know she is not perfect either and that she at least agrees that she, Da'Rune knows her stuff when it comes to magic.
Cin'aed is quiet for a time, "If your name is Angelica why call yourself Da'Rune ?"
Da'Rune nods, "Professional name, most mages take on a name like that to identify themselves from other mages due to similar given names and such. Da'Rune was not my first choice, that was taken, as were my next 3. I got stuck with it when I made a joke with the Registers. Da'Rune was said in jest and they said that name was available and wrote it down. So now I am Da'Rune."
Cin'aed, "It's not a bad name actually, it’s a slightly different spelling, in common, to a name Dagrun, which translates if memory serves to Secrets of the Day. So your name could Mean something to that effect instead of a joke."
Da'Rune turns and looks at her, "Oh that is nice, and it's a real name ?"
Hel nods, "Jewish I think."
Melisanda shakes her head, "No, it’s the female of Gudrun, who is the Norse god of Secret Lore. So yeah, very good mage name if you look at it that way."
Da'Rune slowly smiles and nods. Then has her 3rd spell book handed over so she can write that down, with spelling help from Cin'aed so it looks more officious.
Cin'aed adds, "The word Rune is Norse for Secret as well. So taken a different way your name can translate as The Secret as the word Da' with that little pip at the top end of the 'A' means 'The' in some languages. Though I think it may be slang."
Da'Rune nods, "I will take that down to. I love this by the way. Don't feel so bad about my name anymore."
Cin'aed adds in one more bit, "Crossed with your first given name, your mage name could come out as 'The Angels Secret' or Angel of Secrets , either works for it." Da'Rune is giggling and adding that to. Then she looks at Cin'aed, "What does Angel mean ?" Cin'aed looks at Melisanda who just smiles and gestures for her to cover it, "Traditionally, to my understanding, Angels are the Messengers of the Gods, they also up hold the laws of the gods and work as guards or warriors in some instances." Melisanda nods, "Yeah that about covers it really. Nicely put to." Cin'aed nods and stretches. "If you all don't mind, I am going to walk for a while." She gets up and then grabs her brown bag, eyeing the ever curious Brani as she does so, and jumps out then catches up with Aysun, "I just needed to stretch my legs." she tells the Asian woman who nods but keeps walking and watching for trouble.
After a bit, "Why do you walk up here instead of ride with the others ?"
Aysun is quiet then sighs, "I get wagon sick. I can ride a horse fine, but something about being in a wagon does not sit well with my stomach."
Cin'aed nods, "Motion Sickness, got you. That's what that is called by the way. Some people have it with ships and boats to." Aysun nods, "Oh yeah. Ships I can do, row boat, I will need a bucket to be sick in. Unless the water is very calm and I can't tell we are moving."
Cin'aed shakes her head, "I have some experience with it but only when I was sick to start with. Movement made it worse. Tips I got for motion sickness are don't read, focus on the horizon or distant area, eat dry crackers, they help keep down nausea. Um, lie down and close your eyes if you can. Motion sickness is caused because the inner ear, which senses balance, feels the motion but the eyes and brain don't or not to the same extent, so you get queasy."
Aysun thinks about it and nods, "Makes sense. Thank you. Now I just need dry crackers. Got any in your bags ?"
Thinking, "I may, I had some groceries, not a lot mind you, just some filler stuff. " looks back at the wagon, "Pardon me, I got to go hurt Brani, she is in to my bags again." Aysun nods with a grin, "with her around you learn to take your stuff with you."
Running back to the wagon, "BRANI GET OUT OF MY BAGS!" Brani jumps tries not to look guilty as she tries to stuff a large item in to her small pack only to have Hel catch her arm and glare at her. Cin'aed jumps in and then shows Brani the bad side of pissing her off. Strips the girl down to her skin while levitating her in the back of the wagon. Then sorts through what she finds, which included the box with the sail boats on it that she thought she put in the leather pack she took with her.
Brani squirms and begs to be heard but right now No one is listening as this time she went too far. Nothing of the others is in her stuff, just interesting bits belonging to Cin'aed. Cin'aed is Livid. She carefully packs All her bags, taking out a box of Saltine crackers she has for Aysun and the remains of her soda from the tunnel party for herself. Then she returns to Aysun.
Opening the box she pulls out a sheaf of the wax paper wrapped crackers, "Here, these will work. Saltines. You can keep that pack of them for yourself." Aysun nods her thanks.
As they walk, Cin'aed pulls out a couple cups and pours them each some soda. Aysun thanks her for it. She does not care for the sweetness so much, but the drink does clear the throat and after walking all morning is a refreshing beverage.
Aysun suddenly speaks, "Cin'aed, may I ask a personal question ?"
Cin'aed nods, "If I remember the answer, sure."
Aysun nods to that, "How old are you ?"
Cin'aed thinks as she digs through her blue bag looking for something and finding her old self's wallet. Which she stares at blankly for a long long time, "This is my wallet, from back home. How stupid of me to forget I had it. It has stuff in it with my old name, address, and more… " she opens it and stares at a face no longer her own, "Ok Cin'aed is much better name than that for this form. I was 52 years old according to this. Very over weight. " Aysun glances over at the odd hard cards in it and the tiny picture of an older man with a heavy set though kind face and glasses. She comments, "He has a kind face. Must have had to fight the women off with a stick."
Cin'aed barked a laugh, "No. I had terrible luck with women. First serious one, we were engaged to be married, then she dumps me for this little stick of a man. Don't recall much of that one. Next serious one I met through a friend, she had been an old fling of his before he married. That one was a widow, her husband had been a fire fighter, died saving people from a burning building. She had 3 kids, whom I got on well with. She went mad one day and tried to kill my friends wife cause he was supposed to be Hers. And those were the Good ones of the people I dated. No by the time of this version of me I was a confirmed bachelor, My few married friends would have me over from time to time. The only woman I knew had been divorced for years and had no interest in getting married again, we just did things together, dinner on occasion or shopping or if we could scrounge enough money up go see a show. That sort of thing. She worked in a restaurant as a prep cook. Ok money but her expenses tended to out-weigh her earnings. Still can't recall her name or the names of my friends from then. I can see my old name here to, but it's not ME anymore. Reincarnation fast track, no coming back as a baby and growing in to this life. It's a strange feeling. I mean I know my soul has been reborn a few thousand times. I remember some pieces of old life times. This one is just different." Aysun nods, "My people, well some believe in rebirth, others do not. I do, seen too much not to believe."
"Why did you ask about my age ?" Cin'aed inquires as she digs through the wallet, looking at pictures she no longer has names for and at the strange papers in the back of it.
Shrugging, "You seem to know so much more than most people. I was actually expecting you to say something closer to a hundred really."
Cin'aed snorts, "I was human love, not an elf."
Aysun grins, "Well Elves would have been allot older, but many are not all that bright or well informed for their great age. Half Elf is what you are now, for some reason I thought you were in your previous life."
Cin'aed stares up at her, "How do you know what race I am now ?"
Aysun looks at her, "Shape of your body and face really. I mean sure your ears are round, which is not uncommon in half elves really. But those of elven descent are usually more slender than humans, sometimes shorter to, but that is not a given. Brani and Da'Rune are both half elven. Though most don't believe that of Brani cause of her chest. That is rare."
Looking at Aysun's ample chest, "Yeah I have noticed no one in this group, myself included, is of the small chest set. This many large breast in one group is unusual to." Aysun smiles and nods, "True. But it is one of the things that brought us together. Most others out there think a woman's intelligence is in proportion to her chest, bigger the chest smaller the brain. The small and flat chested women push that idea allot. I think it's cause they are so jealous of our more perfect figures. In adventurers you want smarts over looks. At least that is what allot of men think. Women built like us are often thought of as eye candy or sex toys. Ok Brani is a sex toy and proud of it. But the rest of us are more reserved."
Eyebrow goes up, "Brani is a sex toy ? I just thought she was walking mischief looking to have her hands cut off." Aysun snorts, "Yeah she is that to. Mix of Minx and curiosity. Good fighter, good rogue, and she will eventually give back anything she takes from you. It's just annoying when you go to get something from a pack to find she filched it." Cin'aed nods, "She filches anything of mine again and frost bite will be the least of her concerns. I stripped her to her skin this last time. Not smart to mess with the Telekinetic types. We don't need our hands to get to you." Aysun laughs. She has a great laugh.
Sighing and popping her neck, "So how many people make comments that as an all women group that your all lesbians to ?"
Aysun looks thoughtful, "What is a lesbian ?"
Grinning, "Women who prefer other women as lovers."
"OH, Homosexuals ok. Well not as many as you think. But there is no stigma in this society about that. Not like back in Japan. There they are afraid of their own bodies and sex in general. I must say I really like that about this civilization, more open about sex. Though stupid in other areas." nodding to herself.
"Foreigner stupidity ?" Cin'aed ask, Aysun just nods with a face of 'duh'. "They seem to think I should be stupid because I am from a far away place. More than a few locals have tried to trick me in to doing stupid things because of my looks. Hel usually puts them in their place. Sometimes with a kick to the groin for good measure. The problem people will have with you for now Is your clothing and that cloak, it makes you look very poor. It's not patched very well either. Though with a bit of work that can be fixed."
Cin'aed looks at the patches and nods, "It was in a pit when I found it. But it is surprisingly comfortable so I wear it. I never really cared what other people thought of about my dress. I dress for comfort not fashion or some strange ideas of Proper looks." Still looking at it she started pulling at a patch. They were all poorly sewn on and pretty easy to pull off which she proved when she pulled a long one off, "Badly sewn on patches, look at this, it comes off with the barest of effort." She shows Aysun, but a moment after the patch comes free it turns in to a heavy coil of hemp rope, which Cin'aed drops in surprise.
This brings both women (and the horses as Aysun has a hold of the lead horses halter) to a stop. They look down at the rope then up at the cloak. Eyes going wide.
Cin'aed spins and calls out, "Hey Da'Rune you got a detect magic spell ?"
Da'Rune, who is watching them cause they stopped the wagon slowly nods, "Yes, I always keep at least one on me, why ?"
Cin'aed takes the cloak off, "Cast it on this. We think it may be Magicked."
Da'Rune started to explain how such a spell worked then shrugged and decided to show them.
She stands, the others come forward to watch. Da'Rune mutters does some hand signs and tosses out some powder. The cloak glows with multiple colors, as do Cin'aed's bags, her shield, her dagger, and the ring she is wearing and strangely enough Cin'aed herself.
Brani giggles, "Wow you’re a magic item to Cin'aed."
Melisanda, "That Is likely the residue from the Reincarnation she went through from the gate. People who have been raised thus have a tendency to radiate magic like that for up to a week afterwards. A couple cases I read about the glow lasted a month. No one is sure why that is."
Cin'aed pulls out items while the spell last to see if anything else is magic, while doing so she finds stuff she missed before. She purposely though leaves the magic cube in the bag as she has a bad feeling about it.
The box with the sail boats on it glows, she finds some boots that she thought were too big for her, they glow, pulls out the 3 potion bottles, they don't glow and Cin'aed looked disappointed. None of the other clothing or jewelry she has glows though and she carefully packs that back up and puts them away.
"So Magic boots, ring, dagger, shield, cloak, box, well the bags I knew about, hard to miss those." she picks up the potion bottles, Hel comes over, "Can I look at those ?" She indicates the bottles. Cin'aed hands them over. Da'Rune says, "Hey why the down face ?"
Cin'aed shrugs, "I was hoping those were magic to." Da'Rune smiles, "Potions don't radiate magic silly. They are magic and its mixed in to them." Cin'aed's face clears up in surprise, "I did not know that. Thank you. Does explain why I could never find one when using a detection spell back home though."
Aysun nods, "I did not know that either. Live and learn I guess." The others nod.
Hel holding the bottles, "These are good finds. This one is Extra Healing, full bottle to, the one with the shoes I think is a speed potion. Doubles your movement for a time. Good for a fast get away, feed it to your horse and hold on tight. This last one I don't know though."
Cin'aed looks at it, "I think it's to make you younger, or make time flow backwards. May help with your guild master, give him a little more time if nothing else." They nod and then get everyone packed up. "We need to get back as fast as we can." Hel states.
Cin'aed puts Aysun in the wagon, "Ok I am going to try something. Try and keep the horses calm if you can."
Cin'aed fly's herself to the roof of the wagon, "Hel I am going to need directions if this works." Hel nods and moves to the seat next to Melisanda as Da'Rune climbs in to the back.
Concentrating Cin'aed extends a TK field around and under the horses and the wagon and 'LIFTS' the whole of it up. Some mental strain but within tolerance for the moment. The whole of them, wagon, wide eyed and frozen horses, and all lift slowly in to the air till they are 20ft over the surrounding forest. Hel points in the general direction they need to go.
- In Serial20 Chapters
Lost Concord
|| ARC ONE: FRIENDS || In the world of Jasolem all manners of beings walk the land, from docile fairies to towering titans of ancient yore. A great evil has began to stir, and it takes the most unlikeliest of forms. Forcing the powerful Gods of the world to summon heroes from another world, in a desperate bid to prepare for an evil like none other. But is this the truth? As the Gods themselves are the embodiment of a set of beliefs, ideals and raw emotion. One individual named Benedict, with nothing truly special about him save for his seemingly dour nature, is forced to flee from his former allies. Thrown outside the halls he was summoned to, and into a large world he could not properly comprehend. Armed with only his desire to survive, he must now find a way to simply live. -Greetings! This is my first story to ever be posted. As I am an amateur writer, there shall be mistakes. More so with the fact that English is not my first language. This story is a re-write, and its original version was a request by a dear friend of mine. Though hopefully this version would be far better.. As the original version was a very cringe worthy thing. Many thanks to certain friends that have convinced me to post this. I shall do my best to at least update frequently, without sacrificing the.. quality of chapters. Tags will be added as the story goes on. || Disclaimer: Much of the chapters before Chapter Twelve are of poorer quality in terms of Grammar. So do forgive me for them, by Chapter Twelve and beyond however, the quality of the chapters should have had improved. I'm hopefully gonna fix most of the earlier chapters when I hit Chapter Twenty or Thirty.
8 88 - In Serial28 Chapters
The Oracle Paths
Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future?That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their destiny changed.From a boring uneventful life Jake began to strive for greatness, treading his Path over the dead bodies of many.What a blessing it would have been if he was the only one profiting of such a gift! But when everyone became equal to face the future, he soon realized no gift comes for free..Just a warning. Volume 1 sets the atmosphere in a Earth slowly degenerating into chaos and can be considered as a big prologue. It is slow and not as rewarding for the readers than mainstream stories on this website. If you can push through it will be worth it. For some real action you need to wait chap 27.===================================NB: English is not my native language and despite my best efforts there can be some mistakes. Thanks for your understanding.
8 194 - In Serial10 Chapters
The Watchmen - A Horror Novella
The paper Kate found while rummaging through her old college work looked like some silly poetry. Just out of college, she landed a dream job in the game industry, and moved to a new city. She couldn't believe her luck! But there's something very odd about the piece of literature. There's numbers that keep changing daily, almost like a countdown.
8 623 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Celestial Games
?Warning contains ero scenes? You think being summoned to another world is a good thing, well Hitora sure did? Better than living in a boring place like earth, given the choice to go to another world, as Hitora thought. But the cold harsh realities of living in this violent world, where greed and power rules over anything, hits Hitora hard. As he is betrayed, exploited and tortured. Authors note This is a novel, that well is my first, I don't think it's amazing or anything, just a little hobby to pass time off.
8 140 - In Serial92 Chapters
Winter Sovereign
Serra Recquir, a boy born in the world of Sierra, was born with weak and with mediocre talent. Despite the odds, he pursued the path of cultivation. He faced numerous trials, deadly foes and great friends. Eventually, he stepped into the world of the Divine Realm. Breaking past the limits of the world and traveling to higher planes. After millions of years, he finally reached the summit. Becoming a Sovereign Paragon. Longing for the world he left countless years ago, he finally returns to his own world. Author's Note: This story is different from other wuxia novels. If those novels focus on characters that struggle from the bottom and reach the top, this story is one where someone already reached the top. I figured it would be interesting to start a novel from this concept so I started it. Well, however this plays through, just like how I finished my previous novel, Doll's Smile, I'll finish this novel too. Of course, I'm writing this novel just for fun. I like to write lighthearted novels like this. Novels that I would read while listening to music and eating snacks on a pleasant and relaxing afternoon. Do forgive me if I'm slow in writing.
8 110 - In Serial33 Chapters
Regret ▻ The Originals [2]
In which Ophelia Rose, Queen of New Orleans, has to fight with everything she has to reclaim her city after it's been taken from her. Season 2 ▻ The Originals sequel to red queen
8 139