《The Kissing Game》Epilogue


Axel was holding my hand as we waited for my name to be called. He squeezed it as Zoey Adams was called and I shot him a smile as I got up. Walking onto the stage, I felt proud in my graduation gown as I received my diploma. Even prouder when I heard my family and Axel cheering loudly.

I soon went back to his side and eventually, his name was called and I was cheering loudly for him. My heart soared with happiness as I heard my parents cheering for him too. They had definitely softened up to him.

Soon everyone had received their diplomas and we all stood up, united for once. Although I wasn't a fan of my peers, I was proud of all of them. We made it. We were about to begin a new journey. The thought of that had me grinning.

All at once, we then threw up our graduation caps into the sky. Everyone cheered and I turned to face Axel, feeling happier than ever. I then put both my hands on his cheeks and leaned forward, wanting to kiss him. But, he stopped me.

"Not yet," he said, earning him an eye roll.

I sighed but knew that The Holy Kisser would be announced in a few hours. I couldn't wait to get it over with.


"That's my girl," Dad said, hugging me.

"We're so proud of you," Mom said, joining in on the hug.

"Finally you're going to be out of here," Luke added, grinning as I glared at him.

He joined in on the hug and I was sandwiched by my family as they held me tightly. It was nice being there and I felt loved. So loved and I was sad that I would be leaving them, but I would always hold them close to my heart. And anyways, I would be visiting them most weekends.

Seeing that Axel was standing off to the side awkwardly, I beckoned him over. He shook his head, looking uneasy, and I sighed. Mom then looked at him and smiled.

"Come here Axel," Mom said. "You're a part of this family."

We all smiled at him and Axel broke out into a grin. He walked over to us and we pulled him into our hug.

"We're all proud of you too," Dad told him.


Looking at him, my heart softened as I saw that Axel teared up. He looked away to hide it, but I still caught it. If my parents weren't around, I would've kissed him. Screw the title of The Holy Kisser.

"I'm happy for you," Luke whispered into my ear. "The both of you are meant for each other."

I smiled and we all continued to hug each other for a few moments more. Closing my eyes, I thanked fate for giving me this incredible life.


We were at the graduation after party and most of my classmates were drunk. Axel, Hannah, Archer and I weren't because for once, we wanted to just take in the moment and remember it to the fullest. This was officially the last day of high school and we wanted to spend it sober.

"Are you ready?" Hannah asked me, grinning.

"Can you just take the kiss from me," I whined. "My stupid boyfriend won't."

"Hey," Axel said, pouting. "Your stupid boyfriend is trying to give you the title of The Holy Kisser. Who wouldn't want that?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and everyone laughed. Shaking my head, I couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone outside!" Chris suddenly shouted. "It's time to announce The Holy Kisser!"

Everyone rushed outside and I groaned. Taking my time, I got up and walked with my friends outside. When we were outside, on the lawn of the party host, we saw our two hundred classmates standing outside and suddenly, I felt nervous.

"Wow, this is exciting," Hannah said, dragging us to the front of the crowd.

Chris was the one who was going to announce the winner and I didn't know how I felt about that. Although I was mad at him for forcefully giving me the kiss, I was also weirdly thankful. Thanks to him Axel and I had gotten to know each other and thus, I found the guy I loved.

"Wow, it's been a great four years," Chris said, grinning. "A long four years of playing this game and finally, we're going to see the winner. Are you ready guys?"

Everyone cheered and a few people glanced at Axel and I. It was obvious that one of us had the kiss, but the question was who.

"Can whoever has the kiss step to my side," Chris said, looking at me.


I froze for a mere second, but Axel quickly squeezed my hand, giving me confidence. Taking a deep breath in, I walked over to Chris's side and everyone went silent. My gut twisted at that.

Chris stared at me when I reached him and he looked apologetic. I ignored the look, still being as stubborn as usual, and faced the crowd. All eyes were on me.

"Looks like Zoey Adams is The Holy Kisser!" Chris shouted. "Give it up for her!"

To my utter surprise, everyone broke out into cheers. Everyone was smiling at me and a few people shouted that I deserved it. That after all they've put me through, I should be The Holy Kisser.

It was surprising, but I was touched. I looked over at Axel and smiled, and he grinned. Thank you, I mouthed to him. It was thanks to him that I became The Holy Kisser and had closure with my classmates.


Axel and I were taking a stroll around the block. It was dark outside and peaceful, which I loved because it allowed me to focus on Axel. Just Axel and everything he had done for me.

Thinking back to the way I was with guys, I realized I had wasted so much love. I never thought I could be so loving until I met Axel, which had left me bitter and unpleasant. And although I could still be frustrating, I had changed and opened up. All thanks to Axel, I had.

You never really think about it, but people teach the best lessons. If it weren't for Axel, I would've remained judgemental and I would've thought that all guys want were your bodies. It was negative way to think, but Axel had changed me by just being him. He himself had taught me and I was thankful that what came out of it was love. Love, which was an incredible feeling.

"What are you thinking about?" Axel asked, taking my hand in his.

"How I never thanked you," I said honestly. "So thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing me that guys don't just want to use a girl's body. To stick by my morals." I looked down shyly. "That love can be a beautiful, wonderful thing."

Axel stopped walking and I stopped as well. I turned to face him and I became surprised when I saw that his eyes were soft and full of affection. It made me smile.

"I should be thanking you," Axel said. "You make me feel like I'm something, which is something I desperately needed. I don't feel like a waste of space and... I'm truly happy. So thank you, Zoey."

"I'm happy too," I whispered, growing emotional.

Axel leaned forward then and he kissed me. I kissed him back gently and we held onto each other, knowing that we were two halves that made a whole. We bettered each other and that was what a true relationship was about. It was about bringing out the best in each other and that was what we did. I thanked everyone who brought us together mentally.

"Guess I have the kiss now," Axel joked, pulling away.

I laughed and felt warm. Knowing the year flew by fast, I couldn't help but realize something.

"I feel like I wasted four year of high school." I sighed. "I wish you talked to me in freshman year."

"I do too." He smiled. "But guess what, we're going to be spending the next four years in college together."

I laughed. "That's true."

Axel pressed his forehead to mine and he closed his eyes. And for the millionth time, I thought about how gorgeous he was. How stunning he was on the inside and out. But now, I didn't think he was too good for me. We were equals, just like how things were supposed to be.

"I love you," Axel whispered, surprising me.

Without a second thought, I whispered back, "I love you too."

Axel kissed me again and in the dark, I knew that I was at my happiest. I knew that I loved and trusted this guy and that love was an incredible thing. With a future for us together ahead, I excitedly awaited it and mentally thanked Axel once again. It was thanks to him that I found something that made me so indescribably happy, which was definitely what everyone should have. Finding happiness in a person is a beautiful thing, I learned.

The End

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